View Poll Results: do you keep a diary?

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  • yes

    6 22.22%
  • no

    17 62.96%
  • maybe when my life gets more exciting

    4 14.81%
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Thread: do you keep a diary?

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  1. #1

    Post do you keep a diary?

    so do you keep a diary of any kind? its fun to keep diaries even if you have the most minor things you did during the day. after a year or 2 you read it from the beginning and it actually makes you treasure your life more.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    My journal is in my head. I don't need to write my life down, say something personal and then my friend finds it.
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  3. #3
    Memento Rhapso do you keep a diary? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    negative, ghost rider lol sorry reference needed
    I don't like writing personal things down. Makes me feel as if anyone can see anyhting I've ever done ever

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  4. #4
    do you keep a diary? Jin's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I have to keep diary entries to ensure the world never forgets all the amazing stuff I do.

    Dear Diary,

    Played video games today. Got stuck in God of War 3. Why won't they stop coming? What was I thinking choosing hard mode? Now I have to play Final Fantasy 13 and watch Battlestar Galactica to balance my stress level. I should probably be working on the papers I have due at year end that I'm so behind on I could scream. But I won't. That's all for now, Diary.


    Can the world survive without that knowledge? I think not.
    Last edited by Jin; 03-24-2010 at 04:05 PM.

    Until now!

  5. #5

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I do not, I only have my TFF Journal and that's about it. I don't really update it, when I do, It's usually because I'm bored.

    The strange thing is, when I need to vent about something I don't write in it because I just feel like I'm complaining :s so the purpose is kind of defeated.

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  6. #6

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    theres this one time i was so dwell over something i wrote in my diary, i was dreaming it at night. you have to believe me, it was the most interesting thing ever. so now if i want to dream something i would write it down and from time to time i would actually dream huh?

  7. #7
    The Bad Boy of TFF do you keep a diary? Block's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I do not. I like to keep my life so secret that paper isn't even allowed to know what I'm thinking.

  8. #8

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    thats the thing...i mean your diary doesnt have to necessarily contain secrets, it's personal but you dont have to keep secrets.

  9. #9
    Registered User do you keep a diary?
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I sort of have a diary, but it's mostly used like a notebook that I jot down all kinds of stuff in, whether it be ideas, sketches, plans, or whatever else is going through my mind. I do have a TFF journal here, so I'll update that every once in a while if the urge to do so strikes me.
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  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I used to keep a hand-written diary, which had my thoughts and sketches in it too. It was actually really personal, and I caught my brother finding it - he didn't get a chance to read anything, but after that, I trashed it.

    Shredders and lighters = <3

    I rescued some sketches, but that's about it. ^^;

    Anywho, now I just have my TFF journal. I vent a lot in there, and complain/moan a lot, but it takes it off my mind for a while. I don't really mind sharing my thoughts in there, because I don't have to make it so personal.

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  11. #11

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I used to keep a hand-written diary, which had my thoughts and sketches in it too. It was actually really personal, and I caught my brother finding it - he didn't get a chance to read anything, but after that, I trashed it.

    Shredders and lighters = <3

    I rescued some sketches, but that's about it. ^^;

    Anywho, now I just have my TFF journal. I vent a lot in there, and complain/moan a lot, but it takes it off my mind for a while. I don't really mind sharing my thoughts in there, because I don't have to make it so personal.
    the thing about diaries is that you earn freedom to write whatever you want in it but then you often get threaten. if anyone finds your diary it'll be like... please dont read it, i'll do anything you say.... so just dont keep BIG secrets in there that can ruin your life if you let one more person know.

  12. #12
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I have my journal here, it is bad shape and has been neglected since around November if I remember correctly. If find my life is pretty repetative and you figure it wouldn't be that way seeing I have kids and a hot ass wife but it is. I found myself having to resist the urge to type the same jargan over and over again. I wrote up a post one time for my journal took a look at it and realized it was almost a copy and paste of the exact same thing I had wrote a few weeks before hand.

    I will usually write something out if something interesting is going on with me; if not then I neglect the hell out of that thing.

    As for me I do not keep a diary per say, I talk to my wife about everything and have no reason to jot stuff down on paper.

    Now that I think about it I will have to update my journal some time this weekend or maybe after the weekend of the 4th. Got alot of stuff going on over the next few weekends and there was something that happened the day before yesterday I need to put out there.
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  13. #13
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. do you keep a diary? Polk's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    Back in the day, I used to keep an anal journal. After a while, though, I didn't see the point. The first entry read:

    "Dear Diary,

    Did not receive or give anal today. I am relieved."

