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Thread: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

  1. #1
    Registered User Have you ever had anything stolen from you?
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    Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    If you have, it sucks, doesn't it...?

    Did you ever get the item back, have to get it replaced, or maybe it was one of those things that was irreplaceable and you just had to live with the fact that it was gone for good?

    For me, I've never been mugged in my life (thank God...), but I've had stuff swiped from me when I wasn't around. Most memorable one I can think of right now would be this collection of gold-plated collector's coins that was given to me from my grandma. She brought it to me while I was at work, and I placed it in my purse thinking it would be safe. After my shift is over, I discover that the coins had been stolen, but nothing else of mine was taken. However, other people noticed that they had valuables swiped from them too, and from then on, if you brought your purse inside, you had to keep it in the manager's office.

    Most recently, my mom's bike got stolen. She's not particularly upset that it's gone, but it does bother her that someone would just walk up to the property and take off with her bike. I don't blame her. It's kind of a scary thought that someone would just do something like that. What if they were casing the house for a way to get in?
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  2. #2
    Registered User Have you ever had anything stolen from you? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    ya it sucks. ive had things like books, cds and a game or 2 taken without my permission but i eventually got it back.
    the thing ive had stolen from me that i'll never get back is in a backpack at the bottom of a lake an ex threw in there out of anger - there was an ipod, phone, my favorite "superman" shirt and MY FIRST TWO YEARS OF FILM PRODUCTION NOTES (it was my major in college btw)

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  3. #3
    Certified tech, come at me! Have you ever had anything stolen from you? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    I had stuff that went missing (DS games mostly). I think I remember at least one thing that was stolen from me, which really wasn't that big of a deal. It was some eraser that i had for school back when I was 16. Someone borrowed it in my English II class and I haven't seen it since, actually I think that person took it while i wasn't looking.

    I'm pretty sure that was about it.
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  4. #4
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Have you ever had anything stolen from you? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    I haven't had much stolen from me ever. But the worst one was my deck of YuGiOh cards when I was in school. This was way back when YuGiOh cards were actually worth money, but I had about £40 worth of cards stolen from me. Luckily, I got most of them back, just a couple of worthless ones and one that was worth not so much. Even something like that is the worst feeling in the world.

    Someone I knew from down my road had their car stolen. Just as they were getting in it, like GTA style. It didn't happen to me, but that was real horrible to witness. I can't imagine that happening to me.

  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    I have had several things stolen from me.

    When I was 16 I had a Special Edition Smith n Weston Spec Ops knife. One of my buddies came over to my house. The next day when he leaves my knife had vanished. I was pissed. I questioned him about it the very next day. He said he did in fact take it. I asked for it back, and he said no he was selling it. So I broke his f*cking hand, and he returned it. End of story.

    I have had several video games stolen from me as well. That pisses me off more than someone stealing my knife. I am a gamer, you don't steal a gamers f*cking games. I never figured out which of my friends stole my games.

    Games Stolen

    Chrono Cross
    Legend of Dragoon
    Blitz The League
    FF IX
    FF Tactics

    aHH i was pissed....

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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    I had a great deal of my N64 games stolen. I know who did it, but I haven't seen him since he stole them. I had about 10 N64 games, now I have 3 and 2 of them I bought last year. Not a big deal anymore but I am still mad at it.
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  7. #7

    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    I got two computers stolen from me and my psp. I had to wait an entire two months before I could get my psp back but I never got the two labtops. I had to get another labtop so I could do my work. They still didn`t find the person who stole t but I managed to continue without my second labtop.

