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Thread: Card Games

  1. #1

    Card Games

    Although the thread title isn't specific, I more referring to such card games such as Yugioh, Magic, Pokemon, etc. I'm sure everyone has played or at least seen such cards at least once in their lives but this is more directed at the players on TFF.

    So as a general topic, does anyone here play any? Or rather yet if you do/ don't, what do you think of them?

    I myself go through phases every now and then with these games as I drift between them depending on how well they grip me. The biggest one of all, which I’ve just come out of, is Yugioh. I used to play it alot as I'd spend most my Saturdays in town playing or entering a tournament. My friends were into it as well and we all played different decks. Mine were cyberdark and Evil Hero's (to those who play, you'll know what I mean). After the latest change in ban list and its limitations on my main tournament deck, I slowly came out of it and move onto my current hobby (Warhammer 40,000 but there will be a thread for that another time).

    Apart from this, I also used to play some Pokemon (only as a kid) and was heavily into Duel Masters when it first game out. I even had a habit of buying cards off the net but that just shows how obsessive I was when I was younger.
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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    The ONLY cards I ever collected were Dragon Ball Z ones... I musta collected more than 100 - about 150-200 if I was to include doubles.

    To tell you the truth, I never understood how to play them! Me and my brother used to collect them to see who could find the strongest characters (I won when I found a Boo card! I think thats how you spell his name anyways...).

    Its been a long time since I have seen the cards, but I'm gonna have a little hunt for them - bring back memories... lol...

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  3. #3
    Uh... do NBA cards count?
    Nah, just kidding. Back then I loved collecting those Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, and I'd save up my money for a week just to buy a pack of `em. Now I guess I'm too old for them so I gave them to my little brother instead. ^^

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  4. #4
    Synthesized Ascension Card Games Zardoch's Avatar
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    As a kid, I collected baseball cards and I think I still have the few rare ones lying around somewhere. The rarest one I had was worth 60$ at some time. Nowadays, I collect and play magic the gathering most of the time. Most other card games are either shit, got ridiculous tournament rules (yugioh for one as they've banned so many ****ing cards), or I hold no interest in. I'll be playing MTG till the end of time.

  5. #5
    I used to be a crazy Yu-Gi-Oh card kid. Back in the third and fourth grade, I was one of those kids that collected random cards and played after school with friends. It was a fun game. All card games are pretty fun if you know how to play them. I didn't really understand any of those other games, but Yu-Gi-Oh was kind of the simplest. Some of those other card games had so many rules and funky extra things that were confusing. I liked Yu-GI-Oh cards enough to go crazy over the card packs and building my own decks. I actually had three decks with different element monsters and strategy cards because I was so into the game. After a while though, it got old, and I gave them all away. Sometimes I miss them, but whatever.

  6. #6
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I've never really collected cards before. I had received about three or four Pokemon cards once from my uncle who sadly passed away a few years ago and one of the cards was actually fake. I think I still have them somewhere but I never bought any more after that. The only things like that I collected were Tazos, they were awesome and I still have a heap in my room somewhere. They had many different types of those and I used to like collecting as many as I could!

    I collect some bird cards which come out of the bird seed we get for my babies. They are cool cards, since I am a bird lover, I thought that it would be great to collect them. We seem to get a LOT of doubles though which can be a pain.

    Besides that, I don't think I really collected any cards, not as a child really anyway. I knew a lot of people who did anyway, both in primary and high school. I used to see some people playing them near the art rooms in 8th/9th grade. I don't know what they were but it looked pretty cool.

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  7. #7
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I played a little Pokemon when I was little I vaguely remember. Up until they released the Pokemon Fossil expansion. I ended up selling a few and trading the rest to other kids for various things.

    I played some yu-gi-oh as well, but mostly with other people's decks. At this point in time, I have but one card, and I really only keep it as a goodluck charm or something. It has sentimental value, even though it's probably worth nothing.

    I was interested in Magic the Gathering for about a decade I think too. Up until the expansion with the dark steel cards came out. It's funny in that I collected them for some time, and now trying to remember the game, I barely can. I have a deck or two packed away somewhere I believe...

    And finally there was Duelmasters. A game I never actually planned to get into. As fate would have it though, there was an event at a shopping centre I was at and I got a free deck of cards. I went on with the free cards winning tournaments and the like to get more free cards. Only local ones, but with all the free binders, deck boxes, booster packs and things I was getting, it was kind of fun. I sold most of my things since then, except for my two best decks and a Tournament of the 5 civilisations deck box I had that looked cool.
    I'll be buggered if I know where they are now though.

    I haven't played a card game other than poker in the past few years I don't think, but I do have that history...
    victoria aut mors

  8. #8
    I only really collect and play Pokémon. Yu-Gi-Oh's tourny rules are just stupid, MTG's got no strategy whatsoever, Duel Masters's just a ripoff of YGO in my opinion, and I don't know any other decent-looking ones, so I ended up with Pokémon. Which really isn't as kiddy as it looks.

