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Thread: Did you have a nice day today?

  1. #31

    uni OVER.

    Life is good.

  2. #32
    Bananarama Did you have a nice day today? Pete's Avatar
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    At this point I'm taking the good with the bad.

    Sliced my thumb open with a knife. It was bleeding profusely and I had to drive to the hospital.

    They clean it and put something like krazy glue on it. I could've done that!

    While buying 40's (cause thats what you do after bleeding for half an hour), some black thugs offered us crack.

    Very Good:
    Girl I like saw my away message and waited up til I got back online to ask me what happened and if I was ok.

    Done with classes! Winter break til almost Feb bitches!

    A 4 hour drive (tops!) turned into a 7 hour drive through Manhattan because of a gas station guys piss poor directions. NEVER gas up in Westchester!

    Um, what else. My ex decided shes moving down to Brooklyn after graduation so she can be with her new bf... this poses a problem cause I wanted to be completely over and done with her for good, like never seeing her again. And while she was returning some of my cds, she decided to tell me this and say how we should hang out then.

    Just Plain Gross:
    Oh, and apparently now she smokes weed and drinks a lot more, and had a 3 way with the bf and his friend... glad i got out of that shitshow.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #33
    I had a good day I suppose. Had some Pasta Roni, which is yummy, played guitar, lounged around...nice and lazy day.

  4. #34
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    its been a good day, very busy. i just cant wait to get off so i can pick up my son and wife and spend some quality time together! that makes for a great day!
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
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  5. #35
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    My day was alright I guess, I'm not all that happy at the moment but I'll get over it. Mum and I went shopping today which was pretty boring but we had lunch at my Aunt's house and had hamburgers. My other Aunt was there too which was cool, my uncle wasn't there though because he is in hospital with heart and breathing problems so yeah. He smoked a heap for most of his life and now he has emphysema and catches things a lot easily due to having a poor immune system.

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  6. #36
    Yes, I did. Going home day after tomorrow, everyone clearing things up, exchanging gifts, cards, wishes. We played Game Show Anthropology in my last class, and my team won, despite having fewer people. We were presented with Sainsbury's fruit muesli bars as prizes, before making sure we weren't actually stealing the lecturer's lunch.

    Now, a nap, I think. Then room tidying. Then presents with the flat, a party perhaps, and then it's Saturday.

  7. #37
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    my day has been great! just ready to go home now!
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
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  8. #38
    Cilla vs. Games Did you have a nice day today? Priscilla's Avatar
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    I had a good day well yesturday. I worked but it was enjoyable. Then I talked to someone I like on MSN until quarter to three am and he told me liked me so we started going out.

    That's about everything that happened.

  9. #39
    Did you have a nice day today? Takishi's Avatar
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    My day was ok. I'm just glad that I'm getting my finals done and I'm almost done too. Then I'll be very happy so I can kick back and relax this Chirstmas break. It's going to be pretty cool and fun.

  10. #40
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Yesterday was very busy. We were out all day until about 5:30 in the afternoon going out to shopping centers and people's houses. We went to Redbank Plaza to start with, to our old neighbour's house to wish them a happy Christmas, Booval shopping center and then to my Dad's friends house. Dad cut down a tree and we picked up the branches and stuff from it. It was alright, oh and I got to watch the Simpsons movie! I liked it a lot.

    The bad thing about my day was that I found out my uncle's condition is getting worse and I don't think he has very long to live anymore.

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  11. #41
    Did you have a nice day today? Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    (I hate j00 mens)

    To further elaborate, there is one of the male species of my knowledge pending as a trustworthy individual, said having not lied, cheated, or demeaned my being as a whole in any which way. But to contradict myself, I am not known to use the emotion "hate" as I find it a waste of effort and quite frankly, one of the most childish things a human can ever say to another. It's what 2nd graders say when they crush eachother's ants.

    Ants. Oh. Speaking of bugs, what's with all the ladybugs that are still here and...dying. It's kinda creepy. I see them almost everyday. Guess it's the warmth of the house that awakens/attracts them, then it's too cold so they die...

    Furthermore, today, I ate a blueberry bagel. It was awesome. I had forgotten about bagels...
    Last edited by Yuki-onna; 12-21-2007 at 07:29 AM. Reason: I'm like a n00b in a candyshop sometimes
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  12. #42
    Bananarama Did you have a nice day today? Pete's Avatar
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    My day went from ok to freakin great!

    Got my car fixed. It needed a new fuel pump, a major tuneup (was misfiring like crazy!) and a replacement coil for the engine. Damned thing was running on only 4 cylinders instead of 6, which in turn made my transmission kick terribly. At the same time, the fuel pump being shot led to some terrible gas mileage (the cylinders didn't help either), and overall led to horrible performance. BUUUUT that's all fixed now, so I'm happy. To top it off, my dad picked up the bill on that one, saving me $900 or so.

    To make things even better, I found out I got a B+ in my god awful sociology class, which puts me on Dean's List at Bing. 3.555 GPA for the semester. It's also the second straight semester of Dean's List, which proves that I work much better with adversity (aka going through the same breakup twice, and working 2-3 jobs, all while taking a full and overloaded course load!)

