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Thread: go-to drink

  1. #1
    Kiss with a fist. go-to drink Dranzer's Avatar
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    Lightbulb go-to drink

    I think almost everyone has one, what's yours? When you go out do you grab a beer, or do you go for some liquor? This doesn't have to be primarily alcohol, however, sometimes my go-to drink is peach tea, or diet coke. This also doesn't always have to apply to going out, just when you get home from work/school there's normally that drink or two that tastes good when you're parched.

    Anywho, I used to get a tequila sunrise a lot whilst bar hopping. Sometimes I'd go for beer instead, it really depends on how drunk I felt like getting. I've been drinking a lot more water lately though (in general), so that's been my go-to drink. I know it's exciting.
    Last edited by Dranzer; 08-26-2012 at 11:26 PM.

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  2. #2
    Registered Goober go-to drink Order's Avatar
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    Stella is the greatest beer of all time. It is an undenyable truth.

    As far as mixed stuff at the bar, redbull and vodka lands in my hands pretty often. It depends on who Im at the bar with.
    Drinking buddies-- Irish carbomb
    Girlfriend-- maker's mark and coke
    Family-- stick to beer and let your cousin or inlaws be the drunk ones

    At home, I go for the expensive, classy crap like patron XO for irish coffee, margaritas made with fresh strawberries, banannas, whatever, higher end johnny walker, white russians, blah blah blah...

    But stella will always hold a special place in my heart. I can drink it all night, get schmasted and never get sick from it or tired of the taste.

  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth go-to drink Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Stella is the greatest beer of all time. It is an undenyable truth.

    But stella will always hold a special place in my heart. I can drink it all night, get schmasted and never get sick from it or tired of the taste.
    You sir have a great taste in beer.

    I usually drink stella, I'm not really a fan of mixed drinks, I do however have a glass of stock cola and a rather girly drink called bamboo (wine and cola) every now and then.

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  4. #4
    Consistently Average go-to drink Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    My default drink is usualy bourbon and coke, Woodstock at home and whatever two brands they mix together at the bar. Failing that Red Bull and Vodka does the job just fine.

    I've got a couple of Tui's in the fridge at home for when I don't go out as well as a tonne of Cruisers which I haven't touched in ages, they're far to sickly sweet.
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  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Depends where I go. Everywhere serves Guinness, so that's usually mine.

    I'f I'm picking up drinks to take home, it's a toss up of San Migael, Stella and Bud, depending on where I end up. Going to call my go-to a San though. Can't stand Guinness out of a can or bottle.

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  6. #6
    Ayyye go-to drink Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    I never mix drinks. I know it's weird, but it makes it taste worse to me. I prefer not to have sugar in my drinks anyway, it never mixes well. If I'm at the bar, I usually just get a budweiser if I'm drinking beer. If it's liquor, I go with vodka. The cheaper the better when I'm at home though. If I want to get drunk, I either drink Steel Reserve, Naddy or what ever seems cheapest. Recently, I've been on a 151 vodka kick. That and steelies.

    As for non-alcoholic stuff, I'm trying not to drink soda and that stuff, so my favorite beverage is milk.

  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor go-to drink Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    I either drink Steel Reserve
    Steel Reserve is f*cking fool. Drink a King Cobra like a damn man.

    I love screwdrivers best way to drink your vodka. Can't go wrong with jager bombs when your out though.

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  8. #8
    Ayyye go-to drink Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Isn't King Cobra the exact same damn thing?
    Last edited by Lacquer Head; 08-27-2012 at 05:05 PM. Reason: forgetting words again

  9. #9
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Steel Reserve... Whoah. What about Zero Gravity or Olde English? That is some hardcore shit right there. I used to pick those up every once in a while, until I realized I couldn't handle that mess. Need something that doesn't trigger my gag reflex, haha (no offense.)

    Officially what I probably drink the most of on any given day is coffee. Generally black. As black as my sssssssoul. If I have to get up early and I don't have coffee, that isn't the best day that's about to happen... Also, I like soda. Usually I drink Pepsi/Coke/generic cola, doesn't matter much to me. If I'm getting a fountain drink and there's both Pepsi and Soda, I will sometimes get half and half.

    For alcohol, I like a dark beer. Not too bitter, but dark. IPA's, Stouts, Porters are my friends. Dodie bought me a case of Dead Guy ale while she was here <3 I like that, when I can get it. Though generally I'll get a couple 20 oz. bottles of a locally brewed IPA called a "Thunderhead," 'cuz they're $2.50 each (or an imperial IPA or a dark IPA by the same brewing co. I forget what they're called though.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  10. #10
    Non Alcoholic - Coke, but I switch up my drinks a lot. I'll go on a coke binge for a long time, then switch to Arizonas for awhile, then maybe Sprite and Sierra Mist. But Coke is my go to drink.

    Alcoholic - I start and end every night (of drinking) with a Jägerbomb. I don't usually drink, but I guess its a tradition of sorts?
    Other than that, I'll mix it up, a lot. I'm always looking for new mixed drinks to try.

  11. #11
    The Mad God go-to drink Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    For simple matters of thirst, I like Mountain Dew, peach tea is right up there as well. Ramune is good shit too.

