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Thread: Work

  1. #1
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Here is a place to write anything about work. It could be what you do, likes, dislikes, complaints, achivements, thoughts and philosophy.
    Anything about earnin that scrilla, foo'

    Ill go first,
    I work hard. I make it a point to out perform in speed, quality and dedication.
    Coworkers either love me or hate me. Usually, its the slackers who hate me. But, as they say, my haters let me know Im good.
    Overtime is the name of my game.

    Because this is in intellectual. Working philosophies as well:

    "If Im not going to pick up the slack, who will?"

  2. #2
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Work Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    I work at McDonald's. Not the best or most glamourous job in the world but it will do until things pick up, which might be a while. I have already been there two and a half years.

    I am in the middle of the Apprenticeship scheme but this has kind of stalled (again!) because I tend to get stuck on Window 1 (order/payment window) or handheld order taker when it's busy, and it has been fairly busy because of Christmas and New Year; surprisingly busy today. There weren't that many people about, but they were all coming into McDonald's because everywhere else was shut. But I digress...

    I aim to go for Crew Trainer, and then do the Management course, which will give me a leg-up to get the hell out of there. Of course, if something better and more lucrative, where I didn't have to work shifts (I have done a lot of early turn of late and it has wiped me right out!), came along before then, I would gladly take it! That said, most of the time I really enjoy my job. There was a good sense of teamwork and fun today, beside half the staff and most the customers were hungover. Also, there are some really cute guys working there!
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
    The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)

  3. #3
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Mcdonalds is a surprisingly stable job from what Ive seen. Ive never heard of someone getting fired without good cause. Apparently their medical benefits are pretty good, too. So theres that.
    Congrats on sticking it out so far and good luck with the goals you've set.

    Update on my working life,
    My boss and coworkers are impressed with my work ethic. That's a plus.
    I had a cold friday and still made a major dent in assembling some test racks until I ran out of screws.
    I haven't learned any new skills yet, but it seems like Im going to have to re-learn how to solder and how to use a frequency generator since its been about 5 years.
    My plan is to cross that bridge when I come to it. Im sure my peers will be relived to discover Im not really a robot. Of course, after a few hours, Ill regain the proficiency Ive lost and they'll go back to sheilding themselves from the harmfull rays of awesome I tend to produce.

  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor Work Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Mcdonalds is a surprisingly stable job from what Ive seen. Ive never heard of someone getting fired without good cause. Apparently their medical benefits are pretty good, too. So theres that.
    Congrats on sticking it out so far and good luck with the goals you've set.
    Haha funny I was a salary manager at a McDonald's. There is not to much I can say about the things I have seen due to contracts I have signed, but it is not stable, and people are shady watch your ass there. Medical benefits are damn near impossible to get, well for crew anyway.

    I have a new job now I get to run my own shit, and don't answer to anyone much better.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  5. #5

    Re: Work

    My job is a joke. I'll refrain from mentioning what it actually is.
    We just got a letter in the mail from the higher ups about online interactions. Certain people had been posting things on facebook defacing the company and well word gets around pretty easy.

    Our union is a joke. In fact I've yet to see a union in the US that actually does any good. But ours is terrible.
    We promote mediocrity, doing just enough to keep your job. Work ethic has nothing to do with the job you get appointed to. Everything is run by seniority. So many lazy/bad workers with jobs they shouldn't even have. Most of the people who have seniority just abuse it. Don't like their shift, they change it. Don't like their vacation, they change it. Don't like the overtime they are getting, they give it to us part timers.
    They screw us over at every single occasion. They even went as far to say they have seniority over the radio and our boss agreed. We listen to country every day, all day. It never changes.

    Our bosses are jokes. They wont ever give anyone verbal warning so that they can move it into a paper warning, then a suspension and finally fire someone. Once they do finally give someone a paper warning, people complain that they are singling out that one person. So they start to give others warning and figure out that just about everyone is doing a shitty job. So they stop because they don't want to fill out all the paper work.

