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Thread: Has anyone ever felt anything?

  1. #1
    Sir Prize Has anyone ever felt anything? Sinister's Avatar
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    Question Has anyone ever felt anything?

    This is something I decided to myself I wanted to see. I wanted to hear from all of you a bit of your experiences as a member of the human race.

    When have you ever felt:








    Just a quick rundown of these and I'll add my own. You don't have to write all of them just pick one if you don't want to go through them all. I just want to see what you all would say...


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  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Before those damned speeches we had to give in school come to mind I guess...
    One of the few things I couldn't figure out a way of getting out of. But they were over soon enough. The nervousness was worrying if you'd get marked down for going under the minimum time or over the maximum time mostly.


    I don't tend to be sad all that much, but when someone I used to hang out with heaps goes or dies or something, that's probably as sad as it gets for me.


    Angry happens every now and then. Mostly if someone takes something too far, or just generally acts like a dickhead. Last major one I think was actually an internet goer. Stopped talking to me completely over something resolvable. Worst bit was it was through no fault of my own and I didn't know about it until someone else told me.


    Default me. I tend to be joyful any time I'm not being ****ed with. Talking to Ann, playing sports with my mates, playing video games. It all serves to keep me joyful.


    I try to be romantic, but often find a few things making it harder. Still being online with Ann for half of Valentine's day was good.


    A few times I may have gone a little too far. Especially if it involves a couple of people who made a fight a tad too personal to the point I couldn't stop myself from punching one of the guys repeatedly...
    Feels like shit afterwards.


    I don't seem to feel embarrassed very often myself actually...
    I'd say one of those things were I'm getting recognised for something and the person makes a big thing out of whatever I did. That can be pretty damned embarrassing indeed...
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Air from my lungs. Has anyone ever felt anything? Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.

    Nervous to me is when having to say stuff in front of a ton of people or applying for jobs. People make me feel nervous when they're not all that kind. I also feel rather nervous when anything is timed.. like being chased in Clock Tower or Resident Evil 3.. or those tests you have to take in school within a given time.


    People/Animals that I loved dying. Nathan being so far away. Me not getting anywhere as far as creative terms go. Bleh. When I'm really depressed, I don't want to be around anyone and would rather go hide in a closet and be forgotten about(not that I ever do hide in closets).


    People not understanding me or think they know every little thing that's going on in my head. Last time I was angry was when my sister bitched at me for wanting to go home rather than stay at her house.


    Usually when any good news pops up or any time Nathan signs on. My sister had her baby recently and it's my first nephew out of 7 nieces. Also, knowing I'm going to get something or go somewhere within a couple weeks gets me excited as well.


    Any time you turn on Phantom of the Opera music, I'll start feeling that romantic vibe(if that's how you word it). I love that music ><. It's almost impossible to do anything romantic for Nathan considering it's over the internet, but then, I do enjoy when it's just us that are online late at night .


    When I feel evil. Well, usually it's when I argue with my siblings. I let loose some pretty harmful words and just sort of wish I never said them. Good thing they don't hold grudges.


    When I flub up in how I present myself to strangers(especially when I was trying to get an application from this one place). I also hate being caught singing when I think I'm alone in the house.. "Ann? Why are you singing Disney songs?".. "Uumm.."

  4. #4
    Registered User Has anyone ever felt anything? winterborn86's Avatar
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    The usual things that would get you nervous really, job interviews, starting a new school, you know the sort of things.


    I get sad quite often, when i argue with my partner and family, also when i get stressed out wen my daughter is acting up afterward i always feel relly depressed coz i jus so tired and worn down.


    I get angry ALOT and i mean alot, even the smallest thing can hack me off, i get wound up so easily its unbeliveable, and i argue for england. i get angry at the slightest disagreement between me an my partner and also wen my daughter is being a lil sod an acting up badly again.


    Evan tho daughter makes me angry, she also gives me alot of joy. seeing her 1st attempts at crawling, walking. sayin mummum. and also the day i had her was really joyful i was soo happy that day and exhausted lol


    I honestly cant remember ever feeling romantic, my partner isint so ive kinda never really felt it from him, so i dnt feel it for him, if i get wot i mean??


