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    Anti- anything preppy HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Cloudluver101's Avatar
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    HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Im 13 and I suck at track! Practice is everyday from 2:45-4:30 pm. First we start off with a 5 minute warm-up jog and i can't keep jogging that long!! Some of the 8th graders kept telling me to jog but i couldnt!! I made it through that and the stretches and the push-ups, crunches, and planks, but after that My legs felt like jelly!! I faked my asthma( I know that sounds bad but I really do have asthma it just wasnt hurting) hurting me and sat out for the next hour of practice. I've only had 2 practices( it started on Monday but I didnt have my Physical done and today i had a dr. appt.) and both times i faked my asthma. Please somebody gimme some tips!! And dont say go to the gym cuz my parents cant drive me there everyday.
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  2. #2
    Registered User HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! kupo's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    first off, what made you want to join track? i dont mean that in a mean way but im just curious. and dont worry...its only day 2. it gets better. i ran track and x-country for 8 years and the first week or so is ALWAYS the worst. do you have any idea what events you want to try?

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  3. #3
    Anti- anything preppy HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Cloudluver101's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Running makes me feel strong and I wanna get healthy, Plus it gets me away from my parents for an additional 2 hours.
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  4. #4
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Polk's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Well the only suggestion I can give you is


    And honestly, if you can't jog for 5 minutes, maybe track isn't your thing.
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  5. #5
    Anti- anything preppy HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Cloudluver101's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Hey keep in mind im asthmatic and i also have bad knees
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  6. #6
    Time to take control... HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Serah's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    I respect that you are still trying to do something you enjoy - but if you do enjoy it, does it matter that you suck at it?
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  7. #7

    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    There, I just fixed your weak knees and asthma. Nothing can stop you from running when you play this song.
    Last edited by Che; 03-04-2010 at 07:59 PM.

  8. #8
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Polk's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    If you're asthmatic and have bad knees, maybe track isn't your thing.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  9. #9
    Registered User HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    The only way to get better at something like this would be to build up your body's endurance so you won't feel so worn out afterwards. The only way to do that is to exercise. If you can't go to a gym, try some at-home exercises. I personally have a Wii Fit, and I think it works just as well if I actually go to a gym.

    Like Kupo said, it's only been 2 days, and you're not going to be all that great in the beginning, but if you keep working at it, and train your body, you'll be where you want to be in no time.
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  10. #10
    Anti- anything preppy HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Cloudluver101's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Yeah I do have DDR and my mom's Turbo Jam videos.....
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  11. #11
    Gingersnap HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Jogging is really hard on your joints. I ****in hate jogging. I'd rather walk, do sprints, or do something else for exercise (kickboxing/stage combat/free weights/yoga). After doing a sword and shield for Macbeth for several weeks, my arms have built up a lot of strength... and I didn't even notice the exercise because it was all funtimes. I never really liked competitive team sports... I took it way too seriously. But maybe you might, I dunno... what I'm getting at (not really) is that you could look at other after school options for fitness that won't hurt your knees so much.

    Trust me, you want to take care of those knees.

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  12. #12
    Anti- anything preppy HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Cloudluver101's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    what I'm getting at (not really) is that you could look at other after school options for fitness that won't hurt your knees so much.

    Trust me, you want to take care of those knees.
    Yes but for my only other option would be cross country and that is soooo not gona happen. I used to play soccer up until 4 years ago when i moved here but i cant join again because i suck. And i hate basketball. But next year when im in 8th grade im going out for my high school's dance team.
    <----Its the FAPPING!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!! Haha

  13. #13
    Registered User HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    ^ Yeah, when I was in school, all the good and fun sports happened in Middle School. I hope you make it, and remember to just have fun with whatever you do. If you aren't having fun, then what's the point of even doing stuff like that?

