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Thread: A face for every occasion

  1. #1
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    A face for every occasion

    I was just wondering, do any of you have a separate 'face' or mind set for a different situation? If so, share.

    Personally I have a ton. Most of the time I'm more than a little unfocused, laugh at pretty much everything and get along with almost everyone. Then there's when I get the need to fight for whatever reason. I just focus on the fight alone. Me, my opponents, my immediate surroundings. It's a lot more intense and a state of mind I just crave at times.

    Then there's my gaming face. No emotion showed during games like poker, I literally can go blank. Or video games where I either get intense (street fighter and the like) or highly amused (mario party series). And there's RPGs and strategy where it's another state of mind all together. And even online with some people. Some people just bring out another random side I had...

    Then there's suave me. The unbending, sophisticated me I act (knowingly) in given situations that require it. The kind who stands up to anyone coolly, yet with a measure of power which might not even exist. I'm strong, yes, but I can also put on an air of nobility and finance.

    Anyway, I got the interest in hearing about what faces you all have through a conversation I had with a few of my friends earlier today. Some of them never seem to change at all we agreed, yet some like myself have many different faces, mindsets, whatever you wish to call it.

    Oh, and lastly, if you do have multiple faces/mindsets, do you feel some manifest more powerfully than others? (I just thought that question up just then)
    victoria aut mors

  2. #2
    Sir Prize A face for every occasion Sinister's Avatar
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    ...Only two. And they're so alike on the outside and I'm so horrifically quiet it's almost impossible for anyone but me to tell the difference. One part of me is really altruistic and philosophical and I mean to the point of a bizarre obsession. The other is manipulative and brooding.

    They don't really seem to change via the situation so much as the season. But I do, when faced with unbelievable amazing bad luck, have kind of a limit break deal. I just shut off and start laughing. Once it gets to such a ridiculous degree of mishap and doom, it's all just a big joke after that. In fact, the more it piles on after that, the funnier it gets. So if I ever go to jail they'll prolly be dragging me away laughing.


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  3. #3
    Of course. I don't really know what they are though - it's just mood and situation dependent.

    My weirdest one is me going quiet. If you know me well enough you know that I'm depressed when I can't think of words.

    Mostly I just bundle along. But if it's a new situation, I'm overly talkative; if it's a sad discussion I know when to shut up; that kind of thing. Nothing big. Trouble for me comes when trying to figure out which part is the real me...but these days I've started to think that I'm the sum of the parts, rather than just one part.

  4. #4
    A face for every occasion pulse's Avatar
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    Well pretty much everyone sees me as very reserved, I'm fairly quiet and only really speak to most people when I either have something important to contribute or am being spoken to, I find most of the time I am just zoned out and oblivious to what is happening around me.

    But what my fiance sees is very different, with her I can get excited, very loud and very playful; the amount of times we've ran around the house in tickle fights is amazing; and if anyone from my work saw that side of me they would be in utter disbelief. So really, there is only one person who sees this other side of me.
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  5. #5
    The Persistent Flourish A face for every occasion Alice's Avatar
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    (Hoo boy...TFF wouldn't want to know about my two 'eyebrow' faces. Better not mention those...)
    >_> <_< >_>

    Anyway, yup. I've got plently of faces for plenty of occasions. The most popular one at the moment is being annoyed and angered. This guy on my MSN list won't shut the [insert most insultive word thought of here] up and askes questions 24/7 like there's no tomorrow. Next to that, if I get annoyed at him and start being a moron to shut him up, he threatens me saying that he'll add that 'certain racist' guy I know to the convo. Grr...I dunno how many times I've blocked that Question Asker...hell. I definitely have a face for that. More than just a face with wide eyes and fire burning the eyes. My whole face is burning...well, okay, not like, burning as in someone set fire on me but you get the point. If I see that 'certain guy' added to a convo by 'Question Asker', hoo boy, am I gonna get so annoyed...

    Oh yeah, there is also my happy face. We all know about that one. It happens when we have ice cream and have some funny moments with our mates.

    As for the face that shows I've fallen in love...nah. I don't think I'll ever even get to use that face anytime soon...

