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Thread: Call out to all the oldest members of TFF!

  1. #1
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas

    Call out to all the oldest members of TFF!

    Maybe this thread is COMPLETLY retarded... because I do stupid things like that from time to time.

    But, I want to ask, how long have you known about TFF... like how long have you been coming, what drew you to it, how did you find it, what sort of fond memories do you have from it?

    I think we will start with that, maybe a better chance to get to know each other. I ask this because I decided to go to the waybackmachine to look up old history and see what it was like back when I first joined the forums 6 1/2 years ago. Man, it was weird to see a BUNCH of old names who were there that no longer are with us. I was kind of an immature teenager back then. Now I'm just an immature young adult but who's counting?

    Its also a wonder if there are still any WAY old members lurking around, maybe under new names. So if you DID have a previous account name, what was the first one you registered at TFF... when and so forth.

    Ok, I registered at TFF at the start of 2001, though I am not quite sure the month stated on my profile is accurate because we had a few forum wipes due to hackers and other problems so we all had to reregister from time to time. I found the website by looking up information on Final Fantasy 6. I remember my family had only recently received the internet and I wanted to find anything on Final Fantasy VI. I somehow stumbled onto thefinalfantasy, then discovered the forums... registered and posted some sort of topic about final fantasy 6 in 2 forums not knowing how to do it properly or what I was doing. From day 1, I was a spammer, because I had no idea what I was doing.

    The rest is history.

    Back in the old days of TFF, we had hard core RP's going on and it was fun and personal because there were like 200 members. It was sweet.

    now we have an overgrown flourished family!

    So yeah, back to those questions I asked at the start...
    Member of SOLDIER

  2. #2
    Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! Lazer's Avatar
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    Grassy knoll.
    Well I first came here in mid/late 2001. I forget what I was looking for but I just stumbled across it, I hadn't even heard of message boards before that. Not sure whats kept me coming back all these years. I agree on the point that it was alot more..... interesting or personal back in the day. I still say the conflict and tension back in the day is what is lacking now. I mean seriously I dont even hate anyone on here anymore. Actually I think ill start a fight now. Syd your a donky loving fruit basket..... j/k. Seriously though I really cant put my finger on a reason I keep coming back to this place, but 99% of the time I'm on my comp with nothing to do I end up here. I guess its just the variety of people and quality of people.... and the variety of the quality of the people...... boyaa.

    On a side note does anyone remember the azn dude who used to come here with the sig of a cartoon guy wearing a set of head phones.
    ThE cHoSeN

  3. #3
    I started coming here in 2001, but my first account was deleted due to inactivity.

    I heard about TFF from a kid in seventh grade. Final Fantasy was one of my favorite games back then, so I came here to get information, etc. To this day, the home page is lacking in content, so I came to the forums.

    I remember being good friends with a lot of members back then. Usagy, Sean (Well, Sean hates me), S, all of the older folk. I remember all the drama over silly things, like when Pete became an administrator and gave out extra Gil to his friends and people freaked out. Everyone wanting Braska Spira banned because he had a death list in his signature and wanted all the old Final Fantasies remade. Watching in awe as Andromeda postwhored his way to the ranks of OmegaGear and che post counts. Dawes being Dawes.

    TFF used to be really important to me. It was more fun than stupid middle school kids. Even though the clans were never active, it was nice to belong to them. Those were the days.

  4. #4
    Well I'm not that old of a member really, but I guess staying for anymore than a year is a godo amount of time invested.

    I joined mid October of 2005. I had been into FF while and since I was at home alot I had alot of time on my hands to play the games. My friend who knows alot more about the series than I found this randomly just looking for FF stuff and he joined and told me about it. Well he got bored quickly and left but I started talking to a couple people way back when I first joined. Mostly OceanEyes and Strong Bad. Pretty much then just over the next few months it was a long winter so I was here and posted tons, and met up with a few more people and have just become what I am today.

