So many great ones to choose from with well developed backgrounds. What are your picks?
So many great ones to choose from with well developed backgrounds. What are your picks?
1. Locke4God. Endless entertainment, and it's fun to take off-topic discussions to PMs and VMs.
2. che. who needs capital letters? he's just a badass character and can hit for 9999 by disc 2.
3. Angel of Iniquity. I await his return with wild abandon.
Well, there's my top three. I'll post a more extensive list if we get considerable debate on the topic.
Angel of Iniquity? Come on now. There have been better villains in the series. The problem is most likely that the writers focused too much on the condescending aspect of the character and didn't give enough attention to his more sympathetic traits, which if nothing else would have made the character more personable to the player, instead of being just a 2-dimensional characterization.
As for my favorites, I'll have to think on that a bit, and edit this post when I do. ^^
Click at your own risk.:
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
That was on the back of the box in Europe. Stupid Europe.
Choosing my favourite characters would be a little like asking the question 'who is your favourite child', the fact of the matter is that I love all of the characters equally.
Although, in the words of Orwell, some more equally than others.
I think Dodie is the best character, followed by Freya, Gypsy, and Block. I like Alpha's character sometimes, but other times... meh. Also, that che is a dick. I'd put Meier Link and Soldier #819 higher, but the writers have faded them to the background for some reason. Oh wait, I almost forgot The Clint Eastwood! He's a bad ass. So for the record:
1. Dodie16
2/3. Freya
2/3. Gypsy Elder
4. Block
5. Alpha
6. The Clint Eastwood
7. Soldier #819
8. Meier Link
Last. che (fuck che)
Maybe I'll fill that list out more later, when I've carefully considered everything. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
My favourite character is that one NPC who is always around somewhere, but isn't very active in the story. Victoria.
Otherwise, Oceaneyes is pretty awesome. She's got that really nice charm and friendliness about her which makes her a great character. And her hair is ****ing awesome.
Meier is cool too. Sometimes you need a badass guy to cheer you up by handing over a bottle of Budweiser.
And finally, Rocky and che. They've got a good sense of humour, and can probably find a tune for every situation.
I was a huge fan of Fuzz even though you only get him briefly early on, he was uber powerful with creation magic and junk.
Who else? che is definitely a sweet comic relief character which made the story a heck of a lot more fun than it would have been.
Honorable mention to Telegraph, Gypsy, and Rocky. They had some sweet skills endgame. Oh and Rocky and che's dual techs were sick!
My favorite character, the one that I most strongly connect with, and that I understand genuinely well is probably The Clint Eastwood. He is of above average intelligence with an IQ bordering around 160. Making fun of Angel of Iniquity was a lot more fun before he was banned.
Besides The Clint Eastwood, the best character was probably Angel of Iniquity, but due to the oversensitivity of some people concerning controversial statements of wishful demise, he's no longer with us. May he rest in peace.
Me. That's right myself. I actually like me.
EDIT: Rocky, che, telegraph... and some others. I like a lot of people here.
Last edited by Block; 04-08-2011 at 09:28 AM.
CPC8: Makin' it happen.Originally Posted by Alisyn
Che, thats right bitch capital. Just cause you told me not to capitalize your name on MSN a long time ago. With che it is great funny guy, bit of a ****, but once you actually talk to him for a while a very cool guy.
Rocky, honestly my man crush. Nuff said...
Block. GC died for a little while when he was gone. Then he comes back, and the mayhem starts. Love his post, endless fun.
Oceaneyes. She is kind of like the mom that keeps che, and Block in check. Without her it would be bad haha.