View Poll Results: I rather be a....

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  • Single person

    23 34.33%
  • married person

    44 65.67%
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Thread: Do you rather want to be single or married?

  1. #61
    I am 23 and I want to be single because all the married couple around are mostly unhappy and all those who live together and not married are quite happy together

  2. #62
    I'm ****ing determined to get married at some point. I've seen weddings, people. It is the DUTY of the bridemaids/guests to tell the bride how pretty she is all day. The bride, for her part, gets an awesome giant cake and a beautiful dress.

    Thing is, after that, I'd be someone's wife. Say that, go on. 'I am his wife.' Ew. Maybe it's just because I'm 20. 'He's my husband.' Fuuuuck.

    Maybe one day it'll be alright. To be honest, I don't see how ending a marriage is a big deal. Could be my upbringing, but whatever. It's more or less the same as ending a relationship, but the people have the law behind them allowing all kinds of bitter scatter****ery. I DETEST people who have 'custody battles'. What in the name of God is that about? I mean, sure, if you're divorcing some bunnyboiler who's never going to let them near you again, sure. If he ever hit them, sure, keep them the hell away. But otherwise, do good by your children by acting like adults.

    So yeah. I think I'll get married, and then annull it the next day. Claim no consummation (they'll never know). Keep the dress, live off cake for a week, take a honeymoon for the sake of it, consider getting a new surname. The man would have to have one hell of a cool name for me to consider it though, since my clan's name is dying and stuff unless my brother and I propagate it (all of my cousins are girls; most have children who have their father's names. My brother is the only male grandchild on the clan side. My grandad was asking him about his plans for children from a ridiculously young age).

    Or we could just have a party and call it a wedding. A day to celebrate our relationship, and get everyone else to do so too.

  3. #63
    Well I'm getting married October 25 and let me say I have been looking for a way to back out for almost a year now. It scares the crap out of me. We have been together for 13 years so not like I just met the guy. Yes I love him, it's just the idea behind marriage that freaks me out. I think it would be easier if we went to Vegas, I got loaded on Jager had Elvis marry us. His family hates me and I guess that has me worried. His mom and grandmother hate me because I don't want kids and they want grandchildren. Also that I'm not taking his name really pisses them off. I will be 30 this year and I am very attached to my name. I'm not a traditional person. I don't cling to traditions or worn out beliefs. Maybe that is why I am using One Wing Angel instead of the wedding march. Can't wait to see his families face when that thing starts playing.

  4. #64
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Do you rather want to be  single or married? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Why is there no option that says 'together but not married'?

    You have to choose between being married or being single?

    Doesn't make any sense...
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Griffith View Post
    To answer the question, marriage is something I will put off until I'm damn sure I love the other person and they love me equally and we are both willing to compromise.

    "There's always enough fish in the ocean, but the good ones you want to hook are in the deep abyss near the ocean floor."
    I'm not the type of person who has to be in a relationship all the time. Most of the time when I date someone, it's for a long time. I'm never in a relationship with someone unless I really like them so, none of that get together and brake up every other day nonsense. I would like to be married some day, but I'm in no hurry. If it happens sooner than expected then so be it.

    Go with the flow.

    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    Why is there no option that says 'together but not married'?
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-14-2009 at 02:15 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  6. #66
    Death Before Dishonor Do you rather want to be  single or married? Josh_R's Avatar
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    At this point in my life I would like to be married I have my life together finally I'm done partyin and i'm getting serious about my career, so as of right now I would like to be married...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  7. #67
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Well I just passed the 3 year marker alittle over a month ago and I must say that I am still perfectly happy being married. Single life was fun but I still couldn't imagine my life with out my wife in it. It's nice having someone to come home to on a daily basis and a warm body to sleep next to every night.

    Honestly it really hasn't been that long but I wouldn't know what the hell to do if I was to become single again today, probably sit at home and play video games all of the time. Well that and raise my kid(s). Speaking of the kid(s) I don't think I would have time for dating or getting back into the game so I would be single for a very very very long time, to me that just doesn't sound like much fun at all.

