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Thread: Did you have a nice day today?

  1. #121
    TFF's Token Imp Did you have a nice day today? Martin's Avatar
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    Hmm... I've had better.
    No work for me today but I never work Saturdays anymore so that's nothing new. So I lazed untill about 1 when I went into town. Sorted out the Mother's Day stiff, got back, went on the 'ol 360 for a while..

    Had a drink and realised that I have a very major cash flow problem facing me. For at least a month. Then smooth sailing... I hope.

    Hope tomorrow is fun.

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  2. #122
    Pretty crap actually;

    1. I had to go and get my new glasses today but I couldn't because I left my refund voucher at work.
    2. My new job is pretty shitty, I'm on less than minimum wage and they give me crap to do...bastards. GRR!

    Not a good one today..

  3. #123
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    So far, today is going OK. I'm eagerly anticipating a call from Kellye to bitch at me for something that's her fault, so that's always fun...

    On a plus side, I see one of my favorite ghosts from TFF's past has returned XD.

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
    Thread killer extraordinaire since 4/20/01.
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  4. #124
    hello again... well i had a nice day today and it's not too bad than last week... not that very busy...

    we are having a choir trip again tonight... we gonna leave by 4:00 pm (SHARP!! hehehe) and then getting ready for the spring so that will be nice, then....

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  5. #125
    Did you have a nice day today? Inagi's Avatar
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    So Im all done moving and junk.

    Interwebs at me house and stuff, and I get the big tv in my room, since my grandmother already had one in her living room.

    Ohey, you guys don't know anything about what I've been doing this weekend amirite?

    Well since you all care deeply (Har Har) I'll tell you.

    So basically, the realty business is crap, and moms been pulling 2 jobs, had to drop her 3rd because it was killing her.

    Anyways, we couldnt keep up living at the house we were in, and luckily my great? grandmother let us move in. She needs someone in house anyways, as she's old and falls sometimes..etc etc.

    Mom got a new car (A used '99 Dodge Dorango, really awesome SUV, I lurve it )

    And this weekend, Mom, one of my other grandmothers (Shes not really old), my aunt (same age as me mum), and I, moved everything out of the house into storage or Mimis in 3 days. :3 Freaking killed all of our legs..I pulled something in my right leg..blah.

    But anyways, were all moved into Mimis, and internet/cable got hooked up in my room today.

    Oh, also got my 6th Belt Tip today..get to test for my gold belt monday, whee! It's about time, I've missed so many classes this belt, it's been a little under double the normal amount of time. |:
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    My Vampire-Obsessed Sister, Vampiric Delirium!

    My Semi-Insane fighter cousin, Celtic_Silver!

    My Tree-Hugging Superhero Cousin, FFGuru

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  6. #126
    im feeling ok, i didnt have rehearsal today which is a plus. But im dreading the time that may come tommorow. I want to break up with my girlfriend but i know no way i can do it can make it less painfull for her, i like her i just dont like like that(if you know what i mean). but other than that i had a nice day. most everyday is a good day for me, as long as get to wake to play jazz every morning.

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  7. #127
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    My day was pretty good, it was my Birthday yesterday as most people know and I did enjoy myself. We went out to buy some tiles in the morning so that my Brother can tile this room. We then went and looked at a couple of stores, had lunch at Riverlink then went home again. I enjoyed myself for a while by playing a few games on the Wii and then had dinner which was good as well. My Brother, Sister in law and nephew came over after dinner and we had some ice cream cake, they sang happy Birthday to me and then went after finishing their ice cream. I played Pokemon Diamond which was a present and then went to bed at around 11 pm haha.

    It was a pretty great day overall.

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  8. #128
    Not bad if you like getting punched in the face constantly.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  9. #129
    Registered User Did you have a nice day today? Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Oathkeeper13
    Not bad if you like getting punched in the face constantly.

    My day was good yesterday. Pretty hectic though which will be the same today. I woke up pretty early this morning yet I didn't sleep much. Its 4 in the morning over but I woke up for some reason. Just out of nowhere. I was having this weird dream. I forgot most of it but I recall, a circus and I was with someone. Pretty weird because they were playing this weird horror music. Really creepy and I remember seeing clowns with knives in one hand and people being stuffed in those cannon shoots.

    But I woke up about about two hours ago. I decided to do some homework and it turns out that I forgot to turn in a unit that I was supposed to turn in on Tuesday. I'm a little worried because that work is worth a good amount of my grade so far. I'm hoping it doesn't **** up my current grade but I have to later on today and turn it in.

    Then, I'm going to the gym at 11 for a tour. I'm switching gym memberships.

    After that, I'm meeting up with some friends for a bit and hang out.

  10. #130
    well... i don't know!! back to normal....the schedule is too hectic for me.... i don't know how to manage it hehehe....

    anyways, i feel good today!! a lot of assignments needs to get done by tomorrow and next week, piano and violin practice, and then singing in chapel tomorrow....