    Back then a whopping year and a half ago there were no ranks, only noobs, members, and then the staff ranks. Also no gifts either, those came soon after. I remember Cesar was still an S Mod and I think Bunny was the mod of GC, I haven't seen him here in ages. I also remember more clicks of people. Like everyone had more of a tight crew. Now everyone dilly dallies with whom ever. just then everyone seemed to keep to their select group of friends...also the tff chat. The real one that was good on aim. I never spoke alot in those but it was fun to just read what people had to say.

    And that's about what I remember pretty much, good times.

  5. #5
    Lazer: That'd be nikes. Haven't talked to him in years though.

    As far as the OP topic ... been coming since actually June / July 2001. Had a different account which I ditched and then ended up getting this account, which has a different name. Found the site when I think I was searching for animated gifs .. THEY'RE CUTE I CAN'T HELP IT. Kind of registered on the forums and generally forgot about them for the most part.

    I mostly kind of miss the chat. Back when I wasn't CORRUPTED BY THE REST OF YOU. Lol j/k. It was nice though. The days when S couldn't stop saying sorry. Hahah. And the friends I've made ... still talk to a bunch of them, have met a bunch of them (Mina, Ken, Pete~ ). Too bad I don't even know the people posting on the forums anymore >>

  6. #6
    Zell Dincht's Avatar
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    Jan 2002
    January 2002. A very long time ago indeed. Selphie Tilmitt and Rinoa Heartlily were the ones to bring me aboard. We were all in the journalism club at our high school ^_^ nerds in our own respect.

    My favorite moments were the epic RP's that I could never quite par up too. I tried so hard to be like all the other great writers on TFF, sadly it took a very long time to get up to their level. I think though that because of that striving force I received from them my English skills have been refined to what they are today. Not perfect, but I get paid to teach it so I suppose that it is good enough.

    Oh TFF, so many memories.

    Last edited by Zell Dincht; 06-24-2007 at 11:24 AM.

  7. #7
    Lady Succubus Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! Victoria's Avatar
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    August '02. As well as Alisyn and Cesar. (Those two are the only ones I know that joined the same month I did.)

    Ahh.. the good ol' days. I used to be a postwhore too. Bleh. -_-

    however i wuz also a n00b who typed like dis n stuff, 2.

    ...Phuck, that was hard to type. Lmao. XD

  8. #8
    The Quiet One Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! Andromeda's Avatar
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    It was June 26, 2002 when I offically joined. Which is actually coming up soon making it an even 5 years. That is a really long time, hard to imagine that its been that long. I was quite the post junkie back then, but I'd like to think that they were always quality posts. But I sort of posted myself out, but I think that happens to a lot of people, see the same topics. You've discussed the games in all of the threads. You don't feel like posting again over who's the best villain.

    Anyway, as I said that was when it was offical. I actually viewed the forum for a month before joining, so that I could learn and understand what it was like. I did not know what a forum was like, so I wanted to make sure that I understood the system. That way I did not make all of the mistakes that the noobies did. And before that I visited the main site infrequently for news on the FF games. It was actually updated a lot back then, but after a while it was no longer updated. But I ended up joining the forums.

    That first year I posted 6000 times plus, but there is a reason I did. I did not have anything to do. I was literally sitting at home in my room living on the internet and writing. So I would spend between 8pm-4am living on the forums. It's amazing what you can do in that time. And I did. It also helps that the clubs were highly active then, so I posted there a lot. But then college started and I did not have the time, TFF went through the .org thing and lost a ton of activity. All of the posting stopped and things managed to push on through.

    As Syd said back then there was only a few hundred people. But I still think there is only a few hundred people today. Just because it says we have 7000 members does not mean that they post. 75% of them are bots more than likely and 20% are people that only post a few times or not at all. Its the 5% that sticks it out and joins the community. But that is all we need to be a community.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  9. #9
    Christmas Eve, 2001. I didn't go mad with the colour blue back then, and I joined because another FF forum I was a member of was temporarily down and I wanted to temporarily fill the void. Then of course, I ended up staying here, haha.

    The dominant crowd of people who posted on the boards has completely changed since then, and I'm a bit of a lurker now so I hardly know many of the regular posters these days. It's just a bunch of names and words associated with them....