    So my vote still goes to being married.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
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    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

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  8. #68
    ~Its impossible to fight~ Do you rather want to be  single or married? Orbiting Gravity's Avatar
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    For me, I've always wanted to get married in the future. The idea of sharing my happiness with someone who isn't my family or friend, but rather a lover, is a pleasing thought. Of course, I want to wait till I'm absolutely positive he's "the one." Divorce is very common these days, and I really don't want to experience it.

  9. #69
    Bananarama Do you rather want to be  single or married? Pete's Avatar
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    Right now, I'm pretty happy with being single and just doing the whole dating thing. It's more conducive to my income level and my lifestyle at the moment. If I was making better money and able to be more of a provider, then sure, I'd love to be married, but for now, I want to do my own thing and not really have the responsibilities of a family. Plus I'm only 23 and would like to establish myself in the world first. Totally don't want to do the whole struggling to make ends meet type of thing. As for kids, not in the plan until I'm at least 30... gotta find the girl first though.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  10. #70
    Arachnie Suicide Do you rather want to be  single or married? ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I'm engaged, I win. =D

    Yep, I'd rather be married, and within a year or so I will be. It's not going to be a conventional wedding and I'd be happy if we weren't even really married. I want it moreso for the ceremony to celebrate our comittment to eachother than for all the legal attachmet.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  11. #71
    Ellipsis Do you rather want to be  single or married? Meigumi's Avatar
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    I am very solitary and independent, so no.

    I cannot, not ever, rely on other people or be around people, honestly. Well, sometimes.


    That's a good thing, actually.....
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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    Soul Stealing, Chaos-loving, Pom-pom eating older brother Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus
    The Awesome and Dashing Thief, ethan
    The Stealthy Swordsman of Poetic Power, genome's blade

  12. #72
    I'm going on my last 9 days of being single and it scares the crap out of me. I get married Oct 25. If the crappy in-laws weren't part of the deal everything would be great.

  13. #73
    Cilla vs. Games Do you rather want to be  single or married? Priscilla's Avatar
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    I want to be married. In fact I really can't wait for that moment when my husband and I are pronounced married yadda yadda..

    If I am in love with someone (which I am) and wanted to spend the rest of my life with them, I would want to take that next step with them, take their name and show them how commited I am. Of course this is just my opinion.

    I don't think I would like being single. I've hardly been single since I was thirteen. It'd be weird and I am very happy in my current relationship anyway.

  14. #74
    PartTimeAngel Do you rather want to be  single or married? Rain Lil's Avatar
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    Yo mom!
    I'm one of those girls that would love to get married & have a huge expensive wedding. I'm all for marriage, who gives a crap about everyone else & their divorce rates. They can get divorced if they want to & if I ever have to get divorced, I can't say I didn't try. All I'm saying is don't let divorce rates scare you, you have to work at marriage, not sit on your ass & hope for it to heal on it's own.

    Anyways, I plan on getting married. I'm currently with a wonderful guy that I've been with for 4 years now, but I don't plan on getting married any time soon. There's still school & money issues to deal with at the time being. I don't need anymore problems than I already have. xD

    "I put my memories into a little cart and keep on going.
    After glancing back upon everything I’ve lost,
    I gather what’s left and close my eyes..."
    - Tiger JK, Thumb

  15. #75
    Marriage seems creepy. It's like having a permanent stalker stuck to you by law. =D

    I don't want to just because I don't want someone else living with me forever. We'd have to sleep in the same bed, eat at the same table, watch TV on the same couch, and all the jazz. I'm a brat still, so it's kind of pointless for me to post here, but it seems hard getting along with someone if you're stuck around them all the time. It looks like such a pain to have to deal with someone that much, so nah. That's not fun at all.

  16. #76
    I would much rather be single. I hate long term relationships because I can't stand having someone around me all the time, or even most of the time. I am not willing to give up doing things that I want to do for the sake of someone else. I have a constant itching in my feet to get out in the world somewhere and I really resent having to consider other people's schedules or get permission before trotting off somewhere. Also, being tied to someone in that way really destroys your individuality in ways that I can't stand. I never want to stop being my own person, and I don't think that level of commitment allows for it.

    Also, I just kind of hate most other people. What I wouldn't give to be a hermit.

