Here's a random question: any of you guys give blood? Do you enjoy saving lives? Do you have an intense phobia of needles? What keeps you from doing it/not doing it?
Yeah, I give blood every 2-3 months or so. I started back when I was a young 16 year old, looking for a way to get out of my World History class, so I wouldn't have to give a presentation that I didn't do, lol. We used to have a blood drive at school every trimester, it was a pretty legit way to get out of class. It wasn't such a bad deal, the forms that you have to fill out each time gets kinda repetitive, but it's not all bad.
You find out random little things about yourself when you give blood too. For example, my bloodtype is O-, which means I can give blood to (I think) everybody, but I can only receive blood from other O- peoples. Hopefully I never get into a bad situation where I need a lot of blood, otherwise I'm ****ed. I also seem to have an averagly low body temperature. Every time I get my temp taken, I always seem to be like 97.6, at least a full degree lower then the "healthy" temp. It's wierd. I also seem to have a nice iron count in my body as well, I think everytime I get my iron count tested it gets to the low 40s easy, even without eating.
Random story: if you really wanna get ****ed up fast, give blood, then go to a party the night after you gave it. It may take a bit, but you can get really hammered in record time if you play your cards right, because there's not as much blood in your system, therefore the alcohol content is much stronger for each drink you have. It was a fun night that I don't remember much of!
what about you kids?