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Thread: F*** feedback

  1. #1
    HRH Albha F*** feedback Aerif's Avatar
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    F*** feedback

    So today I had my first dentist appointment in over a year (annoyingly I no longer recieve free treatment), and after being exposed to several things that I have never been exposed to whilst visiting the dentist (including radiation) I was left feeling slightly terrified as to what my next appointment may entail.

    Anyway during the session I recieved some sort of cleaning treatment that my dentist gives everyone because it's free, and somewhere along the line I must have been cut with one of the instruments or something because when asked to rinse I spat out some blood, not to mention that at one point he stuck one of those white things they use to suck up blood into my mouth.

    He then returned to the process without mentioning the bleeding. During the new attempt he muttered something that sounded like 'emergency' and spoke quietly to his assistant whilst I began shaking in fear that I had a root canal or something.

    After all that crap he returned the chair to the default position and told me everything was fine and he'd see me in 6 months.

    ANYWAY, the point of my overly-long anecdote is that I was on the end of some rather poor health-related communication, and I was wondering if any of you have ever been in a similar situation, hopefully one that is more interesting and isn't just a bunch of random typing at the end of a long day.

    On a side note the bastard charged me £16.46

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  2. #2
    Hewerya love...? F*** feedback seanb's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    When I was 11 or so, I had a scope down my throat. Before it the nurse noticed I was really nervous so she gave me a little shot glass of clear liquid that she said would help calm me. It was probably valium. I was out of my head, instead of being calmer, I went bonkers, started drooling and shouting remarks to passers by in the hospital and talking complete rubbish.

    Good times.

  3. #3
    .............. F*** feedback smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    I had a problem a few years ago where I had to stay the night at a hospital because a very thorough sporting session exacerbated a heart condition. This sort of flabbergasted the doctors who couldnt correlate the relation between putting too much stress on an underperforming organ and the problems I was suffering(which was the conclusion came to 6 months later by one of Irelands top cardiologists). In the morning I was seen by a doctor who was being observed by several others.

    He couldnt make the link so after conversing with the others he decided to try(and fail miserably) to insinuate I was putting it on, maybe because I was being bullied or some other nonsense thinking he was Sigmund Freud. This is a case of him failing to call me out properly(as feedback) and let the matter be resolved or take my feedback seriously and diagnose the problem. I felt really f*cking offended as well that I was considered to be distruthful.

    Irish hospitals. Any other Irish posters can testify to how much of a clusterf*ck they are. You wont get feedback from half of the doctors because they cant speak english properly.
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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    I had a baby tooth once that didn't want to go away, so when my adult tooth came through, the baby tooth sort of came out, but got wedged between two teeth at an angle. There wasn't really much I could do about it, and my dentist said to me "Oh, it'll come out with a little flossing," knowing full well she could have done something about it then and there with the tools she had at her disposal.

    To cut a long story short, the floss didn't do shit but cut my gum open, and I had to pull the tooth out with my nail. Which hurt like ****. Next time I went there, I told her what had happened, and that I was very displeased with her. I've not been back to the dentist since. I'm scared of bad news, and I'm scared I'll meet someone really horrible or incompetent.

    Other than that, I'm pretty much fit as a fiddle. Never really needed to see a doctor or dentist for anything. Last time I went to have something checked out was when I was experiencing some bad growing pains in my knees, and I got given a lolly pop and told it was normal.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 08-02-2011 at 04:50 PM.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Bleachie says:
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    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    That white thing to suck up blood is to suck up water and other liquids lol.
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  6. #6
    Registered User F*** feedback Halie's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    About 2 years ago, my little brother got really sick (he would've been about 2 years old at the time) and as it turns out he had quite a bad case of bronchiolitis. It was around Christmas so it was really snowy at the time, and my mum called our family doctor to come out and see him because she was really worried and didn't want to take him out into the cold because that would only worsen the problem. The doctor refused to come because he didn't like driving in snow. Bloody prick waited well over a week to come see him.

    That same doctor refused to give me treatment for my feet which I now need physiotherapy to correct and possible surgery if the therapy doesn't work. I honestly have no clue why mum hasn't changed our doctor.

