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  1. #1
    A Plain Old Derp Favorite Native Foods Padraic's Avatar
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    Favorite Native Foods

    Whats your favorite food thats made from where you live?? and describe it too even if its completely obvious.

    I don't think anyone can compete against Montréal Poutine... made from canadian cheese, and potattoes. Poutine is a fusion of cheese curds, french fries and gravy all served in one bowl. I'd advice if you ever go to Canada to try Poutine, go to Québec cuz it can't compare in the other provinces

  2. #2
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Favorite Native Foods RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I think everyone knows that French Fries are actually from Belgium.

    You've all eaten fries at some point, but genuine Belgian fries are hard to find outside of Europe. You've got the Fish and Chips in the UK, and frie shops all over Europe really, but I think it's mostly limited to big fast food chains like McDonalds and Burger King in the US. Those fries are really different.

    Anyway, I guess it's not a real 'native' food since pretty much everyone all over the world is eating it, but I believe they originated in Belgium.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 10-13-2009 at 02:10 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Fish and chips, but for me, minus the fish. >>;;

    Pie and Mash is another favourite. Not something I have very often. There are two really nice ones I go to, the one down the road from me in Hoxton Market and another in Broadway Market. And they really do have a Victorian appearance... o.o

    Cottage Pie is a favourite of mine, and I can cook it!

    And Toad in the Hole. Isn't as weird and disgusting as the name suggests.

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  4. #4
    Aethan Dor Favorite Native Foods Jeordam's Avatar
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    I love food

    So this one is a hard one to answer for me. Just a bit of background, I live in San Diego I'm just about 40 minutes from I'm going to go with that as the "native" food.

    There are so many for me to choose from. But for me, I would say that one of my most favorites is a good tostada (home made).

    White corn tortilla fried crispy. Then top that with ground sirloin beef, cheddar cheese, green onion, tomato, with a dash of garlic salt. Add salsa to taste...

    *drools Homer Simpson style*

    I think I know what's for dinner tonight!

    Saving the World since there was a World to Save.

  5. #5
    I invented Go-Gurt. Favorite Native Foods Clint's Avatar
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    Around the Philadelphia area, the most famous "native" food would have to be a cheese steak. The original cheese steaks from Pat's and Geno's in Philadelphia are made with stale Italian rolls, very greasy meat, and cheese whiz. They're incredibly disgusting, which is why I stay clear of Geno's and Pat's when looking for a good place to get cheese steak. The best place around to get it is probably Wawa. It's good and cheap. A local place in Delaware, Alpha Pizza, also makes a pretty good one, although it only probably tastes good because my dad and grandfather are friends with the owner, and therefore, I get food for free.

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Favorite Native Foods Xanatos's Avatar
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    Ćevapi would be my favorite native food and it's also the most famous one.

    ?evap?i?i - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    We're also know for a dish called Burek although it's origin comes from Turkey, but we make it slightly different (only meat-filled) so it's also considered as a part of native food. There is also a song called Burek although it's stupid and makes no sense whatsoever.

    Burek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  7. #7
    Bananarama Favorite Native Foods Pete's Avatar
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    I'll just keep it local.

    New York City pizza.
    Dough, sauce, cheese. It's all you need, but it's so easy to screw up. Brick oven at Grimaldi's or traditional from John's on Bleecker. So good.

    There are tons of places to get bagels in the city, but the best place to go is H&H on 2nd ave. They're always fresh and hot. And yes, the water has everything to do with why our pizza and bagels are better than every other citys.

    Dirty Water Dogs.
    Hot dogs from a cart. So disgusting, but so good. Especially with some sauerkraut and some spicy brown mustard. Once you have a bite from one, you kind of forget to be sketched out.

    And Clint, I've been to Geno's before. It was pretty damn good; my meat wasn't greasy at all, though I did get American and onions instead of Whiz.
    Last edited by Pete; 10-13-2009 at 09:44 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  8. #8
    I'm from Scotland. IT IS NOT ENGLAND. Nor is it Wales, or Northern Ireland. It is the second biggest country in Great Britain. If this statement confuses you, spend five minutes on Britain's Wikipedia before continuining. This is patronising, yes, but I've had it up to here with people not knowing that my damn country exists. I just moced to France. Not too many of them know it exists either. I just got me a little crusade, I do think.

    Square goddamn Sausage.

