Originally Posted by
<3 4 Block
I'd say laughter. It's a defense/escape mechanism a lot of the time, but it also helps me a lot and keeps me from getting too mopey. And it can seem inappropriate sometimes I guess, but people who know me get it. I make jokes. I talk openly about what I've lost. When our friend Amy died, I did cry a lot, but I had friends who would sort of... laugh about it with me? haha that sounds bad. But like, okay..... she did it in such a cliche way.... I mean, it was probably just the longest thing in her closet, but she hung herself with her prom dress. So lame. One of my best friends is similar, and we had to sort of laugh about it. Really, Amy? Come on. We also remarked that she would be pleased with how great her boobs looked during her visitation. She would have gotten a kick out of that.
Also music. Writing music has helped me get through the loss of relationships, my grandmother, things of that nature.