After getting over the shock of me making a thread here I have something fun to share with those that are willing to let their inhibitions go wild. What you need for this is:
A few hours you aren't doing anything
Don't mind uncomfortable or awkward situations
Enjoy Roleplaying or at least getting into a character
Enjoy anime, specifically harem genre
And 3 Dice of the D6 variety (like from monopoly, yahtzee, risk, etc.)
For those that have figured out where I'm going with this you have already left or very curious. So here is what is going on. I picked up my very first Tabletop RPG (I've played Tabletop RPGs already, but never purchased one). And well as strange as it sounds it is the first Japanese TRPG to be translated and officially released in the US. What makes it funny is that the first JTRPG to make it over here is a wierd strange game called Maid RPG.
Yup, Maid RPG. I'm looking for a couple people or even more if possible that want to try it out with me. The idea is that you all play Maids in a mansion serving the Master and competing against the other Maids for the Master's favor. It is not meant to be serious in the slightest, it is a complete slapstick comedy like out of Love Hina or Tenchi Muyo. So if you are fine with Roleplaying a girl character that may get into Yuri situations with other maids or whatever ends up happening than give me a post here.
If I can find people for this I'm going to be putting something together for this coming week. It will be a single session and it will be completed in that time. It will be done over the AIM Chatroom and think of it as a normal RP here except you are rolling dice for outcomes. It is very much not like D&D so no leveling, no exp, just crazy wackiness that you could only expect from the Japanese.
Let me know if you are interested and I'll give you the rules.