    Everyone at my place of work is either an asshole, a pervert, or my roommate. So its very rarely i get someone that i like to work with. The perverts take every little thing out of context to make it sound perverted. The only jokes they tell are sex jokes. The assholes do everything possible to make your day worse. Its like working with trolls. Thank god most of them don't even know what the internet is.

  6. #6
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias x View Post
    Our union is a joke. In fact I've yet to see a union in the US that actually does any good. But ours is terrible.
    I've never worked with a union and I hope I never have to.
    The way you described your job sounds exactly like a unionized workplace.

    Don't get me wrong, worker's unions were very important and brought about good things for workers in the past. Now, they seem to only enable the lazy peices of s**t.
    I imagine that someone who is highly motivated would be shunned for "ruining a good thing". I've been in that position where even my supervisor doesn't want me putting in an honest effort. Companies with locations that have become unionized often relocate offices ASAP in order to rid themselves of the burden.

    The way I see it, if I owned a company and I realized my union workers in New York were wasting my time, I'd immidiately relocate to a southern state with lower property tax and right to work.
    I believe that's the reason why there are so many manufacturing, fabrication and assembly jobs buying up people in South Carolina these days. For example, it took me two weeks to get my job. If you have a skill and a little bit of experience, there is a good job out there.
    By skill I mean, something a little more complex than cashier. By out there, I mean possibly a few states away.

    "I have a new job now I get to run my own shit, and don't answer to anyone much better."
    Well, fast food is a pretty rough expirience for most people, it seems (it was terrible for me).
    What are you doing now? What industry are you in?

  7. #7
    Registered Uber Work Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Wow that union job sounds like garbage... I would hate to work in a place like that. I've had several jobs that had similar work ethic to what you're describing. I used to work at Ruby Tuesday -- they were all about drugs there. If you did drugs, you were in... if you didn't (which I didn't) you got shit on. Even the management were junkies. And I'm not just talking about MJ, which I can understand and tolerate to some extent, they were hitting the hardcore shit, not sure what it was but they used needles. It was a nightmare job for me after I figured out what exactly was going on. I washed dishes there, and somebody thought it would be funny to put a most likely used needle on a plate and hand it to me... that was it, I quit. Several more shitty jobs later I finally decided to go with a decent blue collar job with CAT. I work night shift, make good money, and my job is eaaaaaasy. I harness the engines before they go into the test cells - laymans terms: I tighten some chains down and secure some hose clamps, then bolt the flywheel spline onto the flywheel and send the engine on it's way... most of my day is spent bullshitting with my peers, cracking up my boss, and pushing a mop around to look busy while i wait for main line to send me more engines. It's a great job. I had to move out of the little country town in NC that i was in to the city of Gville to find this job though. Anyone who has trouble finding a job, my best advice would be to get out of the area you're in and find a larger area, even if that means living as a hobo for a while (which I've done)... trust me, you'll find a good job in a month if you're looking for one and know how to talk yourself up... there's plenty of places you can get good advice on how to build a decent resume. Most colleges have a program that offers free resume advice to those who are looking for it, take advantage of it.

    Long story short -- in order to find a good job: 1. Look in a bustling area. 2. Make a decent resume (even if you have to lie a little bit... don't include the negative, do include the positive. White lies never hurt anyone, just don't say you were an astronaught or some bull crap. Small things that make you look good but can't easily be proven wrong are the best choices, lol. Companies look for stability, that's the main thing. Make your resume look VERY stable.

  8. #8
    TFF's Resident Messenger Work Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    I have worked at one place my entire working career. I started at the Adams County Messenger in September 2006. I began as a carrier (aka paperboy), then went in to as sales in February 2007. I did that for a month, and then started writing for them. First as a literary writer (mostly poetry for holidays, special occasions, and ad requests), then as a game critic. I still deliver papers each week as well. My work allows me to only have to come in once a week. That is to deliver the paper and get my check.

    I am the second youngest employee, and the only one that isn't a parent. I consider the employees my friends because I have known them for so long. I mean, I am the one they come to when they need someone to rant to (or as the older employees say, "pass their wisdom off on"). I have watched their children grow up.