    Life is good. The girl I like is done with finals tomorrow, and we are def hangin out very soon, and hopefully many a good thing will happen. Plus my boys are done tomorrow, so it's gonna be drunktacular. Oh, and my bro comes home from school tomorrow too, so I'm sure we'll get him bombed as well. Good times people!
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #43
    me today? o yeah i had a nice day today... actually, i'm almost upset to one guy here... but it's ok he just love to tease people...

    well we are now having our Christmas break and not too busy to work because the bosses are now out-of-town so not too much work to do just answering fone calls and that's it....

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  14. #44
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    cant complain just one more working day before a 4 day weekend thats always a good thing to look forward to! i think i am out of here for the day! yay! see you all tomorrow.

    hope you all have a good day!
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  15. #45
    Yeah, decent enough. Slept in through my first two classes, skipped the third and played Monopoly during the fourth(Economics). Basically I did jackshit.
    [Today 2:38 AM] Lord Kaos: Police report on their IPs?
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: im going to kill him now.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Koloth: I tried to check IPs... but the asshole is probably using proxies
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: brb im off to kill them both.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Lady Aerith: and I don't have the power to IP ban either...

  16. #46
    Did you have a nice day today? Inagi's Avatar
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    So, I opened a box I got in the mail today..the gift wasnt wrapped.

    It was Ace Combat 6 (Limited Edition, fancy controllers and all.)

    Mom let me play it since I already saw it.

    Put it in, plugged it up, and my 360 crapped out on me. Go figure.

    I told my GF about it..she got pretty upset, apparently my gift was alot of 360 stuff. She couldnt return it or anything, since she got it off QVC.

    She was actually crying..pretty sad :\
    Gave me a good reason to call her though, we talked for a few hours.

    Anywho, it ended out in being a pretty good night..hopefully I'll be able to go to her house on new years eve..maybe a slight chance of a new years kiss? Dunno. Hope so, but I've really no idea.
    My TFF Family ^_^

    My raving sister, BleachFanGirl!

    Crazed Trivia Addicted Cousin, Squall333!

    My Trivia-Obsessed brother, Phantom!

    My dragon impaling father, Dragoon_Nick!

    My crazy aunt, Tiger Lily!

    Pilot Extraordinare Brother, FF-Fan Cid!

    Maniacal Menacing Brother, Momo Mastermind

    My Vampire-Obsessed Sister, Vampiric Delirium!

    My Semi-Insane fighter cousin, Celtic_Silver!

    My Tree-Hugging Superhero Cousin, FFGuru

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  17. #47
    Bananarama Did you have a nice day today? Pete's Avatar
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    Honestly dude, I'd have made a move by now. I know its nice to take it slow and all, but I mean at 14-15, you're not gonna marry her, so why not have some stupid fun right now?

    Anyways, today was great. Drank a lot and went bowling with my two best friends in the world. haven't seen them in a while, so it was good times all around, despite the fact that we completely suck
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  18. #48
    Did you have a nice day today? Calcifer's Avatar
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    Another boring day, got up..
    : Had a shower.
    : Watched some Young Ones on dvd.
    : Ate a packet of chips.
    : Chatted and Played Endless Online throughout the day.
    : Chloe (Vampiric Delirium) called and had a chat for a good 20 minutes.
    : Watched My Neighbour Totoro..
    : Now I have to go to shit before my Mum's boyfriend comes up for the weekend. But he has pressies Hurray.

  19. #49
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Today was pretty good, mum and I went grocery shopping and it was very busy there. We picked up a lot of food for next week but we have to get a lot of stuff on Monday otherwise the food wouldn't keep for Christmas. We finished most of our Christmas shopping, if not all actually. We went to my Aunt's house for lunch as well and she told us that my uncle isn't doing any better, he definitely has Leukemia and is too weak. She also told us that he can't even walk anymore so yeah, it's pretty sad. I don't know how much longer he has left but I do hope he makes it until after Christmas. Imagine a relative dying on Christmas day.

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  20. #50
    Did you have a nice day today? Inagi's Avatar
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    Got my new 360 today.

    It works, and it came with another controller, so I'm happy about it. ^^

    I'm off to play Ace Combat 6 now, since I have a working 360 and all. XD
    My TFF Family ^_^

    My raving sister, BleachFanGirl!

    Crazed Trivia Addicted Cousin, Squall333!

    My Trivia-Obsessed brother, Phantom!

    My dragon impaling father, Dragoon_Nick!

    My crazy aunt, Tiger Lily!

    Pilot Extraordinare Brother, FF-Fan Cid!

    Maniacal Menacing Brother, Momo Mastermind

    My Vampire-Obsessed Sister, Vampiric Delirium!

    My Semi-Insane fighter cousin, Celtic_Silver!

