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  1. #1

    Alcohol and it's effects.............

    I've noticed that a previous thread: "Lay down your arms", it has somehow gone from weapon's and murder, to alcohol. Funny how that happens.
    Being older than most in here, I've seen about every effect alcohol could possibly have on any one person. Everything from the giggles to violence. So please, give your opinions and/or thoughts on alcohol and its effects. Whether those effects come from your own experiences, or what you may have seen in someone else.

  2. #2
    That One Guy Alcohol and it's effects............. dimmufan's Avatar
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    Alcohol does strange things to people. I've seen it turn nice people into total bastards and mean people get happy. I think just about everybody gets loosened up when they drink. Whenever I drink I tend to say almost whatever is on my mind. Stuff I don't normally talk about comes right out of my mouth as though I've been talkin that way for years. I'm not really much of a drinker, but when I do drink I get dr00nk!!! Jim Beam or Disarono is what I usually turn to. I'm also fairly partial to Jagerbombs.

    I think the main reason I don't drink that often is because my father is an alcoholic. And not a very nice one either. When he's sober he can be a total asshole. When he's drunk he thinks he's god: Doing whatever, whenever, to whomever. Even though I am his firstborn, I was never his favorite. Evertime he drank he made it a point to prove just that. when i was 15 we got into a huge fight. He ended up with a 2-inch deep hole in his chest and I ended up with a gash on my left eyebrow. The fight took place at about 3:30pm and he was already drunk. Ever since then I have never called him "Dad", just by his name.

    My brother is an alcoholic as well. He can be a pretty nice guy when he's sober. When he's drunk, he unleashes his problems out on everyone else. If he gets drunk in a public place he usually ends the night with bloody and broken knuckles and a fat lip. He is my father's faovorite.

    Alcohol is the reason some of us are alive today. It lowers our inhibitions and makes the opposite sex look ALOT better than they actually are. Some of us owe our lives to alcohol because without it there would be far fewer 1-night-stands.

    I think the legality of alcohol and marijuana should be reversed. Alcohol kills people, marijuana does not. Marijuana is the simplest of all forms of drugs. Anyways that's a totally different subject and there are numerous threads about it already.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Alcohol does indeed do really odd things to people. Sometimes they are quite funny, but sometimes they are really scary. It can turn a happy moment into a really sad moment (a birthday party to arguments over seats) or the other way around. I guess it depends on the crowd you're with at the time.

    My friend and her mates go out pretty much every friday to get pissed out there heads. There is the one girl who they go with drinks and drinks and drinks until she doesn't even know the people she is with anymore. This makes her mad, and she has been known to fly at some boy with her fists because he said he wouldn't get her another drink. Also alcohol CAN mess with your vision and control over your body and thoughts. Drinking and driving is dangerous because of this. The people you meet can also be dangerous. It could lead to rape, murder, muggings, and God knows what else.

    However, drinking can be funny if you are with the right kinda crowd. I rarely drink - maybe 1 single Courvosier and Coke a week, unless there is a party. No party's at the moment though... Anyways, on New Years Eve, me, mum, my brother, and step-dad were a little on the drunk side. We were in our house, so we were pretty safe. My brother was showing off that he could touch the ceiling. So my mum tried to pick me up to touch the ceiling cos we are short. In the end, we endded up falling over. Lets say everything hurt in the morning...

    As much as I hate to say it, alcohol does do more harm than good, whether your in a safe environment or dangerous. Its not that great on your health either, although I heard that a glass of red wine a week (or day - can't remember) is good for you. I guess if we are responsible with alcohol, its a good thing.

    ... Now I've confused myself...
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 07-14-2008 at 03:48 PM.

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    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

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    Hm, no one's here...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
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  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I tend to find most people are fine if they stick to their limits, which can differ quite dramatically from person to person. That's just from the observations of one who lives in an area where most people drink. It's a big part of my little world. Failing that I see a lot more people get depressed or almost die from choking on their own spew than I do trying to harm others. And if they're at that stage, they've had more than what would be way too much.

