View Poll Results: How often do you excercise?

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  • I practically LIVE at the gym

    3 13.04%
  • I do my 3 days a week

    5 21.74%
  • You know... when I have a spare moment

    6 26.09%
  • Button pushing burns calories.... right?

    9 39.13%
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Thread: The Gym *squint* How often?

  1. #1
    Zell Dincht's Avatar
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    The Gym *squint* How often?

    Oh my mortal enemy... I despise going to you so much... yet how I love your peanut butter milkshakes after a spending much time within your walls.

    So I'm curious as to how often people go to the gym/ exercise/ what do you do whilst gyming/exercising.

    Lately I have been on this running kick and I am getting addicted to it! The weather is still nice enough that I can run outside... which of course means that there are fun little furry animals that scurry away from you in the park.

    Also this next month I am going to make a concentrated effort to actually do some weight lifting.. minor of course. But still something.

    Anyone else finding themself out and about running?

  2. #2
    Registered User The Gym *squint* How often? winterborn86's Avatar
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    The only time i ever done gym was in school, and it was only a few times as i was nearly always to ill or hurt to participate in the lesson (well that was my excuse i used to get outta it) i HATE it, the only type of exercise i get is walking cos i don't drive yet, Im the type of girl who has a nice size 8 body without having to work hard at the gym for it, lucky me
    Even after my pregnancy, my midwife told me it was important for me to exercise to get my stomach muscles back in shape and i didn't do any at all cos i hated it, but my tum was back to normal after a few months.

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  3. #3
    I love exercising/working out/sports. It's just rare when I actually do do it. I tried starting off the year by eating healthy and working out, but gradually grew more slack with every passing day. It's not an attempt to lose weight for me though, I got "blessed" (or something - people still like to call me anorexic/bulimic, yay) with a fast metabolism. I just want to tone myself up, and it gives me something to do, that I actually enjoy.

    Music is great to listen to when you do it. Listening to upbeat music really gets you pumped about what you're doing. The combination of both really gets me thinking about alot of things.

  4. #4
    Born Again Atheist The Gym *squint* How often? Sarah's Avatar
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    I love to exercise. I danced (ballet, tap, acrobats, jazz) for more than ten years, and I still do the exercises and stretches associated with training for it. All at home, though. I don't need to pay money to achieve the same results I could without paying money. I try to get in 3-5 hours a week, sometimes up to 8.

    However, the last year I've been out of luck with the exercising. I'm sick a lot, and I have no energy. Tons of stomach problems that result in me not being able to eat. I can only eat grains (not whole and not all), and very few other things, and I eat extremely small meals, often with it being only one to two a day. It leaves me weak as hell.

    The worst part is that exercising would actually help me get better. It's been proven to help with the type of stomach problems (and resulting immune system problems) that I experience. It's also really important to maintaining my weight. I've had problems where I spontaneously dropped ten pounds in a week. =/

    I do what I can when I can. I take walks, do housework, whatever. On those rare occasions where I actually can exercise, I try to do as much as I can without damaging myself. It makes me feel so much better and happier.

    After thought: A few years ago, I used to promote exercising to people that would listen. I used to tell them to do it when they watched TV. You can still watch it, and you're doing something good for yourself at the same time. It temporarily caught on with others, although it's still what I do when I exercise to this day.
    Last edited by Sarah; 09-04-2008 at 10:45 PM.
    Why the hell is everyone's sig so long? Be polite and use a freakin' spoiler tag!:
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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I went to the gym occasionally when I could go free, but lately most of my exercise seems to be had through my morning workouts and how I walk almost everywhere, even when it's upwards of 10km.

    No gym in quite some time, but my legs are as hard as rock.
    victoria aut mors

  6. #6
    I kinda loved gym when I was in high school because we'd do some stuff like basketball and soccer, which wasn't quite a problem. I don't really know about my female classmates, though. Sometimes they'd even leave their gym uniforms at home on purpose so that they wouldn't have to play. I don't know why some girls don't like gym. But hey, maybe they just don't want to get hurt.

