None. They're both plastic, greasy, fatty fast food hangouts.
Go Subway and buy a salad wrap instead.![]()
I'm fairly certain that BK is healthier...and it definitely tastes better!
None. They're both plastic, greasy, fatty fast food hangouts.
Go Subway and buy a salad wrap instead.![]()
I'm going to Whataburger now.
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Best burgers are made in places like Hard Rock Cafe, Hero Burger, etc. They're expensive but way juicier and tastier.
I prefer to grill my own. There's a nice burger place nearby, and I know the owner. He lets me order meat from their supplier at their price, so I get good quality stuff pretty cheap.
For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.
It's all about moderation with these things. You can be kinda sorta healthy by having a whopper jr, no mayo and no cheese, and the side salad, not the full size, from BK lounge. You can't do it every day, but if you're in a pinch and need to eat, it's better than not eating or getting a triple whopper.
If you have the option though, avoid it completely. Buy groceries and make yourself lean meat sandwiches (roast turkey/ chicken) on whole wheat/ grain breads, with mustard instead of mayo. Or pack salads or yogurt.
And the new BK fries taste like store bought Ore Ida crinkle cut fries, if you bake them instead of frying. Not bad, but not the same as Nathans or regular fries.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
^Subway is too expensive for my tastes, but you meet nice people there - so go anyway!^
I've been completely fast-food free ever since the "Supersize Me" DVD release. (Yay, me!!!)
Thinking of that drive thru when you shouldn't be? Go watch that documentary!(FYI - Don't eat first...that could get ugly)
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
I've seen that. Lol didn't phase me much though.
I'll still scarf a bacon habanero cheeseburger.
I hear that. I still get subway on occassion, but ive had food poisoning from there on 2 seperate occasions from different subway stores.
We dont have any burger kings in my area, im not actually sure if there are any in Australia at all anymore. My favourite place to eat burgers is at Lauriee dee's. Best burger joint in town. Great aussie angus beef patties, minced on the day, nothing frozen, except Lauriee Dee's frozen custard, of course. Just thinking about those burgers is making me want to bow down to the burger gods, for providing such a beautiful, elegant, delicious display of dead animal. I want to sink my teeth into that bloody carcass and let the medium rare blood drip down my face as I devour the remains of what was once a carefree Angus cattle. My eyes become bloodshot at the scent of the delicious angus double cheeseburger, and then begin to water as I tear away at the towering remains of this godly construction of meat. My hunger is insatiable. I cannot stop at one, I must have more. I must feast on the tender flesh sandwhiched between the softest buns you've ever tasted. The burger is to die for, which is exactly what the cattle had to do in order for me to consume it. But with flesh this good, It's a wonder the people working at the slaughterhouse dont dig in right away. The moment it hits your lips, its invigorating. It makes you realise that life is worth living. I feel like the burger has become apart of me... or maybe I am the burger. I dont even know anymore. What I do know is, that the fox whispers... "laureee deeeee's".
Brett what da fuk is all that
Hey so... it's really good that you're concerned about your health, and that you want to fix it. That's more than a lot of people are willing to put into maintaining their bodies. Assuming you haven't been frightened off, I'll offer up some advice of my own.
Everyone is correct that you should avoid both of these fast food joints (and all of them) if you want to put something good into your body. The sodium content alone should be enough to frighten off anyone with heart concerns, nevermind everything else wrong with their offerings. However, I realize that sometimes you might be on a road trip or in a tight situation, and a fast meal is your only option.
I don't eat meat (except fish) anymore, so here's how I cope with being stuck with fast food options. If there's a Subway around, problem solved (veggie sub banana peppers all day). If I make it for breakfast, Mcdonalds has a yogurt parfait that isn't the worst thing ever (there's sugar, but there is also protein in the yogurt) and I'll get a couple of those. Maybe an egg and cheese biscuit if I'm not going to get to eat for a while. It's not awesome, but every other meal I eat is pretty loaded with nutrition, so I try to avoid guilt messing up my relationship with my food. Umm... haha god I haven't been to either of these places in so long, I can't remember what's on the menu. Okay gosh. So looking at the BK salad menu, what I would do in a road trip situation is get a Garden Side Salad with no dressing and then stop by a gas station and pick up some nuts or trail mix (the kind without M&Ms in it) and pour a portion of that on top. The healthy fats in the nuts will keep you full, and you'll get some fiber in the greens and tomatoes. For dressing, I might ask for some extra lemon wedges if BK has em.
But anyway. If we're talking a splurge meal that you say you'll only eat once every six months, just go for it. As long as every day isn't a splurge, and your heart health is on the mend, a splurge meal should have fairly negligible damage unless it knocks you completely off the wagon and you start eating there every day again. However, you might notice that after six months of eating healthier, the item you used to eat every day makes you feel pretty crappy compared to your better options. You might start to want it less and less.
Good luck on getting that cholesterol down!
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TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
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I dislike either, but I eat at both knowing they're both pretty unhealthy. Not often though. If I get a lunch at work and I'm in a pinch, I try and avoid fast food, but it's nice maybe once or twice a month. I try a stick with a salad from the co-op, or make a sausage roll from Greggs last longer than breakfast - unhealthy, yes, but it's in moderation and I never feel hungry if I eat half for breakfast and half for lunch.
For dinner, I've been eating a lot of take out, but healthier kinds (don't judge - I've lost over a stone in little over a month). I can buy a lahmacun with salad from down the road for £1.50, and they'll give me extra salad for another 50p. It's cheap, filling, and is apparently only two to three hundred calories without meats (it can triple with chicken or lamb - beware). Plus, they taste sooo good. I wish there was a place near work that I could grab one, but it's all fatty joints up there - with all the pubs and clubs, kebab shops do extremely well. >>;
So yeah, keep that junk moderated, but still enjoy it. You find more enjoyment out of food with moderation. Go two or three months, get dat Big Mac, scoff it, and it'll taste much nicer than an every day thing. Or you might regret it because McDonalds ****ed up, but eh. It'll teach you.