  17. #77
    The Persistent Flourish Do you rather want to be  single or married? Alice's Avatar
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    I'd prefer being in a relationship or being married but I really don't mind being single either. I'm fine with the idea of being with the one you love and whatnot but marriage isn't something I'd want to rush into. From what I personally see, there have been more divorces lately and more step parents showing up. I get the feeling some people get too excited about the idea of marriage and get married young, only to find they stop loving each other or have some lovely argument and decide to have a divorce.

    Honestly, I think I'd stick around with the girl I feel I love a little longer as a date instead of going for the big one in an instant. I don't really want to end up marrying someone I don't find is right for me.

  18. #78
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Do you rather want to be  single or married? chrono's Avatar
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    marriage is a religious institution and to be quite frank about it unnatural.

    but to answer the question if someone comes along that makes me want to forget about all the other ladies then yes i would get married...until then SINGLE.
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    Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia

    To fight is a man's instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana

  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by chrono View Post
    marriage is a religious institution and to be quite frank about it unnatural.

    but to answer the question if someone comes along that makes me want to forget about all the other ladies then yes i would get married...until then SINGLE.
    I agree with this. In general, people get married way too often for the sake of being married. There shouldn't be any tax cuts on married people, it may force people living together to get married when they shouldn't yet.

    It seems to me that people are just trained that you "mess around" in your teens and early twenties, but if you aren't married by the time you're 25 you need to start dating dating dating and make sure you find someone before it's too late and have babies? Why?! Makes absolutely no sense.

    One of my best friends was in love with this girl, and he proposed to her. Before they got married, when I'd talk to the chick one on one, all she'd talk about was the wedding, and never about my friend. She wanted to have this amazing wedding with sparkles and magic and extravagant dresses and flowers and yada yada so forth with meticulous things. She just wanted to get married to have a wedding.

    Needless to say, they ended up getting a divorce two years later. He walked into his own room to find her sleeping in his bed with another man.

    Don't get married until you know who you are, and what you want in life. And if you find a special person you want to share that with forever, that's when you get married.

  20. #80
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Do you rather want to be  single or married? chrono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    I agree with this. In general, people get married way too often for the sake of being married. There shouldn't be any tax cuts on married people, it may force people living together to get married when they shouldn't yet.

    It seems to me that people are just trained that you "mess around" in your teens and early twenties, but if you aren't married by the time you're 25 you need to start dating dating dating and make sure you find someone before it's too late and have babies? Why?! Makes absolutely no sense.

    One of my best friends was in love with this girl, and he proposed to her. Before they got married, when I'd talk to the chick one on one, all she'd talk about was the wedding, and never about my friend. She wanted to have this amazing wedding with sparkles and magic and extravagant dresses and flowers and yada yada so forth with meticulous things. She just wanted to get married to have a wedding.

    Needless to say, they ended up getting a divorce two years later. He walked into his own room to find her sleeping in his bed with another man.

    Don't get married until you know who you are, and what you want in life. And if you find a special person you want to share that with forever, that's when you get married.
    you are exactly right about the pressure from society. my father has told me that when he was young that if a woman was in her thirties and not married she was considered to be an old hag. rushing into a marriage is just like rushing to have will set yourself back tremendously.

    thats F&^%$ up about your friend....
    Last edited by chrono; 10-20-2009 at 09:50 AM.
    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\bit torrents\jiu jitsu\helio.jpg

    Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia

    To fight is a man's instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana

  21. #81
    I only seek moderate friendship in other people. I'm independant. And I much prefer to be left alone. Single for me it is.

  22. #82
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    as much as i'd like to get married, i love being single. when i think about it, i've still got YEARS to go before i have to think about marriage though...
    Lulz. I'ma post again.

    I don't think marriage is for me. One day, maybe, the far away future when I'm forty plus years of age, and I'm with someone I love, maybe I'll say yes. Maybe. I don't want a big, fancy wedding either. Or a religious one. Something toned down, and spiritual would be lovely.

    Until then, marriage is a no go. I don't believe I need a piece of paper to prove my love for someone. Or a ring. Living in sin and premarital sex ftw.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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