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Thread: Animals are Entertaining

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Animals are Entertaining

    Or I am crazy. Either way. I like to watch animals do stuff sometimes. I find the noisy ones that fight with each other humorous, because they are noisy and they fight with each other. Like ducks, cats, and Tasmanian devils (there was a program I saw on Tasmanian devils a long time ago that I'd like to see again, but have never been able to.) In fact, it is an almost daily ritual to walk down with a friend to the park and see the ducks (at first I just walked down, watched them for as long as it took to walk down the length of the dock and back, but since he started coming, we've stopped to watch them and the geese. They've gotten boring; haven't really been doing much the last few times we've been down there. the best was when one of the ducks laughed. Or it sounded like it.) I love a friend's description of ducks: "They're all sitting there until you walk up to them, and then they stand up and look at you from the corner of their eye, going, "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

    Crows and/or ravens, I think, are also pretty awesome. When I worked in Yellowstone, while I was waiting for my boss to come in, I'd sit on the steps to the dorms and watch them chatter with each other. My favorite was when one would just be sitting there, crowing at seemingly nothing (maybe he was crowing at me?) I've heard a study that said that crows recognize people's faces. So they recognize people who are assholes to them, and will crow at the person whenever they come around. Like, the people who did the studying wore a mask, which the crows recognized. When they put the mask on upside down, the crows would look at the mask upside down and recognize the face, or something.

    I've also always been fascinated with bugs; particularly the ones that work in colonies. I've been fascinated by ants breaking apart bigger insects and carrying them away, for example. Strange. I am also fascinated when I see animals that I usually don't see. For example, one day when I walked down to the docks, there were some canadian geese there, along with the ducks. And the last few days, there have been these other birds that I'm not sure of the name of. Zoos are fun, too, but I think the nearest one is in Portland, where I don't go every day. On the coast, there was the Marine Science Center too, which I liked going to as a kid.

    Do animals fascinate you? Do you go out of your way at times to go see a particular variety, that are near where you live? Are you a weirdo? Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    The Bad Boy of TFF Animals are Entertaining Block's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    I personally don't delve too deeply into the animal kingdom. I love dogs, turtles, and penguins. Wolves are pretty awesome too. My fiancee though is working on her DVM at K-State starting this fall. She's huge into reptiles and the such and is planning on specializing in Exotic animals at Vet School.

  3. #3
    Registered User Animals are Entertaining
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    I love animals. I don't get to see too many of the untamed variety in the city (I did see my first rat though, and it scared me), but I used to see deer, bunny rabbits, and sometimes coyote when I lived in Oklahoma.

    I love going to the zoo and just looking at the animals. I could do that all day. It's been a while since I've been to a zoo, but I went to an aquarium not that long ago. It's really relaxing just watching all the marine life swim around. There was a bus load of kids there though, so I pretty much had to make my way around them to see anything, but it was still nice.

    As for my animals, they can be pretty quirky and very entertaining to watch. I have two dogs, a kitty and a bird (a cockatiel). My dogs will play-fight with thier favorite chew rope, and just be a nuisance to one another. It's pretty fun getting them riled up and watch them nip and paw at each other. My cat is queen of the rooms that are upstairs. She does whatever she wants to, whenever she wants to. I've written about a lot of her doings in my journal. As for my bird, he knows a few things: He can say "Hello, baby!", do the cat call, and whistle the theme to Popeye the sailor man (well, some of it anyway ). He could probably learn more, but we just didn't work with him enough.

    Is it weird to say that I watch animal videos on Youtube? If I'm bored, I'll just type in "puppies" or "kittens" and just watch random videos about puppies or kittens. Sometimes I'll get adventurous and watch videos with puppies AND kittens! For some reason, I decided to watch videos about manatees and otters not that long ago.

    So in short: Yes. I think animals are entertaining.

    Posted by Telegraph
    I find the noisy ones that fight with each other humorous, because they are noisy and they fight with each other.
    The way you have that worded is awesome. It made me lol in a good way.
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  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

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  5. #5
    .............. Animals are Entertaining smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    Actually it is quite funny to watch cats just toying with field mice. I could watch my cats do that for hours. Especially when the mice start to fight back.

  6. #6
    #LOCKE4GOD Animals are Entertaining Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    We used to have heaps of ducks at my high school, and they'd shit all over the place. And rape each other. One time, I saw two drakes work together to rape another (female) duck. One bit the female's neck, and pinned it to the ground, while the other mounted it. I mean, it looks funny, but when you anthropomorphise them, it's kind of horrible.

