Are you old, like me, now? Do your legs not move right, like they used to? Does your back hurt? Do your knees hurt? Do your shins hurt? Does anything else hurt?

Sometime in the Fall last year, probably, my knees started to bother me. My back and shins were also doing that beforehand, but the knees started to become particularly noticeable. Sometime in the Springtime, I decided to start working out again. Also, I went to a physical therapist, who told me I should do leg presses a lot. Several months later, I was doing leg presses so much that I was able to do 600 lbs, but my knees were still bothering me. Then, last weekend, my left knee started feeling excruciatingly bad. On Monday night, I was on my floor, groaning and swearing at my knee, loudly. Through the week, it's gotten better, but it's still catching, a lot. My friend told me I might have a meniscus tear, and that I need to just keep moving it through that catch, over and over. I also bought some knee sleeves, and tried to rest it a bit, but I was also testing it off and on, throughout the week. La la la, I don't know if I'm helping or hurting it, lol.

How much is your body cooperating with you?

(Edit: side note, I've lost like 40 lbs this year, so that's pretty cool.)