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  1. #1
    I'm DYING to see you! Habits ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Not sure if this thread has been done before, but here it goes!

    Do you have any bad, strange, annoying, etc habits?
    Have you ever quit any habits?

    Some of my bad habits would be procrastinating, laziness is my forte, I crack my finger and annoy anyone if I'm given a second chance.

    Help me stop because I have English Coursework that needs doing! xD

    My things:

    My TFF Family!:
    My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
    My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
    My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
    My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
    My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
    "The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
    My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
    My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
    My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

    My Fatey!:

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
    Fate's beautiful haiku:
    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I bite my nails, not as often as I used to.

    Also only you can prevent that procrastination.
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    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

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    Currently Playing: Video Games

  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor Habits Josh_R's Avatar
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    When I was younger my main habit was biting my nails. I don't do it as much anymore, usually when I am stressed. Procrastination isn't to bad. I went thorugh high school as a procrastanator, and graduated top of my class. That's not saying to much seeing as how I am from BFE, but still.

    I am sure I have habits nowadays I don't notice them. But like eveyone I have them...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  4. #4
    .............. Habits smurphy's Avatar
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    The only really bad habit i have is procastrination. I have a seriously bad case of it. Like Kisuke it doesnt inhibit me academically. For example, right now i should be doing a german translation which is due for tomorrow. After this i'll be on some other website but i wont be doing german. I amaze myself that i get anything done.

    If mild OCD counts i like to have things at perfect right angles or i get irritated.

  5. #5
    The Bad Boy of TFF Habits Block's Avatar
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    I bite my nails and I procrastinate as well.

  6. #6
    I'm DYING to see you! Habits ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Isn't procrastination the greatest?

    My things:

    My TFF Family!:
    My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
    My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
    My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
    My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
    My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
    "The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
    My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
    My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
    My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

    My Fatey!:

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
    Fate's beautiful haiku:
    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

  7. #7
    Do the elements trust you? Habits bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Unfortunately I bite my nails too ,I really hate it
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

  8. #8
    I'm DYING to see you! Habits ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Manchester, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by cloudcry6 View Post
    Unfortunately I bite my nails too ,I really hate it
    Everyone seems to bite their nails. I think it's quite a good thing expect if you bite too much off and it start to sting. I hate guys with long nails though.

    I bite my nails too so I'll add that to the list.

    My things:

    My TFF Family!:
    My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
    My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
    My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
    My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
    My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
    "The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
    My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
    My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
    My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

    My Fatey!:

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
    Fate's beautiful haiku:
    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

  9. #9
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViviMasterMage View Post
    Everyone seems to bite their nails. I think it's quite a good thing expect if you bite too much off and it start to sting. I hate guys with long nails though.

    I bite my nails too so I'll add that to the list.
    Biting your nails is unhealthy, you know how much dirt you are putting into your mouth when you chew on your nails? It's not good at all, you want your nails shorter? Use clippers.
    Signature Updated: Yesterday
    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

    CPC8! - Chess Club


    Currently Playing: Video Games

  10. #10
    All is One.One is All. Habits Firefly's Avatar
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    Hmm..when I am excited or happy I can't sit still or stop talkin(does that count?) anyway my real habit is playin wit my hair.IDK y i have been doin since I was a baby.*twirl twirl*
    My TFF Family:
    * My Awesome Older Brother, Judge Magistrate :]
    * Illusion :]
    * Cait Sith :]
    * My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
    * My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
    * My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
    * My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]

    ***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  11. #11
    Do the elements trust you? Habits bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    Hmm..when I am excited or happy I can't sit still or stop talkin(does that count?) anyway my real habit is playin wit my hair.IDK y i have been doin since I was a baby.*twirl twirl*
    I do something like that when I'm thinking; I tend to run my hand through my hair and mess with it(it always gets back it's shape in a little bit though)
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

  12. #12
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Habits chrono's Avatar
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    I talk to myself when i am alone....

    scratch that i talk like i am talking to someone else when i am alone(seriously). I have been doing that for as long as i can remember.

    Example: I might do something like read a book and go over the points aloud as if i was explaining it to someone. This is a habit that is not going away anyime soon.
    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\bit torrents\jiu jitsu\helio.jpg

    Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia

    To fight is a man's instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana

  13. #13
    I dance around in my underwear when no one's home, does that count?

