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Thread: Computer Hits Old Age

  1. #1
    Lady Succubus Computer Hits Old Age Victoria's Avatar
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    Computer Hits Old Age

    Quote Originally Posted by Facebook
    Ugh. I need a new computer... ._. This one is crapping out on me.
    I can't even reformat to install a fresh copy of Windows. -_- It won't boot from CD.
    It's weird. Firefox works, utorrent works, Imgburn works, notepad works, winrar works... League of Legends works..Rift works, ..but my few essential programs don't. Photoshop, MSN, KeePass.. I can't even System Restore anymore. =-=
    Since this post, I have tested System Restore by making a TEST point, and have 'successfully' restored from that point, however older points are still a bust.

    I have half a mind to keep trying to get the disc to boot so I can reformat, but two programs say the same thing, that I apparently have some kind of corrupt memory.

    I can either see if it's corrupted RAM and just buy some new RAM, but I'm not sure if the newest RAM sticks are compatible with my 6 year old LILITH-CHAN (I don't know why comp names are always in all caps.)

    Either way, I do want a new computer anyway, so... I guess I should just save for one. >.> Cheapest one I found is $330 on Newegg.

    It's just weird. It's only a few select programs that won't work.

  2. #2
    Certified tech, come at me! Computer Hits Old Age SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Computer Hits Old Age

    So let me get this straight: you can't do a fresh install of windows, and your computer is giving you a memory error message, correct?

    What OS of windows are you running? from the sound of this problem you may be able to do a repair install, where you can install and fix windows while retaining all your stuff. You can't do a repair install at boot or at safe mode has to be done IN the operating system. Hope that helps!
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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Computer Hits Old Age Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Computer Hits Old Age

    Let it go, Victoria. Its not worth your energy and time trying to salvage a 6 year old machine. Hardware begins to fail in all sorts of areas, you fix one thing and something else will start to fail in time. You're best option is to purchase a new machine. Even a budget machine by todays standards would surpass your current machine by a large margin.

    If you have a budget (and give me an idea of what you'll be using it for) ill post the parts and prices here for you.

  4. #4
    Magically Delicous Computer Hits Old Age Merlin's Avatar
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    Re: Computer Hits Old Age

    Indeed, even a computer from Wal*Mart would be better than most computers from 6 years ago. I think you've more than gotten the lifespan out of that computer. Finding parts that work with a computer that old could easily cost you more money that new parts because they are no longer sold.

    If you choose to keep your old computer, I wouldn't run any new software on it other than security updates. You're just asking for all kinds of problems. You can check out this for info on testing your RAM: 5 Free Memory Test (RAM Test) Software Programs

    edit: Damn that makes that look like a bot post... haha. But seriously, Memtest86 or Windows Memory Diagnostic would be a good thing to look into to determine if your RAM is screwed up.

  5. #5
    Lady Succubus Computer Hits Old Age Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Computer Hits Old Age

    Yeah. I don't plan on keeping this machine, really. All I'm doing is just saving up my money until I reach my $330 goal for a new machine. Six years really is a long time, but for now I'll check out those first two programs to see if anything is actually wrong with my memory.

    Edit: Also, my Windows XP SP3 disc didn't come with a Repair Windows option, so... can't really do that as an option.

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