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Thread: Boom!

  1. #1
    Memento Rhapso Boom! Rhaps's Avatar
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    Rhapso was in a car accident today. Flipped my truck, skidded on its side for 400 ft. But I'm perfectly fine. Just a little shaken up
    Anywho, what vehicle incidents have you guys experienced?


    If there's a "Pics or it didn't happen" request, I think I can get some off of my mom's phone

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    Damn dude good to hear you are alright!

    My junior year of high school I was in the backseat of my friends car. We drove by some friends and they were like yelling at them and then crashed into the back of a truck.

    Me though as a driver? no accidents yet. I have avoided a few in my 5 years of driving though.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Boom! sayian's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    vette.jpg... <right after a paint job somtime in early 06 or late 05

    vette1.jpg in 07... i had a 92 vette... CLEAN.. i mean i actually owned my dream car until, one late nite i was driving from a place that rebuilt my engine(about 300 miles from home) and the my alternator belt came loose, then the battery died and so i rolled to the side of the interstate(across that white line) it was about 1am and i was sleepy but instead of falling asleep and waiting for my phone to wake me up with my ride that was comming, i decided to walk down the interstate for...........(get this)............... NO REASON AT ALL... as i got out of the car and crossed the interstate a diesil hit my car (my door dented in and folded over my seat, shattered every bit of glass and knocked my car atleast 50 yards and spun it)...... dream car or not, i was happy and blessed and thankful that God got me home safely because thats exactly what i prayed for before i got on that interstate because i knew i was gonna get sleepy. Thats how i know there is a God because i was dosing off behind the wheel and would have killed myself (u ever drive and fell asleep and woke up and wondered how long u were sleep because of the fact that ur driving 80mph? that happened twice) but God stopped my car and made me get out of it.
    Last edited by sayian; 06-23-2011 at 06:55 PM.

  4. #4
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    lol driving accidents..... let's begin shall we??

    I've had a pretty good driving experience from the ages of 16 all the way up until about 20ish, after that it's been rough shit.

    The first big thing happened, I was driving my Alero down to my grandma's house (about a 90 minute drive) and for some random reason, my engine block completely cracked. Nothing I could really do or prevent, just pulled over and accepted the fact that my car was scrapped.

    Not even a month later, I was driving my mom's extra car to work when I needed it (she has a Durango but got a smaller car in the summer to save on gas). I was doing around 65 mph when then I realized there was a completely stopped car just chilling in my lane, no chance for me to stop or switch lanes. I hit the car from behind pretty hard, shattered the window, got some cuts, the driver tried to make it a hit and run, etc. Even though the guy had no license of any kind, because I rear ended the car, I was at fault. Yeah, talk about bullshit.

    After I got my new car and was good for awhile, then flash forward a year, hear a story about Rocky and how stupid he is. (This is one of Pete's favorite stories btw, I dedicate it all to him )

    Me and one of my good friends meet up with some amigos and chicas at the bars. We stayed until closing time, had fun, drank a LOT, etc. My friend's dad comes picks us up because he's a G. We get to my friend's house, I'm about ready to pass out but then I realize that I want to go home for some odd reason. They tell me it's cool if I stay but I'm like "yeah I got this". lol

    I only lived about a 5 minute drive away, so I get to the street that I live on, start falling asleep because it's about 3:30am, hear a loud BANG to my right, swerve back on the road, realize that I have no rear view mirror on the right side of my car anymore. I quick glance behind me and realize that I just decimated a mailbox, not only that but it was my neighbor's mailbox.

    Flash forward, the next day I had to apologize to my neighbors for breaking their mailbox, make them a new one, and write out a several hundred dollar check to get my windshield and rearview mirror replaced, all while very hungover. Moral of the story, don't drink and drive!
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  5. #5

    Re: Boom!

    I got into an accident a few days before new years 08. I was driving up to my girlfriend place on the highway during a blizzard. It was my Dad's truck and all he had was 4 season tires and to asphalt cover in snow that's just doesn't cut it, or grip it whatever. I had been fishtailing for a lil while but nothing completely out of my control I was always able to resume control, however at one point I took my eyes off the road to look at the other lane to see how the other cars were faring. That one second was all it took for me to MAJORLY fishtail, I didn't instinctively hit the brakes and lost control. I spun, everything was in slow mo and for some reason I was all calm (I remember saying to myself well I'm just gonna ride this out). Then all of a sudden the truck's left side hit the guard railing, spun some more somehow hit the guard railing again. The back window exploded, the drivers window exploded it shards were everywhere. The tires on that size started deflating and there was a little buzzing noise. I got out took my cell phone called my gf told her I was gonna be late because I got in an accident( I said it so calmly it caught her off guard).

    The funny thing is an ambulance was driving by saw me on the side of the road next to crashed truck, put their lights on and stopped. The two paramedics gave me a look over and said I was fine and then drove off. A motorist stop as well but he was a lil creepy he made a space for me in his front seat but it wasn't too clear what he was doing. I called 911 they said the police would come my way, called Dad he came and picked me up and brought me home. The truck was perfectly fine on the passenger size not a scratch but the driver size was pretty banged up. I found out a lil later that if I hadn't stopped at that guard rail I would have been done for since it was pretty much a hill and I would of most likely rolled down and hit into trees or something. My Dad eventually also did an accident with that truck needless when he got rid of it last year I was all but happy.