    Edit: oh, I used to crack my fingers, all the time...I stopped because my dad scared me and said I would get Arthritis.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 01-26-2010 at 06:43 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  14. #14
    I'm DYING to see you! Habits ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I dance around in my underwear when no one's home, does that count?
    Indeed it does! Want to show us a video of that? xD

    My things:

    My TFF Family!:
    My very hyper moogle loving cousin Meigumi!
    My grammar obsessive twin AWESOME brother Fate!
    My powerful, dangerous, short tempered younger brother Alther!
    My badassly cool chaos-loving lord who adores big swords and uber spells, Elyon Demidias
    My awesomely cool big brother xXCloudXx
    "The Bestest Buddy" xTidus (Aka Casey)
    My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
    My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
    My brother from another mother Gilgameshed_Up

    My Fatey!:

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
    Fate's beautiful haiku:
    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

  15. #15
    Do the elements trust you? Habits bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViviMasterMage View Post
    Indeed it does! Want to show us a video of that? xD
    Don't be a perv bro lol
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

  16. #16
    The Bad Boy of TFF Habits Block's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViviMasterMage View Post
    Indeed it does! Want to show us a video of that? xD

    Quote Originally Posted by cloudcry6 View Post
    Don't be a perv bro lol
    A heart felt exchange! Here's someone dancing in their underwear!

  17. #17
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I can't stand long nails on either men or women. x__x;
    Sure, I don't like them too short either, but... yeah.

    I used to bite my nails, then stopped. I heard it was bad for your teeth as well as the way your nails grow. Also, think of the germs that are under your nails. ><

    I have OCD too. I feel irritated when numbers aren't even, or if they go into negative figures. The volume on the television has to be on an even number, and the thought of taking out a loan or being in debt makes me cringe.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  18. #18
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Habits Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I have OCD too. I feel irritated when numbers aren't even, or if they go into negative figures. The volume on the television has to be on an even number, and the thought of taking out a loan or being in debt makes me cringe.
    Same here, not just television volume, the volume on my PSP, MP4, stereo, everything with volume must be on even. This becomes a serious problem whenever I play RPG games because all of my characters must be on even levels, and sometimes it takes time to accomplish that.

    Also, whenever I have a task or a chore to do I have the urge to accomplish it as soon as possible, it really bugs me if I don't do it immediately.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  19. #19
    Death Before Dishonor Habits Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Same here, not just television volume, the volume on my PSP, MP4, stereo, everything with volume must be on even.
    How could I have forgot I do this as well. When someone is at my apartment, and they are watching tv I always make sure the volume is on an even number. I think I have even spent five or six minutes just trying to get the volume on my tv up. I have a shitty remote for my lcd tv, and the buttons no longer work. So when I push vol.up or vol.down it goes really fast making it difficult to stop it on an even...

    This was a good reminder for me I need to go buy a new tv...Lucky me wal-mart is having a big sale on them f*ckin sweet....

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  20. #20
    Tsuna Feesh Habits Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I stopped biting my nails a few years ago, but yeah, I did at one time. Anyway, I am a born procrastinator. In fact, so are my siblings. I'm procrastinating right now, even, because I have homework to get done but am refusing to do it. =P It's funny, though, because at one point years ago in school, I did a paper on why one should stop procrastinating. xD I'm such a hypocrite.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  21. #21
    Registered User Habits
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    I am a chronic knuckle cracker. I do it constantly. It just feels really good to crack them and to hear them pop.

    I also bite my lips, especially when they're dry. That's a habit I really need to break, because it only worsens the condition, and I have a scar on my lower left lip because of it.

    I also am a procrastinator. I wait until the last minute to do almost everything, but I feel that I work better under that kind of pressure.
    Click at your own risk.:
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    The above userbar was made for me by FATE!!! He is awesome.
    The above banner was made for me by VIVIMASTERMAGE!!! He is awesome as well.

  22. #22
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'm addicted to electronic gadgets. There's a good chance if it plays games, can surf the internet, play multimedia or similar and can fit in my pocket I'll want one. I can afford it, but it's a waste of money having so many things that do the exact same thing more or less.

