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Thread: Did you have a nice day today?

  1. #61
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    todays been a great day lots of chaos and mayham at work, that makes the day go by so much faster!!!!! but i am ready for lunch and ready for quitin time to go take a nap...
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
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    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
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  2. #62
    well i had a nice today though i got a hectic schedule!! coz i just thought i just have to enjoy it rather murmur or something that makes me upset...

    i had a final exams this week, doing all office work, having plans for the wedding and my usual routine is to do the laundry so kindda hectic today...

    hope that you have a nice day too and not be upset of anything just always smile hehehe!!

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  3. #63
    Yay! I found out I've got lots of things due tomorrow that I haven't started on yet! I just got assigned some more essays today...Due in two not so good.

    I did however find a quarter on the ground. It was a Wisconsin quarter that I don't have yet! ^^

  4. #64
    o my i'm a little bit discouraged but still happy today...

    well as usual i got a hectic schedule and the reason why i'm discouraged is because of the exam i took this morning... i am not satisfied of my grades so everytime i think about that i'm discouraged but anyway still cheering up myself, concentrating to the other tasks to do....

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  5. #65
    Did you have a nice day today? Takishi's Avatar
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    I had an ok day. My brother was being annoying as usual. Plus, it has been so dang cold lately and I'm getting sick and tired of my stepmom telling me what to do around my home. I know that she is nice and stuff but I'm not a 2 year old. My brother IS the 2 year old so go get mad at him. lolz

    Anyways, I had a half day at school and got home to play video games for the rest of the day.

  6. #66
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    My day has been pretty good. We went grocery shopping and I bought some stuff for when I go back to do work experience at school. After that, we went to my Aunt's house for lunch like usual and I got to watch Hairspray with my cousin and her boyfriend. I love that movie and so it was great to watch on a large LCD screen! I'm at home now (obviously) but it's kind of quiet now and I'm just sitting here typing this lol.

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  7. #67
    well i'm still happy today although i'm busy!!

    i had a lot stuff to do.. well fantasy x just pm me and he even likes my new avatar hehehe...

    like i've said just be happy ok?

    o by the way.. valentines is coming do you have a date already??? hehehe see yah all around....
    Last edited by ekimeinna; 01-21-2008 at 01:59 PM.

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  8. #68
    Did you have a nice day today? Takishi's Avatar
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    Yeah, I kinda did. It was quite fun not going to school because of a 3-day weekend. Woohoo! It went by too fast like every day does now. I just played lots of video games and sat around the house. I was thinking about going somewhere but I don't have any money right now. *sighs* That just sucks.

  9. #69
    Did you have a nice day today? Inagi's Avatar
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    Todays the two month anniversary for me and my girlfriend ^_^!

    Slightly sad though, see normally we wouldve seen eachother today at sociology class..but since its the last week of the month, homeschool center classes are canceled. D:

    But eh, whoda figure I could keep a girlfriend as awesome as she is for more than a week?
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  10. #70
    Did you have a nice day today? Takishi's Avatar
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    I have had a really crappy day today...I just got hit by a major snowstorm and was focred to go to school still while Bloomifeld and Aztec got a snow day...that gay little pansies...Seriously...I thought I was going to get killed when I was trying to get to school. The roads were so bad...I heard that we are going to get another major snowstorm here so *crosses fingers* no school tomorrow please...

  11. #71
    yeeessss i had a nice day today!!

    well we just got started in our spring semester this week and i don't know if some of our new teachers are so tough i'm still figuring out which one hehehe...

    well i am looking forward for the activities coming up this spring and i hope this would be one of my greatest years in staying here in america!!

    hope you have a same, nice day too..

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  12. #72
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    It's been okay. Same as ever, really. I just sit here, working on new pieces, etc...

    I am exicted today, though, and that's because I get to see Andrew again soon. Other than that, I just did gentle excersizing and spoke to people via the net. I'll either paint or watch a movie whilst on the phone tonight, it's not yet been decided.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  13. #73
    Air from my lungs. Did you have a nice day today? Violet's Avatar
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    Today wasn't good or bad, it was just bleh. I made sandwiches for myself and the kids then sat down to watch tv with them for awhile. After that, I went on here for a bit. I have a slight head cold, so I'm sort of feeling crappy. There's literally nothing to do here, so you will see me online quite often, probably watching movies and stuff.

  14. #74
    Well the begining sucked. Then it got better from then on. I guess each day is what you make of it.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  15. #75
    hehehe i had a nice day today coz i'm not only played a piano yesterday morning, but also me and some of my fellow students were played violin too!!

    well, even though were not that professional as you want to be, we still tried our best hehehe...

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  16. #76
    Good if I didn't half todo math.

    Stupid math. Why do they half to make it so hard. It's like they want you to mess up and make you feel like and idiot.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  17. #77
    o my though my fiance got sick i still tried my best to have a nice day...

    he's doing alright and i hope he can be able to be in the class tomorrow...

    i'm still busy though

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  18. #78
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Good if I didn't half todo math.

    My day yesterday was not too bad, it was rather busy though since I had work experience. Kids wouldn't listen to me at school which is nothing unusual. Today has been alright as well, I haven't been up to much though. We went to the grocery store about 15 minutes away and got a few things, came back home then had some lunch. Now I am just sitting here watching television.

