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  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Your Personal Hero

    So this weekend, I was with my brother filming his movie that he's making. We first did a few shots of him working out, and then him doing his bathroom routine (because that's totally needed.) Then we did a scene of his girlfriend totally dissing on him and going out with someone else right in front of him, acting like it was normal.

    During the course of filming that last scene, there was this guy there with us that didn't need to be there (in fact, there were a bunch of people there who really didn't need to be there.) My brother hadn't wanted him to come, but when we went to pick up the people we needed, they were at his house, and they wanted him to come. When we had gotten there at six, he was already drunk. During the course of filming, he got even more drunk, and kept on ruining our filming. By the end, at one point, he told this other guy there "help me Russel..." Then he fell on the ground, and started talking to his girlfriend, who was not there. He also called me a vampire because my hair was slick back, and said he wanted to make a movie where I was the sleazy producer.

    This man is my personal hero. He's so out of control and obnoxious all the time. He's hilarious half the time, and is so confident in himself; he doesn't seem to care what anyone else thinks of him. I wanted to be like him for a long time, until I realized that I don't like being hung over. I also decided I didn't really like that scene, either; the whole getting drunk and listening to music that's so loud you can't hear what anyone else is saying (not that they're particularly saying anything important anyway; they're drunk.) So while I don't want to be like him, I still admire some respects of his lifestyle; he does things I would never dare do myself.

    Although really, my real personal hero is probably my brother. He is the one who got me in to most of the music that I'm in to today. He was also in a band that toured the country and parts of Europe. It was a Christian swing band, but it was a semi-big time band none the less (although I don't know if he'd do it again; I don't think he likes that scene much at all anymore.) I also just admire the person that he is; growing up, I wanted to be just like him, and basically, he could do no wrong in my eyes. He's the one that initially introduced me and my other brother to that drunk guy (I have two brothers; the one I filmed the movie with is the other brother.)

    I don't know if I'll ever be as clever or witty as he is, although I've started to develop a different kind of sense of humor than his. He moved away, and was gone the whole time I was in high school and college, and I made a bunch of friends whose tastes are very different from his. I've become more of my own person now, and realize that not everything he says or does is correct.

    Although really, in all reality, this man is my personal hero. Or is it "Heero?" Hmm... So who is yours? Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    i am going to have to use the lame one here and go with my mother. She is a strong person that has been through so much in her life time and she has inspired me to be who i am today. i can go to her with anything and she can always help out. she has always been there for me, through thick and thin. Shes a great person and a great leader. if it wasnt for her being the way she is then i would prolly be a bum living on the streets.

    like i said kinda cheezy but its the truth
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    ^ Basically the same reason as Meier Link, only the person in question is my grams.
    One of the best people you could ever meet and it was most likely her positive influence behind me not being just some thug, thief or major hardcore druggie.

    She's the type who, even while older and and a little frail at times, endeavors to help charities, look after her cat, give a smile to anyone, write several hundred cards every Christmas and maintain a positive outlook all while making many sacrifices.
    She's ****ing awesome.
    victoria aut mors

  4. #4
    Registered User Your Personal Hero Dimi's Avatar
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    I'm with Mejer Link on this one. I have to go with my mom as my personal hero. I admire her for the hardships she's overcome since she's gave birth to me. She's really one of the few people that have been there for me throughout my life honestly. She would provide and give even when when she was ill. Even if it costed her getting a blood transfusion in the hospital. Just seeing that and acknowledging that in my mom has made me realize that she's willing to make sacrifices and make sure that I'm okay. I mean, we have our differences like every mother and son does but even when I get upset or mad with her, I never forget how she's been there and she still is.

    EDIT: I'm realizing this thread should be a tribute to all the moms.

  5. #5
    Air from my lungs. Your Personal Hero Violet's Avatar
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    My brother was my hero and still is even though he's not alive anymore. He fought cancer to the very end, even while he was in a coma. When he was frail and weak while at home, he still cleaned up the house and took care of his two kids, even though he was hurting. He was the type of guy who could smile and crack up jokes even on his death bed. He was the life of the party in most groups. If he wanted to get something done, he'd get it done, no doubt about it.

  6. #6
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Bruce Lee.

    He's a constant inspiration of the power of the human will. If you just look into his life and read about him, you (should be) instantly impressed.

    I could also list all the big name chefs.... Anthony Bourdain, Mario Batali, Julia Child, James Beard, Escoffier, Robochaun, ect.

    I guess every cook has to say Escoffier is their hero. He's the grandfather of cuisine, the man basically invented what we know as food today.

    Aside from that, my father. I inherited his hardheadedness, his attitude, his outlook on life, and, most importantly, his work ethic. My father's gone through a lot of tough times over the past decade with his body and his health, but when I was growing up he was the person I always looked up to. He was always there and was the hardest working man I know.

  7. #7
    If I had a hero, it would probably be someone in my family.

    I would like to say my mom. However, that wouldn't be a complete truth. I do admire and respect her for all the good stuff, but there's just too much other stuff in the way.

    I think I did look up to my brother for a long time, but not so much anymore. Still, even when I did kind of look up to him, I don't think I would say I looked up to him like a "hero" in any way.

    My other (eldest) brother? Nah. Never liked him much. Don't have much against him, but he pushes me the wrong way.

    Maybe my dad? Heh... I probably shouldn't even go there. I don't dislike him, but really, he doesn't talk much at all and has never really been there for me.

    I guess the most honest answer would be I don't have one. Never have had one. Do we need to have one? Am I missing out on something here?

