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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy buying condoms Rowan's Avatar
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    buying condoms

    Its embarassing, everyone knows you're getting sex and they cant help but think ... "Hmm, hes having sex. I know this because he's holding packets of condoms" and its awkward getting looks from mothers and whatever. So this is why I buy in bulk. I had grabbed 2 packets of 24 condoms. These are in bright orange boxes, quite obnoxious if you ask me. Anyway, It was the only thing I needed at the time so I didnt both with one of those little plastic carry cases and just picked them off the shelves and proceded to the self-serve checkout. I dont know about anywhere else in the world, but we can purchase things at a supermarket without the help of a cashier. Theres a row of 6 machines, 3 on each side. All that you need to do besides not running out of the store with goods is swipe the barcode of each item against the sensor and it will accumulate the cost of the items on a screen in which you then select how you will pay, it has options for card and cash. Anyway, so my ex girlfriend is using one of the machines to the opposite side, and I didnt realise until I got there. So in a haste to avoid having her try and converse with me, I was scanning the condoms quickly and accidently scanned them 3 times instead of 2, and I was trying to figure out how to delete an item from the machine, then I read a sign saying that deleted items needed to be removed with the help of a cashier. So I had to ask this young girl to remove one of the condom packets, she could see that there were 3 24 packet condoms showing on the screen and she coyly asked if it was just the 1 or 2. She must have thought I was some kind of freak. Anyway, I think the scraggy crackwhore opposite to me wasn't aware, otherwise she would have definitely approached me. But that was my condom buying experience for the night. Its not a extremely embarassing set of events, its just an example that things arn't always as simple as they should be. Buying some condoms turned into avoiding my ex gf at the cashout and having some girl think im some sort of sex/pervert after asking her to delete one of the 3 scanned packets of 24 condoms.

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: buying condoms

    I tell the chick I'm broke and she ends up buying the condoms.
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  3. #3
    Registered User buying condoms Halie's Avatar
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    Re: buying condoms

    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I tell the chick I'm broke and she ends up buying the condoms.
    There's a shop in my town centre that gives condoms and lube, etc. away for free so that excuse wouldn't work over here. I've never gotten condoms before, I asked my ex to do it. Hey, if he wants to dip his sausage in my cream pie he needs buy the blanket.

  4. #4
    the night man cometh buying condoms Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Gaywood View Post
    There's a shop in my town centre that gives condoms and lube, etc. away for free so that excuse wouldn't work over here.
    Quick tip for you young-guns in America: Idk if this still works but if you want to save on cash, steer clear of crowds or avoid the porn-shop. Go to your local 'Planned parenthood' and ask if they have "condom-kits for practicing safe sex" or however you could smoothly say the line... They will set you up with an assortment of everything from flavored condoms, lubes and dams in a bag. They will only ask you for a donation.

  5. #5
    Kiss with a fist. buying condoms Dranzer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Gaywood View Post
    Hey, if he wants to dip his sausage in my cream pie he needs buy the blanket.
    Did she really just say that? <3

    loaf, you're a genius.

    That's all, I think, except Maridia, that was an awfully sad movie. BUZZ KILL BRO.

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  6. #6
    Hewerya love...? buying condoms seanb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    Did she really just say that? <3
    think so man,... im shocked.....and appalled.... and shocked

    condoms are free in the college i go to. really handy. it means i can even have posh wanks if im feeling lonely

  7. #7
    Registered User buying condoms lovehearty42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post
    it means i can even have posh wanks if im feeling lonely
    What is a "posh wank"? That's a term I've not heard before.


    Honestly, unless you're in a monogamous relationship, condoms are a pretty good idea. Sure, the morning-after pill is great, but that doesn't protect against STDs and STIs. Condoms are an ESPECIALLY good idea if you are engaging in risky behaviors such as anal sex. They aren't perfect by any means, but they reduce the risk of STDs, STIs, and unplanned pregnancies by an astronomically high percentage (95% or 96%).

    Sorry, I hate to seem like a PSA, but I'd much rather hear about people playing safe than about people getting herpes.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 08-09-2012 at 11:24 PM.

  8. #8
    Shake it like a polaroid picture buying condoms RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: buying condoms

    It's not really something to be embarrassed about. It shows you're getting laid, having fun, and being responsible about it.

    Last time I went for condoms I was surprised about how many kinds of Durex there are. It's like picking a goddamned shampoo. I just grabbed two boxes of what I thought looked like the 'regular' ones or the ones I've used before.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  9. #9
    G'day buying condoms NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: buying condoms

    When I was with my ex, we just bought them whilst grocery shopping. That way it's not so obvious haha. Eggs, milk, bread, condoms, toilet paper, cat food, etc. Not so noticeable. And so what if the check out chick gets a little giggle out of it? It's all good.

    And I'm sure you can buy condoms online now. So if it's that much of a big deal, just do that Although you might have to wait awhile haha.

  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy buying condoms Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: buying condoms

    Noone post here, its gonne be closed. If you wanna talk about condoms you gotta talk about them in the tampon thread.

    (tampon thread, get it?)

  11. #11
    the night man cometh buying condoms Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Re: buying condoms

    Don't worry Rowan, with you buying condoms in bulk I don't think that clerk think your any less of a "scraggy crackwhore" dumbing down to 2 boxes instead of 3.
    My concern with buying condoms is that the majority of them are latex. As a person with a newly developed allergy to latex it becomes a spectacle/event when admitting to the customer service guy, you're in need of a non-latex alternative. They are a lot less in demand than you would imagine. It's not embarrassing buying them, just annoying, inconvenient, and a hassle, and even though it's possible for me to use the standard latex jimmy to an extent, it's not an ideal option.

  12. #12

    Re: buying condoms

    I'll tell you whats awkward.. and this goes for both threads-- having a guy ring up your underwear as a female.

    It's unbearably entertaining. Have fun finding the tags on my thongs good sir. :3

    Also this:

    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    It's not really something to be embarrassed about. It shows you're getting laid, having fun, and being responsible about it.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 08-08-2012 at 05:49 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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  13. #13
    the night man cometh buying condoms Joxsjua's Avatar
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    Re: buying condoms

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I'll tell you whats awkward.. and this goes for both threads-- having a guy ring up your underwear as a female.

    It's unbearably entertaining. Have fun finding the tags on my thongs good sir. :3
    Even if it was a female ringing you up on the tell, you're golden. it's sound's like u're more comfortable than you would like us to believe you are. You get a kick from flashing "threads" to us laymen.
    Last edited by Joxsjua; 08-08-2012 at 05:56 PM.

  14. #14
    Memento Rhapso buying condoms Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: buying condoms

    I agree with Ragna and Gypsy, but I was still embarassed as hell when I had to purchase them. It was at a gas station, no less, and the clerk was Middle-Eastern of some sort, so he always gave me this disapproving look when I came in to buy them. My girlfriend at the time was always like "He's just jealous he's not getting any, it's no embarrassing, just buy them.

    I think the worst part about buying them is figuring out what to do once you've left the store with them. Except for in Nikki's situation, they're usually the only thing being bought, and in my case, the dude never gave me a bag to put them in. Skinny jean pockets only hold so much, man. It was awful.

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  15. #15
    Naaah you don't buy that stuff it's embarrassing. It's much more important that you raw dog it like a real man.

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  16. #16
    Ayyye buying condoms Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    I wouldn't know...responsibility isn't a word in my vocabulary...

  17. #17
    Bananarama buying condoms Pete's Avatar
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    Anytime I've bought them, and the cashier said something like "have a good one" after the transaction, I'd say something like "That's the plan" or "Oh I will". Also, as I said before, I usually pick up a can or two of Monster and a Gatorade, but that's usually just because I don't want to go to the store the next day before the gym. It looks funny as hell.

    There also used to be a condom store in the Village, called Condomania, which was a really strange place. They had pvc piping hooked up to little spigots with an air current running through them. On each spigot was a different condom, so you could see each one for its own unique design. Some of them were pretty ridiculous
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  18. #18
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! buying condoms Tallulah's Avatar
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    Boots the Chemist do three-for-two offers on condoms and lube, all that good stuff, so it's good to take advantage.

    I always carry condoms with me; I have some in my bag practically all the time. I'd rather have them and not need them, than need them and not have them. In fact, on the one night I chose to take another bag out on a date, I uh... happened to need them. Fortunately, he was prepared. I have never been so relieved.

    I remember buying some a week before I broke up with my ex (our sex life was over by then...) I told myself this was in preparation for the weekend with my old uni mates, in case any number of us got lucky! I wouldn't have ruled it out, but nothing happened. They came in useful a few more weeks down the line, though.

    This thread reminds me; I noticed a couple of the condoms in my bedside drawer are close to their expiry date. I'd better get busy!
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  19. #19
    Registered Goober buying condoms Order's Avatar
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    What's wrong with the morning after pill?
    I noticed they don't sell them at drug stores in the US anymore. Was it too effective and allowed sex to be fun?

    I'm don't wear condoms. If a girl insists, I get durex so itll just roll up after being put on and say, "see? Even the condom agrees with me."

  20. #20
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    We have those self service machines too. Thing is, they seem like a descret way of buying your armour, but condoms are usually tagged here. So you have to call for assistance anyway. So you may as well just buy them in a chemist.

    I've not actually had to buy them myself yet. Might need to soon, and despite there not being anything embarrassing about it, I know I'll be a little red faced. Both the chemists down here know my mum and my nan. I know they follow the same confidentuality codes the doctors do, but say picking up my grandmother's prescription with a box of condoms seems non-kosher. Small places like this, everyone knows you and what you're up to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
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  21. #21
    The Mad God buying condoms Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Nothing embarrassing about it. I personally don't use condoms in my current relationship, and as the sort of guy who has to be able to tolerate a girl to sleep with her, I haven't needed them prior to my current relationship either. I only ever bought em once, just in case, but I ended up terminating the relationship I was in at the time before they were needed. As long as you're not trying to maintain some saintly image with the people around you, there's really no reason to be embarrassed about buying condoms.