    Other then that I've bumped cars, once by being too close to it another time by actually not seeing it and backing up,in my buildings parking lot but nothing too serious.

  6. #6
    Hewerya love...? Boom! seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    Well man that's good to hear nobody was badly hurt...

    But em... I wouldn't mind seeing a pic of your truck just out of curiosity

  7. #7
    Memento Rhapso Boom! Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    Ok got the photos onto my Facebook, so here they are now
    From the side:

    From an angle, backed up a bit (Guy to the right is my dad, you can see me on the left):

    And lastly, from an angle but closer:

    Pics are Spolier tagged because they're a bit large
    Last edited by Rhaps; 06-22-2011 at 07:51 AM.

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

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  8. #8
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Boom! midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    I ran over a deer last night... Durango shrugged it off while the deer limped away. win win all around.
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  9. #9
    Registered User Boom!
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    Re: Boom!

    Wow... That's quite some damage. I'm glad you're okay. ^^

    As for myself, I've been in two car accidents in my life, but nothing serious and the damage was pretty minimal on both occasions.

    First one (the one that was totally my fault) happened the day before Valentine's Day when I was 17. I was going out to pick up a little something for my boyfriend at the time, and was stopped at this stop sign that wasn't too far from my house. I could have sworn that I looked both ways before proceeding, but I guess not well enough, because once I hit the gas to go on, my car gets struck on the front driver's side. :/ My bro was in the car with me, and he called the police. A few moments later 2 firetrucks, a Police car, and an AMBULANCE show up. Like I said, the damage wasn't bad, so I was like "Whoa..." when I saw all these emergency vehicles around me. I got ticketed for "Failure to yield to the right of way", and got chewed out by my parents too.

    Second one wasn't my fault, but still sucked because it happened in the same year as the first accident and hit in the same place on my car. It was repaired from the first accident too. I was coming home after finishing a college Math final late one evening, and a woman on the opposite side of the road (heading towards the college) sped her car right in front of mine to make this left turn, and before I could stop, we hit. A clerk in a nearby store heard the crash, and called the police. Only one officer showed up this time, and asked if we were okay. He got the info, and said I could be on my way. No ticket, but I did have to clear up some stuff with the insurance agency the next day, because it doesn't look so hot on a driving record to have two accidents so close to one another.
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  10. #10
    Bananarama Boom! Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    I've been relatively fortunate. Never had an accident that was my fault, but I spun out on ice once... on the on-ramp to a major state route. That scared the shit out of me, but I was more concerned that my burrito would fall. Good news, it didn't!

    I've been rear ended four times, no homo.

    Once was by some schmuck two days before Christmas 06, when I got my beloved Olds. The dude just bolted and I couldn't even get his plate.

    Another time was in my minivan, I believe the day my dad passed away. It was either that, or the day before. I was pullout out of a hospital lot, and trying to head back to my house. Some clown hit me and I just remember putting my car in park, getting out of the car, and yelling at the guy. I made him feel pretty horrible, and he cowered in his seat, but he didn't do any serious damage, so I didn't get anyone else involved. It did make me laugh at a time when I really needed a good laugh.

    The last two times happened within a week, while in my work truck. One guy hit the hitch on my bumper and totally ****ed up his front end, but he didn't want to tell insurance. I told him if he scraped the fleck of paint off my hitch (which was the only "damage" to my truck) I wouldn't tell anyone.

    The latest was when some lady hit my bumper. She didn't hit me hard, and she didn't have any damage, so she just apologized and that was that.

    I was a passenger when my ex rear ended a Jeep in her Celica. I tried to turn the wheel to swerve, but she was like "wtf are you doing" and turned the wheel back... right into the Jeep. She did about $2000 of damage to her front end, and 0 to the Jeep's hitch.

    I've also had my car and van smashed into by trucks or in the snow, which ****ing sucks. No clue who did it.
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  11. #11
    Juppiter Adept Boom! TheNiteAngel's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    That is some serious damage. Wow I guess even though I've been in a few I've still been pretty fortunate. All 3 of mine have been my fault because I used to follow way too close to people. I've been working on that in the past couple years, but the damage was all pretty minimal and on two of the three occasions, we didnt even have to get insurance involved at all. Definitely grateful for that.
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  12. #12
    I invented Go-Gurt. Boom! Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Boom!

    I haven't been in any car accidents or any sort of incident while driving, because since I'm a genius, I know that if I don't know how to drive without crashing, then I should leave the driving to somebody who won't crash. I drive very well, and so does everybody who I would ever let drive me.

    The only conceivable way that I could see myself ever crashing a car would be if a meteor hit my car. And I'm not even so sure that would phase me. That is how confident I am in my above-average intellect and driving ability.

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