    That song is pretty good, but I would use this instead.
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  14. #14
    Registered User HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! kupo's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post

    That song is pretty good, but I would use this instead.
    ahhhh i was just about to post this

    cloudluver- bad knees suuuuuuck. i had them back in middle school but i eventually got over it. try a knee brace maybe? im not sure what kind of neighborhood you live in but do you think you could find a friend to run with after you get home from school? just around your neighborhood or something? that way you 2 can go at your own pace and maybe you won't get tired so easily.

    "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier

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  15. #15
    Anti- anything preppy HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Cloudluver101's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    hmm....for some reason i never thought of it that way. I really dont have fun at track.....hmm..maybe i should quit. Ive been thinking about doing so since my last practice.....
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  16. #16
    Time to take control... HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Serah's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloudluver101 View Post
    hmm....for some reason i never thought of it that way. I really dont have fun at track.....hmm..maybe i should quit. Ive been thinking about doing so since my last practice.....
    I would just put some serious thought into it if you do end up leaving tho, you don't want to have regretted it later on - but seriously you have to think of your health, if you have bad knees you don't want to be immobile at 70odd, have you spoke to a doctor/physician about running on your knees?
    Wishes aren't enough, prayers either ... I'm making a promise ...

  17. #17

    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    If you want to get better at it why keep dropping out? Sounds like you don't have the mental strength for that kind of exercise, or fitness... XD

    Interval training is probably the best kind of training you can do for "quick" results, throw in some leg exercises like Pete said (weighted squats really work the legs, step-ups and such will help aswell). If your knees are really that weak hit the bike up to build your cardio up a bit so you can run further, personally most of my cardio training is cycling and i'm still pretty good at long distance and sprinting events.

    Like i said originally if you don't have the mental strength for training then track seems like the wrong direction to go in =p. If you're as competitive as I am, train with someone, you'll push yourself way beyond what you think you're capable of.

  18. #18
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Cardio cardio cardio, also if your knees bother you that bad take a few extra minutes to warm up.

    Ok now I am going to expand a little on what I mean.

    Take a few minutes more to stretch and start some brisk walks, you can also do this at home (highly recommended).

    Take your time to focus on these two things.

    Obviously you are having trouble fighting 2 elements at one time. Don't try to keep up with everyone else. Set a pace and dedicate yourself to it. Make it something that is comfortable for you. Who cares what everyone else says. the objective starting out is just to make it through it with out it killing you.

    Playing soccer and working on extreme cardio is how I over came my asthema when I was younger then you.

    Take a few extra minutes a day to do some extra cardio, even if it means picking up the pace going from class to class. Go for a walk early in the morning or right before dark after school.

    Also remember that your cool down phase is just as important as your stretching. It can help to avoid some of those deep muscle pains and joint pains. I have messed up calves from playing soccer my whole life so to me cooling down and walking after a good game or run is a MUST or I will be crippled for days.

    So yeah, sorry this is a little bit of every where but I will throw some more stuff in if you are really interested in sticking with the track.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 03-04-2010 at 08:50 PM.
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  19. #19
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    A lot of asthmatics/previous asthmatics have thick linings of the lungs (or something like that, been ages since it was explained to me) which leave them at a definete disadvantage when doing things like this for endurance.

    I had asthma as a kid, think my last attack of it was at 3 and even now endurance kills me.

    My advice is to find something that suits your strengths better or just keep going at it regularly. If your body eventually gets used to it and you're not overdoing things you should be fine. Me, I was always nearly last in cross country/anything not short sprinting but I shone in strength events and swimming.
    Last edited by Furore; 03-04-2010 at 11:25 PM. Reason: Fixed typo.
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  20. #20

    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Second day? You just got started, so it's not going to be fun. After a while though, you'll just get used to it and all that practice stuff will be easy. And if you want to be healthy and strong, keep it up. Maybe you can't do that much at the beginning, but you'll get stronger and better as you go. Keep at it, and you'll be fine.