  7. #7
    The Bad Boy of TFF Animals are Entertaining Block's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    We used to have heaps of ducks at my high school, and they'd shit all over the place. And rape each other. One time, I saw two drakes work together to rape another (female) duck. One bit the female's neck, and pinned it to the ground, while the other mounted it. I mean, it looks funny, but when you anthropomorphise them, it's kind of horrible.
    That may be the craziest story I've ever heard. Duck Rape would be much easier if they used Duct Tape. o.O

  8. #8

    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    I saw a chicken get raped by a rooster?

    I felt so bad because the chicken was really trying to get away...she must've not been in the mood.... maybe I should have helped lol

    I love animals though, I'm usually fascinated when I see an animal I never get too see often, I saw a blue jay once and I freaked out haha. The strangest thing that happened once, I was walking down the street to my friends house early in the morning, probably around seven or so. It was really foggy, but as soon as it cleared , there was a crane just chilling in the street. It was totally out of place I didn't even know there were cranes in California O_O unless at a zoo or something. But yeah.. pretty sure it was a crane and not a swan... or anything, maybe it was just a stork running late on his shifts because he flew away before I got close enough, he must have been in in a hurry.

    The one pet I always seem to have around are budgies, since I was eight, I feel lonely in my room without one or two.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 02-01-2010 at 02:28 AM.

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  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    I've always liked cats, dogs and most of the lesser seen rodents. Not too big on rats though with the whole biting thing...

    Ferrets are ****ing hilarious if you ever see them and they're not too tame. I knew a guy who had a couple and if they could they'd climb into his clothing and do a ton of other things to agitate him... It was entertaining.

    Zoos I love as I can see some of my fave animals I wouldn't see out in the wild here. Things like Meerkats, penguins, big cats, mongooses...
    victoria aut mors

  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    Every now and then I will see an eagle, or some sort of giant ass bird that can claw your face on the street lamps here in Vegas. Rare site.
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  11. #11
    Cilla vs. Games Animals are Entertaining Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    I love animals and not wanting a lot of pets is a deal breaker for me.

    I love watching my own pets do silly things. Because they do. Ever since I got my horse, my dogs have started eating carrot. They get jealous that Epona gets the carrot so all three of the wait underneath her until she drops some and they gobble it up.

    My dogs do a lot of stupid things. But it's cute. So do my cats. One minute they want to be doing something and the next they are gone. I have three of those also.

    My fish are interesting to watch. I have one salt water fishtank and one fresh. I prefer the salt water fishtank because it's so interesting to watch. It's interesting to watch the coral, the seaslugs, the urchins and the hermit crabs. As well as the lionfish, clownfish and everything else we have. It's like a reef in my house. It's pretty nifty.

    I have parrots as well. They don't do anything crazy. But they talk, a lot. Chirp is probably a better word.

    But other animals interest me too. When I move overseas I would like to keep pets and see animals I couldn't here. I've always had a big soft spot for them and I wanted to be a Vet until I realised you needed to get an OP 1 here in Queensland to be able to become one.

    We have koalas and kangaroos in our front yard and it's interesting to watch them. Sometimes we get snakes and turtles too. There was a tiger snake the other night. I don't really like them. But it's cool watching them slide around =].

  12. #12
    Tsuna Feesh Animals are Entertaining Fate's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    Ooh, I've always wanted to post this video, and now I have an excuse to. =D

    Kangaroo vs. Goose

    Honestly, that kangaroo made my day when I first saw this. xD Though I don't have kangaroos where I live, I've always taken them to be nice, gentle creatures, but I guess not that one.

    That aside, I think animals are fun to watch, mostly. I just can't stand reptiles or amphibians, though, for some reason. But I like mammals. Dogs are funny when you pretend to throw something and they run to nothingness, look around, and then run back. xD And I also know a dog that ate too much so whenever he sat down on a wooden floor, he slid backwards. That was funny to watch, too. xD Cute, though. =3

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  13. #13
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    Quote Originally Posted by Fate View Post
    Honestly, that kangaroo made my day when I first saw this. xD Though I don't have kangaroos where I live, I've always taken them to be nice, gentle creatures, but I guess not that one.
    Some of the larger roos can be quite aggressive and there is the odd case of them using bone crushing kicks on people, especially when cornered. Of course, the smaller varieties in petting zoos are a lot tamer and I haven't heard of a single attack by a roo from one.

    Thankfully *most* larger roos will just run given the chance.
    victoria aut mors

  14. #14
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    Fate stop watching cartoons.
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  15. #15
    The Persistent Flourish Animals are Entertaining Alice's Avatar
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    Re: Animals are Entertaining

    I totally misread the topic title as "Admins are Entertaining".

    Yeah, I find animals entertaining at times. Usually my budgies when they're moving around inside the case and chirping at each other.

    And getting very loud sometimes. But it's fine.

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