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  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Refieth View Post
    I only really collect and play Pokémon. Yu-Gi-Oh's tourny rules are just stupid, MTG's got no strategy whatsoever, Duel Masters's just a ripoff of YGO in my opinion, and I don't know any other decent-looking ones, so I ended up with Pokémon. Which really isn't as kiddy as it looks.
    I tended to see Duel Masters as being more of a ripoff of MTG myself. And MTG was probably the most strategy filled card game I ever played. Yu-Gi-Oh pissed me off when I realised they had nothing against using counterfeit cards despite their official rules saying otherwise.

    As for Pokemon, though I haven't been into it for 10 years? I don't know, the main thing that's made it seem 'kiddy' to me is the English version of the anime and all the merchandise released which tends to be cutesy and child orientated. The people behind all the Pokemon merchandise could probably do the same thing to many other great anime franchises.
    victoria aut mors

  10. #10
    I collected several different card games when I was younger.
    Pokemon, DBZ, Yugioh, and finally Magic.

    I wasn't really into Pokemon, just a have them thing from middle school. I still have some of them, but I gave most to my nephew.

    DBZ I owned at. Had the strongest deck around. Wiped the floors with my friends just about every time. They wouldn't play me in it after the 43rd time of beating them in a row.

    Yugioh, I stopped because the cards just got stronger as time went on, discarding the older ones like nothing. Not much use for haymaker type deck of old. Owned at that too. lol

    Magic is probably what I'm stopping at. Just not enough opponents to face anywhere. Nor do I have all the right cards to finish my deck properly. Fine tuning and such. It still kills in more ways then one, though.

    I see Duel Masters as the same as you Celt. Just a rip off of the better games out there. My friends were confusing them as both games used the word "Mana".

    I could get Eye of Judgment, but I don't think I will. Another collect and win game. I'm more along the war path games now. FPS and Tactical game strategies.

    When I'm at my peak with all the right strategies and such, I simply couldn't be beat in any of them. Kinda boring when you're at the top.

    Of all of them, Magic was the hardest to get into, but the it has the most possibilities to offer. So many strategies you could make with so many different cards. You just need to know what you are doing before you build a deck. That's what my Sensei taught me. Like what kind of deck, what you want to do with it, do you want to trick your opponent, do you want to win through force or though spells... the list is literally endless.

    On a side note, there was a MTG Club, but no one wants to play....
    Like I said, It's kinda boring when you're at the top.... then again, I didn't play against anyone in TFF.. lol
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  11. #11
    Synthesized Ascension Card Games Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Refieth View Post
    ...MTG's got no strategy whatsoever...
    How long have you played MTG? Because seriously, I find this to be one of the (no-offense) stupidest comments ever made. There are thousands upon thousands of cards within MTG and hundreds upon hundreds of combinations that have hundreds of different kinds of effects. To say that MTG has no strategy is like telling Sun Tzu that strategy does not exist.

    Out of all the card games I've played, MTG has the greatest extension of strategies known to man to a point where nearly no one deck works the same way. There can be decks that create the same effects, but the manner in creating those effects are completely different. It takes me like an hour or so to put together one deck alone, figuring out the strength of its effect, the strengths and weaknesses, and the perfect cards needed to get the desired effect. There are literally an infinite amount of possibilities to create the effect you want.

    To an extent, I will agree that some decks seen in tournaments might be ridiculous, but those kinds of decks are found in ALL card games, yugioh being the biggest victim of that. My best friend was one of the highest ranked players within yugioh, but when a shit ton of cards were banned, he almost dropped off the map. Now, he's still within the top 50, but has given up on getting to the top again since it cost a lot of money to build a good deck. It cost more money to put together a top yugioh deck than an MTG as well.

    Anyway, I suggest you go back to MTG and go deeper into the game because you seriously have yet to understand much of anything if you think there's no strategy to it.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 06-10-2008 at 04:17 AM.

  12. #12
    Card Games Mr Spike's Avatar
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    Ahhh, i remember the Pokemon craze during my time at primary school....

    Everyone'd lay their cards out on the floor or benches like a car boot sale or something similar and then you'd go up and haggle until you got the card you wanted

    I shall never forget the day i opened up a pack and got Mewtwo (was that his name?) in it

    Aside from that, i play solitaire. On the computer, mind.

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  13. #13
    i used to play pokemon all the time then i sold those when i was 8 when i got into yugioh then i played that for awhile maybe a couple years. then i stopped and sold all my cards and i had some good ones, like 6 blue eyes and lots others i dont remember but i got into video games for a couple of years thats when i really started playing Final Fantasy then my older freind got me into it again he's thirty and has played since it came out he's got thousands of cards. he gave me some good cards and i bought a bunch now i have sweet cards and have been playings games and cards at the same time. anyone who offers to duel i duel.

    i play magic too its a fun game my dads got more cards than me but i got some good ones.

