Okay, this is by far the best idea I've ever had for TFF. Each thread will be an entry into what will eventually become something like an encyclopedia for everything TFF. This way newer members can feel a little more connected and in the know of this site's history, and the older members. Questions are always welcome!
Volume 1: The StarSoldier Saga
Back in the summer of 2003, we had an administrator named StarSoldier, who was entirely sick of her duties. She grew tired of the usual duties; rename this person, close this thread, ban this person, unban this person, etc. She wanted to end her tenure at TFF completely. In an AIM chatroom, she had devised a plan to fake her own death.
The plan went as follows: Now, StarSoldier is from Florida, her friend Nightshade, is also from Flordia, and was real life friends with her. I am from New York, and another member, Spekkio was from Indiana. Keep this in mind.
StarSoldier was to supposedly have gone to a "teen club," where someone would have spiked her soda. It was never specific whether or not she died from the drug or someone murdering her, but she was supposed to have been found dead nearby and being drugged was supposed to be a cause.
The member Nightshade was to have been too distraught to post the actual notice of death, but would delegate that task to Spekkio, who would report it to TFF. The main goal behind this was that Spekkio believed he would be promoted to admin in the chaos and ultimate power vacuum.
Spekkio wound up posting the notice of death, and there was a mixed reaction. People reacted in shock and horror, myself included, as was part of the plan. Others simply called her out on her shenanigans.
It was not long before StarSoldier had enough, and simply went off on everyone in one final "screw you guys, I'm outta here" type of post, explaining why she had done everything that had occurred. That was the end of StarSoldier on TFF. I can't recall if that was it for her on aim, but I'm sure others may.