    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  11. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by Oathkeeper13 View Post
    Not bad if you like getting punched in the face constantly.
    What I meant was. My day felt like I was getting punched in the face cause it kept getting bad news.

    I like to exzagerate.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  12. #132
    My day... kinda... meh. I'm sick, so it kinda sucks, but once I'm better, I'll be okay.
    Be strong, believe

  13. #133
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Did you have a nice day today? Polk's Avatar
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    Today was boring. Dog sitting for my mommy and daddy while they're in Arizona. I'm thinking about calling people to see if they want to come over and GET SUPER DRUNK. And by get drunk, I mean hang out.

  14. #134
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Did you have a nice day today? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Not bad. Recovering, though it only took me until 11 o'clock. Pulled last night, but his friends scared me off. I think he may have knocked on my door this morning, but I was too cowardly and dog-rough to answer the door.

    He wasn't really my type, anyway. Sorry, dude.

    So I spent the day watching the DVDs I bought yesterday (3 for £20, though one was a birthday present for my dad). Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and Hot Fuzz. I also got 300 for my dad but I sent that off.

    I do feel bad for not at least texting this lad, but I've had it done to me, (a couple of times, actually) so it's my somewhat cruel way of balancing out the universe.

  15. #135
    TFF's Token Imp Did you have a nice day today? Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallulah View Post
    I do feel bad for not at least texting this lad, but I've had it done to me, (a couple of times, actually) so it's my somewhat cruel way of balancing out the universe.
    Hehheh, you're considerate at least, most of my mates wouldn't give a second thought to be honest.

    Well I've a reasonably good day. Got the morning off work at the expense of all day Wednesday but you know that's days off... So had a lie-in which was a bit of a bonus. Suffering from that affliction known as "man cold" though so I felt rough to begin with, and only by getting about 12 hours did I feel any better.

    Went to my cousin Barry's place for the afternoon - felt like I hadn't seen him properly for awhile so I made an effort. Beasted a large part of Metroid Prime III for him because by his own admission he sucks at it... That was a giggle, and drinks too.

    Came back, plugging away at the essay that needs to be in for Wednesday so..

    Last edited by Martin; 03-09-2008 at 05:33 PM.

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  16. #136
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Yesterday I had an alright day, I spent most of the time making a CD and a photo/slide show for my Mum today since it is her Birthday, she really liked them so I am glad. I wanted to burn the presentation but it wasn't possible, I spent about three hours trying to do so. It was a waste of time but oh well, she loved it and that's the main thing. Yesterday was busy but good, today is going well too. A friend of Dad's is building us an awning out the front of our house. I just had some cake so it's all good!

    My bird Tiko still isn't better though, I really hope he does get better soon. Poor fellow.

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  17. #137
    Registered User Did you have a nice day today? Dimi's Avatar
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    My day's been going pretty good so far. Even though I've had about four hours of sleep last night, its all good. Ain't nothing like waking up to hearing your parents trying to wake you up.

    I had to get up early this morning about 11 or so. I tried waking up a bit then I went back to bed. >< Another twenty minutes my mom woke me up and this time I was wide awake. Funny thing is I thought that it was going to be 11 when it was going to be 12.

    Meh, but we left to go shopping. I guess it was good. Got some new clothes and we went out to eat for lunch at Weinerschitzel. Don't know how you spell it but their chili cheese fries are so good. I don't like their chili cheese burgers so I had gotten a chili cheese hotdog instead. Pretty tasty though.

  18. #138
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I've had a good weekend. Andrew and I talked on the phone for long periods of time... It was nice. I watched some chainsaw sheering mayhem with cheesy storylines... the only thing I do regret was turning on The Descent at about half one in the morning, when I was really tired, only to peer up and see some little ****ing creepy monster on the screen.

    It scared the shit out of me and I refused to watch the rest. That's maybe the first time I've turned a horror over without watching the rest or at least watching patches of it.
    Horrible horrible film, although........ I probably didn't watch properly and got sidetracked. When I looked up, I just did not like what I ****ing saw, 'nuff said.

    We had the usual Sunday dinner, and as usual I ate about the amount that a five year old might. But I'm all PMS'y so I ate chocolate. Lots of chocolate, and the rest of that, my friends, is complete history. Seriously, I began to feel sick and wondered why the Hell I'd eaten mistrels AND rolo's. I wanted to puke, but I didn't.

    I also ate a garlic bread. Ha.

    Oh, and I just saw boobs on TV. LOLBOOBS.

    And now a fat ass. I'm turning this shit off.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  19. #139
    Air from my lungs. Did you have a nice day today? Violet's Avatar
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    Well, today was rather long and boring. I've been spending my time trying to find a keygen for my Guild Wars CD because I refuse to have to go spend another $30 just to get the access code(I forgot my email). Why am I playing Guild Wars? Because I just feel like it and it's less time consuming. I'm not going to play it now though, because I can't find a keygen, so whatever. Anyways, I'm eating chicken alfredo and the broccoli in it tastes terrible.. I hate broccoli.

