Cause we don't have one, and that is unacceptable.

So, who else here likes nature? Do you have any bird feeders, go to a park just to watch the local furries, etc?

Birds are my main thing. I love watching them at the feeders or hopping around on the lawn and just generally being cute. I even keep a list of all the birds I've seen, just because. Well, partly because I'm a member of a birding forum and they all keep lists, so I thought I should too.

Feel free to post pictures, stories, or even ask questions that we can try to answer. Or trivia, that's always fun.

Anyways, I guess I'll start this off with a few pictures from my trip to the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center. (Yes, there are two Squam Lakes.)

Bald Eagles
Red-tailed Hawk
Red Fox