    It's square. You put it on an Ayrshire roll and apply a potato scone and some ketchup. This is a roll n'sausage n'tattie scone wi'red sauce.


    Haggis is the minging bits of sheep packed into an emptied sheep's stomach with some oats, barely, and basic spices. You boil it, and serve it with mashed tatties and neeps (turnips) with black pepper. IT RULES.

    Scotch Broth!

    We do the best chicken soup IN THE WORLD. By ****ing miles. Quite watery, but nothing will ever make you feel so warm and at home.


    Get a pile of square sausage (or mince if you're a moron from the Highlands)(they're all morons up there) and fling it into a big pot with potatoes, one onion, and one carrot. Bring it to the boil and then leave it alone for two hours. Go back and you've got this tasty meaty stew that is actually the word 'home' distilled into a food. It makes you warm like nothing else ever can or will. Do not attempt to eat it if you're north of Perth, they'll give you a ****ing oatcake with it. Oatcakes with stovies! Highland mentalists!

    Cullen Skink!

    This is actually the best soup on the face of the planet. I mean that. Seriously. It's a creamy soup made from potatoes, onion, and skink (fish). Again, it makes you so warm inside.

    Bastardised Omlettes

    We can't do them properly, by my Lord, we do try. And our result is always better.


    Warmth from inside from egg, fish, and rice (used to be oats but then international trade happened. And **** oats with fish, ewww). Seriously delicious.

    Macaroni Pie!

    It's macaroni cheese wrapped in pastry. Oh hells yes. This is to warm you when you're drunk and heading home at night. You can see your own breath in the air; but once you've got a macaroni pie, you're both steaming into the night, and it makes you warm.

    Tikka Masala!

    Oh yes, we have a curry. Scotland has invented a curry, and it is delicious.


    Just what it sounds like. Mince, with potatoes. However, we do it in a secret way that creates mince juice (it's not from fat, we use lean mince) gravy type stuff that was seriously born to get involved with bread. Again, it just makes you so warm.

    I'm in France. The food here is beyond good, but it's getting cold now, and their food doesn't warm you; it just makes you smug. What I'd give for some home cooking right now.

  9. #9
    Registered User Favorite Native Foods
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    I suppose I can list out some of my favorite foods from the southern United States.


    We eat this a lot where I live. It's mainly a side dish, usually served alongside brown beans or stews.

    Fried Chicken

    Okay, so apparently it didn't originate in the US, but it got perfected here. I usually only go for fried chicken legs.


    Okay, it looks disgusting, but it's really good. We tend to make it with corn, zucchini, peppers, and a few different types of beans. I don't know why, but this tastes better when you cook it outside in a big iron skillet.

    OMG!!! I totally forgot about dessert!

    Banana Pudding

    Yep. Originated in the South. So very delicious, and pretty easy to make. My mom has a recipe that uses cream cheese so the pudding is a lot thicker than if you make it normally.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 10-14-2009 at 01:09 AM.
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  10. #10

    Philippine Yum Yums

    Lumpia - a small Philippine style egg roll. Usually has vegetables and or pork or beef. ( Cooking some now )
    mhaha!! looks like the one on the corner is burnt.

    Sinigung - It's a really tangy soup with some veggies, but not the extreme kind like yucky peas. Sometimes potato and either fish, chicken, or pork. Really good.

    Asado - Usually eaten with rice. It's chicken cooked in a tomato type sauce with potatos. Sounds plain but it's amazing!!! Some of these look kind of weird but trust me.

    Tocino - Another rice dish, its pork or beef that had been marinated for a long time in this red, sweet sauce. you fry it.

    Pansit -It's a very stringy clear pasta. The toppings very but I'm used to veggies and some sort of meat. I like to squeeze lemon on mine.

    My favorite dessert everr!!!

    Halo Halo - It's a purple ice cream , don' ask me what the flavor is.. but it's topped with crushed ice and swweet cocoanut. So great !!

    Ta DA!!!:

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  11. #11
    Crash Boom Bang Favorite Native Foods Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    Sunday Dinner

    Yorkshire puds, mash, veg, roasties chicken or lamb smothered in gravy. It's well sexy

    Chip shop chips peas and gravy, It's making me drool just thinking about it. Smother it in salt & vinegar and I'm a happy bunny

    Victoria Sponge cake. Probably my favourite cake ever I can demolish one in one sitting if I haven't eaten much else ;_;

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