Cesar, are you with me in bringing back the EK?![]()
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
If you want news on JRPGs then I can deliver. I know/track most of the new JRPGs coming out pretty much exclusively to all other genres. There is definitely plenty of JRPG news going about. The new Tales of Xillia 2 has a lot of stuff, the fact that we're getting Tales of Xillia, Tokitowa got an official English version announced, NIS doing all of their 20th anniversary games right now. The Last Story is finally hitting US shores. There's plenty of news out there.
Letting me talk about JRPGs would get me excited to post news bits.
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
You could branch out to all of Square-Enix and its publishings, but I wouldn't go much farther. If you do JRPGs, in the interest of fair coverage you will have to have full reports on the incarnations of Hyperdimension Neptunia and Record of Agarest War, which will end with the majority of the member base complaining that they didn't sign up for this anime pedo bullshit.Best to draw the line nice and thick. NICE AND THICK. Mmmmphhh
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Big boobs like that wouldn't really be fitting for 'pedo'. And we do have an anime section, so... it wouldn't be much of a surprise there, but anyway.
JRPGs in general seem like the best bet for 'news' outlets.
Oh okay.
As long as no one minds. JRPGs is just a VERY broad category. I'm sure Andro will be fine choosing what he likes, but if you add more writers to the mix you may have a clash in opinion on what content is appropriate for the site. That's not even factoring in the image we want to portray for the site, or if Fuzz has anything to say about it. Just something to think about as you go along.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Well the JRPGs that get released in the US are pretty carefully picked. Heck, right now NISA is taking heat from their fans over the fact that they are censoring or removing content from a game that they are releasing due to the fact that the subject is in the questionable territory that you were concerned with S. So the games over here are safe.
Heck, I'd be more worried about Ar Tonelico 3 than Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2. It sort got into a some sketchy areas, but Ar Tonelico 3 actually has you stripping girls as a primary gameplay feature for combat, meaning you do this a lot. And the Agarest series is more candy then anything really scary. They're a lot more talk than actual things you need to be worried about. There are the suggestive CG images, but they still get Teen ratings from the ESRB. Heck, I think Aksys advertising for the game is actually paints the game in a worse image than the bulk of the content. Sure, it exists, but most of the time you're just really bad looking sprites running around beating things up in a Tactics RPG setting.
Largely, the majority of the JRPGs are quite family friendly. There are the ones that are the outliers that get a little sketchy. The big problem with the sketchy ones are usually that it is only like 1% of the actually content of the game, but because it is dangerous or provocative then it is drawn out and the focus. Generally, even those RPGs are actually pretty fine, they just have some 1% content that's a little weird. In the case of Neptunia, it is actually a satire of games to be with, so some of the things that they do are in a way a personification and exaggeration of negative elements of the gaming fan base.
Anyway, I've probably talked on the subject longer than necessary.
End point, there are tons of totally safe JRPGs to talk about.
EDIT: Oh, you missed a bit piece to make your case S. The first Neptunia didn't have anyone really young enough to pass for that under 12 look. You're wanting mk2, Ram and Rom, the personification of the DS, which actually are children, even by the story. They're better material for making your case. ;p
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
We wouldn't ever put news up about inappropriate games so that is irrelevant. I don't see why we should limit our coverage to just FF. The news can be categorized into sections so people can choose to see what news is relevant to their interests. Therefore news on other JRPGs would be its own section. JRPG news is only as broad as you choose to make it. Think of it like how Amazon does it. You like FF you might also like Tales of Xillia and Dragon Quest X. The focus should be primarily on FF but I don't see the harm in spotlighting other games.
For example, FF news could take the biggest chunk of the news page, then there could be a smaller section maybe on the side that has "related game" news in smaller text or something.
2 is what you would be reporting on, Andro, which is all I meant.Although either way, the number they put down for the age doesn't really change what most westerners think the age they actually resemble is. =P
That said, I don't mind personally. You guys are drawing lines on your own right now anyway, haha. That's all I care about. Andro made it JRPGs that come to America (which is different than just RPGs), and now Merlin is saying JRPGs that bear a resemblance to FF's demographic. Other gaming sites report in minute detail on JRPGs that won't ever make it overseas, so yeah. It's good to clarify and outline for future reference what you're covering, to what extent you'll be covering it, etc., since the "we" who will be doing the news will change over time. What is deemed appropriate for the site is only common knowledge to those who have been here a while. Hopefully our staff will do some growing and won't just have Andro and Merlin on everything forever, as it's rather infeasible.
Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 08-17-2012 at 12:24 AM.
Originally Posted by Andromeda