Its a simple question and I believe it happens with alot of people. So have you ever regret being friends with someone? Who is that person? What did the person do which made you regret being friends with him/her?
Its a simple question and I believe it happens with alot of people. So have you ever regret being friends with someone? Who is that person? What did the person do which made you regret being friends with him/her?
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
yes i regret being friend with someone. I thought she was my best friend but clearly she wasn't anyway im much happier in my life without her.
I regret being BFFs wit sumone b4, we were so besties, then she was lyk totally turnin into a bitch and spreadin rumors bout me and i was like pure ragin like
Honestly, I regret being with Paul, the guy I was living with (this was more than friends, this was a relationship!) for over three years. He was a bore, he was pathetic, he was nasty. One thing I never will forgive him for was being nasty about Johnny, one of my colleagues whom I look up to a LOT! (I must admit I have a bit of a crush on him...)
Anyway Johnny and I were just catching up, he asked me how Paul was, and I told him about how his mother (who I hated) thought I was beneath her because of where I work. He said "That's rich coming from a woman whose son doesn't even had a job!" (another of Paul's many faults). I related this incident to Paul thinking he'd find it funny, but he didn't. In fact he went ballistic, saying "Why can't he say that to my face?" and in reference to Johnny's relationship with another friend of mine I used to work with (let's call her Ella) with whom he had a son, he said "I hope he never sees his kid again!" Now it's our workplace's worst-kept secret that Johnny is having trouble getting access to his son, and Ella is being a complete b!tch about everything by all accounts, and that's what made me think Paul overstepped the mark. He knows nothing of what's going on (it's between Johnny and Ella, for goodness' sake!), and had no right to say what he did. I think that point was the beginning of the end of our so-called relationship.
Rant over. Thanks for skimming over it.Long story short, I pretty much regret the whole relationship. It was like having a kid sometimes, so much so, that in the end I couldn't bring myself to do the uh, 'relationship things'. It went on like this for well over 18 months, closer to two years, actually. I'm making up for lost time now!
Aw, come on, it was like three years of my life, wasted!
"...For the stronger we our houses do build,
The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)
I regret ever becoming a friend with Rocky. Wish it started out as lover.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
WTF @ the emo threads in GC
If you don't wanna be friends with someone then don't. PROBLEM SOLVED wtf is there to discuss
I hate being friends with people who are cool at first then get really weird and don't click after a couple initial hangouts. They tend to be younger than me when it happens I've noticed. I don't click with most people anyway so it tends to work itself out.
Yes, I have. I also regret posting in threads that don't use the proper verb tense.
(TFF Family):
Till now I haven't faced any problems with people whom I choose as my friends , simply because Trust is something precious I don't give until I know the core of the person I will be friends with , it might take a while but it would spare me the shock of revealing the truth of a wicked friend . That's why I have few but true friends ! and the more I meet new friends the more I realize how much I cherish the old ones!
Hopefully we will remain like that forever![]()
Last edited by Diyala; 11-04-2011 at 06:59 PM.
I never regret being any ones friend. If you've made it past my friend door then you're worthy in some manner. I just stay away from people who suck, and the ones that I drift from become acquaintances or put on my "Gtfo" list gtfo list is very small.
Having regrets in general is f*cking stupid, if you want something in life no matter how big, or small you gotta go for it.
So to answer that no I don't regret being friends with anyone. All the shitty friends I have ever had taught me important lessons, and there is nothing to regret about that.
I don't like to be regreting things. i am getting well with my friends. we trust each other, this is enough.
I can't say I regret being friends with someone. Every friend I've had has helped me at some stage, whether that be helping me discover what an ass they were or finding out a bit about myself. Every friendship I've been in that didn't work out too well, and even the ones I'm in now, are like a learning curve. You learn more than you think from everyone you've met.
If anything, I regret some of the choices I've made with friendships. Like Tallulah, it does waste a lot of time of your life. But you still learn from it I suppose... anywho.
I regret being friends with anybody, since I hate everybody.
I don't regret being friends with anyone because I always make sure to get even.
yes I have had regrets when we are friends but could have been more!![]()
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I regret investing the time and trust in any who've shown themselves undeserving. It's a long list of people, but they do serve to highlight how awesome some of my friends are.
The only time it ever gets to me seriously is when there's a lot of history.
victoria aut mors
There's a whole group of people from hs I regret being friends with. They made me miserable all the way into college and I stuck around like a beaten puppy. All they did was call me with their problems like I was some doormat to wipe their muddy feet on. When I needed them, they were never there. But when they needed me, I was expected to drop everything and listen to their problems (which usually was girls or rumors as most of my friends were guys). It wasn't until I saw them for what they are that I was able to get enough confidence to step away. I regret being that stupid in believing they were actually my friends to begin with. If only this world had friendships like FF. That would be awesome!
Trust Me.