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Thread: Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time.

  1. #1
    Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Inagi's Avatar
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    Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time.;title;3

    The main point of this article was about two guilds from Lineage II meeting up and fighting in real-life over a dispute that occured in-game. The meeting resulted in a young man being beaten to death. The part that made me do a double take was the last line in the article where it states a 20 year-old gamer beat his grandmother to death for announcing it was dinner time.
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  2. #2
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    That, is taking things too seriously. I love games as much as the next guy, but killing? That is ludicrous. Another note, you shouldn't be so obsessed with something that you starve yourself. People are taking things out of hands.
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  3. #3
    Air from my lungs. Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Violet's Avatar
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    Wow, that's ridiculous. I've heard of the suicidal cases caused by WoW, too. I don't understand how someone could tuck all their life away into a game. People like this almost make me not want to play online games anymore. I'd rather play with people who know it's a game, not sissies who cry about losing a pvp duel or something.

  4. #4
    Arachnie Suicide Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    You'd be suprised how often things like this happen, how people become obsessed with games and do horrid things because of it.

    I think I was twelve when I played FFX, and I became so involved and attatched to the game that after finishing it I needed councelling for months over it.

    And I've seen it happen in worse ways to other people. If you've even the slightest bit mentally unstable games can fux you up.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  5. #5
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    That's pretty damn sick. How could you even consider killing a relation over something as small as that? I know how addictive some of those games can be but that's no excuse for killing anybody. What a sad world we live in, you're not safe anywhere. It's just a game, get over it! Poor grandma.

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  6. #6
    Permanently banned Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. darkViVi's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Beating your Grandma to death over a game is absurd. That person should be killed himself, and eye for an eye. It's entertainment, nothing less. Taking it too far like that is ridiculous I don't care what anyone says. There can be no valid reason for it.

    It's in the same vein as those people who were bitching when that WoW clan attacked the in-game funeral those retards were holding. "Cool idea, let's have a funeral with no weapons allowed in a game that is purely about killing other people... I do hope no one that is playing the game the way it should be played comes and attacks us, as that would be morally wrong LOL."

    Fools. People take things too seriously.

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  8. #8
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    there is deffianatly something more then just video game addiction worng with those people, as much as i dont want to admit it, video games are not real!

    whats this world coming to, whats next?
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  9. #9
    The truth is, we don't know all the facts. Did she turn the game off? Maybe he hadn't saved in a long time, and had just beaten a particularly difficult quest. If that was the case, then he has every right, morally, to do what he did.

    I wonder how long until this family blames the game and sues the company? Let the countdown begin.

  10. #10
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    100....99....98.....97....96.....95.....94.....93. .....92.....91................

    ok im done, sorry

    i cant get over this one i showed this article to a few poeple at work, and most of them agree that theres something more to it then just the games themselfs.

    ::double post::

    i had to go back and re-read this, about the guy and the grandma it states tht he did it after she announced dinner time but doesnt say anything about him playing a game or games in general having anything to with it. kinda sounds like they looked around the place found a PS2 (or what ever) and found something to blame it on, why not call him a slacker, bum, drop out or distured individual. i want to see more details on this one.

    ::triple post::

    And a twenty-year-old from Petrosavodsk killed his grandmother after she interrupted his game calling him to eat.

    However, internet experts say these cases shouldn't be lumped together just because some people can't handle the situation.

    “Not many talk about the benefits of internet games for disabled people who don’t have a chance to communicate with others like themselves or able-bodied people. Nobody mentions the benefits the internet can offer in education,” says Aleksandr Kuzmenko of a computer game magazine.

    With more and more people logging on to get their fix of virtual reality the experts say incidents like these are rare, and want it to stay that way.
    in reguards to my double post -i guess i should tell myself to shut up haha
    Last edited by Meier Link; 01-22-2008 at 11:55 AM.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  11. #11
    Ugh, too many ****ed up people around..
    I wish I could meet up with them after a game...and KILL THEM!
    >.>; meh, let's not...but honestly people that kill or kill theirselves over a game need to get laid, and not by a goat.

    Peace out

  12. #12
    Registered User Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Dimi's Avatar
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    This guy's got issues. Games can be obsessive and addicting but that's still no reason to murder somone. There's been times when I've gotten angry or upset when I was close to getting a certain thing in a game and somehow it turns off, but not once did wanting to kill someone crossed my mind...

    If you think about though, we don't know much about the guy's past. He could've had mental problems or something. Either way, this is still wrong and games are just games.

  13. #13
    Gingersnap Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    God... enjoy going to jail for murder and not playing your game anymore. Woooorth it.

    I mean, really, a guy that goes to jail for killing an old lady over a game? Or the guys that beat a man to death because of a guild war? They will be everyone's bitches. Biiiiitches. Such bitches.

    But really, when it gets that bad, it's a little silly to blame the game instead of the person responsible. They were going to attach themselves to something and get psychotic about it one way or the other. It just happened to be a game. Make believe. Pixels.