    All in all, it is a nice place to work. I was taught to only work at a place if it's fun. If you don't enjoy what you do, then it isn't worth doing and your performance will show that you don't enjoy it. So, I hardly think that I would have stayed there these five years, three months, and two weeks if it wasn't fun.

    Besides, I love the attention I get in the summer when people remark how good my legs look in shorts. Frankly, I was quite surprised that I was still commented on about my legs because it was warm enough for shorts two weeks ago.

    Then, I also work as online/in-print translator as well. I have been doing that since October 2011. It is fun too, you get to converse with many people from all over the world when you do this work. Mind you, it can be frustrating at times. Some people keep wanting to change what they want to say, and that just ruins the whole project sometimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobaginator View Post
    White lies never hurt anyone, just don't say you were an astronaught or some bull crap.
    I should think that if you put that you were an "astronaught" they wouldn't believe you, because you spelled it wrong. Also, some places of business put on their applications that it is illegal to lie at all when applying. The more thorough businesses do check up on these things.
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 01-01-2012 at 10:07 PM.

  9. #9
    Death Before Dishonor Work Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldha View Post
    I should think that if you put that you were an "astronaught" they wouldn't believe you, because you spelled it wrong. Also, some places of business put on their applications that it is illegal to lie at all when applying. The more thorough businesses do check up on these things.
    Even shit places like McDonald's do checks on things like these. It is silly to lie on any application that you ever fill out. They check everything, and lying immediately rules you out for any job you are going for.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  10. #10
    Registered Uber Work Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Aldha View Post
    I should think that if you put that you were an "astronaught" they wouldn't believe you, because you spelled it wrong. Also, some places of business put on their applications that it is illegal to lie at all when applying. The more thorough businesses do check up on these things.
    I was simply giving advice based on what got me out of the minimum wage rut. Don't mock me for a single misspell.

    What lies I'm talking about are like leaving off the jobs that you worked for a month and quit.

  11. #11
    Death Before Dishonor Work Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Hobaginator View Post
    I was simply giving advice based on what got me out of the minimum wage rut. Don't mock me for a single misspell.

    What lies I'm talking about are like leaving off the jobs that you worked for a month and quit.
    The fact is that any lie can take you out of the running for any job. Even something petty, it is a lie, and can end badly for you.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  12. #12
    G'day Work NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    I have had 3 jobs total in my life. My first job was at Subway. I was a Sandwich Artist lol. I actually didn't mind it there. But there was one woman I just could not stand. I put up with her for 6 months of blaming me for her mistakes, then I quit. I was only 17, so I my pay wasn't really good either. It's funny how I was working in customer service. It's definitely not my thing. I worked hard there. I mainly washed dishes, cleaned up after customers, food prep, put rubbish out and made sandwiches. I even made the owner a sandwich once Did you know, they do evaluations on their staff? Someone comes in as a customer, to make sure you ask all the questions like, 'do you want extra bacon, cheese, drink, cookies?', and if you didn't ask, you'd get in trouble. Oh and you had to say a nice 'hello' to EVERY customer that walked through the door. They give the staff a manual to memorize, on how to make each sandwich. Which I like. I like processes and protocols. Knowing what to do and how to do it. Bliss.

    My second job was only a temp job over the Christmas break. IT was processing school book orders for the following year. We got a list of books and other items and entered them into a computer. Some paid with cheque, cash or card. It was fun processing the credit cards. It was funny when some declined. We also had to check each others work to make sure there were no mistakes. I think I did a pretty good job there. I'd love to do that again. But yeah it's only an annual job. It's amazing how expensive some book orders can be! I remember for 1 student their order cost $900!!!! That's nuts. They were in grade 7. Which is ages 12 and 13.

