Every now and then theres a news article, amongst all the doom and gloom about partners taking revenge on one another. I strolled upon this one today...

Women superglue man's penis to stomach
Four women in the US have been charged after supergluing a man's penis to his stomach.

The incident occurred as part of a pre-planned ambush in a motel room by the man's wife and his various lovers.

The victim, Donessa Davis, had agreed to meet one of the women, Therese Ziemann, for an intimate tryst at the Lakeview Motel near Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin.

He agreed to be tied to the hotel bed, whereupon Ziemann summoned the other three women by text message. She then struck Davis in the face, and glued his penis to his stomach.

Ziemann told police she met the man online, fell in love and paid for a room at the motel for the past two months. She said she gave him about 3,000 dollars. But then at the end of July she learned from his wife that Davis was married, had other girlfriends and was "using them for money."

During the ambush Sewell asked the man, "Which one do you love more?"

The man later escaped from the bed by chewing through one of his bindings. He then went outside and borrowed a telephone from the motel owner to call police.

The four women involved in the stunt comprised the victim's wife, Tracy Hood-Davis, and three others: Ziemann, her sister Michelle Belliveau, and Wendy Sewell. All are charged with being party to false imprisonment. Ziemann also is charged with sexual assault. The women face six years in prison.
I actually found this quite funny, how they orchastrated the plan, and how the guy thought that he'd be getting some loving and got a whole lot more than he bargained for! The fact that he chewed through his bindings and (presumably) ran outside! Must have been one hell of of job fixing himself though, probably a lot of hot baths. I do think 6 years in prison is a bit much though... considering it was kind of provoked by cheating on these people.

What do you think of this story?
Any other acts of revenge you recall that are quite funny?