Now, I don't know about everyone else, but I always feel better after reading about good news, even if it's not my own. So I thought I'd start this thread, where if you have great news that feels like it'll explode if you don't say anything you can post it here.

Now, if this violates the forum's rules feel free to delete the thread.

I guess I shall start. My good news starts off with gawd awful news. At the beginning of April, I was on vacation with my fiance and parents who came to visit. We were at Washington D.C. We were walking from our hotel to the Natural History Museum. On our way there, my fiance gets a call stating that we were laid off from work because of economic reasons (we both worked at the same place). It made a very happy vacation, I can tell you that.

Anyway, about two weeks ago my fiance finally got a job. On Wednesday I got a call asking for an interview today at a grocery store. So I go in today for my interview. Find out I'm interviewing for a overnight job working in the stock room as recieving, big yuck but I'm hurting so I don't show my distaste. The guy said he had a few more interviews to go through and would call me on Tuesday if I got the job. It overall didn't sound too promising.

At my apartment, I found I had a missed call (had the phone on silent for the interview and didn't turn it back up). It turned out to be the grocery store wanting me to call them back. When I did, the lady on the other end said it usually takes the guy who did interviews a while to decide on an applicant but said he would instead like me to take a job opening they had for head produce person, which would be day work (yay).

So anyway, I am extremly happy today.