  20. #140
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Did you have a nice day today? Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja
    Seriously, I began to feel sick and wondered why the Hell I'd eaten mistrels AND rolo's.
    You have to take that risk. Rollos are delicious!

    Last night turned out pretty cool. A couple of my buddies came over, and we just kind of drove around, and eventually got pizza at Dominoe's. There's no better way to spend a night screaming Kiss' "I was made for Loving you" out the windows at random people.

    Anyway, today was boring for the most part. I spent most of the day doing an essay for Spanish class, and worrying about how bad I did on the midterm for the class. I went out for gyros with a friend of mine, and she gave me back a couple of cd's I loaned to her.

  21. #141
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    my day was pretty shit. went back to school after the weekend, and was welcomed by the fact that one of my friends is leaving school on wednesday due to major family problems. so that left me in a down mood all day. if she had told me months ago that she would be leaving, i wouldn't of been so upset - she only told me this morning over a text message in class. that sucked.

    the only good thing that came out of today is getting a strand done for my drama exam in two weeks. that put a smile on my face, and made me feel great! we've almost finished our 25 min piece - it f***ing rocks!

    now i'm home chatting on here, and on some internet RPG called Vaperida, talking with mates on there... oh and listening to Theory of a Deadmans new songs on their site...

    thats about it...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  22. #142
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    My day was pretty good overall, I played some online games with a friend of mine and then my wonderful boyfriend came online and I spoke to him all afternoon. Now I'm just watching television and being bored, I don't have much to do at the moment and plus it's quite warm in here. Overall, I have had a good day.

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  23. #143
    TFF's Token Imp Did you have a nice day today? Martin's Avatar
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    Well my day is about six hours old... but it's been terrible so far. I'm badly hungover and I have a three thousand word essay to be done for tomorrow.

    I need a Alka-Seltzer and a cup of tea badly..

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  24. #144
    Bananarama Did you have a nice day today? Pete's Avatar
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    My day's been pretty damn good, but that might change in a few hours.

    Started off with me getting an 79 on an italian test. I thought I bombed it completely; I'm talking 50's here, so beating my expectations by roughly 25 points is amazing.

    I also found out that I have 100 more dollars in my checking account! I don't remember my HSBC password, so I've been doing fuzzy math in my head. Today out of morbid curiosity I decided to check my balance and was pleasantly surprised, so I treated myself to some mexican food.

    As for the shitty, my ex wants to confront me about something tonight. Either she wants to talk about the past, or is gonna advise me to get tested for some stds. I'm sure I lose either way.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  25. #145
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    My day was pretty basic, not very exciting. I woke up with a bit of a cold, I have a sore throat and a stuffed up nose. I got a throbbing head ache by lunch but fortunately that went away after some pain killers and a nap. I watched television and browsed online most of the day and now I am doing the same haha. I don't know if I will be able to sleep later but I will take more pain killers which might help so we shall see. Bandit my parrot is going crazy at the moment which is nothing unusual lol.

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  26. #146
    I'll just say no. I havn't had a nice day in a long time. Gawd thats sad.
    2nd Squad 5th Seat BLEACH CLUB

  27. #147
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Overall, not really. I'm sick and not very happy overall. I have my colonoscopy in a few weeks and I am scared about it. I don't know what I am going to find out, it could be something good or bad so yeah. Preparation for it is terrible too so I'm just not looking forward to it..

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  28. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy Chocobo View Post
    Yesterday I had an alright day, I spent most of the time making a CD and a photo/slide show for my Mum today since it is her Birthday, she really liked them so I am glad. I wanted to burn the presentation but it wasn't possible, I spent about three hours trying to do so. It was a waste of time but oh well, she loved it and that's the main thing. Yesterday was busy but good, today is going well too. A friend of Dad's is building us an awning out the front of our house. I just had some cake so it's all good!

    My bird Tiko still isn't better though, I really hope he does get better soon. Poor fellow.
    oh how sweet you are!!!

    well... it's still the same... my fiance and i just got our wedding ring and it was so pretty and nice!! we just want simple though...

    my we're getting busy... about a couple of months, i might quit this job because this coming summer we will having a lot of travelling at least a year before we're going back to my own country...

    i'm glad for those that have a nice day today!!lol

    Saved from wrath
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  29. #149
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    frankly and honestly no i have not, its been a long strenous unproductive day even though i have worked my A** off. feels like every turn i take, i take one step forwards and about 20 back, but i guess everyone goes through those kinds of days.....
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
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  30. #150
    well not bad today.. we will having another trip tonight so i not going to stay here in the office too long... we need to leave here early...

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

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