    But yeah, some people just seem like a more emotional them to some extent, and some people show sides you never knew. Hell, I've even been surprised by a male friend coming out of the closet after drinking to much leading to a (most likely amusing to any viewers,) shocked me. I don't mind stuff like that really, it's when he tried to get clingy once I knew that it felt pretty damned awkward. It was good that it got out in the open though, as some things that seemed odd at the time now make sense. ><

    I've seen a little violence, but I've seen a lot more fun times. Harm to a person's health I see as a weak argument as it's established that a couple of drinks a day can be beneficial, it's just two or more can possibly cause problems such as cancer or liver damage later. Hell, it doesn't effect everyone like that neither.
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    Sir Prize Alcohol and it's effects............. Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm not pulling any punches. Alcohol has a lot of damage to do to people who don't mind some semblance of control. If you have a weak will, you may end up injuring someone, either out of violence or drunken stupidity.

    For those who can't handle alcohol without morphing into violent jackasses who can't keep themselves calm, need not have alcohol at all. If you can sit back with a fifth or more without overindulging to the point of your own death or making an ass of yourself, then you can enjoy the drink.

    For myself, I don't like drinking a LOT(quantity), but I do seem to drink often. I don't like drinking a lot because the resulting sensations are the unmistakable feelings of having been poisoned. The spins, delirium tremens, hangovers, lowered inhibitions, dangerous bodily side-effects, they're all the just rewards of careless drinking.

    In the end, it's one of those things that some people are equipped to handle, whereas others aren't.

    EDIT: Oh, also. Personally, I don't like to drink in front of people unless I know them well. I tend to be a quiet drunk, but pleasant. I have been known to crack a smile or even *gasp* laugh, while drunk.

    Last edited by Sinister; 07-15-2008 at 12:22 AM.

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  6. #6
    Alcohol's the world's funnest poison if you're with the right people. It is the original and the ultimate social lubricant.

    But it can turn people into arseholes. That's all I've really got to say. I like to drink with friends, I like to listen by the river to drunken Russians singing Madonna with guitars that only have half their strings and to not find that experience offensive. I like to mong out and have 'deep' conversations that don't matter and are invariably cut short with, 'I'm really listening, but I really need to pee. I've broken the seal.' I like to dress up and sit in bars and laugh. It's fun. It, depending on mood, can make ordinarly boring people interesting and funny for an evening, which is an advantage for all involved.

  7. #7
    It really varies by the person you can't generalize. Personally when I drink I become very happy and uber giggly. I tend to like to be close with people and just smile and be in a great mood talking about anything. I love being with people I know well and just feeling so amazing about how I feel and who they are. I can babble onnnn and on and on. On the other hand my brother gets really weird and quiet. He'll just make weird referance after referance. Not to mention other people I know cry almost everytime from it or get violent and pissy with others. At heart it seems people when drunk act as their base emotion at the time. There's no subtlety and smoothness about them. Pretty much all your true opinions are what you say when you're that way. At heart as usual it can be a good or bad thing. It's not the best thing but there's worse substances out there. As usual my idea of moderation is key. If you can have fun but not feel the need to get tanked everyday then you're okay.

  8. #8
    Alcohol and it's effects............. Dizz's Avatar
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    Alcohol is unpredictable. You never know when you're going to give in and drink it, and you never know what the consequences are of doing so.
    You could go to a party and promise yourself that you won't drink all you want. But chances are, you'll give in. You'll think: 'Well, everyone else is drinking...'
    And next thing you know you're going around a picking fights with random people or going to Wendy's at two in the morning and laughing into the ordering-thingy for no particular reason.
    Alcohol can be good and bad at the same time. Some people drink because they're depressed. Well sure, it takes your mind off of things and numbs you up, but you might become a drunk monster or become addicted to it. Some people drink to look cool. Sure, you'll look cool in front of all those snobby brats, but how far will you get in life?

