I was granted scholarship for a diploma in health and fitness (as well as the other pre-requisite certificates) and am on my way to becoming a personal trainer.
3 years of study for only $6000, as opposed to the $15,000 i would have otherwise had to pay. The study will go for approx. 3 years and I知 glad I was deemed worthy of the scholarship in which otherwise I would not have been able to pay for these courses. This is a career changing step for me as ive been in I.T for about 3 years now, but am willing to take the risk in order to better my understanding in that which I知 most passionate about and to give myself a chance at a career which I will find most rewarding. Once I知 qualified (in the next year), I plan to go full time working at a gym and begin building my client base. The diploma will educate me in advanced areas, such as training with people who have injury, rehabilitation, group training, adults with chronic conditions; among other things. I also think at the end ill be much more positive and motivated about work and life in general. I want to not just be a personal trainer, but a 'life coach' for the people who come to me for help. I want to be a motivator, trainer and a friend to those that seek my help. I cant wait to get started.