So this weekend, I was with my brother filming his movie that he's making. We first did a few shots of him working out, and then him doing his bathroom routine (because that's totally needed.) Then we did a scene of his girlfriend totally dissing on him and going out with someone else right in front of him, acting like it was normal.
During the course of filming that last scene, there was this guy there with us that didn't need to be there (in fact, there were a bunch of people there who really didn't need to be there.) My brother hadn't wanted him to come, but when we went to pick up the people we needed, they were at his house, and they wanted him to come. When we had gotten there at six, he was already drunk. During the course of filming, he got even more drunk, and kept on ruining our filming. By the end, at one point, he told this other guy there "help me Russel..." Then he fell on the ground, and started talking to his girlfriend, who was not there. He also called me a vampire because my hair was slick back, and said he wanted to make a movie where I was the sleazy producer.
This man is my personal hero. He's so out of control and obnoxious all the time. He's hilarious half the time, and is so confident in himself; he doesn't seem to care what anyone else thinks of him. I wanted to be like him for a long time, until I realized that I don't like being hung over. I also decided I didn't really like that scene, either; the whole getting drunk and listening to music that's so loud you can't hear what anyone else is saying (not that they're particularly saying anything important anyway; they're drunk.) So while I don't want to be like him, I still admire some respects of his lifestyle; he does things I would never dare do myself.
Although really, my real personal hero is probably my brother. He is the one who got me in to most of the music that I'm in to today. He was also in a band that toured the country and parts of Europe. It was a Christian swing band, but it was a semi-big time band none the less (although I don't know if he'd do it again; I don't think he likes that scene much at all anymore.) I also just admire the person that he is; growing up, I wanted to be just like him, and basically, he could do no wrong in my eyes. He's the one that initially introduced me and my other brother to that drunk guy (I have two brothers; the one I filmed the movie with is the other brother.)
I don't know if I'll ever be as clever or witty as he is, although I've started to develop a different kind of sense of humor than his. He moved away, and was gone the whole time I was in high school and college, and I made a bunch of friends whose tastes are very different from his. I've become more of my own person now, and realize that not everything he says or does is correct.
Although really, in all reality, this man is my personal hero. Or is it "Heero?" Hmm... So who is yours? Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom