View Poll Results: Question about the glass...

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  • I say.. The glass is half full.

    8 42.11%
  • I say... The glass is half empty.

    1 5.26%
  • I say... I don't care about the glass.

    10 52.63%
Results 1 to 20 of 20

Thread: The Glass is Half Empty/Full

  1. #1

    The Glass is Half Empty/Full

    Bwhaha, felt like being random. So I will be.

    You know that phrase people say... "The glass if half full." or "The glass is half empty."
    Apparently it reflects on your attitude or something... Obviously being if you said half-empty your just being miserable haha.
    Although I admittedly have never heard anyone (including myself) use the empty option.

    Anyway, what is your attitude to life like?
    Are you the 'Half-Full' kind of person, or the 'Half Empty' kind?

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  2. #2
    Registered User The Glass is Half Empty/Full
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    It shows whether you are an optimistic person or a pessimistic person.

    I can be both, depending on my mood. More often, though, I am a "glass is half-full" type.

    Edit: Haha, I forgot to cast my vote.

    Also, I have a co-worker who is the most pessimistic person I have ever met in my entire life. Everytime I try to talk to her, it seems like something just terrible happens to her all the time. I tell her it's not so bad, but she loves to talk about how miserable she is. I guess some people are content on feeling that way.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 08-10-2009 at 12:58 PM. Reason: Added more stuff.
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  3. #3
    Lord Deity of Harmony The Glass is Half Empty/Full Elyon Seraphim's Avatar
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    Half-Full! That's what most people say... Does somebody just than Dodie agree with me???!
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  4. #4
    What's half of empty? /thread

  5. #5
    Gingersnap The Glass is Half Empty/Full OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    If it's a good cup of coffee or tea, or a pint of nice beer, my attitude will be, "Half full! Excellent!"

    If it's a glass of milk (I'm lactose intolerant) or a bowel cleanse or something, it'll be more like, "Half full..... goddamnit."

    I'd say I'm more of a half full kind of a person than half empty, but you don't always get a glass of lemonade. Sometimes it's piss.

    ....I use my optimism with discretion.

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    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 08-10-2009 at 01:06 PM.

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  6. #6
    I like the empty idea. Means you can put interesting shit in the space. Half full works the same, I guess, but without the immediate implication of opportunity.

  7. #7
    I want to play a game. The Glass is Half Empty/Full Zargabaath's Avatar
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    To me that using a glass doesn't work; the reason being is what I think the glass is depends on what has happened to the glass. If a drink has been poured in half-way, I think it is half-full because something has been added to the glass. If the glass has been drunk from and is half-way, I say it is half-empty for the drink has been decreased. The positive goes with the positive and the negative with the negative.

    Now pertaining to how I see life, I keep it real, I'm not overly optimistic or pessimistic.

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  8. #8
    Tsuna Feesh The Glass is Half Empty/Full Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Wow, creative thread.

    If you think about it, half-full and half-empty could have different meanings. For example, when you are filling a glass with water half way, you would say the glass is half full, because you're filling it. However, if the glass is already full of water and you are drinking half of it, you would say the glass is half empty, because you are emptying the glass.

    Never mind, it appears the person right above me has the exact same idea.

    Anyway, I still like to say half-full, regardless.

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  9. #9
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The Glass is Half Empty/Full RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I'm not a pessimist or anything, but apart from the occasional lie I tell myself, I'm pretty realistic.

    So I say:

    Depends on what's in the glass.

    And wtf, you guys are actually talking about a physical glass and what you would call it...
    I don't think that's what Kilala meant.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 08-10-2009 at 04:31 PM.
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  10. #10
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The Glass is Half Empty/Full Xanatos's Avatar
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    I have always been an optimist, it's really rare when I'm miserable but even then I tend to be optimist even tho it's really hard sometimes. So for me the glass is half full.

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  11. #11
    I do what you can't. The Glass is Half Empty/Full Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Here and there
    I'm an engineer. The glass is not half-full or half-empty, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

    As Zargabaath and Fate pointed out, it depends on if the glass is being filled or emptied. If you're filling it up, it's half-full -- it's halfway to where it will be. If you're emptying it, it's half-empty -- again, halfway to where it will be when you're done with it.

    While RagnaToad pointed out that the physical issue may not be the object of discussion here, it could still apply. If somebody expects bad things to happen to them (the glass is emptying), they'd look at it as half-empty, as more bad things (emptying) are on the way. If somebody expects more good things to happen to them, they'll look on the "bright side", that the half-full glass will be full when it's done, and that things are going to get better for them.

    I usually go with a "half-empty" attitude. It's not that I'm a pessimist. I'm a realist. But reality sucks.

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  12. #12
    Asking all the personal questions. The Glass is Half Empty/Full RamesesII's Avatar
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    Shit there was stuff in that glass, i am the person that doesn't see the glass half full or empty but the person that ponders on why there is a glass sitting in the middle of nowhere that contains liquid of an unknown description and then drinks it, i like to ponder the complex things in life never coming to an answer and then forgetting what i pondered in the first place and when i am not doing that i am too laid back and easy going so i would probably never notice the glass in the first place haha. But if i had to give a define answer i would say that if negative situations come up i all ways look at the positive side of things and/or extract positive thoughts out of the predicament and bend my shoulder and keep pushing along.
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  13. #13
    Half-full. I said that to myself just today. xD And I even thought about that saying. ^^

    But! It always depends on what you do with that glass.
    First option - the glass stands on the table. It is half-full.
    Second option - you're drinking the water that's in the glass. You've drunken half of it. It is half-empy.

    That was something that came to my mind a while ago when I talked about that with a friend. (And no, I'm not being serious, that's just a weird way of thinking xD)

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  14. #14
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ The Glass is Half Empty/Full SilkAngel's Avatar
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    I see myself as a "Half-Full" type of person. Some things in life can't be changed, so you have to accept them as they are and try to look at it in a positive light.
    However, it this "Half-Empty" and "Half-Full" were really about drinks, I think I would be a "Half-Empty" person if it was a really good drink. (Like the green tea I had last night! It was really good, but there wasn't that much in the can. T.T)
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  15. #15
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The Glass is Half Empty/Full RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I must say it has been amusing to see a lot of people talking about actual glasses. And nothing else.

    I guess no one reads the first post anymore.
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  16. #16
    Bananarama The Glass is Half Empty/Full Pete's Avatar
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    For me, the glass is usually half full. I'm a realist though, so I'm always expecting it to get knocked over by some moron. I think that's the best way of putting it.

    Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

    As for literal glasses, I usually just drink my beer straight out of the can, and am always reaching for a new one. They don't stay half of anything for long. haha
    Last edited by Pete; 08-11-2009 at 03:01 PM.
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  17. #17
    Sir Prize The Glass is Half Empty/Full Sinister's Avatar
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    The glass is half-empty if you view it from above and half-full if you view it from below. It's not a question of personal taste, but of current perspective. I've seen glasses from both sides. To me, it varies second-to-second for a billion different reasons. No one will ever know why. It's a system unto itself.


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  18. #18
    I want to play a game. The Glass is Half Empty/Full Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    I'm not a pessimist or anything, but apart from the occasional lie I tell myself, I'm pretty realistic.

    So I say:

    Depends on what's in the glass.

    And wtf, you guys are actually talking about a physical glass and what you would call it...
    I don't think that's what Kilala meant.
    And I explained why the "glass with contents half-way" does not work with me. As Ramses put it would be an ideal way for the question to be posed, a lot better than if you saw some one pour it. Of course, with both instances, it could still be seen as an addition because you are gaining something. And I know what Kilala meant. And at the end of my post put my answer on the matter.

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  19. #19
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    My attitudes about life cannot be contained in something as fragile as a glass. >_>

    I'd say it's mainly situational for me. If I'm having a good day/week and something happens, I may well be of the mind that well, crap happens but it's not so bad really. In that case the proverbial glass is half full. If I started off with a bad day it would be the opposite. I can't call myself truly optimistic or pessimistic because my attitude is not set 100% toward one or the other. I do tend toward the optimistic side most of the time because I've learned that letting every little thing bother you is just not a good way to live so I just shrug stuff off a lot of the time and keep on going (or pouring, to continue the metaphor).

    I used to be a lot more pessimistic but it got old and I decided it wasn't worth it to make myself miserable all the time. My best friend is always absolutely miserable and that really influenced my shift in thinking. Nothing ever goes right according to him and it's to the point where he can't even see that he has it pretty good, all things considered. Some people are just born miserable, I think.

    I'm more adaptable so I freely adjust my attitude based on logic. It simply no longer makes sense to me to always be dwelling on the negative things.

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  20. #20
    The Glass is Half Empty/Full V_Translanka's Avatar
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    ta-da! I'll go with Sexist for now, cause I'm thirsty, bitch!

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