    My Tree-Hugging Superhero Cousin, FFGuru

    Feel free to pm me and join /\/\

  21. #51
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    its been a great day, bout to head home, hope you all have a merry christmas. i wont be back on til next Wensday got a long 4 day weekend to look forward to. Later all!
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  22. #52
    Kind of a bad day...but still good enough. My dad called...and I was a jerk. Ah well.

    I finally got to play some games again since I found my PS2 and GC. Plus, I got to sleep in until 9! Go me!

    I opened my nice little presents and I'm wearing most of them now. Sasuke is on the front of my shirt and I'm loving it!

  23. #53
    Registered User Did you have a nice day today? Dimi's Avatar
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    What's today? Wednesday? It feels like its Sunday for some reason. Today seems like a slow and boring day like it would be on a Sunday over here. And on top of that, I'm being a procrastinator. I have to do this brochure thing for history and I have an essay to do while I'm off school. It feels good to be off school so I'm enjoying the rest of the break.

  24. #54
    My day was great...because I read this

    She was actually crying..pretty sad :\
    Gave me a good reason to call her though, we talked for a few hours.
    I mean, before that my day was pretty damn good. PLaying guitar hero and what not

    but that, just took the cake.

  25. #55
    Did you have a nice day today? Inagi's Avatar
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    Oh man, today kicked SO much ass.

    As a few of you know, today was one month with my girlfriend.
    I spent most of the morning cooking lunch, for her and her parents.

    I made parmesan chicken (Omg it was awesome), portabella rizotto, and creme brulee. ( I torched it at their house, flames <3)

    They loved the food.

    I also brought Micaela a stuffed penguin, and a glass rose. She liked it, kiss me on the cheek ^_^

    Oh, and the food was served on these plates in the shape of fish, they liked em , she thought they were funny

    After that, we went to the mall and walked around a bit, nothing really notable happened..though she did try on a dress in a store..she was B-E-A-Utiful oh my gawd.

    When we got back to her house, we watched 007: The World Is Not Enough.
    Good movie, we snuggled in the floor when we were watching it.

    Afterwards, we are dinner. Her mum made this coconut..something, it was fish..really good.

    After that we watched a bit of TV, then we got into the van and her dad drove it home.

    She walked in, and kissed me on the cheek goodbye.

    All in all, it was a good night.

    Oh, and on monday, they're picking me up and we're going to nashville.

    2 hours there, 2 hours back. Picking me up at 9, and getting back at 5ish.

    So that's 5 hours to spend in a huge mall, might possibly watch a movie, the nashville mall has a movie theater in :3

    Sundays gunna be SLOW.
    My TFF Family ^_^

    My raving sister, BleachFanGirl!

    Crazed Trivia Addicted Cousin, Squall333!

    My Trivia-Obsessed brother, Phantom!

    My dragon impaling father, Dragoon_Nick!

    My crazy aunt, Tiger Lily!

    Pilot Extraordinare Brother, FF-Fan Cid!

    Maniacal Menacing Brother, Momo Mastermind

    My Vampire-Obsessed Sister, Vampiric Delirium!

    My Semi-Insane fighter cousin, Celtic_Silver!

    My Tree-Hugging Superhero Cousin, FFGuru

    Feel free to pm me and join /\/\

  26. #56
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Got to see my (soon-to-be) stepkids, played the new Castlevania for a bit, drove around and scared the shit outta my girl by intentionally swerving into the ice... yeah, I'd say a pretty good day .

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
    Thread killer extraordinaire since 4/20/01.
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  27. #57
    Air from my lungs. Did you have a nice day today? Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.
    I must say, today was really boring and quiet. I spent most of my time in my room, reading my new book Twilight. And now, it's 3:36 a.m.. and I am not tired because I woke up late. I would like to go to bed, but I need to start writing my RP. Anyways, TFF is really dead right now. I wish more would sign on..I'm bored.

  28. #58
    Today has been exceedingly relaxing, and restful, for me. Today and tomorrow are my days off from work, and last week was absolute Hell. That's the only way one can describe it..

    Not sure if I'm going to be awake to watch the New Years Countdown on CNN, but hopefully after a few more Diet Coke's, and a few chocolate covered coffee beans, I'll be good. XD

  29. #59
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Quite a pleasant day for me so far, mainly because of the beautiful weather. The middle (ok, beginning, but close enough) of January and it's close to 60°F outside. I'm very happy that I have the chance to open my windows for awhile, let the air circulate. I hate the dry, stale air that accumulates in the house at this time of the year.

    Not without its price, though. Supposed to rain later, accompanied by 50 mph winds through the afternoon and into the evening. If I'm really lucky it'll knock the power out at the store. That would certainly make my day.

    Hopefully work will go as smoothly as this morning did. I'm certain it will, since I know who's on the schedule tonight.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  30. #60
    HRH Albha Did you have a nice day today? Aerif's Avatar
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    Today was not good at all!

    Those in Britain who actually watch the news (and those in Scotland who witnessed) should know that 100mph winds stormed the country last night. Coupled with the same amount of rain that flooded England earlier in the year, the storms did some serious damage and lots of schools where closed down...

    Mine's wasn't... Hence the reason why I am upsetted so.

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