    The only time ive felt close to evil, is wen me and my partner had a breakup and he was really nasty towards me, i didnt want him anywhere near my daughter so i used to annoy him on purpose cos i wanted him to hit me like the theatend to, so i could then report him and that would go against him and he wnt ever be allowed near my daughter, it never happened tho, i think he must of known wot i was planning.


    lol wat to many times to type in here, mainly from drinkin 2much and makin a prat outa myself, such as sitting on a garden fence and fallin backwards and rippin open the bck of my skirt and being drunk in a phonebox in my nighty and losin my door key so was locked out and had to sleep in a shed. also silly thing like trippin up in public and breakin something.

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  5. #5
    Has anyone ever felt anything? Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    I have to admit, I get pretty nervous a lot. Usually if I have to give bad news to someone, have to big presentation, speaking in front of any group larger than 40 pairs of eyes, and when I'm recieveing punishment.

    Its kind of a bit emo, but usually if I have to deal with my mother in the morning at all, she'll complain, bitch, brow beat, and generally insult me, to the point when it despresses me on the way to school, especially if I have to listen to it in the car. It usually clears up after about 3 period.

    Also, when I'm disappointed by a person. I guess the general things people are sad by.

    Betraying my trust is possibly the most angering action you can possibly carry out. Nothing incites my fury like that.

    A lack of respect bothers me too. I'm not refering to pleases and thank yous, I'm refering to the treatment of your common man. Don't talk to me like I'm retarded, and don't tell me how to do things. Suggestions are always welcome ^_^.

    Unexpected surprises, seeing my good friends, making plans with my boyfriend, a good grade, a new videogame,...I could go on. In general I'm a pretty happy person, despite being a realist. A lot more things bring me joy than sadness, so i guess that counts for something.

    One time, my boyfriend and I sat in his bed, in our undies, and then decided to start watching a movie and he sat there and caressed my face and looking at me. Him and I aren't really that romantic with each other in general, in any way whatsoever. I realize a lot of peope my age (I'm 17) are into the mushy gushy romance crap, but really I'm happy with the select moments that we do have, and I don't need him to be gushy to know that he loves me.

    When I make clearly horrible jokes. Talking to BoD members.

    Generally I'm not embarassed at myself as much as...well my boyfriend at certain moments. Like when he converted his shirt into a makeshift bra. I refused to touch him. This is what happens when I date 17 year olds. Also ANYONE walking in during sex. No one was at his house accept me and him. All of the sudden, his entire group of friends somehow got into the house (door was open >_<), and came upstairs silently and all came into the room and laughed hysterically. We left the window open and apparently they heard us (meaning me) and just had to come up and see what all the fun was about. I now have a nickname I can't live down from that group (The Screamer). That was the most embarassing moment of my life.
    Last edited by Rinoa.Heartilly; 05-03-2008 at 06:40 AM.

  6. #6
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    -When I was little and got into trouble, I'd get really nervous if I was found out. Funny really!
    -When I'm waiting to see Andrew, I get really nervous. I get butterflies, then the butterflies grow into giant freaking birds.

    -When I'm alone for long amounts of time, I tend to get a little sad. I can be alone for a long time, painting away, but if I'm alone for a long time without any contact whatsoever, I feel down.
    -If my hamster falls down or looks like he might've hurt himself jumping around. He's a good hamster, though, so he's always up and running around within two minutes.
    -When Andrew leaves to go back up North.
    -Saturdays make me sad because they're soo boring, and possibly the lonliest day of the week.

    -I get angry when my friends go on and on about alcohol. It's like "okay... can we talk about something interesting now?" It doesn't really make me that angry unless they start talking about how being in a drunken stupor makes them do stupid things.
    -When people lie to me, I get pretty angry. Especially if it's something big.

    -Seeing Andrew.
    -Playing with my hamster.

    -Uhm, Andrew and I get romantic sometimes. It's not really a constant thing... we're pretty much like best friends who love each other... We hold hands when we go out, but sometimes I think of that as having a leash on him. Such a short attention span, he'd probably get lost in London if I didn't hold onto him.

    -I guess I've wished people dead before. Not often, and not many people, just randomers who have been the very epitome of scum. Usually people who have done the most disgusting of things.

    -Hmm, this is a toughie. I don't get embarrassed easily. I guess when I've been out in a skirt and had people whistle at me from their cars. I don't really wear skirts often. Last time, I looked like a whore. I blame my brother, who I stupidly let choose my outfit. It was a good outfit, just not for London, where everybodies' a pervert, it would seem. Andrew was with me for a while, though, which was the reason I bothered to dress up.
    -I guess it'd be embarrassing if my bag exploded in public. Having my stuff everywhere. I'd be more uncomfortable than embarrassed.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 05-03-2008 at 07:29 AM.