    Again, I don't personally have to buy condoms as of now, but I do still have some first hand knowledge of buying products for sex. I buy leather maintenance products from a nearby sex store fairly frequently to maintain leather garments, which can become dirty fairly quickly. Sometimes I'm there for other shit, but the leather cleaner's something I need to buy fairly regularly. I usually just inwardly laugh at the people trying to hide their faces inside. It happens a lot, and I just find it hilarious. The people there work at a damned store that specializes in products used for sex, every person in there is there for the same reason, why the hell is anyone here embarrassed? I'm on a first name basis with the lady who's behind the counter 90% of the time when I go in there, she's pretty cool, really. And I just honestly don't give a flying **** if anybody knows what I have in a store that specializes in the crap.

    In short, don't worry about buying shit...

    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 08-09-2012 at 07:03 PM.
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  22. #22
    アズテオル buying condoms Azuteor's Avatar
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    What you do is look dead straight into the person's eye, wink, and give him/her a smile. It works like a charm.

    I usually get mine for free from the Nursing department at my university and since I'm in it now, I basically don't have to buy a box anytime soon! I always keep one in my wallet just in case. I also gave a friend of mine one since he finally got his first girlfriend, lol. His dad was cool with it and gave him another one.

  23. #23
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! buying condoms Tallulah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    What's wrong with the morning after pill?
    I noticed they don't sell them at drug stores in the US anymore. Was it too effective and allowed sex to be fun?
    I had to use that a couple of times. It's not recommended as long term contraception, as it can **** up the ovulation cycle thus making it less effective the more it is taken. Plus it doesn't offer protection against STIs. Though I have to admit, it has saved my *** on a few occasions.

    Also, for the record, it's not just guys who prefer doing it without condoms!

    Quote Originally Posted by lovehearty42 View Post
    What is a "posh wank"? That's a term I've not heard before.
    It's when a guy pleasures himself whilst wearing a condom. It's a British phrase so that's maybe why you haven't heard it.
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  24. #24
    Registered Goober buying condoms Order's Avatar
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    "Posh wank"?
    Its not often that I read something on the internet that makes me do the "eyebrow furrow, frown" expression.
    However, it did make me think of posh spice (of the spice girls) plqying with my junk and since I dont remember what posh spice looked like, I automatically put Christina Aguilara in her place and BAM, frowny face gone.

    Still, posh?
    That's walking a fine line between descriptive and plain laughable.

  25. #25
    Ayyye buying condoms Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    ...I will never understand why you would wanna fap with a condom. Maybe an inside out lubricated one...even then, it doesn't seem that great. Where have your hands been that you're afraid of getting a disease from them?

  26. #26
    #LOCKE4GOD buying condoms Alpha's Avatar
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    ...saves cleaning up? I tried it once (TMI, rofl), when I was young and was just curious to see what a condom felt like.

    My girlfriend and I take turns buying condoms. She doesn't use the contraceptive pill, on medical grounds. I think it's a logarithmic scale of awkwardness. Super, scarily awkward the first time, a little bit awkward the second time, and then just 'whatever' on the third time and afterward. I do prefer to use the self-service checkouts when I do buy them though, but I use them 95% of the time when I'm not buying condoms anyway, so go figure.

  27. #27
    Bananarama buying condoms Pete's Avatar
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    Buying a rubber is hell of a lot easier than going over to her parents house and telling her dad that you knocked his daughter up. I wouldn't know, but I could only imagine.
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  28. #28
    Magically Delicous buying condoms Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chad Q. Billingsley View Post
    Buying a rubber is hell of a lot easier than going over to her parents house and telling her dad that you knocked his daughter up.
    Seriously, forget buying condoms jitters, the scariest thing a woman can ever say to a man is "I'm pregnant". Well unless you haven't seen her in months and you're on Maury Povich, etc and hear "The test is in! You're the father". Aww damn. That's got to be a lot worse than being nervous buying protection.

  29. #29
    Hewerya love...? buying condoms seanb's Avatar
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    aye tried it once when i was bored, was pretty crappy, see the rich kids think that using tissues are for the peasants

    anyone ever try it with a brillo pad?

  30. #30
    Kiss with a fist. buying condoms Dranzer's Avatar
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    I feel the need to quote Fight Club right now:

    "You know, the condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You slip it on when you meet a stranger. You dance all night, then you throw it away. The condom, I mean. Not the stranger."

    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post

    anyone ever try it with a brillo pad?
    No, that sounds like a terrible idea. Thanks for the English lesson though.

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