    My current job is manufacturing industrial light fittings. Majority of fittings go into mines. Some go in factories, and some are used in big shopping centres, train stations. I made near 300 lights and $1000 each, for Brisbane airport. I'm actually proud of that. I don't hate my actual job. It does get boring, making the same things every day. But it's good in a way. I know what to expect. What I don't like about my job is that there is no proper procedures in place on HOW to work properly. We get a job, we have a target to achieve. Our times are based on how many fittings are completed an hour. So for example it would take me 1 hour to make a Spectra Ace. If I'm working with 2 people, it'd be 2 an hour and so on. I only ever have a max of 4 people. But I usually only have 2 people. Myself and someone else. We only have an assembly team of 5. Including myself. All other members shit me off because they don't follow the same process as I do. You can either make one whole fitting or you can sub-assemble. For example, to make a Spectra Ace you follow this process. Body assembly, gear assembly, reflector assembly, test and pack. (all operations include screws, silicone, wiring components etc.) All in one piece flow. If you were to sub assemble each individual piece, you would not achieve your hourly target. Plus you won't have a bunch of shit lying around (especially since majority of jobs are 50 of each fitting) and we don't work at a food processing factory. Where you have one maybe two operations, that are quick and simple, in a high paced fashion. At my work, we have more operations to complete a fitting. So it's important to do things one at a time, to get complete fittings on pallets, to get the job done properly. PLus it looks more professional that way. Everyone else likes sub-assembling, which makes my blood boil!

    At my work there are no specific processes. All I want is for everyone to follow the same process, that way nobody can bitch about it. Of course my way, which is 'the' way, not my way, is the best option. But my supervisior is too busy eating oranges, to supervise his team of bitches. I trained 3 of my team members and all of them have insulted me greatly by ignoring my training. I've worked here for near 5 years and I know what I'm doing. I got this sh't down. People should just listen to me. But that's the thing that shits me most. I don't even have a title. I'm basically team leader. I go out of my way to make sure everyone does what they should do, not because I care about them, or about the fact THAT EVERYONE GETS PAID THE SAME (I should get more based on my skill) I care that what we make is being made properly. We make ELECTRICAL LIGHT FITTINGS! It could be dangerous and life threatening, if things aren't done properly. That's why I think making things the way I do, is so important. Yes it's a lot to remember, but when you know exactly what goes where how it goes there, that's a great knowledge to have. Hell I have no idea how I've managed to remember everything, but I'm doing a great job if may say so. Even though I will never be anything else here. I think about leaving, but I have no other career interests. I work for money that's it. The new operations manager is going to start working with us this year, to get a better understanding of our product. I smell change this year and I hope that is what I'm smelling.

    Sorry for the ramble. I'm not sure if I made any sense but oh well. Too bad.

    Sometimes you need to remember a job is a job. Money is money. Don't care so much, that you'll pop a blood vessel from stress. Only do what you're paid to do and nothing else. But it's so hard when everyone around you is a moron. It stinks that we spend more time at work then we do anything else.

  13. #13
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Dont apologize for ranting, thats what this thread is about.
    If I could make a suggestion based on what you wrote about your current job...
    It sounds like you are dexterous and have a mind for optomizing an assembly process.
    Those are rare and desireable talents. If you are making the same pay as the people you have trained, take those skills you've honed and start looking for a new job.
    Dont tell anyone at your current job.

    Or, you could attempt to take your bosses job. Tell him you want to make things easier for him, have him train you and take over. Start suggesting he takes days off and youll fill in for him. You have his spot in less than a year.

  14. #14
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Fire alarms during my lunchbreak!?!
    Well, its not too ba, I get an hour. People on the production line got screwed!
    The "technitian" suffix comes with perks!

  15. #15
    Crash Boom Bang Work Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.

    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    The fact is that any lie can take you out of the running for any job. Even something petty, it is a lie, and can end badly for you.
    Im sure being honest and saying, well, i got bored and couldnt be arsed going in so I quit would see you not getting a job either.

    Or maybe stuff in the states is just checked a lot more. The odd white lie is better than admitting to the above.