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  14. #14
    TFF's Token Imp Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Martin's Avatar
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    The thing is there are so many gamers out there, and especially on online games who take it far too seriously. I'm sure there are those of you who for example have played a game like FFXI and met people on there who insult each other because they use the wrong technique or they perform an incorrect function. I can understand that you're paying an amount to play online games specifically but I just think life's too short. Much too short.

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  15. #15
    What was she serving?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    God... enjoy going to jail for murder and not playing your game anymore. Woooorth it.
    Not true, actually. I doubt a murderer would be granted a computer or console, but many prisoners have tvs, consoles, and stuff like that.

    I think you guys are all jealous. You guys haven't found what you want to do with your life, so you judge someone who has found their happiness and will murder to protect it. What do you guys do for fun, post on other forums?

    I think that guy has something to him that shines more than the rest of us. I heard that the guy murdered the other guy because they were doing an irl trade and the victim tried to stiff him and logout. What would you do, just let your stuff get stolen?

    He wouldn't. He's no fool.


  17. #17
    SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP! Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. ~FANTASY-ENDER~'s Avatar
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    Damn thats funny and sad at the same time, I won't tell anyone to come to dinner anymore. That's sad because now your going to hear from non gamers that video games are evil, and they shouldn't be played by anyone.
    I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool

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  18. #18
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Lunasa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lover Boy View Post
    Not true, actually. I doubt a murderer would be granted a computer or console, but many prisoners have tvs, consoles, and stuff like that.

    I think you guys are all jealous. You guys haven't found what you want to do with your life, so you judge someone who has found their happiness and will murder to protect it. What do you guys do for fun, post on other forums?

    I think that guy has something to him that shines more than the rest of us. I heard that the guy murdered the other guy because they were doing an irl trade and the victim tried to stiff him and logout. What would you do, just let your stuff get stolen?

    He wouldn't. He's no fool.
    You're kidding me, right? I definately wouldn't be jealous of this guy. And this isn't even an irl trade. This guy killed a defenseless elder. There's no way that this would be his happiness, if he freaked out so much, to kill. It was his grandmother- you don't defend your ultimate 'happiness' and kill her. Besides, if someone's ultimate happiness is video games, he seriously needs counseling. He's no star. He's INSANE.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray
    The truth is, we don't know all the facts. Did she turn the game off? Maybe he hadn't saved in a long time, and had just beaten a particularly difficult quest. If that was the case, then he has every right, morally, to do what he did.

    I wonder how long until this family blames the game and sues the company? Let the countdown begin.
    And there is no excuse to be killing anybody over a petty video game, and morale cannot be stretched to succumb to that. If you're that concerned, save more! That and I'm pretty sure a video game quest could be done again.
    Last edited by Lunasa; 01-26-2008 at 03:14 PM.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  19. #19
    Air from my lungs. Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Violet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    The truth is, we don't know all the facts. Did she turn the game off? Maybe he hadn't saved in a long time, and had just beaten a particularly difficult quest. If that was the case, then he has every right, morally, to do what he did.

    I wonder how long until this family blames the game and sues the company? Let the countdown begin.

    Dude, are you frikkin kidding me? He has every morally right to kill his defenseless old grandmother over World of Warcraft??? Sure, those hard quests can be frusterating, but to kill her for calling him down to dinner? Goodness. This is why freaks shouldn't play games. There's no excuse for this case unless dear old Grandma was going to kill him with poisoned food or a knife. The kid should never see daylight again.

  20. #20
    Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. pulse's Avatar
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    Hah, it seems people have taken El Wray's posts far too seriously, though they worked well to effect.

    This whole video game thing doesn't bother me, I think it has little to do with video games. People get murdered everyday for all sorts of reasons, reasons better and worse than the case here; I think it has more to do with societies problems as a whole and how twisted a mind can get about anything rather than any particularly addictive problems with video games. I mean how many lives have been lost to alcohol or drug addiction, even gambling addiction? It's the external problems at work here.
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  21. #21
    I guess he wasn't hungry...

  22. #22
    i bet that kid feels good about himself now

  23. #23
    Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Mr Spike's Avatar
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    This is becoming a huge problem nowadays. People are becoming far too addicted to games now and they are taking over their lives. Who else remembers Warren LeBlanc who killed his friend because of Manhunt?

    It's because of this we have that twat Jack Thompson sniffing around everywhere

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  24. #24
    The Persistent Flourish Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Alice's Avatar
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    Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time
    Wait...what..? Did I that right..? Some gamer killed his grandmother just for announcing dinner time? Even without the "He was playing a video game" reason, it STILL sounds messed up. Yeah, maybe he probably did just finish a hard quest and not save, but still, it isn't reason enough to go and kill your own grandmother. In fact, I don't think there would be any reason for doing such a thing. Poor lady only ever said to the gamer that dinner was ready. (Yeah, sure, maybe she did more than that but still. It just isn't right. Even if she did turn the console or whatever off.)