    Smoking and alchol are also habits of mine, but I don't really consider either of them to be all that bad.
    victoria aut mors

  23. #23
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Habits FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wandering the road of life.
    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Smoking and alchol are also habits of mine, but I don't really consider either of them to be all that bad.
    Lol Same here man!

    I also tend to bite my nails, been doing it all my life, can't help it, and I don't really care enough to try to stop it. I am also a terrible procrastinator, waiting until the last moment seems to be one of my favorite things to do.
    My TFF Family
    My Yaoi crazed sister Bleachfangirl. My evil vampiric sister Anathematized Anachronism. My random exchange student staying with my family, Xeim. . My Bot slicing brother Novacrash. My ever changing niece Athna Loveil.. My insane Gaara fanatic niece Tiger Lily. My loving sister Ekimeinna. My Quincy Co-Pilot Storm. My son, Savior of the Damned.
    My airship flying man in the air utd fan cousin, Sir Alex Ferguson. My sort of insane, out of his mind cousin, Silver. My Queen-obsessed Zico-loving cousin FF Guru. My FF crazed brother Flash. My disturbed and distraught brother Fishie. My Godsmack addicted brother Demon Hunter. My ickle sister xXViviXx. My old school free styling cousin, Pablo Honey. My Cousin most likely to get their hand replaced by a pen, Aerif. My highwind 'barkeep' friend, Unknown Entity. My fighting game loving cousin, Rocky. My FFVII Matey on starboard brother, SecretWeapon. My Pokémon-obsessed sister, Refieth. My FF trivia master cousin, Phantom. My FF VIII obsessed cousin, Craven.

    PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.

  24. #24
    Rune Knight Habits Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: Habits

    My habit or addiction would be to tabletop games like D&D. can get enough of pure imagination. oh and bad puns. i do alot of bad puns. like if i was a cow id MILK the situation.

  25. #25
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Drink (caffine and booze), smoke, cuss, sex addiction, spending to time here, poping my fingers and neck, being very vocal about everything, sneaking peaks at the wife (seriously I don't even realize I am doing it until after the fact). Hell this list could go on for days.

    I am a creature of habit after looking at this.

    When I first wake up in the morning I am in the habit of throwing on some pants and going to smoke a cigerette.

    I have never been a nail biter but I do grind my teeth at night sometimes, it is quite annoying. Then again I guess most wouldn't consider that a habit.

    My sleeping paterns though are brought on by habit, one of the few people I know in real life that can operate fully functional with only 2-4 hours of sleep at a time.

    Like I said this list could go on and on and on so I will stop now and reserve some for another post.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  26. #26
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Habits Polk's Avatar
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    I crack my knuckles and my neck. I used to have a problem with biting my nails, but I think I've pretty much solved that.

    I also have this problem with tapping my fingers. I do it when I'm bored or if I hear a song I like. I've actually been chewed out by a customer for doing it when she was writing a check.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  27. #27
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    I crack my neck all the damn time, its really bad haha. I've never been a fan of biting nails, I guess I saw my friends do it when I was younger and was grossed out by it.

    Another thing I do is.. I'm not even sure how to explain it, but here goes. I guess I tweak my lips around subconsciously, if that's what you want to call it. If I'm bored sitting in class or whatever, I'll be moving my mouth and lips every few seconds, it's hard to discribe lol. Dunno why I do it, just kind of a stress reliever. I also shake my knee a lot in class if I'm working on an assignment or test or something too.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  28. #28
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I don't know what to believe with this whole cracking of your bones thing. First it's bad for you and could cause arthritis then they say cracking prevents arthritis.
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    CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy

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    Currently Playing: Video Games

  29. #29
    The Bad Boy of TFF Habits Block's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    I don't know what to believe with this whole cracking of your bones thing. First it's bad for you and could cause arthritis then they say cracking prevents arthritis.
    I heard that it temporarily relieves the pain of arthritis not prevents it. Maybe that clears it up? Causes arthritis, but also temporarily relieves the pain. This link states that it is not possible to get arthritis from joint-popping.

  30. #30
    Do the elements trust you? Habits bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    I don't know what to believe with this whole cracking of your bones thing. First it's bad for you and could cause arthritis then they say cracking prevents arthritis.
    That's an old wives tale it's just the release of gas from between the bones
    more flexibilty
    more prone to injury
    (I already posted my habit)
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

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