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  7. #7
    Bananarama Has anyone ever felt anything? Pete's Avatar
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    Nervous- I don't really get nervous all that much. When I was younger I would panic over everything; it was pretty bad. If a firetruck rolled down my block, I would automatically assume that our house was on fire and would start gathering the stuff I wanted to keep. Today's a lot different though. I think the last time I was nervous was when my dad was in the hospital in Feb, but that was mostly because I was 200 miles away, and I didn't know anything that was going on.

    Sad- It takes a lot to bring me down. I don't really get sad sad, to the point of crying, unless something big happens. I won't lie, the last time I was sad enough to cry was about this time last year, when my ex decided to pull out all the stops and put my heart through a gauntlet. Though, I think the only reason I teared up was moreso out of anger and just frustration. Oh well. It made me a better person. Other than that, the last time I cried was 9/11, because y'know...

    Angry- This one is a lot more common. I don't see getting angry and getting frustrated as the same thing, though. I feel that getting angry is an extreme of frustrated, where I might punch something or just storm off and go for a drive. I'm not an angry person, but I get pretty angry when (I'll go through the most common things for example: )
    My car gets hit.
    I get hit.
    Anybody puts their hand anywhere near my nose (it's been broken 5 times)
    People talk about me behind my back.

    Frustration for me, entails more of things not working out the way I want them to or expected. It might be missing an easy ball in baseball because my mind was preoccupied, or finding out that I missed a few easy questions on a test for no good reason. I get over it pretty quickly though.

    Joyful- This is me 90% of the time. I'm a pretty happy guy for the most part, mostly because I'm pretty happy to be alive after half the shit I've down, and because I'm grateful for what I've got. I suppose this would be in the same vein, but I've noticed that I've been a lot happier when I tend to focus on one thing at a time and just try to enjoy that. You tend to see the little things that way and you don't feel so small in the world.

    Romantic- I suppose there would be a difference between feeling one way and doing that thing. I can be fairly romantic when I want to, but for me to do very romantic things, I would have to really feel strongly for a person and would have to really want to work on something. But, it's harder for me to trust people, and that's pretty unfortunate because I know it adversely affects me. Though, I will say that I was never big on just doing one huge romantic thing, it would be moreso little everyday things that are more personal.

    Evil- I don't really feel evil, so much as I would feel guilt for doing something terrible. Then again, I really try not to be a **** and do shitty things to people, so I don't wrestle with a lot of guilt. I suppose the last time I did something morally reprehensible was when I got into a fight a few months back. He threw first, but I ended it by pummeling him while he was down. People had to pull me off and essentially some started to look at me differently. I didn't feel bad though, nor did I feel evil because I was protecting myself, even if it went too far. I did feel a little bad when one of the girls told me I could've killed him, but he didn't die, so no harm no foul.

    Embarrassed- I don't really get embarrassed easily or often. I can downplay most things and act like it didn't happen. I've felt embarrassed for people before, but not so much myself. Take Thursday's episode of the Office. During the credits when Michael was doing his no respect comedy bit, I felt pretty embarrassed for him. Even though I know it's just a TV show and was supposed to be bad for humor, it was just too bad for my tastes and I actually felt embarrassed for him.
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  8. #8
    Sir Prize Has anyone ever felt anything? Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm typically a little too aloof to be nervous. Your question that you should be asking is: ("Why did he think of/place nervous first, then?) Because I've experienced it more often of late than any other emotion. It's been a trip, but Olivia has the ability to make me nervous. Not where I lost composure or stutter, but simply where it makes thinking slower than normal.

    Would it be a little too cliche for me to say that this is nearly a constant effect of my outlook. I have a sad outlook. I think in terms of "what a shame" "It's really too bad"

    I don't recall getting angry while on my medication. But last semester I had an episode where I was frustrated and stressed out. I don't seem all that different when I'm angry(I suppose that makes me difficult to read). But this idiot I know was talking on his cellular bluetooth headset while I was in the Library looking things up. I lost it and may have threatened to toss him out of a two-story window.

    When I accomplish something I get a spurt of not so much joy as smugness. A boost to my inferiority-plagued ego. It's pretty fantastic. But aside from me smiling, I don't suppose you can tell that either. I won a fencing tournament just a couple months ago. I was smug...and joyful.

    Constantly. Olivia liked this about me most. Said that it was rare anymore and she's as melodramatic about romance as I am. So we are a disgusting couple.