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

    By posting below this text you hereby pledge unquestionable servitude to Neo Necron

  10. #10
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    August 20, 2001. Almost six years for me, rawr. Back in those days...OmegaGear was an admin (Or an s-mod, something like that) and people like Spekkio, TrueOmega and Mydako were still quite active. I remember joining just as Korova left, actually, though he was still around in our old Hall of Doom chat on AIM heh.

    TFF had way more personality back then, I do agree with the rest of you on that. I miss those first couple years, they were good times. Something about this place keeps drawing me back though, so eventually I gave up trying to find other forums and just stay here for the most part.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  11. #11
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    Holy Cow, look at all the people from those early days posting. You freaking bunch of lurkers! Be more active!

    I remember seeing the name Aeris Gainsborough or whatever (ok I can't spell her last name!) and the ridiculous little internet squibbles that seemed so important back then.

    Then GI Jew and his gang, he was infamous... as was Evil Dark Odin if I remember correctly.

    There were a few cases where some crazy Hacker took the place down for a while.

    I wanna throw out some other names from back in the day because its fun, maybe they will show up

    StarSoldier, Shagamuffin, Nightshade, Whitney, King of Xyst, Meta...

    and my personal friend, TimonMeera... I wonder what happened to him
    Member of SOLDIER

  12. #12
    Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! Lazer's Avatar
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    Grassy knoll.
    Shit yeah dropthemnikes was his name. Wonder what happened that guy. Hav'nt seen him post in years, he was a pretty cool guy.
    Not sure if jew ever posts but I somehow doubt it, his IPs probably still banned lol. That guy always got shit stirred up.
    Yeah I remember Whitney, her and the soldier gang.
    But yeah there still seems to be alot of old members on here but it's seems they dont post much. I go in spurts I'll be on every day for a week or two then gone for a while. We need some crazy threads to stir shit up. But I cant come up with one now....I'm busy....... yeah..... busy.....
    ThE cHoSeN

  13. #13
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Norman, Oklahoma
    I joined in 2000 before the boards were Vbulletin. Two of my buddies from high school joined at the same time, Che and Pachewy/Andy.

    I have so many memories here; RPing, becoming a mod, getting promoted to supermod, hacking the boards so that the background was spam, having multiple personalities and banning GI-Jew about 60+ times a week. Now I'm kind of a lurker. I mostly only check General Chat, Intelligent Discussions and the Art forum.

  14. #14
    ohhhhhhh i arrived here, like 2001 i beleive, my old ff forum was down for a while and needed to fill the void...
    And that first several months were some of the best times here in tff town.
    Jew and I started the chosen, got our friends to join, and we'd spend all night pm'ing mods and members harrasing them...playing pranks on members creating accounts masqurading as women, and hitting on people, maybe gettin into a online relationship or two....and the fights.....oh the fights.
    We couldnt post in a thread without stirring up a sh|t load of sh|t....being banned a ridicolous amount, gettin IP banned, then switching ip's then re-registering....

    oh i miss the old crew of peeps, Jew, Whit,PETE!!!, Che....list goes on...

    As for jew, his where abouts are in alberta, with no interent i dont think he has time for tff anymore.

    i stopped showing up and posting for a while...i actually made a thread...that didnt last long, well several's not the same...all these new jacks, people without much of a personality, and jock riders...

    but for some reason, i cant seem to get away...
    a place for people with no friends

    <marquee behavior=alternate>
    leader of ThE cHoSeN

  15. #15
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    You know .Ecks it seems that after that post I actually gained respect for all of you and your antics because I see your side of the story now and its actually way funny. I think, since I was on the mod side and all against you im really a hypocrite considering me and a few of the other members gathered together and formed the IFS... we found small time forums and just spammed everything out of them with crazy account names and totally rediculous posts and topics. We would all register and light lightning blitz the forums. It was easier when we did not have advanced vB with like IP banning and mass deletes. The first time we did it though we shut down a forum for a while and it was way funny. Then again, when people did it to my beloved TFF... man you gotta die!