    Warhammer 40,000 that game is asome i'm playing that too, it cost alot of money but its fun to play.

  14. #14
    Card Games Inagi's Avatar
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    Lessee..I started off playing Pokemon, right when it came out.

    Really had fun, but I dropped it when I was about 7.

    A few years later YuGiOh comes about, and I play that for a while.
    Course, punks at school stole all my cards so I quit for a long while.

    Though when I started dating Micaela, it turned out she still had all of hers, so I traded a few simple things to my friend Jon and he gave me roughly 400 cards o_o.

    Needless to say I have a pretty awesome deck, and enjoy playing with friends time to time.

    Oh, I also have a bunch of WoW cards but I've never known anyone to play.
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  15. #15
    Bananarama Card Games Pete's Avatar
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    I was always a year or two above all of these card trends, and though we'd always have one or two kids who would embrace it, I was never that kid. The only one that's been relatively constant has been Magic, and I stopped with that around 6th grade, when I started in 4th with a few buddies. We played once or twice and got pretty bored with it pretty quickly. I have no idea where my cards are now, but I have over 1000, maybe even 2000. It was more or less a colossal waste of money, though if I really wanted I prob could flip them on ebay.

    The only card games I play now are drinking games. Asshole, Kings, Fuck the dealer, etc.
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  16. #16
    Card Games draco's Avatar
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    Well the only game I haved ever played was Yu-Gi-Oh. I went to the tornements every sunday and alomost always got forth or fith. Pokemon I think is kinda weird because it takes awile to attack because you have to equip energy cards to your pokemon. MTG looks fun but I want to master Yu-Gi-Oh before I play any other card game.

  17. #17
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Card Games Joe's Avatar
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    I've been playing TCG's off and on since I was in elementary school. I really got into pokemon when it was getting started aboslutely loved it. I had well over 300 cards at one point, and won or placed second in most of the tournaments I went to. I still have some decks I built, one's a Fighting/Lightning speed deck (go in, hit hard, win), and one's a monotype Grass deck. That deck plays a more drawn out game, attacking the weaker monsters on the bench, then gusting them out to finish them. I don't play much anymore though.

    I also play yu-gi-oh, though I don't go to any tournaments. the kids at my school all got together and traded and played outside of class. I actually have a pretty sweet Warrior deck that pwns my friends more often than not. Don't have many good cards, though I do have a Blue Eyes Toon Dragon (the one from the actual set, not a starter deck, it's a secret rare), and a Relinquished.

    I also play MTG. I'm not very good, and I've only started relatively recently, but I have a decent number of cards, and I'm starting to get better.
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  18. #18
    Lady Succubus Card Games Victoria's Avatar
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    I play three.

    WoW. MTG. Yugioh.

    I collect Yugioh more than play, but I can play. I play MTG religously, but never in any tournaments or FNMs. And I have yet to play a WoW match, but I know how to play.

    I don't know how many MTG cards I have, but it's easily 3000+. I have about 600 WoW cards, and probably about 3000+ Yugioh cards as well. Yeah. I started collecting WoW pretty recently.

  19. #19
    Registered User Card Games Dimi's Avatar
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    Wow. Card games. I haven't played them since I was in like sixth grade or something. They were quite the trend back then.

    I remember the Pokemon craze during second or third grade as I would see everyone take out their folders with their cards all inserted neatly during rainy days at recess. I remember, Pokemon cards became forbidden to play because it was a distraction as kids would trade cards with one another and sometimes would steal and fight over it. I never get mine stolen. At least not by my friends. My sister took my Mr. Mime card for her little playdate boyfriend.

    Between fourth and sixth grade I was done with Pokemon and started collecting Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I never really battled anyone with Digimon cards. But I did battle the neighbors and my old apartments with Yu-Gi-Oh.

    Sometime in Middle School, I just lost interest of them. They didn't matter to me as much as they used to.

    I remember giving all of my Digimon cards to my neighbor and selling my Yu-Gi-Oh cards to the local game shop that used to be down a couple blocks away from me. I remember seeing kids go in and out of that store buying them. So I got about $30 bucks I think from selling them in.

  20. #20
    Registered User Card Games winterborn86's Avatar
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    I use to collect pokemon cards, but i didnt understand the rules, so never played em lol. i jus worked on collecting, sorry to say i never got all of them

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  21. #21
    Magic the Gathering for me...i rock if i do say so myself.

  22. #22
    Whenever I play a card game anymore, its usually a drinking card game. I played Magic the Gathering for one summer in between 7th and 8th grade because me and my best friend had nothing better to do.

