Why does everyone follow celebrities, keep up with "their" trends, etc? Most celebrities really aren't as cool as you think. Yes, they are rich, and I understand that's appealing, but what the **** is the deal?
Why does everyone follow celebrities, keep up with "their" trends, etc? Most celebrities really aren't as cool as you think. Yes, they are rich, and I understand that's appealing, but what the **** is the deal?
Because they like it!
Celebrities influence trends? ....
Ohhhh, like flashing my vagina when I get out of the car ? ur crazy that's so IN you're just jealous because you don't have a vagina
seriously, trends now are shaving your head bald and attacking cars, going to rehab once a month, there aren't any "trends" anymore because famous people are too busy doing stupid stuff.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 04-22-2010 at 10:13 PM.
Because I'm gonna be a celebrity and I'm trying to set an example out here.
I don't follow any, really. I don't squeal when when the guys get snapped topless, or when boobs or a vagina gets flashed. Sure, maybe I'd squeal if I got to meet and hang out with a celebrity, but it wouldn't bother me either way.
I lied about the boobs part.
I see headlines when MSN starts up (Today window) but only usually click the article if it mentions female nudes or something else slightly interesting. Apart from the appeal of seeing famous women nude though, I couldn't really give a shit. When I see an article about some kind of 'fashion disaster' or something I worry about just where humanity as a whole is going.
victoria aut mors
I believe it's because celebrities live the lives that we think that we want. It does sound appealing to be famous, doesn't it? To perhaps be remembered long after we have left this world, and know that we have left some sort of "great impact" during our short time here on earth.
As for trends, I think it's just the exposure that mags other media set out for the general public. Celebrities are pretty much living advertisements for designers and such, so when an "important" celebrity gets their photo taken wearing something that can be the new trend, pretty sure that people will follow along because they want to emulate their favorite celebs.
That being said, I don't generally follow celebs or the gossip and trends that they set and generate. Maybe in passing I'll check out what's going on, but other than that, I don't pay any real mind to those sorts of things.![]()
Click at your own risk.:
Dodie said what I wanted to say.
People follow and emulate celebrities, read their biographies and essentially stalk them because they want to feel connected to them. People want to feel famous and needed. Not all, but some. By following these celebrities around and learning all about them, they feel a connection to them.
You know, you go and read all about a person, and you start to feel like you know them. It's creepy, but it happens. People do this with celebrities so they can feel connected to them, and maybe figure out what they did to get famous.
It really boils down to wanting what you can't have.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
The only thing celebrities have shown me is what not to do with my money if I ever become that rich.
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I'm a person that does not follow celebrities, if I hear/see something about them and be interested for the brief moment but my caring ends there. There a quite a few celebrities that are "strange" or a plain dumb so I don't care about what they are doing at the time.
As for people keeping up with their "trends", I hope Lady Gaga's style, if it could be called that, doesn't become mainstream otherwise there will be a lot of horribly looking people. The only trend people should follow is Clint Eastwood's death strare; the only problem is most people can't do the stare and should let Clint do what he does best.
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I really don't care what celebrities do. I honestly could care less. I don't keep track of their petty stuff. And as far as trends go, again I could care less.
I haven't seen many trends lately. I usually tend to steer away from that shit. As for the celebrities the few that I have actually met were pretty cool. Billy Ray Cyrus, funny ass guy, real cool. Chuck Liddell was the same way. Then again those aren't the people setting these trends.