  6. #6
    Air from my lungs. A face for every occasion Violet's Avatar
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    I have too many "Faces" to have one in particular. There's the overly-happy one where I act all enthusiastic with people.. then there's the very quiet one where I don't feel like doing anything. Then I have a more intelligent one. Those are my main dominant ones, anyway.. but they're all real; they're all me. I don't try to act fake with people. ... Oh yeah, and the really crabby face.. can't forget that..

  7. #7
    A face for every occasion Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    I think it's just a part of being human, having certain chemical reactions within our brain that shudders down through our bodies. It's all based on hormones and nerves really... and a bit of psychology added to the brew

    For myself, naturally, I too have various "faces" or "visages" that are exploited through triggering emotions. I get some from my father, I get some from my mother, and others I really have no idea where they come from. From my father I've aptly recieved the devouring nature of anger. Oh god, anger burns everything it touches. It burns me, and whoever it's inflicted upon- I hate it. I'm not as volatile as my father, but on occasion my anger rapidly burns. On occasion, without thinking, I had come close to launching my brother and my step father down the flight of stairs that were in my mom's house. Thank god I don't completely have my father's wrath :3.

    From my mother I'm not quite sure what I've recieved, sadly, because she's changed dramatically over the last few years. She went from being someone who I held higher in respect than any other, to a mannequin. She's drowning within her own life and the only one capable of saving her is her own self... that won't happen though. Anyway, from her I may have recieved my compassion. It's like fire and ice formed me .

    My imagination? I have NO idea. I come from a long line of close mindedness; so I'm not sure where that came from. Perhaps it just fell from the clouds one day, into my mind.

    Many other faces I use often as well, such as the devious mastermind, the caring ward, this and that. We're all a collection of different "us"es.... omg, did I really just use a term like that? Sweet "J"!

    Well that's me. ._.
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  8. #8
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Everyone does. I have about a hundred, haha...

    It's probably a bad thing. For the most part, I'm a pretty unpredictable person. There's too many different sides of me to explain, but for the most part, like in places like this, I'll be my nuetral self. That means I'll crack jokes whenever I feel the need, and be blunt and honest... The only thing I used to lie about, was my age... Until people began questioning me for my real age since some had heard differently. I don't really need to hide it these days now anyway.

    There's my serious mode, which I use if I'm doing something important. I was serious at college, which is probably why I got so pissed off with most of my classmates.

    I have a half serious mode. Which is half concentrated, half relaxed, which I use when I work on a new portrait.

    Andrew's probably the only one who's seen all my sides, and that's because he's so easy to talk to... and he's the boyfriend figure.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  9. #9
    Vagabond Thief A face for every occasion Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    I guess I may have a couple different faces. When i'm driving I pretty much zone out everything and focus on the car infront of me and things that are happening on the road,like predestrians and so forth,I used to get distracted when I first started driving but lately i find myself gripping the steering wheel and focusing on whats going on.

    Also i noticed this lastnight when I was playing Resident Evil: the Umbrella chronicles for my wii,I have the wii zapper to go with it,which makes it more fun. But I found when a group of zombies,or any enemies appeared I just focused,held the wii zapper tighter and kinda just had liek a fighting stance lol its kind of hard to explain but I guess its similar to the driving thing,i just zone out.
    Last edited by Rikkuffx; 01-08-2008 at 08:16 AM.
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  10. #10
    A face for every occasion
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    3 of them for me.

    I use the first one most of the time; the one that seems silent & that usually makes me seem unfriendly, which also creates misunderstandings now & then, mostly while I'm on the internet. It's not like that in real life though. I'm neither as cold, nor as silent as i seem to be, but whatever. I'd consider it to be kind of a "neutral" face.

    About the other two, they reflect by bad side, which is deeper than my not-bad one. The first one is my usual "Wrong" face, the one that i use when i'm not feeling good, or when i'm a bit pissed off etc.. Makes people around me feel uneasy, guilty, kinda bad. It took time to master it.

    The last one is something very few people have seen & doesn't come out unless the situation is very, very bad. The good thing is that no one from the forums will probably ever see that, so it's all fine.

  11. #11
    I pretty much only have one. I guess I have two, but that's one for when I'm with people and one for when I'm not.