    So yeah... I understand more where you guys are coming from.

    Then there were the good old days of Tantalus and SOLDIER and elitist movements... great stuff.

    Maybe I should get back to the RP and RPB... I dunno

    Ah Mike, are you still in the army? Where is che and andy by the way? They doing good too?

    It seems we are creating quite a list of old members showin their faces again... nice!
    Member of SOLDIER

  16. #16
    The Lost Writer Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! Psiko's Avatar
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    Jun 2001
    I suppose I had better show my face in this thread as well, eh?

    I've been an infrequent poster for over six years now. Hard to believe it has been that long. I remember my first month I was super active, with 200-300 posts. I used to post about FFI, IV and VI all the time. I RP/RPBed a lot more back then. Used to think I was good in those days. I remember Master, who sort of mentored me before he ended up leaving.

    The good old days of Clan Wars. Nothing else has as many fond memories from TFF as that. As frustrating as I am sure it was to those working on it, it was fun for all of us and it brought us together under a single activity.

    I want to give a shout out to the following, although this list is not all-inclusive, of those from the good days who I remember: PartTimeAngel, Mydak0, True Omega, TracerBullet, Quistis, Spekkio, Korova, Cloud711, NightShade, Master, Zeddicus, and many more!!!

    We need clan wars back! And SOLDIER! XD
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  17. #17
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Norman, Oklahoma
    Quote Originally Posted by psychosyd
    Ah Mike, are you still in the army? Where is che and andy by the way? They doing good too?
    Nope, I've been out since January. I am in the Reserves now and livin' in Oklahoma City. Che and Andy are up in Lawrence, Ks. Che is going to college there and Andy...well Andy is being a bum. He works as a manager of a McDonald's and smokes a lot of pot.

    EDIT: BTW happy 24th Birthday to me today!

  18. #18
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Ah, Clan Wars... good times, good good times.

    I've been here for over 6 years, and damn, it's been a good six years. I've only really had 2 down moments here over my tenure, and that's more than most can say. One was my bullshit "moderator probation" due to a staff member who shall remain nameless deciding to overlook details behind a spat between me and an unruly member... it's all good though. Enough time has passed that it doesn't bother me anymore. The other being S's PMS rampage where he wiped 3/4 of the moderators in one fell swoop... myself included. S, dude, a lack of tampons is no reason to revamp the staff! XD

    Oh well. There's some people I wish were still around here. Simara, Che, Archis, and of course, my main nigga, The Creator. I'd miss Sierra, too, but she remembers us, she's just lazy XD.

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
    Thread killer extraordinaire since 4/20/01.
    Tumblr | Twitter

  19. #19
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Well I actually found the site sometime in 2000 when they had a plentiful MP3 section and I actually tried registering on the boards as "Setzer". But either the registration didn;t go though, or I just missed something as I was a big Internet Noob back then. It wasn't until around January 2001 before the big VBulletin Ubgrade that I registered as "Cain Highwind".

    I miss a lot of the TFF chats and the people who were a part of them, S, Kyla, Lone Moon (aka the REAL Sherry), Spekkio, MinTEE. Not to mention the days of Tantalus was fun as well as the "Soldier" days where the special members would meet in that special "Pub" forgot what it was called.

    Nowadays I feel like I barely know anyone, If there's a secret TFF chatroom I don't know about, then DAMMIT LET ME IN ON IT ALREADY!! ;_;

  20. #20
    Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! rJ floW's Avatar
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    Aug 2001
    Reppin the old skool since 1984
    **** all y'all

    Augest 2001 for me, i was actually here a few months before but got banned several times cause i was drunk....and yes, i was young, and drunk, its what i do...

    I came here cause i was actually stuck on a FF game and needed some help, dont remember which one....but then i started beefin with the world again, with jew, ecks, lazer, DTN, all dem franchise boyz...then i was active for a few years, then went to university and fell off, now im back here every so often but its super boring cause no one starts beef...where the **** is the immature mutha****as who'd call themselves the real rudeboi's

    I guess it gets played out like a gerry curl when everyone talks about the same dumb shit "oh my god im depressed" or "oh my god i love this rock song" or "how do i get this girl to like me"
    The answers "get over it, life isn't fair nor fun all the time", "shutup, no one likes new rock, the old is where its at, or listen to hip hop", and finally "no one likes you, thats why your on TFF all the time"

    Suck on it bitch!