    Only in episodes. Sometimes I like to surprise and take people down from pedestals. But only certain ones. I don't treat anyone that way unless they treat me that way first. I threw down this jerk at chess. He has been the most pretentious asswipe, and I enjoyed a tad too much when I won. That made me feel a little evil.

    I actually get embarrased rather easily. It doesn't take but a mispoke word. Which is why I don't talk often. Or if I trip and fall, which is why I'm very careful how I walk.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  9. #9
    Registered User Has anyone ever felt anything? Halie's Avatar
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    I usually get nervous easily. Or rather, more shy than nervous. It's usually in a situation where I have to get up in front of everyone, and when I do, I get all shakey and stutter-y with my words and I usually don't look any of the crowd in the eye, either. Instead I usually look down or way up at the ceiling XD


    I tend to get sad when shit happens with my friends, which has been happening a lot lately. And even when the issue has been resolved, I'm still thinking afterwards "...Hm...maybe there was something I could've done to make it better..." >.>
    I do get sad sometimes, though. It just comes from nowhere, and I become very depressed and quite suicidal, but the next day I think "...What frick was I depressed for??", and I end up feeling really stupid, haha.


    My anger is usually aimed towards chavs. The other day, they were taking the piss out of my best friend because she's a "mosha!!!!!!11!!!", or a "swettie!!!1", to quote them. So I got very mad at them for that...


    Finally, joyful. That's an emotion I'm actually comfortable with. It's usually my default emotion, alongside boredom.


    Erm...romantic isn't exactly an emotion I'm comfortable with *blushes* lol. With me and my boyfriend, it's more of a best friend relationship. Which isn't very surprising, seeing as how he lives thousands of miles away from me


    When ever I feel like shoving a chainsaw up someone's arse. Now that's just pure evil.


    It's the same with nervous, really. I usually get embarrassed when someone compliments me (either that, or I scream a bunch of reasons at them for why I can't verify those compliments because they're soo not true). And also, as you can see, I get embarrassed at romantic stuff.
    Last year, I had to sing in front of my year (in school) with three other girls, and because I was closest to the microphone, I was the only one they could hear singing ... *again, blushs* lol. That embarrassed the living crap out of me XD And again, this year I had to sing too, but with my friend Amy. We sang Bring Me To Life - Evanescence. It didn't so so well... her microphone wasn't working properly, and I snotted. Like, literally. I snotted in front of everyone. Snot went all over my nose. It was one of the most embarrassing things I've ever gone through, lmao.

  10. #10
    Arachnie Suicide Has anyone ever felt anything? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    -- I'm not a particularly nervous person. I do have that little thing where I get nervous when people around me are nervous, though. I don't particularly show nervousness. I might talk a tiny bit faster, or slower. Generally if I'm with somebody that's nervous.. I don't so much feel nervous but guilty that they are. A single occassion?

    Hm. The initial one that comes to mind.. My mother is awfully terrified of heights, and she decided to go on the "Tower of Terror", just to say she did.. I tell you, she literally could not stand up straight afterwards, poor thing. But, there is of course a very, very long line. She was.. very, very nervous to say the least. And it shook me a little.

    --Unfortunately an emotion I've felt very often. I do actually have more than one mental illness that is or links in with severe depression. On top of this, I'm simply not the luckiest of people. No sob story here. For all those here that have called me a little emo crybaby, I do know that I'm quite lucky in the way that I live in a good country, and I'm not living on the streets. But as far as middle-class teenage girls go, I've been quite unlucky, and had my fair share of.. crap, basically. So sadness? Yes, a fair bit.

    Again, an example seems to be in order. Most recently, oddly enough I was unbelievably sad after a particular dream I had in which I gave birth to a beautiful baby.. She was taken away for post-birth checking, and she died.. I've actually started to tear up thinking about it. It stuck like a real memory, and I don't like it at all. I woke up crying hysterically and wasn't quite the same for a few days.. So, that's me sad for you.

    --As you are probably well aware, I'm not an angry person. My emotional spectrum falls oddly short, and I don't seem to experience it. I all too often see everybody's side in everything and can't develop a strong one of my own. So, I will tell you two things that I've found make me angry.

    Firstly, the glamourisation of mental illness. It's been going on for centuries, I know. Originally, or the earliest records of it seem to be in the early decades of the eighteen-hundreds, but indeed that did start with Ophelia who WAS a Shakespearian character, so it very well may have started then, or far earlier. It's anybody's guess.

    And of course it's hit the roof in the past five years once more with the recent new wave of "emo".