  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fluffy View Post
    I guess the most honest answer would be I don't have one. Never have had one. Do we need to have one? Am I missing out on something here?
    Yes. You must have one, young man. It's an absolute necessity! Or you're not a real person!

    I dunno. I kinda loosely use the term when I talk about the first person I mentioned. I also have to say that I really do love my mom a lot and have a strong relationship with her, but she isn't a hero of mine.

    However, here is one I didn't think of before: Jesus. I want to be more Christlike. I have to admit I don't always try very hard, though.

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  9. #9
    Cilla vs. Games Your Personal Hero Priscilla's Avatar
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    BoA Kwon.

    She's from Korea. She's a singer. At only the tender age of 13 she entered the music industry. Not only in Korea, but also Japan. She had to spend a year if I recall in Japan at 13 not being able to speak and Korean so she could learn Japanese faster.

    Now she sings in Korean, Japanese and sometimes English and Chinese.

    She is an amazing singer and a good dancer. She is also very pretty.

    I really like languages and learning them and she has a good grasp on most of the languages I am interested in. As well as singing. Which I am interested in. So you could say she's inspiration I guess.
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  10. #10
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I think my heroes would have to be my boyfriend and Mum. They have both taken very good care of me and I appreciate it very, very much. They have done an awful lot for me and I love them both very much. My Dad has been my hero at times too, he has done a lot for me too. They inspire me and they are just wonderful people overall. I just can't say any celebrities are my heroes because they haven't really done anything for me to class them as that.. they're just celebs. It would definitely have to be people I know or care about and that's who I choose. My parents are definitely my heroes for everything they have done for me and same as Josh, he's helped me out a heap in the past. Thank you!

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  11. #11
    Arachnie Suicide Your Personal Hero ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Hm.. I'm not sure if I have a personal hero.

    One of them [although it's not like I know her that well or anything..] would be my English teacher.

    One thing about her is that she quite obviously likes teaching English.. She obviously has a love of reading and writing, which I admire. There aren't all that many people that do love reading and writing to quite that extent, and especially not those who make a career of it. But she has, which I admire.

    I also get the feeling that she's been through alot in her lifetime.. And.. I don't know. There's just something about her that I really admire.

    Another would be Emilie Autumn.

    She called her album "Opheliac" highly autobiographical. And.. There were alot of quite sensitive topics in there.

    She's a sufferer of Manic Depression and has obviously been through alot in her life.. And I'm not saying alot of people haven't.

    But she's made the choice to get out there and sing and write and play about it, which not many people at all do.

    To see somebody singing about things that her, I and I'm sure many of her other listeners have been through is.. Empowering.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  12. #12
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I'm the same as Fluffy... My mum is my hero is some ways, but... in other ways... not.... I won't go into things, but she's probably one of my heros.

    I think my boyfriend could be another. Just a guy that can smile and give me that "nothing brings me down" feeling. But at the same time, he can be sensitive as well... it's a good thing, there are just a lot of things about him that make me admire him as my hero.
    Plus, we get along so well... there's never any arguing or ignoring... we're just very close and help each other when we need it, making him my rock.

    Also, my hamster Jari. He runs miles per night. Now you tell me that's not ****ing impressive. Plus, he's the cutest thing in the world. I could just squidge him forever.

    I could mention my best friend Xander... He's not really my hero at all, but we grew up together, and we've been there for each other throughout all the cliche moments... becoming teens, beings teens... He's a year and a month younger than me, but he has the wisdom of a wise.... giraffe. He's not my hero, but I felt I should mention him, since we kind of played hero for each other when we were wee young'uns.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  13. #13
    Sir Prize Your Personal Hero Sinister's Avatar
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    Aldo Nadi, Ozzie Smith and Carl Jung. Unlike many of you, I don't have any particularly honorable relatives. If I must pick a rl hero, then it would be my best friend and roommate, Chris-Chris. He's just an amazing person. Not that he's particularly popular ...He's just always been an unweakening force.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  14. #14
    Hazel, from college.

    Aged fifty years young, still smoking pot with me in the abbey at lunch. Lived a full life; SHE KISSED DAVID BOWIE. She loves every day and takes it for what it is worth, without forgetting to respect it; she's everything I could never let myself be, but would like to be, in another life.

    My mum's not really a hero. She's my friend, and she earns respect in that; she doesn't need any more labels.

    My dad's one of my heroes, since he's that little bit further from me; that little bit harder, stronger; it's so scary to see cracks in something you always thought invincible, isn't it? He's the one who keeps me here, in Uni, the one who motivated me to make something of myself; not to try to, but to think success so inevitable that failure ceases completely to be an option. And he does that, without making me feel as if I'm under any pressure at all. It's true. And for that, he's always been a hero in my eyes. We've been through some crazy shit together; but not once did he stop reminding me of how much I was worth in his eyes, and that worth is the world.

  15. #15
    Bananarama Your Personal Hero Pete's Avatar
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    My parents are my heroes. They've both been through so much shit growing up that it's kind of ridiculous. Regardless, they are two of the strongest people I know and they've taught me so many lessons... the hard way. Yet at the same time, they've done so much right by me that I wouldn't even know where to begin. Most of it came through sacrifice of both time and money just so my brother and I could get a good education in good schools. There's also the fact that my dad worked nights until we were old enough to stay home alone just so that someone would be there to watch us and to help us with our homework if need be.

    Honestly, I never really saw them as heroes until very recently, but certain circumstances have led us to become a much closer family, and because of it, I am truly grateful, even if it did scare the shit out of me. But the more I think about it, even at this stage of the game; my dad's done a lot to change his ways from how he was in the past, and that alone makes him a hero to me, just because I know how difficult it is to shake the past and move on to become a better person.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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