    PS. I blaze when i wake up, i blaze to go to sleep, all the true weed smokers, we blaze before we eat! ACT LIKE YOU KNOW! No homo
    tHe ChOsEn
    rJ floW
    Lionhart2001 aka Pete
    Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
    Neo Necron
    This is why bitches love me

    Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-

  21. #21
    Kou's Avatar
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    Brisbane, Australia
    September 2001 for me.

    Hell of a lot has happened since then...I was originally named Zell_Dincht which caused a lot of confusion between myself and Zell Dincht (other member).

    Modded...FF8 and 9 forum and GEN FF...and then I started dropping in activity and decided it would be best to stop modding as I was rarely around and now I just lurk around and pop up here and there.

    Man clan wars...I ended up being a dammed Leader of Emerald Knights back when I rped and rpbed a musa, and pete/tony leone/lionheart2k before he was an admin, we were basically it in there as clan wars drew its last breath and die from multi organ failure.

    Most of the people I spoke with regularly back then have left the boards. Don't know if you guys remeber Chalcedony...or any of the other others from Da Auzzie Club that I made many years ago, big ass club that was.

    Since being hear I've also met a couple members..most notabley Dawezy and Juice.

    But yeh...near 6 years, bloody hell....I was 14 when I joined and now I'm 20.
    -They tell you never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is on occasion hilarious-

  22. #22
    Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! GRIM REAPER's Avatar
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    The deepest parts of Hell enslaving your pitiful soul.
    I joined way back in the early 2002. I was just browsing the net for FF sites and came upon The Final Fantasy. Looking around the site I found a link that said Forum and clicked it and had no idea what was going on so I joined anyway. Noob was written all over me on my first post but I figured everything out several days later.

    The first RP I ever did was a Kingdom Hearts one then I got courageos and entered the Battle RPs. I had a grand time during those times when I was an active member of the forum. Heck once I posted in the Femme Fatles club thread ofering Quietis my services as her personal slave. The shining moment of my stay here at TFF was when I joined Soldier but that was short lived when I lost my internet connection for a bit then I switched over to SU for a while then droppped of the net for two years.

  23. #23
    Kou's Avatar
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    Since the old members have made themselves known here...does anyone remember Braska Spira?

    Oh he was most certainly a handfull and seemed to come udner fire from a hell of a lot of members here. I even think dawezy made a small .gif animation about him with FF2 sprites.
    -They tell you never hit a man with a closed fist, but it is on occasion hilarious-

  24. #24
    The Quiet One Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! Andromeda's Avatar
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    I know of his legend, Braskia was infamous. Anyone that joined before 2003 probably knows of him even if they did not see him. Since the old members were still around then and spoke of him. His name is rarely spoken today so his legend is turning to myth at this point. I'd like to think he made a return sometime during 2003 or 2004, but my memory escapes me. I'll have to fall back on my memory expert Loco, who seems to remember my own details better than I do. *cough*

    I know most of the names mentioned, though simply from their reputations rather than personally. I had the fortune of seeing GI Jew since he was allowed to return. And for those old school TFFers, you probably remember Telegraph, he goes by the name of Taco these days unless he has changed it. Up until a few months ago he was actually quite active for having been a lurker or missing for several years.

    And that gif animation you are speaking of Kou I believe still exists in someone's avatar. I remember seeing it a month or two back. I think it is Scorpian's avatar if I remember correctly. I don't think he posts anymore, but he didn't change his avatar. If not Dawezy probably has all of them archived.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
    Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!

    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Kou
    Since the old members have made themselves known here...does anyone remember Braska Spira?