    Most of the time, my face is cheerful. Well, as cheerful as it can be as I have a pair of eyes that always make me look pissed off when I'm not, and I'm actually just pulling off a normal straight face when I'm not smiling. But yeah, generally it's a cheerful face, which I always put on when around other people. Even when something's getting me down, I keep the cheery mask on as I don't like people knowing when I'm upset or tired. Well, I do, but never if I'm out with a group or at a party or whatever. I hate sitting and looking depressed, since I don't like dealing with people who approach me and ask 'what's the matter'. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the concern, but I hate to pull people away from the fun, and also I don't like having to explain my own mood. I unload my troubles to a very select few, and even then I unload them with a slightly positive attitude, dropping in the odd jokey comment.

    If I'm on my own and I'm troubled, my sad face will come on then. But usually all it takes is some time lying down or going for a walk, thinking things over, and I'm positive again.

    And there you have it. My own self pyscho-analysis... kind of.
    Last edited by Neo Necron; 01-08-2008 at 09:33 AM.

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  12. #12
    Gingersnap A face for every occasion OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    As some of you may know, I'm studying acting. Part of that training is recognizing how your face and body communicate to other people. One of my features I recently had to own up to was that my mouth, when relaxed, turns down. Not a ridiculous amount, but enough. I do wish I had an upturned mouth, but that's the way it is. I'll come back to that.

    While talking with others, I tend to be really animated. I move my arms, my eyes widen, my eyebrows raise, and I'm smiling. That's the face people see most because it's how I prefer them to see me.

    However, there will be lulls in activity or conversation, and my face will relax. My mouth isn't nearly as pleasant as I wish it was, and I'll look at nothing in particular. When that happens, people tend to assume the worst and ask me what's wrong. Usually, I'm just thinking.

    That face tends to be similar to the one I carry when walking through town. Eyes up, chin moderately high, mouth closed, shoulders back. I try to appear confident and alert to strangers and simply thinking of something else to friends who happen to spot me and want to say hello.

    I think that's all I'd like to go into, though. There are other indicators on other faces that I feel are a little too personal. I put a lot of thought into body language and expression, and I'd rather not give away my secrets.

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  13. #13
    I have a few I suppose.

    My regular face looks normal. I have always a bored looking face or at least kinda regular with not alot going on haha.

    My serious face is just no emotion, say little to nothing and be quaint.

    My sad face is usually when my eyes go low, look at the ground or something. Like a mortition, eyes half shut like I'm tired but not.

    My angry face which is rarest usually involved my lips tight with my eyes open wide and grumbling from being pissy. These are few and far between.

  14. #14
    Arachnie Suicide A face for every occasion ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Daydreamy face Froggie - Also known as "Blonde Froggie" by my family. It looks like I'm absolutely, completely blank but generally when it happens I'm daydreaming or very deep in thought - It just doesn't read on my face. I don't notice things either ><. Somebody could wave a hand infront of my face and I wouldn't have a clue.

    Sad face Froggie - According to my sister, when I'm sad I look 'droopy'. Not a nice way of thinking about it, is it? XD. I find it odd.. Because this is when I'm trying not to show any emotion and it reads as sad.. Yet up there when I'm deep in thought it reads as no emotion. Go figure.

    Happy Face Froggie - Suprisingly, when this happens I look happy XD. I only manage to when I'm genuinely happy, though. The only time I can think of when sombody's commented.. On the bus on the way home from school, a girl called Bonnie who I sometimes talk to but hadn't said a word to that day said "What's up? You look like you've seen the light or something."

    I don't walk around with a mirror all the time, so I can't say what my face is like otherwise ^^. But that's what people've commented on.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  15. #15
    well honestly i cannot figured out most of the time about my facial expression!!!

    many people told me that I am so serious all the time... but everytime i heard it i'm trying to smile sooo hard.. i don't know what's going on to me sometimes (sounds funny huh) well anyway i'm just trying to be true to myself... maybe because i'm just too shy of some people which i do not know them well yet and they are highly respected people usually at school and in the office even with my dormates in the girls dorm.. those that are not belong to my circle of friends...

    well if you see me in person.. please don't misunderstand me ok? don't worry i am still friendly though my facial expression is just like that... therefore, i have a serious face but have a happy heart!! hehehe.. by the way when it comes to the most important occasions such as parties or some other fun time activities with your friends.. normally i used to smile (but don't ever make me upset ok)

    I think that's all i can say... i'm just want to express myself here to be true to you...

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