    People talk themselves up on applications all the time, and I bet 80% of it is bullshit, highly motivated and can work well in a team and on my own initiative is the same banal bullshit most applicants use I saw it so often in my last line of work. If I was honest on my applications Id say Im a hard worker and Il get my work done, but I do have a tendency to skive and check facebook when I really just can't be arsed. I get the feeling that its more than type of thing whoever was saying whatever it was is what they were getting at (that sentence just made my head spin)

    Im good at my job and I get on well with my boss and co-wokers, but if I was 100% honest I cant imagine Id of got the job

    Yeah, I know how to use excel, kinda. But I hate it. No... that wouldn't have worked. Instead I insisted I was proficient in it and Id not long since got a fresh qualification for IT, so it wasn't a blatant lie, Id just forgotten how to use it because id always hated it and always been crap at it

    Erm, oh yeah, *steers self back on topic*

    I'm a secretary, it has it's moments but it's generally a good job, especially when boss announces 2 hours before home time that he can't be arsed let's all go home.

    Before that I was an admin joey at an insurance investigation firm which was alright, but Id had enough come the tail end of it and went my own way.

    Retail before that. I hated it. I was there 18 months and it was shit. Womens clothes shops are the devil. It's like youre not a fellow human being when you have to deal with customers. I used to day dream about punching them in the face and telling them to **** off when they gave me shit. Daydreaming about smothering some bitch in a blouse used to help pass the time. As did stapling my thumb when I was super bored. Which isn't receommended. It ****ing hurts

  16. #16
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Anything can be true if you come at it from the right angle.
    For example,
    I am familiar with logic circuits, LCLG, circuit repair, etc...
    True in that I have recieved training in these areas. True in that I once understood the math involved well enough to troubleshoot quickly. True in that I know how to do the steps nesiccary to repair a circuit card.

    False in that I could pull a video card out of my computer, hit it with a multi-meter, determine what isn't working and replace that part. Even though my job description from my previous job implies that this should be true.

  17. #17
    G'day Work NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Dont apologize for ranting, thats what this thread is about.
    If I could make a suggestion based on what you wrote about your current job...
    It sounds like you are dexterous and have a mind for optomizing an assembly process.
    Those are rare and desireable talents. If you are making the same pay as the people you have trained, take those skills you've honed and start looking for a new job.
    Dont tell anyone at your current job.

    Or, you could attempt to take your bosses job. Tell him you want to make things easier for him, have him train you and take over. Start suggesting he takes days off and youll fill in for him. You have his spot in less than a year.
    Why thank you. Funnily enough, I have actually thought about taking his job. He's about 60 years old, he must be up for retirement or death soon. That's a terrible thing to say, but I thought it. I would need training for sure. My supervisor is also the planner and he is constantly planning jobs, that we can not do, because we don't have the parts. On the 21 December 2011, I started a job of 80 Passlights, but the lamps for this job are not due to arrive until 6 February, 2012 That is just ridiculous.

  18. #18
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Haha, hurry up and wait, right.
    I just saw youre from brisbane, visited in '09. It was better than Sydney.

    Anyway, you may also conside trying to be your supervisor's protege. You would be accused of a** kissing, but who cares if it gets you promoted.
    The biggest challenge is accepting the bosses flaws and actually learning from him.

    Update from me;
    Im a machine. Nobody works harder. I have yet to make a mistake and my quality is flawless.
    Overtime has been approved by bossman. Im about to regain highroller status!

  19. #19
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Work Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    I have hardly any shifts next week, as I worked lots of extra time this week. They are going to extreme lengths to not pay me overtime, as they don't want me working more than 80 hours a fortnight. As a result I have a pointless little shift next Saturday that I really don't want to do: 6.45-11 in the morning. I put in a Facebook plea for more shifts and scored an evening shift from someone on Tuesday, but the boss will have to approve it. :/ I hope she does, as I live alone now and find it hard to make ends meet at the best of times. At least I don't have to worry about Council Tax until March (I pay 10 months a year; it's nice to have a payment holiday. )
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
    The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)

  20. #20
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Those little shifts are pretty insulting. They are definatly a waste of time if you have to drive or take a bus/train to work. You could try bringing that point up with your boss.

