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Thread: College

  1. #1
    I will finish the hunt College Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Wow..haven't really posted much this or last year, but oh well.
    I had a pretty random question for you guys, but it is also very important.I rescently moved, and descided to attend college. I went to one called Everest College, but seemingly everything they say an do sounds a little fishy. I am at the point of either going just to go, or get into something like a community college.

    Have any of you ever been to Everest?
    If so, did you find it of any use?
    And this question is completely unrelated, but I was wondering what kind of colleges you guys go to if you go to one, and if you liked it.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  2. #2
    Bananarama College Pete's Avatar
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    I'd go with something like University of Phoenix Online, or a community college. I don't know anything about Everest, nor have I ever heard of it, so it seems kinda shady. You could always google people's commentary about it to see if it's legit though. I'm sure you could find something

    As for U Phoenix, it's probably the most legit for online college, though community colleges aren't a bad route either. They're usually a great stepping stone for a 4-year university, if you're shooting for that path. An associates isn't bad either, though.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #3
    I don't know if you mean Everest College or Everest University, but they both have the same problem: they are not regionally accredited. AKA, their degrees are meaningless. Go to Wikipedia and read about their various controversies.

  4. #4
    Lady Succubus College Victoria's Avatar
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    If Westwood College turns out not to be regionally accredited, then I just wasted both time and money going to that college, haha... -_-; Go figure. I'll have to look them up as well.

    Though going off of what El Wray is saying, then steer clear of Everest. o_o

    Edit: Oh, good. Westwood is accredited. Whew...
    Last edited by Victoria; 06-07-2008 at 07:58 PM.

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