    Early age dementia isn't beautiful. It is sad, and a waste of life. Bipolar is painful. Not something you lie about to friends to make them feel sorry for you. Self harm is addictive, unfortunate behaviour. Not something you do to adorn your arms when you seem to have run out of studded-skull armbands. Suicide is not pretty and theatrical and clean[Purposefully placed, those who know it]. It is brutal, and once more a waste of life. Those it happens to, those who have attempted it and either survived or succeeded.. If you're one of the people that carries around suicide notes in your bag and brags to your little circle of friends about how that is how your life will end.. You are the people I am angry at. Think of the suffering people that have truly been through this.. have been through. You are mocking them. It purely disgusts me. You are filth.

    My other hate? Biphobia/homophobia. YES, they are very, very different things. And that irritates me, because most people aren't even aware of biphobia, when far, far more people fall prey to it than homophobia. If you're reading this, chances are you're biphobic. I'm not joking. It's awful.

    --A pleasant emotion, but not one I often feel wholly. But then, I don't think anybody feels it wholly very often at all, it's always mixed in a little.

    I feel joy when I'm talking to the people I love, or when the people I love experience joy of their own. That is it.

    --I'm not a wonderfully romantic person myself in the way that two couples can be romantic, I suppose, but I do find romance very beautiful. It's hard to explain. Not a 'two people in love' romantic, just a feeling in the air, a lovely ethereal.. Romance is the only word for it. Those who have experienced it will know what I'm talking about, I suppose.

    I the 'coupley' way as I'm sure this was proposed? Every now and then, sure. I guess by nature, I'm not that way. But I can be. I fall into that [rose-petal lined] rut every now and again.

    --Truly evil? Maybe. As those closest to me here know, I suffer from DID, and although I don't feel evil I have memories of feeling evil as somebody else.. if that makes any sense. I remember what it feels like to want to kill somebody just for the sake of it, to draw blood and to enjoy it. But that's not me. That's somebody else. A wayward memory.

    -- Love, you spelt it wrong. Try "embarrassed". There.

    I've never felt embarrassment, not in my life. I don't know if it is an actual disorder of my mind, or I'm just.. extremely hard to embarrass. I haven't felt it, sorry. No decent reply for this.
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  11. #11
    Cilla vs. Games Has anyone ever felt anything? Priscilla's Avatar
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    I get nervous all the time. When I have to give speeches at school, When i'm walking to see my friends who are already in a group because I feel like i'm intruding. When I have to go to relatives houses I don't know well, Going up on assembly, talking on the phone, Talking to the AM at work. All sorts of things, i'm really very shy.


    I don't really get sad. I'm kind of.. a flat person. No matter what the occasion I always just feel just normal. But sad.. hmm. Probably the only time i've felt sad enough to cry from something is when my rat died when I was in Grade 7. She was an awesome rat <3.


    When people betray my trust. When people talk about others behind their back. Start rumours. Don't do anything at work. Think they are better then others. That is what makes me angry and it happens all the time at school.


    I've never really felt overly joyful about anything. Even going to Japan didn't excite me. I just feel the same no matter what. It's weird really.


    I'm not a very romantic person. I do like to be romantic in a relationship at times. But not all the time. I couldn't really pick one time where i've acutally felt romantic though.


    When I wished someone dead. Even though I didn't mean it. It was just a spur of the moment thing and I regret it.


    I get embarrased when people compliment me or make a fuss over me. It's pretty much to same as nervous they kind of link together.

  12. #12
    Almost all the time. I get nervous as easily as a lost little kid. Presentations, speeches, interviews, and new places freak me out almost too easily. This is why I'm always anxious about everything I do. I'm not fully comfortable unless I know exactly what to expect, which means I get nervous a lot of the time.

    I don't usually get sad. This emotion is skipped over entirely most of the time and gives way to just anger. Then, after the anger, I'm left with nothing. I'm only really sad when I've lost someone dear to my heart. A family member or friend getting hurt makes me sad since there's nothing I can really do.

    I hate this emotion, but I have a short fuse, so I'm mad half the time. Other than the stupid little things that make me angry, it comes when I feel helpless or that something is unfair. If someone does something incredibly awful that I can't act against, I get really pissed. I can be mad for a really long time and gripe about it for hours if I don't get to take immediate action in trying to right what was wrong. I'm not tolerant or understanding either, so this is probably one of my more common emotions.