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  19. #79
    Registered User Did you have a nice day today? Flash's Avatar
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    My day has been pretty crappy.

    I was home sick today so I didn't have to go to school. Not going to school isn't that much of a bad thing though. I played FFIV for a little bit but didn't do that much and I also put in FFVIII again and started a new game. Played pokemon for a little bit to on the WII.

    Earlier we had to go down stair to the basement because of the storm that went through. We have a creek that floods real easy and its probably full already and overflowing and there is still more rain to come.

    Thats about it for today.
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  20. #80
    huhuhu i'm having a hard time today.. feels like i got sick.. maybe emotionally.. but never mind i will not going to worry about it.. i got so much in my mind...
    still busy and stuff

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  21. #81
    ya knwo what, i did have a nice day! how bout sucked like.......idk, but i had a relly nice day!

  22. #82
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    My day today was boring but will now be awesome.
    Long time waiting for a short job interview for a job I doubt I'll get anyways.
    Now I get to laze around, munch on some tasty greatly discounted chocolate, and talk to people via MSN.
    victoria aut mors

  23. #83
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    My day today was pretty good I suppose, I did work experience so it was busy. I read with children in the morning and then I went to the library to cover books. For those who haven't figured it out, I'm a teacher aide. I got to sit in air conditioned rooms all day so of course it was pleasant except some kids were being a pain for me. Overall, I have liked mt day. ^_^

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  24. #84
    well.. i feel better now than yesterday...

    i just finished up a bunch of mails for postage to mail it!! men my left hand hurts hehehe!!!

    yah i had i nice day today... i just keep myself busy!!

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  25. #85
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    My day was reasonably good today, Mum and I went grocery shopping which was ordinary but after that we went to my Aunt's house for lunch. I had a hamburger to eat which was very good! I'm home now obviously which is nice and there is a storm near by. I'm waiting for dinner and I hope it comes soon.

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  26. #86
    It was alright if you like sittin in a pile of crap. Other than that is was ok. I just got to catch up in my RP.

    Im not the RP person I use to be. Im definatly down on my game. But i'll catch up no matter what.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  27. #87
    oh my i have another hard time today...

    just a little bit misunderstandings or so.. right now i'm doing filings so i just concentrate there... men that's really bad... i feel dissapointed but it's ok.. that's life!!

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  28. #88
    Did you have a nice day today? X SlAyEr's Avatar
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    In Evil Planet , EyE In The Gold Evil Storm
    weeeell nice day but not that nice
    pretty things happen but not all things
    Ummmmmmm......that's for today
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  29. #89
    Bananarama Did you have a nice day today? Pete's Avatar
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    I had a very interesting friday night.

    Went over to a party at a friends house. It had a ridiculous girl to guy ratio, like 4:1, so that was a great time. Another one of my friends came to the party and after we finished all the beer we decided to take a 10 minute walk downtown to the bars. There were maybe 10 of us, walking in rows of 3 on the sidewalk. Out of nowhere, some random guy sprints up to the girls from behind us and starts talking to them and really creeping them the hell out. They all start coming closer to us telling us they're legit scared. So me and my friend were like alright buddy, take a walk.

    After not leaving, we tell him again to leave, and he starts throwing punches at me. I start ducking left and right, and then he goes after my friend. Now, my friend and I are about 5'8-9 on a good day, and this kid was 6'5 maybe. Anyways, I kick the kid in the back of the knee, which evens out the height for the most part and gives my friend a shot to land some punches. He gets a few good shots in on his face and we think he broke his hand in the process. After a bit, the kid gets back up and starts going batshit crazy, so i bearhug him from behind and spin him to the ground, landing on top of him. I had my knee on his back, my left forearm on his shoulders, and I just start wailing on his head and maybe his face (don't remember, it was heat of the moment).

    It took 3 of the girls to pull me off, and in the process i got pulled sideways which enabled the douche to sucker punch me with some kinda hook punch, breaking my nose. Of course, they were still holding my arms back so I couldn't block! He immediately bolted, like a bitch.

    Afterwards, I just looked at my hand, which was covered in blood, my blood.... not fun. Apparently though, there were two huge pools of blood from that fight. One was def mine, and I gotta see where the other was. Pics may or may not ensue.

    I guess the good news out of all that is we're kinda heroes to the girls soccer team now, and because it's the fifth time I've broken my nose, I think it's finally setting straight. but we'll see
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  30. #90
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    ^ Sounds like fun. ^^

    Ah I had a good day myself. Did a couple of job interviews which may pay off once more, but then a bit after midday I headed elsewhere.

    I saw a friend from Sydney who came down to another of my mate's flat down here. Four of us there altogether. Anyways friend said we could help ourselves to the fridge contents when he took a call. Unfortunately for him (and very fortunately for me) he had a large chunk of parmesan cheese in the fridge just waiting for me.

    Oh and I got a sweet Nirvana cap too, as well as purchasing another copy of "Bleach" for another of my mate's birthdays.
    And yes I do mean the Nirvana album and not the anime of similar name.

    Now I just wait for Ann to log on to MSN and it'll be truly great.
    victoria aut mors

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