    (Story time again. I do this a lot...)
    Back when I worked bulls**t minimum wage, I eventually told my boss not to bother trying to give me less than 8 hours a workday because I wouldn't even show up. He complied, I worked hard, picked up shifts all the time and eventually got approved for overtime. It was still minimum wage, but I was making good money for a 17 year old.

  21. #21
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Work Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Those little shifts are pretty insulting. They are definatly a waste of time if you have to drive or take a bus/train to work. You could try bringing that point up with your boss.
    Luckilly, I only live a 25-30min walk away so that's not an issue. Also last time this happened, I ended up stayng another three and a half hours. But I agree with the smaller shifts being insulting, especially after I put myself out for them a lot last week, even swapping a 6 hour shift for a longer one at very short notice.

    I'm tempted not to ask for less than 6 hours, including lunch break, but I know they won't listen... -_-
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
    The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)

  22. #22
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    They might actually be more willing to consider your request than you think. You'll never know what they will and will not do until you start testing the boundaries a little.
    Just tell your boss what's on your mind and they may actually listen. Some times it's not immidiate, but usually a boss will appreciate a good worker and hook you up with what you want.

  23. #23
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Work Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    They might actually be more willing to consider your request than you think. You'll never know what they will and will not do until you start testing the boundaries a little.
    Just tell your boss what's on your mind and they may actually listen. Some times it's not immidiate, but usually a boss will appreciate a good worker and hook you up with what you want.
    Indeed. I was actually in kitchen today; I haven't done it for over a year ago, and I need the experience to get my apprenticeship out of the way. They put me on fry station for the dinner period, and I made a comment like "This is the closest I'm ever going to get to kitchen..." After my break, they stuck me on grill. I made a few mistakes, but nothing major. I also learnt a lot.

    I have blisters all over my fingers now, though.
    "...For the stronger we our houses do build,
    The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)

  24. #24
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    I have blisters all over my fingers now, though.
    I guess every new job skill requires figuring out a new set of tricks and aquiring a new set of callouses.

    I've been working with high-temp solder recently. My middle finger was blistered pretty bad just from residual heat but over this weekend, it calloused up. I'm ready to kick a** tomorrow!

    Who's looking forward to grabbing monday by it's pencil neck and squeezing the life out of it!?!?!?!?!?

  25. #25
    G'day Work NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    It's already 1.00 in the afternoon Monday here. So thankfully my Monday is nearly over. My first work day of the new year, wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so hot! It's 36 degrees celcius, which is 96 degrees farenheit. The radio guy said it's the hottest January day in queensland, in 2 years. Thanks mother nature.

    OH yeah and my lamps are physically here, but they're not 'here' in the computer. Why the hell do I have to wait 3 weeks for some ***hole to jin them in?! It does not make sense.

  26. #26
    Death Before Dishonor Work Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Work

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    Indeed. I was actually in kitchen today; I haven't done it for over a year ago, and I need the experience to get my apprenticeship out of the way. They put me on fry station for the dinner period, and I made a comment like "This is the closest I'm ever going to get to kitchen..." After my break, they stuck me on grill. I made a few mistakes, but nothing major. I also learnt a lot.

    I have blisters all over my fingers now, though.
    When I was working a shift one night, the manager I was helping asked me to drop some fries. The vent over the vat wasn't put in properly after stacks were done. Well the vent fell right into the vat, and splashed oil all over my hands. Blistered pretty bad, went back to the grill area squirted some mustard on it, and it was good the next day. Back on the actual grill there was several incidents where my dumbass just wasn't paying attention. One time I almost got my hand caught under the clamp, another I touched the clamp when scrapping it. I received more scars working at McDonald's than I did at bootcamp, and basic training.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  27. #27
    Registered Goober Work Order's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I received more scars working at McDonald's than I did at bootcamp, and basic training.

    Also, march down to receiving and put some boot to a**!

    My monday is slowly suffocating under my kung-fu grip.
    Soldering is now my b*tch.


    Welp, the boss is looking for people to work saturday. 20 hours of overtime this week??? Sure, Ill take your money.
    Strong work ethic opens all doors.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 01-10-2012 at 06:27 PM.

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