    For alcohol, whiskey if I actually plan to get drunk. Makers Mark, Jack Daniels, Crown Royal, Jim Beam, Johnnie Walker, all good shit. I'm not too picky about the brand of my whiskey as long as it isn't some cheap shit. Long as it's reasonably good quality stuff, I'm happy with it.

    For casual drinking, not intending to get completely drunk, just a little buzzed, that's when I go for the fruity girl drinks. Mike's Hard Lemonade, Jack Daniel's Downhome Punch, Jack's Black Cola, crap like that that I can just drink like pop and not give a damn.
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  12. #12
    Ayyye go-to drink Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Ugh, I literally can't drink IPA, it's so damn bad...

  13. #13
    Gingersnap go-to drink OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Haha I can't do Stella. It just smells so skunky to me. I have the same problem with Heineken. Won't drink.

    If I am at a bar, I will probably drink beer. Guinness if they have it, or I'll do a seasonal or local draft. I can't do Bud, Miller, Coors... and a few others because two sips in, I get a massive headache. I don't know if I'm allergic to something or what, but I just can't do it. I can do Corona, PBR, and Mich Ultra, though? No headaches (but not my favorites). I like malty beers over hoppy ones, so fall is my favorite time for beer... and winter is my least favorite, because that shit is piney as ****.

    But... if I'm full or wanting a mixed drink for some reason...

    In cold weather, I'll enjoy scotch with a couple ice cubes... maybe scotch and soda, idk. But in most cases, I go for tequila sunrises (tequila drunk is my favorite drunk), screwdrivers, or vodka soda with a bit of cranberry. Also if I see Elderflower in ANYTHING, I'm probably gonna try it.

    Nonalcoholic? Water. Maybe iced tea if I'm in the mood. Black coffee in the mornings.

    I don't drink soda.

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  14. #14
    Registered User go-to drink
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    , sometimes my go-to drink is peach tea.
    I love peach tea. Had to leave the rest of it in Oregon though because airlines are foolish and won't let you have outside drinks. Haven't been to the store to pick up more. Tele's been drinking the rest of that tea for me though. I hope he's ENJOYING it. (beats all that coffee he drinks )

    Other than that, I usually just have ice water or sweet iced tea. Not too strong though. Makes my tummy hurt if it's too sweet or too strong.

    Tried a sip of that Dead Guy's that Tele had. He said I made the best face.
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  15. #15
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Tried a sip of that Dead Guy's that Tele had. He said I made the best face.
    lol, yes you did, lady. And ty for the beer, and the tea, and other things. Like being purdy and making sully faces <3 Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  16. #16
    Registered Goober go-to drink Order's Avatar
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    These are all lies.
    You all drink Zima and diet coke while your out and at home you drink sewage from bottles and cans with bright labels.

    I hate this new layout. You will all feel my pain.

  17. #17
    Bananarama go-to drink Pete's Avatar
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    It all depends.

    Usually, I'll go with water. It's a glorious little thing, coming right from my tap and being delish. And hell yeah I drink tap water. I aint fraid of no ghosts.

    When it comes to getting my drink on, I'm a beer person. I like darker, maltier beers, but when I want a good quick beer drunk, I like to go with Blue Point's Hoptical Illusion, or Victory's Storm King.

    Otherwise, I'm a whiskey/bourbon/ scotch drinker. Right now, I have a glass of Johnnie Walker Green right next to me, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it, but I love Jameson and any southern/ Irish whiskeys and liquors. Wild Turkey 101 is my go to in bad times though. God damn that shit is awful.
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  18. #18
    Boxer of the Galaxy go-to drink Rowan's Avatar
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    I usually just drink water. On those occasions though, we have a beer in Australia called Carlton drought. That is one of my favorites. I also enjoy fat yak, corona, asahi and amber ale. My favorite mixed is gin and tonic.

  19. #19
    Memento RK go-to drink Yoko's Avatar
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    Whiskey/Scotch/Bourbon, hands down. That drink calms me down quicker than anything I've ever known. It's always nice to pour a drink after a long day. Mix that with Gingerale and I'm happy as a lamb. JD and Dr. Pepper is good too.

    I have fallen in love with Tequila. It's my 'time to party' drink. I love it. I'm not a fan of Vodka, but I'll drink it if I have to. That shit gives me the worst hangovers though, and it was the poison that sent me to the hospital. That lead to the worst hangover of my life and I will never go through that again.

    Non Alcoholic drinks are usually tea, water, and the occasional peach juice if I'm willing to shell out at a Tim Horton's. I also like to get a Strawberry Banana Smoothie when I pass by a Freshly Squeezed booth while I go for a walk in the Underground in Downtown Toronto. The ones from Booster Juice are good too.

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  20. #20
    Registered Goober go-to drink Order's Avatar
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    Disreguard my orevious post. None of you have horrible taste except for Josh R.
    I was suffering from my own lapse in interwebz as pointed out by rowan in my rage thread.

    And no, Mr. Xanatos, you have great taste in beer. You probably also date supermodels and own islands in the carribean.
    Don't ever let someone knock your stella when you order it and tell those who dont know about how uncultured and depressing they are.

    Wow, undue rage and typos everywhere. Im not even drunk. Good thing Im not texting my girlfriend right now.

    Actually. I am, but Im being clever with her... I hope...
    Last edited by Order; 08-27-2012 at 10:32 PM.

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