I'm waiting for this shit to happen... i got some stores I want to loot afterwards.
never mind... post 333... I'm going to heaven.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
I'm waiting for this shit to happen... i got some stores I want to loot afterwards.
never mind... post 333... I'm going to heaven.
mel 1:32 AM
Hahah I'm like penis penis penis lalala <3[10/30/2012 10:46:16 PM] Mel (GypsyElder): I love Virgins haha
Am I the only person disappointed that there arent large mobs of zombies wandering the streets as was promised along with the rapture? I rewatched Zombieland and the Walking Dead all for nothing. I had even come up with some inventive kills
Hopefully the nutjobs who believed it can find solace somewhere. I mean, its not the end of the world.........
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston S.Churchill
So......anyone else still here?
I am home alone so someone tell me if the "rapture" has begun because i have some Christian friends that have some sweet belongings......
Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia
To fight is a man's instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana
I'm more afraid of Alec Baldwin wearing a sheet yelling "We're GHOSTS!" at me than end of the world predictions coming true.
Maybe this is the final shred we need to put the Bible in the fiction section.![]()
Nothing that he claimed came from the Bible because the Bible itself says that no one will know when it is to come it will just happen. He just went off of calculations that he was making as to the date of Biblical events. This just proves that the Bible is correct when it says:
"But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only" -Matthew 24:36
Wanna Know More:
I was not eaten by the raptors, all is well.
I get that it's funny someone tried to convince people the world was going to end today, but trolling the religion as a whole is kinda over the top. :/
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Just as many, many, MANY people expected. IMO, I think they should have used their savings for better things that can actually help the rest of us, like feeding the homeless, donating to hospitals, etc. Scary to think about the path not taken, because now they'll end up like those people. Homeless, and perhaps even sick. And no money to make it better.
Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
~St. Augustine
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed this sneak preview of the soon to flop December 21, 2012: The Apocalypse. Because popularity skyrocketed, producers decided to give you a little taste of what it will be like. Go see it Dec. 21, 2012, and walk out disappointed on Dec. 22.
Also be on the lookout for the sequel 2060: Newton's Apocalypse.
im pretty sure il be long dead by 2060 anyway
And going off the severity of this hangover, im either very much alive, or we did all die and Im in my own personal version of hell
Especially as my curry got delivered and they actually forgot to add the bloody chicken to it
I love how blindly so many people believed this.
mel 1:32 AM
Hahah I'm like penis penis penis lalala <3[10/30/2012 10:46:16 PM] Mel (GypsyElder): I love Virgins haha
Okay, apparently people are upset that everybody is still alive, and it's obvious to me that nobody will ever believe a single word that Mr. Camping says ever again, despite his brilliance at conducting mathematical calculation on things with no mathematics.
The next end of the world date is for 2012, but that one is obviously false, since Mexicans came up with it. I can't even trust Mexicans not to over water my rose bushes.
The next date after that is kind of a long shot. 2060, predicted by Issac Newton. Of course that one is false, considering that Issac Newton was full of shit. He invented gravity as a practical joke, yet people still take it seriously.
I'm making an end of the world prediction of my own. Spoiler alert; we're all going to be dead in 101 years.
I predict that the world will end on September 24th, 2112.
My reasons are simple. I chose September 24th because it's exactly six months and one week after March 17th. I chose 2112 because it's a palindrome, and it just seemed fitting for this prediction.
So, the world will indeed end on a Saturday, like Mr. Camping predicted. However, it will be Saturday, September 24th, 2112.
2036. End of the World guys.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
The End of the World is actually on June 3rd
The catch is rapture.
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
It won't be the end of the world until they remake FF7.
I'm actually still hungover
starting to think that maybe I am really dead now ):
BBC News - Rapture: Harold Camping issues new apocalypse date
We have such a loving and merciful God. Five months? Thank you, Sir.
He did say the Rapture was May 21 and the real end of the world was in October. Hold up lemme check his math. God said the flood was in 7 days...yadadadada.... one day is like a thousand years... carry the 4... yup, October 21. Spot on.
He also said that the Rapture really did happen, but it was spiritual, not physical. So now there are spiritual zombies during spiritual mega-earthquakes. Sorry for anybody in Limbo right about now...
What a load this whole story is! Jesus...
It is all a load of a garbage. Just a way for the church to instill fear in people in the hopes they will join the faith to be 'saved'. Dont worry though, Once october 21st passes, it will just be proof that it is full of shit and the church will lose all credibility once again. It will still have its hopeless followers though. Pathetic.
I don't have much to say about this thread topic. So let me just say this...
Anyone who thinks this man or his ideals represent the Christian religion, the Catholic church or even the majority of believers, belong in the same category with Mr. Camping, the category reserved for the ridiculously incorrect.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I think its ignorant to claim to be a christian in general when noone follows the true rules of the bible. I could give countless examples of so called christians who download movies and music (thou shall not steal) heaps who have sex before marriage, those who get angry (yes, its a sin to be angry) and with the original true testiment, clothes could only be worn from animals you have killed. Dont give me this 'ignorant' bullshit when its christians who think that they are, when they are not being true to their religion. And i garantuee most christians on this forum masturbate. Spare me your ignorant replies. For I am not a christian therefor; I am not ignorant.
Bashing the religions of others, no matter what they are, seems pretty ignorant to me.
I'm tempted to warn you for trolling because if that reply annoyed me (I would not consider myself Christian), I am certain it would get an unnecessary rise out of someone who was actually a member of the faith.
And it's just rude.
I suggest you stop.
Still might warn for that post, though. What a troll.
Read more.
TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
Having been forced to study the religion extensivly (yes forced, thank you religious parents) I believe I have warrant to bash it as much as I like for I know just as much as anyone who has the right to believe anything.
>.> Just sayin.
So we got a new end of the world date?!At least at this rate we'll always have a celebration to look forward to when it turns out to be false!