    Unless you want to quit. Seems like you're not enjoying it that much anyway (from your other posts)....

  21. #21
    My couch pulls out but I don't. HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    I played soccer for awhile and now I'm in the military. we run daily. in the beginning it's always hard for new people, but with practice you'll get better, much better.

    for something I've taught a lot of my soldiers is practice on your own too. As long as you're not walking and doing the running/jogging motion (called the airborne shuffle) you'll be working your body out more then if you were walking. Then find yourself a decent neighborhood you can run in.

    From one Telephone Pole to the next telephone pole sprint, then on the next 3 telephone pole "spaces" do the shuffle. After a few weeks, cut the 3 spaces down to 2, and on and on until it's sprint one, jog one and repeat.

    Also, if you're trying for cross country (which I saw you weren't), or if you're trying to do longer distances for track, definitely run farther then what you're required to do. For example, we run 2 miles for our tests, I've never had my guys running less then 4. It gets your body used to the longer distances and your stamina / endurance is higher, so when you're running the 2 miles, it's super easy.

    As for the "fun" of it, well... I hate running, but I know it's needed and it makes my body stronger etc etc (I have MCL problems for example). If running during practice is boring, or whatever, see if you can't get an iPod for when you're doing practice. Though, I don't condone the use on streets, but that's the NCO in me with everyone is a safety officer lol.

    If you have some more questions with keeping in shape etc, let me know via pm... I'll give you some help with things that'll get your body in shape - as long as you do it

  22. #22
    The Bad Boy of TFF HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Block's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Don't run track, if you suck at it.

  23. #23
    Bananarama HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Do all sorts of leg exercises to build up those knees. Your speed really comes from strong legs. Endurance will come with time and practice.

    Do squats, lunges and even things like wall sitting. Look them up, I'm lazy.

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  24. #24
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Don't quit if you can help it. Try it for at least a month. If you follow through you will definitely get somewhere even if you don't like doing it. Aim to better yourself rather than be the best.

    Though given your body's condition you may want to see a doctor about it if you haven't. But other than that... Just try, try, try.
    Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 03-05-2010 at 12:38 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  25. #25
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  26. #26
    Imperius Rex HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Storm's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    People have different muscular structures, which affect whether they are more suited to sprinting or distance, so maybe try the other one?

    Also, it is best to start small and build up your endurance as you cannot go from nothing to keeping up with the rest of the class. I started Taekwon-Do quite recently, and although I can keep up with the class warm-up, I cannot do press-ups and can barely do sit-ups. Its something I have to work on, but with persistance I should be able to manage. With you also, you need to be persistant if it is something you really want to do. Strong willpower is a good thing, even if you aren't up to scratch with the actual exercise.
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  27. #27
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! chaosweapon's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    I used to track when I was at school. I wasn't very good at it, so I used to focus on 100/200m sprints. Still, tracking was essential, since it helped me not to get exhausted while sprinting.

    It took me an entire year to double my endurance. So, obviously, one or two days aren't enough to see any improvements. I suggest you start with a distance you feel comfortable with, say 1km. Then when you start feeling good enough for more, add another 200m. In time you will reach your goal, but this might take years of training.

    I also suggest that you take regular breaks especially if you feel exhausted. Try not exaggerate though. 1 or 2 minutes should be enough.

    One final thing I suggest is to keep yourself distracted. This way you'll feel less exhausted and you'll be able to run longer distances.

  28. #28
    Death Before Dishonor HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    If you suck then do lots of legs exercises to build them up. Or you can run a mile a day,and work yourself up till you can run a while. In high school I was a fat ass but could run five miles with no problem. It just takes commitment.

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  29. #29

    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!

    Best option: pretend you're running from zombies. Or training for a zombie apocalypse.

    I've heard of a number of people who found that as a good motivator... :|

  30. #30
    My couch pulls out but I don't. HELP i SUCK at track!!!!! midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: HELP i SUCK at track!!!!!


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