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Thread: I want to see your trees

  1. #1
    Gingersnap I want to see your trees OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I want to see your trees


    Really, though. For those of you who celebrate Christmas (or any pagan variation lol), how's the decorating going? What are you doing this year?

    Post pictures of your tree! Or I don't know, you in a Santa hat. Next to your tree.

    Tree at my dad's:

    Tree at my moms':

    This year is an odd year for my family. It's our first Christmas since my mom's mother died (add to that my aunt - mom's sister - lost her husband on Christmas Eve a few years ago). Also, my grandmother on Jennifer's side (she's my mom's partner) was recently in the hospital for some stuff so we're putting off any visits with that part of the family until January. And then mom has surgery the 27th, so that, too, will color our Christmas a little differently this year. Still, it isn't so much what happens on a particular day for me, it's the spirit of the entire season. As long as we come out of this Christmas with an awareness of how much love we have for one another... I think I'm good.

    Aaaanyway. I've also baked cookies and made peppermint bark. And I've been to two Christmas parties, one of them semi-formal.

    Also, it was 70 degrees (F) today.

    (P.S. Don't worry about sympathies for my family, I'm not looking for any, we've actually got it really good. Just sort of stating things as they are.)

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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    Two very nice trees there, Ally.
    But seriously.

    We set ours up earlier this evening. I hate plastic trees - especially our one. It looks so bare, even with the decorations on it. Sometimes we put some tinsel around the wall, but mum hates that - I think we only really do that for nan. We didn't bother this year. We also put something along the top of the fireplace, which scares me - if that drops, then we have a fire on our hands. Uh-oh.

    It's going to be a very quiet Christmas. Nan's not here as she's spending Christmas about 10k miles away, and we've not done gifts this year.

    I'll edit some pics in tomorrow. xD

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  3. #3
    Registered User I want to see your trees kupo's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    ya got some really pretty trees there ally
    i'll post pics of ours either tomorrow or the next day. a ton of our ornaments are homemade from when my little bro and i were kiddos. and since we have a 3 yr old in the house who likes to get into everything, we have to keep the breakables to a minimum or up high on the tree.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Also, it was 70 degrees (F) today.
    i hear ya, it hit 82 here today. i dont like being able to wear shorts and a t-shirt outside and feel completely comfortable the week of christmas. it ain't right i tell ya

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  4. #4

    Re: I want to see your trees

    I dont have a tree, and I'm really bullshit about it! I requested one the last 2 years and nobody gets one. It's cool there aren't gifts to put under, but the tree is the crux of putting people in the holiday spirit.

  5. #5
    Shake it like a polaroid picture I want to see your trees RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    I don't care a lot about Christmas trees. They can be fun, but I wouldn't really miss it.

    @ Ally: Your tree looks like it's making the room so cosy and warm.

    And what's up with the weather in the US? It's warm over there?
    It's been snowing and freezing like crazy over here.
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  6. #6
    Elloewen I want to see your trees ultimatekupo's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    here is my tree ^^

    Even Sir Mortimer is a little festive I wish we have a red santa hat laying around somewhere XD My family tries not to use red so much. At my grandparents where we go for our yearly christmas party, we have, no kidding a BLUE chirstmas tree, and everyone around here is obsessed with either UK or UofL, so of every family member if you are a UK fan you get a little blue stocking on the tree, and if you are a UofL fan you get a little red stocking and you get a little lump of fake coal in it instead of candy and we have a large blue santa outside the house, blue candy canes on the tree. We have a blue Christmas there and it is awesome

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  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    The closest I have will likely be the trees I use as cover. Not exactly Christmas trees, but they'll certainly help me out Christmas eve and the night of Christmas day.
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  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor I want to see your trees Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    We haven't put up a tree. We don't have one, and never got around to buying one.

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  9. #9
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    Not the best of pictures but I figured I should share. Surprised more people haven't posted theirs.

    Really ours looks better but it is late and didn't want to wake anyone up by flipping on the light switch.
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  10. #10
    Crash Boom Bang I want to see your trees Lily's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    Ive not put a tree up either, and Im certainly no botherin now, last year that cat knocked it over every single day, it does my head in.

  11. #11
    #LOCKE4GOD I want to see your trees Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    We don't have any Christmas decorations up. Call us Grinches, but now that my family is becoming more and more adult (both of my older siblings moved out this year), it seems really pointless. Hell, I don't even wrap presents because I think it is a waste of paper.

    I might post a picture of me with a Santa hat... on a beach... in the sun. Take that, America.

  12. #12
    Registered User I want to see your trees kupo's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    well i said i'd post one so here is it. like i mentioned in my earlier post, we've just accumulated ornaments between my brother and i making them while we were younger, and having some given to my mom as teacher gifts. i dont think we've ever actually bought any ornaments lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    I might post a picture of me with a Santa hat... on a beach... in the sun. Take that, America.
    psh, i could do that RIGHT now here silly texas weather

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  13. #13
    Registered User I want to see your trees Ssk0rne's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    Not a great picture but here's ours

  14. #14
    Bananarama I want to see your trees Pete's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    I'll prob post a pic of mine soon. We've got a small fake tree, just because it's a pain in the ass for us to deal with the cleanup of all the needles. That, and it would take up way too much space in our apartment, since our house is nothing but paperwork these days.

    It's nice though
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  15. #15
    Est Sularus Et Mithas! I want to see your trees Selquist's Avatar
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    Those are some nice trees. Personaly, I've become more of a "bah humbug" type person these past 7 years or so. >.> So, no tree for me. (one day I'd like to have a "real" tree however.)

    Oh, and Meier's tree is quite.... VERY, shiny/bright! I think turning the lights on would have lessened the effect.
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  16. #16
    Registered User I want to see your trees
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    Re: I want to see your trees

    If I had access to a camera, I'd totally take a picture of my Christmas tree...and also of the other decorations in the house right now. My family is pretty big on decorating for the holidays, so we've got lights on the house, snow village in the dining room, tree in the living room, and inflatable lawn decorations on...well...the front lawn.

    But you wanna know about the tree! Well, if it's okay, I can describe it for you~

    It's a real tree this year, complete with that pine smell, and pine needles that fall off of it every so often. As for decorations, there are: Red glass ornaments, red and green tinsel that wraps around the tree, bits of silver tinsel that cascades down it, and white lights. On top of it sits an Angel. Pretty simple this year, but it's quite nice.
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