    Almost all the time I'm not upset. The smallest things that can make me laugh or smile make me joyful, so I'm usually idiotically happy. Pretty colors, cute things, food, snacks, happy music, family, and friends make me joyful. Anything that distracts me from anything else is basically what makes me joyful.

    I am not a romantic person. I have never felt truly romantic. I'm still not sure what it means to be romantic either. I can be considerate, but according to everyone I know, I'm not a romantic.

    All the time that I feel angry. While I'm angry, I get the wildest ideas for revenge into my head. Usually they're not the nicest or most legal things to do, which is why I never act on these thoughts. But having them at all gives me a pretty evil feeling.

    Not very often. I don't get embarrassed unless I've done something wrong and someone points it out to me. Then, I get embarrassed and try to ignore the feeling.

  13. #13
    Has anyone ever felt anything? Gillamobster's Avatar
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    The only emotion I feel is horniness. And it's pretty much constant.

  14. #14
    Whistling Songbird Has anyone ever felt anything? Asectic's Avatar
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    I used to when I first went on to concerts, shows, and this year going to the first contest. That's all I ever felt nervous for. Other than that, I can't remember.

    Hmm... all I remember that I was really sad for was doing something really bad in school while doing a test, and in grade 1 in some sort of public school I went to, some 3 kids I don't quite remember bullied me so that's one case... Whew, actually glad I moved to that catholic school after grade 1.

    When I always think that people in my class are soooo~~~ stupid enough to learn. Even my teacher doesn't teach well unlike the other one. People don't even know that basics of certain things that they learned the past year. Patheic.

    Of course everyone who feel happy when they get something new or if someone's visiting them or such.

    Ummm... no, not yet. But maybe next year when I enter high school XD (Yes, I'm still in grade school... no duh, that's why I can't feel this one yet)

    Um... mentally deranged? Argh -.-

    Hmm... yes, not really but I did have been embarrassed as least once. Usually, I want to forget about it so I ignore it.

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  15. #15
    Has anyone ever felt anything? Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    Anytime I'm on a plane or around airports. Or see them on tv. They make me spaz.


    I ate my cupcake. It was a sad time for me.


    Uh...well, I was right pissed off yesterday morning when some dbag used my razorblade. I don't feel too bad though cos, I used that for everywhere. Hope they used it on their face.


    What is you speak of? Does not compute.


    I really don't know how to be romantic. Honestly. I'm not a uh...romantic kind of person. I wouldn't know what the hell to do. Sexy, maybe, if I have some things to work with. But romantic? What...would


    Hmm...well, I had this chocolate fudge cookie the other day. It was orgasmic. Mm. I ate it all.


    Pretty much everytime I trip over my own feet in public. I do that a lot. Oh, or if my zipper's down. I constantly am checking that ****er.
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  16. #16
    When have you ever felt:


    I don't feel nervous often, but the last time I properly did was just before boarding a plane to Glasgow in Alicante Airport, Spain. I knew I was going to spaz, I knew I was running pointless death stats over in my head, I knew the diazepam wasn't working.


    My dad told me lately that he started smoking when he was 22, because that was when he realised he'd never be a footballer. It was, and is, his dream, and hearing him say it made me very sad inside.


    Yesterday. Fight with one of my friends over how her boyfriend acts. It's sorted now, but I was ****ing raaaaging, let me tell you. She was too though, it was pretty funny, in hindsight. I spent most of 2005 and 2006 being angry with The System and My Parents, though. But not now.


    Was filled with joy today, as I completed my last French exam on a hell of a tequila hangover. Woke up this morning at half past eight, downing water like God knows what, and wrote seven minutes of bumff to speak about in the space of a mere 2 hours. Ran to uni, met the Czech guy I was paired with, and we performed our Speaking Exam with aplomb. Only one minor ****up, which was me saying, 'Aye, aye, bien sur!' instead of 'Oui, oui'. I know it's carnal sin to speak English, but they didn't say shit about Glaswegian. Last french of the year. I'm freeeeeee! Hugged Jaroslav and we went off to bask in our separate freedoms.


    I feel romantic whenever Evan comes here to my flat. It's just so nice. My lamplight's soft, and it's so nice to be in the same room again. Makes me smile.


    Last night, while dreaming of ways to destroy my friend after our argument. I've never felt evil really, except towards my dad and old school when in the mood.


    All the bloody time. Most recent was today, when I tripped on a flagstone surrounded by people, and burned my forehead with my cigarette with my flailing arms whilst trying my best not to fall over. I do crap like that all the time.


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