My phone is like an appendage haha I'm always checking it but for two reasons, for new text messages bc sometimes I don't hear or feel the vibration and for the time even though I have two clocks in my room and a wrist watch lol just habit I guess
Do you have the habit of checking either your home phone or cell phone often to see if anyone called? I seem to check my cell often, sadly I don't have any calls or texts but maybe thats a good thing so my minutes and phone bill won't be eaten up.
Last edited by SuperSabin; 05-23-2010 at 09:09 AM.
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My phone is like an appendage haha I'm always checking it but for two reasons, for new text messages bc sometimes I don't hear or feel the vibration and for the time even though I have two clocks in my room and a wrist watch lol just habit I guess
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I check mine non stop because I find it fun flipping the phone lol and my messages come like 5 sec. before the blasted thing goes of so I like to race the ringtone to the message. Otherwise, I flip it to check the time, close, flip, close, flip, and just get that habit and do it nonstop for like ten minutes
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
For the past few weeks I have had my cell phone on vibrate. I often have to check it because I cannot feel it vibrate. On some phones you can hear the vibration, but my phone is weak so... Normally when I check it I have a new text message, or a missed call.
I checked my cell phone just as I was reading this thread lol. I don't do it often though, for some reason i'm not the "txting" type...
I find myself checking/using mine frequently when not actively performing another task.
There's just so much I can do on my phone these days; phone calls, texting, email, net shopping (eBay app ftw), forum browsing, proper gaming, reading (both books and comics), multimedia playback and as many other things as there are apps.
It's practically my PC away from home.
victoria aut mors
I usually keep my phone on vibrate throughout the day because during work I don't want people to hear my phone and because if there is a lot of noise I cannot hear my phone. I always have my phone clipped in my left pocket so if I get a text or call I will feel it vibrate. At work I will sometimes check my phone for the time (when to take my break) or if I feel that my phone vibrated but it didn't.
I don't deal with my house phone because if somebody is trying to contact me they will call my cell phone, therefore if my house phone is ringing I know it is not for me or at least somebody not worth talking to.
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No. I'm infamous for missing calls and ignoring texts. My phone is on vibrate, and I usually just leave it somewhere in the house. I do check every few hours, but it's rare that I've missed anything. If I'm expecting a call, I'll keep the phone nearby. And I do usually take it with me when I go out, just in case I need it. And to see what time it is. But I find it rude to be out with people and then constantly check your phone or text.
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. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
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I check mine when it makes noise. I don't really see the point in checking it more frequently than that, other than to check the time if I'm not wearing my watch (and sometimes even when I am, because I don't wear it all of the time and tend to forget). Periodically I'll pull it from my pocket and just browse Kotaku or Facebook a little bit if I'm not doing anything more interesting.
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reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
**1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**
time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,
DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!
Whenever I'm somewhere boring, I just check my messages and often text a friend just so he would respond with some witty or ****ed up text. Philosophical shit, music related shit, or just plain idiotic subjects.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
My phone is always by me, because for some reason the second I leave it I miss calls.. every time. I take it in the bathroom when I shower too haha I usually just put it on loud and cover it with a shirt or something so the moisture doesn't mess it up. I don't talk on the phone that much, I mainly text.
EDIT: I should probably mention this, I have this weird fear that if I'm not there to answer my phone, someone I know will call for help and I won't pick up...
idk either.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 05-23-2010 at 12:16 PM.
Let's see, I completely ignore the house phone when it rings, and I don't even remember where I stashed my cell phone, so no, I don't really have a habit of checking my phone. If somebody wants to get in touch with me by phone, you're shit out of luck.
I usually have my phone within arms reach. People are always texting me with one thing or another, and I absolutely HATE when people ignore texts or calls. My biggest peeve is when I'm driving and someone texts me, so I give them a call, and they don't pick up. It's like cmon, I know you were right by your phone 5 seconds ago!
I also check my phone in situations where I have to leave it somewhere. Say like, I leave my phone in my car when I'm at work or at the gym; as soon as I'm back in my car, I'll be checking it. I'm kinda big on getting back to people as soon as possible.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I feel the need to check my phone if my girlfriend is trying out clothes and I'm standing outside the dressing room. I don't like to be in that place with a bunch of other dudes waiting on their girlfriends. It's an awkward place to be.But with a 3G phone I can mess around on the internet while I wait for 15 minutes.
I swear to god I have phone esp. i'll get the urge to check my phone, but there wont be any missed calls or texts. about 15 seconds later, BAM! phone and/or text. Just another random fun fact about me that makes me so godly![]()
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I check my phone probably four times a day and its only as I go to do something with I check it before I go to work as I put it in my pocket, I check it at smoko or lunch and then I check it when I get home and sometimes check it before I go to bed. The only other time I will check it is if I am using loud machinery and I don't hear it go off but I think it might have gone off.
On the weekends I chuck it in the esky and it is pretty sound proof in there so I never hear it which is a good thing not that I get much activity on it the only people that contact me are my wife and work colleges and only my wife on the weekends to which it doesn't matter because I am with her anyway.
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
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I don't really check my phone often. I miss loads of calls and text messages, so my friends have learnt not to bother with contacting me unless I call them/specifically ask them to call me when I see them.
When I'm bored, I tend to check it often to look at the time. I think it's rude when I do it/friends do it too often when we hang out. Especially if you're in the middle of a conversation with them.
I check mine constantly, I don't know why tho lol
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i do have a habit of checking my phone and it is getting really weird
I don't have tendency to check my phone every now and then, but I don't recall missing much of the calls or even text messages because of it, my ring tones are always on, so I hear pretty much whenever I have a call or just receive a text message, unless the phone is not in my vicinity which frankly is really rare.
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I just got a new phone (Motorolla Cliq XT), so I'm on it constantly. It does everything though, internet, games, it even streams audio and video from my computer anywhere I have a 3g connection. So if you ever see me in real life, chances are my phone will be in my hand.
I only check it randomly if it's been awhile. You never know when you might have missed it even if it's not on vibrate. Mostly my phone is on vibrate since it's to loud even on the lowest sound setting. When I first got my first cell phone when I was 16 I used to check it all the time since I would always get this feeling like it was vibrating but it really wasn't.
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Haha, Loaf I used to get the phantom vibrate all the time. The scary thing was sometimes I'd think it was vibrating even when it wasn't in my pockets. God damn I hated my 3 Razr's
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I get emails sent to my phone, I try my best to check it every few minutes. Starting to get used to how this BlackBerry works.