Not sure where I'm going with this because it's 4am and I haven't been able to sleep for the past two hours. Probably a bunch of candid non-sequiturs until I go to the bathroom to crank one out and hopefully fall asleep.
I've been heavily anticipating the FF7 Remake release. Maybe the virus is kind of like Aeris' releasing of Holy, to partially heal the planet from all of the pollution over the years. I mean logically it's impossible, but the thought crossed my mind, especially after seeing how drastically different places look without all of the pollution. The Venice canals and that mountain range in India come to mind.
Also, what if aliens do exist, crash landed in China and were just eaten? Probably unlikely, but if you told me it happened I would absolutely believe it.
It's weird having people being forced to stay home, but as someone who has to actually go to work now and then (they've imposed a lot more restrictions about what "essential" is), it's both creepy and awesome to see parts of the city completely empty. It's also weird now to watch TV from before the Rona, see a bunch of people sitting next to each other and think "well that's not social distancing". Even worse is when I do have to go food shopping or out for an errand and I see other people who get a little too close. There's almost a feeling of anxiety amongst everyone because of this shit. I've been tempted to dual wield Lysol cans and spray people within 6 feet of me.
That's all I've got for now.