    Anyways, just doing chores and being industrious can help you get fit. I think that's why I'm a bit thin, but not too thin. I don't eat often. I guess that's the reason why people call me a stick. Getting yourself in a particular sport helps a lot too. I've been doing Taekwondo since I was 8. I already finished, but I keep practicing so I can have something to do besides writing or playing video games xD

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  7. #7
    The Gym *squint* How often? Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    I don't go to the gym I just run every morning in the neighborhood and sometimes I just stay in bed

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  8. #8
    Gingersnap The Gym *squint* How often? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah
    After thought: A few years ago, I used to promote exercising to people that would listen. I used to tell them to do it when they watched TV. You can still watch it, and you're doing something good for yourself at the same time. It temporarily caught on with others, although it's still what I do when I exercise to this day.
    Yeah! I love exercising to the TV. It's usually the original Law & Order that I exercise to, during the day. I love you, Jack McCoy.

    Anyway. I love exercise, and I hope I never stop. I don't go to a gym right now, because we have free weights here at home, and I have a stability ball. That's really all I need or want. I will have to start going to a gym when I get back to school, though, so I can keep increasing the amount of weight I work with. So yeah, I do strength training and sprints. And when I work with weights, it's almost always full body exercises as opposed to isolating one area. I'd say it works out pretty well. I work out every other day, and sometimes every day for a few days at a time. Depends. And, of course, proper diet is incredibly important. But that's another topic for another time.

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  9. #9
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Lol. About 2 years ago my mother got a deal on 2 memberships so she gave me one. I went about 5 times. I don't go anymore, I get a workout at my job. I actually lost more weight at work then I did at the gym.

  10. #10
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    During the summer, I promised myself that I would go on a run for at least once a week. Turned out I pretty much became addicted to it and now I'm to 4-5 times a week until school started again. Now that schools going on along with work and all kinds of stuff, I make time to go run twice a week out of the five day weekend, and so far it's been working out ok. I really haven't hit the gym since I got back home, but once I get a membership at someplace I can work on that again. Normally my gym routine focuses on upper body strength; I get enough leg muscles from running and such but my upper body is pretty much like a twig, which is really annoying. And I'm not looking to get superbuff, just so my arms have some definition along with my abs and whatnot. And I've always been a thin kid, but ever since last year my appetite has cut down by a lot, as most days I can get by with one meal a day. This caused me to become really thin, and along with my running, my metabolism is at a super high, so I'm working on adding more protein to my diet so I can gain some muscle weight. Gotta stay prestine for the ladies, ya know!
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  11. #11
    i lOve the GYM!!*!!!

    Haha I practically liive there haha it pays Off when peOple make niice cOmments abOut yOur bOdy. My legs apparently are pretty awesOme haha. I sOmetiimes even gO twO tiimes a day and spend arOund 4 hOurs, the maxiimum was 6 hOurs haha but nOt cOuntiing that I chit chatted wiith sOme Of my friiends there fOr liike an hOur haha I gO the seven days Of the week. My traiiners say "Why dOnt yOu just briing yOur bed and yOu'll be set tO liive here! I lOve them
    .BoOniita iin tha Club.

    This is your life. Give it a happy ending (:

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  12. #12
    Air from my lungs. The Gym *squint* How often? Violet's Avatar
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    I think working out in places like gyms are over-rated. I get just the same amount of exercise as I get when I take morning and afternoon walks. Oh, and not to mention DDR. Also have my own treadmill, so I don't need to be going somewhere to use one if I wanted to. Gyms are mainly places to socialize with others who are working out.. or the more hardcore athletic types.

  13. #13
    I invented Go-Gurt. The Gym *squint* How often? Clint's Avatar
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    I used to work out three days a week and eat healthy a few years ago. Eating healthy and working out is apparently bad for you, because my weight dropped from 150 lbs to 118 lbs. That is when I decided that I would stop working out, and eat about seven large meals a day. I've been doing that for two years now, eating foods that health nuts claim are unhealthy, and I've only reached 140 lbs. I don't think I'm going to go back to working out regular. I did get my body fat down to 2%, but working out takes far too much time to continuously do it day after day. Besides, I haven't done any exercising whatsoever for the last two years, and I have yet to lose a single ounce of muscle mass. I'm not sure how I'm able to keep muscle mass if I never have to lift anything heavy. I guess I'm just awesome. The only reason why I would go back to working out regularly would be if I began to rapidly lose muscle mass. So far, that hasn't begun to happen, so I don't see a reason to exercise.

    As for cardiovascular exercise, I guess I should do some of that, but I don't like running, I don't like swimming, I don't like modes of transportation not supported by an engine, and I hate hockey, so I'm not going to do it.
    Last edited by Clint; 09-06-2008 at 04:41 PM.

  14. #14
    That One Guy The Gym *squint* How often? dimmufan's Avatar
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    I work out about three to four days a week. I don't go to the gym to do it though, I have a gym at home. I keep all my exercise equipment in the garage with my guitar and drum set. In between sets I make sweet beautiful music.
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  15. #15
    Bananarama The Gym *squint* How often? Pete's Avatar
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    I'm a fan of the gym. I go usually 2-3 days a week and do cardio /core/ exercise band work on my off days. I'm taking Saturdays off because we have baseball and softball league games, so I get enough of a workout then. I also try to take Fridays off because that's the day before game day.

    Essentially, I try to eat healthy as often as possible, and usually give myself 2 days out of the whole week for some unhealthy eating, usually on the weekends.

    My current exercise regime involves just reaching optimal strength, so I do 4 sets of 5 of a pretty good amount of weight. Next week, I move onto 5 sets of 4, of even more weight. After a month, I'll go and maintain that as much as I can for 12 weeks, and then start all over again. It works pretty well so far.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  16. #16
    SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP! The Gym *squint* How often? ~FANTASY-ENDER~'s Avatar
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    I go to the gym every now and then, not to lift weights. I like to run on the track (to continue getting faster on my 2 mile runs, which I get in about 14 mins). Every now and then I play basketball, thats what I do at the gym
    I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool

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  17. #17
    Registered User The Gym *squint* How often? Cyric's Avatar
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    I go to the gym pretty often, I have to in order to stay in the physical condition demanded by my job. :c\

  18. #18
    I do sports every day, whether it's martial arts, fitness, freerunning, pushups, situps, running etc. I do all types of stuff, average about 12 hours a week at least.
    But most of the stuff I do around the house, only for martial arts I go to the gym.

    Peace out

  19. #19
    Registered User The Gym *squint* How often? Halie's Avatar
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    I hate doing exercises, like push ups and sit ups, etc. I don't know, it's just embarrassing. It's strange really, because I'm not vastly unfit. I just don't enjoy sports. I prefer doing more creative things, you know? Like Artsy stuff, and musical things.

    I hate Hockey, and I hate Netball. Although, Netball can be funny when you're in the oppisite team to your friend, so you can wrestle each other as a way of not letting each other get the ball ^^; hehe.

    Girls Gymnastics aint to bad, just a little girly. And by that, I mean the way your body has to be presented. The toes curled inwards, and the pretty movements... it's kind of like Ballet. Or at least, what they teach us in our school is anyway.

    I'm not a butch Tom-boy or anything, but just not a girly girl either. I'm just... Halie? Haha. A Halie who hates sports.

    Anyhoo, even though I hate sports, I wouldn't let myself get ridiculously over weight. I have a bit of chub I'd like to lose, but I'm not obese. So I don't really need to do sport.

    And as for the gym, naaah. I'd be too embarrassed to go to the gym, haha.
    Last edited by Halie; 09-24-2008 at 03:07 PM.


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