    And then it just said "ditto" for the next 364 days.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  14. #14

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    Quote Originally Posted by James K. Polk View Post
    Back in the day, I used to keep an anal journal. After a while, though, I didn't see the point. The first entry read:

    "Dear Diary,

    Did not receive or give anal today. I am relieved."

    And then it just said "ditto" for the next 364 days.
    lol. so when you tell us now it quite funny right? interesting diary you have there.

  15. #15
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    Quote Originally Posted by LIGHTNING_71013 View Post
    lol. so when you tell us now it quite funny right? interesting diary you have there.
    Yeah but those entries are 4 years old, so the last 3 years are now unaccounted for.

    To keep this one on track though, I have been seriously thinking I need to update my journal. I think in the next day or so I will posting in it.

    I have reread back through it and I must say wow. Alot of crap happened last year and the year before that I forgot about hahaha.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  16. #16

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Yeah but those entries are 4 years old, so the last 3 years are now unaccounted for.

    To keep this one on track though, I have been seriously thinking I need to update my journal. I think in the next day or so I will posting in it.

    I have reread back through it and I must say wow. Alot of crap happened last year and the year before that I forgot about hahaha.
    that is what diaries are all about. its NOT totally for secrets or anything mysterious that you have to write in there. just you and your experience and its enough to have a value because you cant possibly go back in time.
    Last edited by LIGHTNING_71013; 03-28-2010 at 04:21 PM.

  17. #17
    Registered User do you keep a diary? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I tried to keep a diary when I was younger but bearly filled a page so I gave up lol
    I started a journal on here if that counts, but can't actually remember when the lst time I wrote in it was lol

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  18. #18
    Death Before Dishonor do you keep a diary? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I keep a journal here on TFF. That is it. If anything new happens to me that day, then it gets posted in my journal.

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  19. #19
    I feel epic... do you keep a diary? Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I used to have tons of diaries, I just never got around to maintaining them. Now, I'm just reading the ones I have left, and they're only about 10 pages in length, each. Then again, I was a kid. Remembering things wasn't exactly my strong point.

    Keeping a diary isn't girly, though. It can be helpful sometimes to remember what you did one day if you forget something. I wish I had a diary everytime I lost my keys... >_> (That way, I'd write down where I put them, so it doesn't seem like they ran away.)

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  20. #20
    Stream Crosser do you keep a diary? Ann's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I keep my diary. I always write what exactly is happened in a day every night, and it's fun! I enjoy writing very much.

    I have four diary this far. I started to write since I was 12

  21. #21
    This ain't no place for no hero do you keep a diary? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I have a blog that I've written in since like 2002. A few people from here have it. It was a good venting place when I was all angsty and stuff earlier on. Since having my kid I don't update it nearly as much as I used to.

  22. #22
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I've neglected it for awhile now but I have my journal thread here and I had a blog for awhile. I'm thinking of reviving both at some point, the latter will have content other than my daily life though.

    Journals are a great way to vent and relieve stress and work out problems. Although I will post just about anything in my journal here, I most certainly do have a private journal no one ever sees. I've only written a few entries in that one and I usually delete them when I'm done writing it all down.

    Lately instead of writing in a journal/diary I've been talking things out with a very old, very good friend of mine. Sometimes you just need a second opinion on things.

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  23. #23

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    i just started flipping through my old diaries the other day and i found out that i use to take ballet classes. i ALMOST FORGOT about that!! but then i was like 5 years old when i took the dance lessons, but i wrote it down like 3 years ago. its so weird to remember all the old stuff again. and i quite enjoy it.

  24. #24
    SOLDIER 3rd Class do you keep a diary? Copperfire's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    It gives me a little something to do while I'm at work.

  25. #25

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    Quote Originally Posted by Copperfire View Post
    It gives me a little something to do while I'm at work.
    thats nice. but i wish my life is a little more exciting for me...

  26. #26
    SOLDIER 3rd Class do you keep a diary? Copperfire's Avatar
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    Re: do you keep a diary?

    Me too. Kind of... sort off... well... not really. What I write about is my feelings mostly.

  27. #27

    Re: do you keep a diary?

    I dont actually keep one. I have in the past and it has made quite the difference. I remeber going back to it and reading all the silly things I would put and all my little secrets. Its just easier to write out my problems instead of worrying about who I once thought I could trust.
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