  7. #7
    G'day F*** feedback NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    Most doctors are full of s**t. I never go unless I'm deathly ill. I need to go to the dentist really soon, one of my wisdom teeth has come through and is growing outwards to my jaw.

    My boyfriend went to the doctor a few weeks ago to get a medical certificate, for his work. He had the flu. The doctor gave him a medical certificate and we went home. We actually read it when we got home and it said, he was suffering from mild asthma. WTF?

  8. #8
    Boxer of the Galaxy F*** feedback Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    I had stretch marks on my back. 14 years old and doctor sent me off for various blood tests, wanted to squeeze my nuts and asked me If i take drugs. I guess he was being thorough, but for cakes sake!

    In reference to dentists, I do not trust them at all. In terms of wisdom teeth etc, just look to your parents for proof. I bet 90 percent of people who are currently over 50 never had theirs out and their teeth are relativly fine. I realise im pulling statistics out of my personal experience here, but lets look at this logically.

    If you run a buisiness, would you deny money? simple. If someone has wisdom teeth, most dentist will reccomend to have them out. I had a scare tactic from a dentist saying "some people get infections and need traceatomies". I asked him how many and he said 3 people per year. wow. Like you would let it get that point anyway, also what is not taken into account is how those particular people looked after their teeth to begin with.

    in short, they get paid in Australia about $3000 to extract 4 teeth. It takes 20 mins and is probably the greatest amount of money anyone could make within that amount of time for a profession. If they can, they will 'reccomend'. Also, people I know have visited 5 - 10 different dentists whom some have 'reccomended' different procedures for whitening and straightening teeth, and some have said the teeth are fine and nothing is wrong with them at all. Also, some say wisdom teeth can stay, some not. My advice to you is, take care of your teeth. Brush them. Only go to the dentist if theres a problem or one that you can trust (family member perhaps). They are crooks.

    EDIT: whilst the dentist may not perform the surgery himself, they still recieve money for giving you a refferral.
    Last edited by Rowan; 08-02-2011 at 09:32 PM.

  9. #9
    Registered User F*** feedback Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post
    I went bonkers, started drooling and shouting remarks to passers by... and talking complete rubbish.
    Sounds like me when I've had a few too many

    On a more serious note: I hate dentists. Liars, the lot of them. When I went to the dentist at 13 my dumb-arse dentist put a filling in my molar which was in her words "too big". I was in chronic pain and had to go back the following week for her to repair her shoddy work. Three injections and a new filling later I thought everything was okay. Wrong.

    EIGHT years down the line the same tooth starting hurting me again. I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak and was rushed to A&E to see the emergency dentist. Imagine my surprise and horror when she asked how long I'd had my TEMPORARY filling in??!!!!! If I'd had the strength I could have bitten someone in anger!!! Her original filling had caused irreparable damage to my tooth, and I had to have it pulled out!

    My dentist moved practices a few years after my botched job, and I removed myself from her practice as she was too far away and I wasn't happy with her work. I was on the NHS waiting list for years, which is why after all that drama I've gone private.

    I could go on wittering forever here. Don't get me started on hospitals!!!

  10. #10
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: F*** feedback

    I go into hospital a lot nowadays due to my kidney. One time, I was in agony and my left side had swollen considerably. I was rushed to A&E by my partner as a result and even though I was crying and shaking with pain, they decided that a guy with a less than sizeable gash in his finger (which btw was barely even bleeding by this point) was more important than my kidney. In short, I pissed them off a little which probably did nothing for my case but I told them that if I died in the hospital waiting for them to see me, my parents would most likely sue them for negligence (they know of my long time kidney issues and I'm supposed to be a serious case in need of special care whenever taken in.)
    I don't usually have such a temper but when it feels like you're dying, you act irrationally. Needless to say my doctor was eventually informed and actually shouted at the receptionist in front of all in the waiting room - I hadn't told her I'd been waiting, I'm guessing somebody else let her know but I can't really remember so well..... When I came out of hospital, I did visit reception and apologised to the woman and vice versa.

    So really, it was kind of a two-way thing. The receptionist was an idiot but I also added shit to the pot.

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