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Thread: External HDD Advice?

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  1. #1

    External HDD Advice?

    Currently looking into getting a external HDD.
    Going to get a Seagate GoFlex 1.5 TB because
    1. They offer a free program that costs about $30 dollars otherwise that lets me read/write on PC or Mac.
    2. All external HDD's have issues, i merely chose Seagate over WD because of the program. That and they happen to let me choose HFS+ right out of the box.

    So my question is which shall I go with? The HFS+ or NTFS? Whichever I chose I receive the program for the other system.

    The main reason I wanted to get this is because most of my music is stored on my PC, I've been using my Macbook Pro as of late to download music because I synced my iPhone to its iTunes. I did do a little trick to let me sync between both, but it creates problems, especially with iTunes bought music. It erases all my apps and puts on whatever apps I had when I synced my older iPhone 4 when getting on my PC (even with Sync Apps disabled). My store bought music no longer works when I sync between both either. I have to erase it, resync it, and hope that I don't have to get any music off the other ever again.
    All of my movies are also on my PC because of the larger HDD. Don't want to waste to much space on the Mac.

    The dilemma I'm running into now is that most HDTV's and PS3 don't use NTFS or HFS+ you have to either create a separate partition or partition the whole thing into Fat32, which doesn't allow over 4GB files. There goes any hope for watching HD movies through this thing. The weird part is, Xbox 360's do recognize HFS+ just so users could listen to iPods. So i could potentially watch any HD movie through a 360 on a HDTV, an easy enough work around.
    Problem, if i decide to take this anywhere, lets say to my parents house, on a trip, over to a friends house, etc. Most people don't have mac's and in rare cases a 360. Leaving me to have to lug around my MBP wherever I go.

    I'm asking you because maybe someone has some other side I'm not looking at.

  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy External HDD Advice? Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011

    Re: External HDD Advice?

    Either partition it, or buy seperate drives. You could have all 3 if you really wanted too. NTFS is the most common file system and windows 95 was the only operating system that allowed you to format FAT32. If you want to do it these days you either need a program, or know how to format using Command prompt. I can give you the commands if you need them... Do you know how to run DISKPART?

    Anyway, I reckon you should just partition it 3 ways.

  3. #3

    Re: External HDD Advice?

    I thought about partitioning into 2 different drives. I'm going to avoid Fat32 altogether, I doubt I'll be listening to any music on a TV or PS3 when I have my iPhone.
    I have heard of exFat working randomly on a few TV's, so I may have an extra partition when I get the HDD just to see if my TV plays nice.

    The reason I threw the separate partitions out the window was because of the I need all of my music/movies on one partition. You can relocate your iTunes library to an external HDD. If i separate the partitions and relocate the iTunes library to the external I would have to do it on both partitions and update them both as I got more music and movies. Just a bigger hassle, but it looks like the better option now.

    I'm leaning towards NTFS now, the only reason I really want the HFS+ is because of the compatibility with Xbox 360 to watch movies. So, get the NTFS (which is cheaper) put the iTunes library on it, get paragon (read/write program) for my Mac, and double the video files and put them on a separate HFS+ partition. So I guess that separating the partitions is probably the best option.

    Thanks for your input!
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 03-19-2012 at 04:16 PM.

  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy External HDD Advice? Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011

    Re: External HDD Advice?

    Xbox is also compatable with FAT32. So it wouldn't just be your ps3 that would benefit from FAT32. Its upto you though. Im actually not familiar with HFS, as I dont work with macs, so im not sure exactly what its for. All the best in finding the solution that works for you!

  5. #5

    Re: External HDD Advice?

    Yes, but the problem with FAT32 is the size limit. Call me picky, but most if not all of my downloaded movies are 720p and above (audio ranges), I'm doubting most of them would fit on the partition either way.
    My 50/50 movie alone is 10.8 GB :/
    My stores of anime episodes are about the only thing that would fit on FAT32.

    I found another solution other than formatting my PC different ways.
    Its a bit costly, but its an extremely good solution.
    Western Digital Live TV - streams almost any file to any TV, its wireless and you can also have a wired connection if you wish.
    Its $100, so not exactly a best of solution, but definitely something to save up for.
    I can leave it all one format and just use this when I am able to buy it.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 03-19-2012 at 11:53 PM. Reason: Added more to the post

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