  8. #8
    Registered User Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    I've had my dog stolen from me once. His name was Pepper, and we let him out into the backgarden whilst we were out (big mistake). We had fencing and all, and he was tied in on a lead, so there was no way for him to get out. But even so, when we got back we found that the fencing had been pulled down at the furthest end of the garden and Pepper was gone. He was a really good dog, too. The first one I ever had. It's sad how horrible some people can be >_<

  9. #9
    Crash Boom Bang Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    i got my flat broken into while I was out at work, bloody broad daylight, the cheeky bastards

    Took the PS1 (back in the day when the slims were still brand shiney new) and games, they could have at least left the bloody memory cards

    They went through my jewlerry as well, but lucky for me they missed the only valuable item which is a solid silver charm bracelet I've had since I was about 3 months old, that would have been the killer. It wasn't the monetary value that would have bothered me, it was the sentimental value. It just angers me that people can come into your home and do this shit, especially while You are off out earning an honest living. If I ever caught anyone in my house I'd break every one of their fingers and their legs just for good measure (in reality, id probably just cower in a corner and cry, but still I don't blame folk for goingover board on burglars when they get caught.) . It's not nice knowing some stranger has just come in and rifled through your life

    Of course, I was insured, but that's beside the ****ing point.

  10. #10
    Registered User Have you ever had anything stolen from you? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    When I was in middle I remember winning an eygptian papyrus painting in a Hieroglyphics competion, and a friend of mine asked if she could borrow it too show her mum, cps apparently her mum loves stuff like that and I never got it back, so it wasn't stolen as in, taken without my persmission but stolen in the sense that she kept hold of it and never gave it back too me.

    I think my sister stole from me the other week, it was only £5 but it still has ticked me off, I have no evidence that she did steal the money but I'm quite sure she did. I invited her round for a roast dinner a couple of weeks ago, cos she was having troubles in life, sleeping on friends sofas, no food, no money. So I invite her over to give her a decent meal, I went to the shops before she arrived and I know that there was £5 left in my pusre because it was the money to pay my t.v licence, but the next day when I went to pay that, there was no money in there and I'm positive I didn't spend that. I kinda feels like a slap in the face because I was trying to help her out and she steals from me, family should never steal from each other, your supposed to be able to trust family.

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  11. #11
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Nothing major, few dozens of CD/DvD-s some folks still haven't returned, I highly doubt they ever will. There's was that Mp3 player, my first one, but it wasn't stolen from me, I gave it to my sister so she can brag with it in school, o man, how I regret doing that. But it was my own fault for letting her have it, I still remember my exact reaction when I found out, those Mp3's were pretty expensive back then.

    Since you're mentioning theft, there was one guy in my class who would use to steal common school equipment, rulers, pencils, dividers and such, we always knew who did it as he didn't care to hide it, but still, it wasn't really easy to accuse him, that fool would write his name on everything he got his hand's on, he would defend himself with "O yea, why's my name on it", and did I mention that he was one big mean mofo. It was amusing for some time but it became tedious to buy new stuff every now and then, he did stop soon after that, at least to steal from his fellow classmates, though he continued to raid the other classes. He once showed me all of his stolen goods, I think I have a picture somewhere, I've never seen that much of school equipment in my entire life. Anyways, the last time I've seen him he was stealing office supplies from the place he works in, some people never change.

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  12. #12

    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I have had several things stolen from me.

    When I was 16 I had a Special Edition Smith n Weston Spec Ops knife. One of my buddies came over to my house. The next day when he leaves my knife had vanished. I was pissed. I questioned him about it the very next day. He said he did in fact take it. I asked for it back, and he said no he was selling it. So I broke his f*cking hand, and he returned it. End of story.
    This was probably the most chocking to me. The fact your 'friend' admitted he stolen and was selling your knife would of send me over the edge. Please tell me you guys aren't friends anymore.

  13. #13
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    I had a skateboard stolen. It wasn't special or anything - it was bought to keep me and my brother entertained when we were camping, - but I remember being a little sad when it was taken. It was never replaced either... =(

    I also had my phone stolen once during a PE lesson at school. It kept falling out of my pocket, so I put it on a bench that was like two meters away... I turned my attention away for a few seconds and it was swiped. My own fault, I do realise, but I didn't think anyone was like that in my PE class. Who knew? Also, I replaced it the following week with the same model. xD

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  14. #14
    Freezing Ring! Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Well, in the 7th grade I had something stolen out of my locker. Not a math book, or a peice of paper. My uncle that died a month before my birthday (Died from cancer) had a leather wallet that he got somewhere. It was the only thing I had of him. Like a dumbass, I took it to school because we had to do a show in tell for english. Of course I showed it to EVERYONE. Then, I put it in my bag. After study hall, I grabbed my bag, and ran to the bus. When on the bus, I looked in my bag for my MP3 player(found it). I swore I put that wallet in my bag! But I looked, and my bag had already been unzipped, and a certain someone (I know who it is) stole my uncles wallet. I know, it make's no sense, and nobody cares, but I was pissed....