    As for the thing about a player getting killed for killing a player's character...that is also just...wrong. Honestly, it's a game. Pixels. Not real. Not a virtual life to replace your current one. No need to go killing people over something that happened in a game. If you so desperately want to, do it virtually. Through the bloody game. This is just one of those times where the line, "Get a life" actually quite sadly works for once. I'm not talking about a virtual life. I'm talking about a real one.

  25. #25
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeromune View Post
    Wait...what..? Did I that right..? Some gamer killed his grandmother just for announcing dinner time? Even without the "He was playing a video game" reason, it STILL sounds messed up. Yeah, maybe he probably did just finish a hard quest and not save, but still, it isn't reason enough to go and kill your own grandmother. In fact, I don't think there would be any reason for doing such a thing. Poor lady only ever said to the gamer that dinner was ready. (Yeah, sure, maybe she did more than that but still. It just isn't right. Even if she did turn the console or whatever off.)

    As for the thing about a player getting killed for killing a player's character...that is also just...wrong. Honestly, it's a game. Pixels. Not real. Not a virtual life to replace your current one. No need to go killing people over something that happened in a game. If you so desperately want to, do it virtually. Through the bloody game. This is just one of those times where the line, "Get a life" actually quite sadly works for once. I'm not talking about a virtual life. I'm talking about a real one.
    I agree. I mean it's not like the game was Final Fantasy VI or something...
    But if it was... maybe... umm... Distractions are BAAAADDDD.

    In all seriousness though, some people have a few screws loose. Very few people would do something like that, and the ones who would, chances are there are a deal of other things that could have set the guy off as well.

    As for Jack Thompson...
    Well he's just scum in my eyes. 'Oh one person reacted like this to something therefore it is evil.' My money's on him eventually getting stabbed by one of the rare psycho gamers out there who lose their games because of his activities. With a sharp slice of frozen cheese pizza...
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  26. #26
    Sir Prize Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Sinister's Avatar
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    Well, well. Someone did not have very good control of themselves. It's a shame how some people who just can't handle things have to ruin it for everyone. I can't say I've ever thought of killing someone over such an infantile reason. Not that there are many acceptable reasons, but there are some that are truly purposeless.


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  27. #27
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I think that game obsession like this is stupid. Its a game. It's a load of bs. If you die in the game, you can come back to life by either using up a life or going to the last save point. Why people get so mixed up over games like this beats me. How could you kill your own grandma - well, anyone for that matter - over some flimsy little disc which has a load of made up bs written inside it?

    Me and my mum noticed that my brother suddenly became more... violent and things he said were becoming really rude. Once she saw this, my brother had to say goodbye to his games and XBox for a few weeks, and he got back to normal. He has them back now with the warning that if we notice anymore changes in him, she'll smash the thing.

    I think the problem is that most people get hooked to games from a young age - the kinda age when you'll believe anything, like Santa, or the Easter Bunny. Then I guess you get so mixed up with what is real, and what is fake that you just don't know anymore - what kinda of person you are, how to react when something goes right/wrong. People waste their lives playing games, and the world changes outside their windows. I know this is rich coming from me cos I wanna make games when I'm older, but I'm aware of all of these things that happen to people who get mixed up because of games.

    I know I'm going way off here but I saw a, what, 14 year old buying a cert 18 game today in the shop. The owners clearly noticed that he was underage, but they still let him buy the game. Now this kid could take the game home, and get mixed up in the head over it. I guess its the same when parents buy consoles or games for their kids, when they know they are too young.

    Hope I didn't go to far off, or bore you guys...

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  28. #28
    Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. Mr Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post

    I think the problem is that most people get hooked to games from a young age - the kinda age when you'll believe anything, like Santa, or the Easter Bunny.
    But they ARE real!!!

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    OOH!! CAKE!!

  29. #29
    Registered User Gamer kills grandmother for announcing dinner time. winterborn86's Avatar
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    That is just stupid, these people are lettin games become a reality for them, its ok to be into a game but not be into it so much thats its guna take other your life like that. these people need to get a grip, and realise the world and life is real place not a game.

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  30. #30
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity
    I think the problem is that most people get hooked to games from a young age - the kinda age when you'll believe anything, like Santa, or the Easter Bunny.
    True, to an extent.

    But only that far. My brother is games addicted, and he only yells when he's in the next room. He's never been violent, and he's only been spiteful a coupel of times during games. He's more annoying than anything. Won't stop talking about ****ing Runescape.

    There are people like LocoColt04 who aren't really violent either, and he was playing games at age two. On the other hand, he is extremely accident prone. Is this a coicidence, or was it the games? Oh God, Zelda melted his immune system.

    Which means Silent Hill and Project Zero melted my immune system. Oh dear.

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