    Oh he was most certainly a handfull and seemed to come udner fire from a hell of a lot of members here. I even think dawezy made a small .gif animation about him with FF2 sprites.
    I mentioned him earlier. The guy was hilarious. He really didn't do anything to be so hated for, but all the old school gamers wanted to see him banned for his death list or something. He always talked so professional too. I think he came back not too long ago.

    Didn't he try and convince everyone that FFX was the best of the series because of the graphics?

  26. #26
    dude your uno nut!!!!
    **** i totally forgot about you dude.

    syd, lets face it i was a **** back in the day...why? i dont know, i thought i was cool or something...oh well...for some reason i didnt like you, as for today. i realised i dont even know you, i remember not liking pete. and now, pete's one of my favourite people on the forum so you never know...we should bring back the tff chat
    im serious
    everytime i go in there, theres no body in there..
    a place for people with no friends

    <marquee behavior=alternate>
    leader of ThE cHoSeN

  27. #27
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I can't really say I am an oldie myself, but this does remind me of a Chat Server that was around back in those days on Napster's Napigator which eventually moved to mIRC in 2003, I was only like 13-14 at the time but I still visit there occasionally, most of the regs from then left but there is this 1 French-Norwegian guy that goes there now and then which was there when I was there, a lot of the current regs came when I was quite active but I can't keep track of the new People and all the name changes. Also about that time was when I was hard out into the FF series, I remember back when FFVIII and IX first came out.

    As for here, I've been here since only the end of 2005, I can't remember exactly how I found it but I think I stayed here because of the spam thread with darkViVi, Valentine89 (Now Storm), Cheesevixen, Plastic Assassin, Hikari and that lot.

    The Chatroom is ok but its quite laggy, most of the time I end up in a random chat on MSN with all the newer TFF people.

    I Thought I'd just add that.

  28. #28
    Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! Lazer's Avatar
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    Grassy knoll.
    Well I guess I'll lay down another name. Cobain. That guy always had a good point to make and lengthy worth reading posts. Not sure if he's still here/active but yeah, props to Cobain.
    ThE cHoSeN

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by .EcKS.
    dude your uno nut!!!!
    **** i totally forgot about you dude.

    syd, lets face it i was a **** back in the day...why? i dont know, i thought i was cool or something...oh well...for some reason i didnt like you, as for today. i realised i dont even know you, i remember not liking pete. and now, pete's one of my favourite people on the forum so you never know...we should bring back the tff chat
    im serious
    everytime i go in there, theres no body in there..
    Ha. Thats why I changed my username back. I don't use a custom font, so the only way people could know who I am is by recognizing that handsome mug in my avatar.

    Bring back TFF Chat. Now. I am going. Now.

  30. #30
    Call out to all the oldest members of TFF! Akira's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    In yo' pants, babeh!
    Man, all yooz old geezers needz to be gettin' somethin' new, dis' is ouwer town now!

    Yeah, well, to be honest, I was actually signed up on this forum back in 2001 under some really non-original Final Fantasy name, I believe it was something like SteinerFFantasy or something, mainly because I was pounding away at that game at the time. I don't think the account lasted too long, since I was active for about a month or two, posted most probably less than 50 posts, and disappeared never to be seen again...until June 2005 of course.

    So in essence, I'm a TFF veteran as well, simply one that went under in obscurity. No matter though, I was able to rejoin during a time period where the quality of this forum is deterioraing at an alarming rate, and members mean shit. There are so many new members coming each day, that I can't be arsed to actually interact with most of them. I prefer sticking to the BoD thread and posting with people I know. This place is too vast nowadays.

    People that I remember when I joined and remind me of the good ole' days on TFF are Anarchy (I had so many arguements with him, but nonetheless priceless), Vertamitlu, Lolosky, Strong Bad, ToroMor, Chez Deja, Leviathan, LocoColt04, BelleOfTheNight, Cloud Strife X, Raine Ikazuchi, Dawezy, Cantido~Sama, Surtur, and Banned Testicle. Now this place sucks (even if most of those people are still here).
    Last edited by Akira; 06-28-2007 at 06:43 AM.

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    The Brotherhood of Doom: Prince of the North

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