    So yeah, I've also had money stolen from me, and a few game manuals (Lol).


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  15. #15

    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    When I was 5 I had my Peguin character Batman toy stolen from me by our neighbors kid. The parents were sketched out drugs dealers so it's not a surprise. My mom caught him trying to steal out proprane tank once from our grill....

    And no never got my toy back....

  16. #16
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Haven't had anyone try to mug me in years (the last time I still worked construction and had my tools on me - used a hammer to reverse-mug the bastard ) and few seem game enough to try these days due to my size and reputation around some areas.

    I used to have the odd thing get stolen in my primary school years but these days it's exceedingly rare as I leave most of my junk at home and only hang around a couple smaller groups of people I trust.

    Oh and I had some prick break into the backyard shed one time (only had a lawnmower and a couple cheap things, but the idea of it pissed me off) - I ended up grabbing the chainsaw, it wouldn't start, so I grabbed a golf club and chased the bugger off the property. Got a few good hits in with the club too.
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  17. #17
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Anybody remember ThrowBots? I got my favorite one stolen from me by that same guy who stole my N64 games. I want to find this guy now and kick his ass.

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  18. #18
    Registered User Have you ever had anything stolen from you? sayian's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    when i was like 13 i parked my bike at my moms job and walked in the door and jus after,,, som guy got it and was gone in a flash... i mean he took that bike soo damn fast it was unbelievable ..... all i seen was the back tire and a piece of his ass zoom around the corner

  19. #19
    Registered User Have you ever had anything stolen from you?
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    In high school my father bought me this really awesome bike for my birthday. Back pegs, gelled tires, everything. Real awesome, ran about 600 bucks. He also bought me a heavy duty kevlar lock that made stealing it relatively impossible to steal. What it didn't do was protect against little sisters and tiny pebbles. My sister put a pebble in the key hole one day and I couldn't get it out. My dad was going to buy me another one the next day, but for the time being I had to use another chain lock. That same night somebody busted the lock and stole my bike. Never got it back. Never got another one. SUCK!!!

  20. #20

    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Yup. By people who were supposed to be my friends. On my birthday. They also lied to me and made me lie to my friends.

    ****ing assholes. Whatever though, got it back. Meh.

  21. #21
    I would explode to save your life~ Have you ever had anything stolen from you? SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Fortuanely no

  22. #22
    Ellipsis Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Poking White Mage View Post
    Fortuanely no
    I'm kind of jealous.....

    A couple of erasers and pencils have been stolen from me last year. I never found out who the thief was, unfortunately.
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  23. #23
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    Some of the more memorable things;

    My cable. Seriously, my neighbor's friend climbed the pole and disconnected my drop and plugged in his own, thus stealing my cable for two days.

    A $100 professional knife. Someone at work jacked it while I was washing my hands, never found out who, had to go buy a replacement the following day.

    50 cents. Someone (probably a homeless guy) threw a rock through my driver's side window when I was parked downtown at work to steal a whole 50 cents out of my change compartment. Too bad there was about $600 in knives in a case in my trunk he didn't touch.....

    A "friend" probably stole one of my signed Albert Pujols balls. My inaugural season Bush Stadium one, too, from the year we won the series. I'm pretty sure I know exactly who, too, but I didn't realize it was gone until I started boxing everything up for my remodel last month. Never recovered.

    A "friend" stole a $50 bottle of cologne from me in high school. I found it at his house, and stole it back. Bastard.

  24. #24
    #LOCKE4GOD Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Have you ever had anything stolen from you?

    I honestly can't think of a single instance where I've had anything stolen. Though I wouldn't consider friends taking something of mine 'theft' - but I haven't had that either.

    Hell, it's so unlikely to happen, the key to my house is literally left under the doormat.

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