  23. #23
    Registered User Card Games Megatron0000's Avatar
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    Re: Card Games

    I have played MTG since '94 and still play. The only thing i hate about it is that finding people to play is getting harder all the time. It started as a hobby game then i found out the an Alpha Black Lotus was worth around 2500 bucks and i had 2. Then i started collecting and playing. lol I think i have every set complete or close to it and i have a few hundred different decks. No 2 are the same or work the same. Some are dumb and dont win very much, some arent supposed to win just help a partner win, some win in 2 turns, some make the game last soooo long my opponent eventuall folds and quits....thats just for people who brag enough to irritate me lol. Anyway i tried other TGG's and never really got into them but maybe if i could find someone to play and show me the ropes i might but good luck with that lol.

  24. #24
    The Bad Boy of TFF Card Games Block's Avatar
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    Re: Card Games

    I played Magic from Fourth Edition all the way until Tempest. Spent a couple thousand dollars on cards probably

  25. #25

    Re: Card Games

    I only ever collected Pokemon cards, when it was still cool, with all the original Pokemon when I could actually name them all -_-. Although, I never even attempted to play the game, I still have my cards actually, I remember I bought the little transparent holders for them so they're all nicely placed in a binder in my closet.

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  26. #26
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Card Games The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Card Games

    Back in Primary-elementary school I bought, and collected Pokemon cards. Though I never actually played the card game itself, along with most of my friends, we usually just traded them around trying to expand our collection.

    I also have some DBZ cards, that were given to me by a cousin, but I never went out an bought any just to collect.

    -Off Topic-

    About two months ago, while rounding my things up out of storage, I stumbled upon the "5" ringed binder I had them in and took a stroll down memory lane.

    I probably could have another car, sad to say, with all the money that was spent on those damn things, but what eves. Hopefully they will be worth something one day, and I will be able to sell them on eBay.
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  27. #27

    Re: Card Games

    From 6-9 I just collected Pokemon cards. After that I played Yugioh for 5 years and was almost obsessed with it (I too attended some tournaments). Just as little gaps in these years I played Harry Potter, DBZ, and Magic card games. I dabbled in a Gundam Card Game but gave it up cause it confused my 9 year old mind. However, I still own almost every card of every card game that I have paid attention to but they are in storage.

  28. #28
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Card Games Treize's Avatar
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    Re: Card Games

    The only game that I've played recently is Magic the Gathering. One of my friends likes to play it and made me play it with them. I haven't bought any cards in probably 10 years, but I can usually still win because my friends isn't the greatest at magic. =/

    I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh back in grade school, but Yu-Gi-Oh just doesn't seem like it would be very fun to play anymore. I collected Pokemon cards for awhile too, but I never found anyone to play with. Everyone would just collect them and not know how to play.

    This only kind of relates, but I remember having card video games, and those always seemed more fun than playing with real cards for some reason. I loved playing the Monster Rancher card game. It got quite addicting.

    EDIT: I also collected DBZ cards (worst idea ever) and Digimon cards. The Digimon cards were pretty cool, but then the store I bought them from stopped selling them. That was a sad day.
    Last edited by Treize; 03-22-2010 at 04:01 PM.
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  29. #29
    Registered User Card Games
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    Re: Card Games

    I was one of those people who would collect a few cards here and there, but never learned how to play the game. I had a couple of decks of Pokemon cards. Team Rocket packs specifically, because they had the dark Pokemon! I really just liked the artwork on the front of them, so I never got around to learning how to read all the nifty information that was stated on the card.

    I didn't keep the Pokemon cards. I gave them to my little cousin when she got into the game. It was sort of weird seeing her get into them about the same age that I did, but I'm glad that she was happy that she got them. She doesn't know how to play the game either. She likes trading them off for different cards.

    I also have some Kingdom Hearts cards. I think they're supposed to be modeled after the Chain of Memories game, but heck if I know how to actually play the card game. One of the box packs came with a DVD about how to play, but I never got around to watching it, because I really don't feel like learning how to play anyway. Again, I bought it mostly for the artwork.
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  30. #30
    Lady Succubus Card Games Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Card Games

    Oi vey. Let's see, 1 1/2 years later, eh?

    I play and collect Yugioh. I collect MTG and know how to play, but don't really play anymore because I have no one to play with.

    As far as WoW goes... I probably have the same amount and I doubt it's 600. I think it was a lot of 500 I bought. I still have the same amount and I don't know how to play anymore.

    But I have YGO and MTG in my blood and will never forget how to play unless new rules come in.

    Also, I picked up playing YGO World Championship 2010 for DS. It's pretty fun. I also play YGO Online from KONAMI. It's pretty hot. My char has big boobs like Mai. Hee.

    PS: I'll count how many cards I have of MTG and YGO and edit in later.


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