    Alcohol can mess you up. But people take the risk everyday, anyway. So if it can lure you into it's trap, just think of what else it could do...
    I call to you with my last bit of breath and hope.
    Here I am, performing my final stand.
    I've got nothing to lose, for everything is lost.
    But you don't care, do you?

  9. #9
    From reading your posts, it seems that most agree that alcohol can have many different affects on different types of people. But the most important point is that it is the person who's drinking that needs to be the responsible one and know when to stop, or to not even start. There are so many needless deaths every single day because some idiot decides to stop off and have a few before going home...thinking he can drink several drinks and still be okay. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people, male and female, that I have heard, "Oh I can drink quite a bit and it not affect me. I have built up a tolerance." B*ll***t! Tell that to the many children, teens, and adults lying in a cemetary right now, and their families.
    What it comes down to is that yes, it's okay to have a drink now and then, but if you are going to be the careless fun drunk, then for heavens sake have a designated driver, call a cab, call a friend, or just stay where you are.
    If you are the violent drunk, seek help and stop. I have experienced the violent drunk first hand, and let me tell you, it isn't fun. That is the main reason I don't drink.
    If you are the sad drunk that is trying to drowned his/her sorrows or forget all the problems you are facing....guess what...they are still going to be there in the morning. So getting drunk and possibly taking a life on the way home is just going to add to the problems already at hand.
    Everything said in each post is very true for the most part. But it is the choices that WE make, not the bottle. And sadly enough, kids are starting earlier and earlier now days. But make no mistake, it isn't just the kids. The adults that are suppose to be guiding the children and setting examples are just as guilty if not more so. However, with that said, when you grow up with an alcoholic, whether it be family or friend, that doesn't mean you are going to wind up that way. It's YOUR choice.
    In one summer, two years ago, we lost 15 teenagers, in separate alcohol related car accidents within 65 days. Once the mind is impaired, sensible decision making is next to impossible, for all ages not just the young. When a person is not coherent enough to make the right decisions and/or choices it could become disasterous or deadly. And unfortunately an innocent person could be the one that pays the price for the incoherent one that made the wrong choice.
    Last edited by Koda; 07-15-2008 at 12:03 PM. Reason: Additional information and/or comment

  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    From 3 groups of people I hang out with from time to time. I've noticed how they turn out.

    Group A. (Group I hang out with rarely)

    When I used to hang out with them a lot, back during Holiday season. (We are all co workers) They are the party type, always hyped up, always loud, but not violent. One of them does talk to much and says something wrong. For them nothing really bad, great people to drink with. (Their attitudes move on to you, so you become a party animal too lol)

    Group B. (Group I hang out with the most)
    These people consist of 3 co workers (where 2 of them I've known for a good 6 years), 2 others whom I've known for 2 and half years and also another person I've known for 6 years.. We play beer pong, usually 3-4 times a week at most. We are normal, when we get drunk, I for one am chill. We all are chill but that is probably because we keep a chill environment when we all hang out.

    Group C. (Every now and then I am with them)
    Same as Group B but my relationship with them is quite different. These people are my middle school friends, known them for over 6 years. When we drink it's also chill but it's also a little party. We all sit and chat, drink some beers and smoke some cigarettes.

    So as for me, depending on where I am and who is around me will change how I act. Must it's always a mellow chill state. Unless I'm at the crazy parties where then I am walking around chatting it up lol.
    Last edited by loaf; 07-15-2008 at 04:57 PM.

  11. #11
    Godsmack Worshipper Alcohol and it's effects............. Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Lived by the rules you that you gave me and fell apart. All the wrong turns down a dead end street so far. I stretched my wings and breath in different day. Alone and broken is the price I pay but that's ok...
    People enjoy a few casual drinks or getting wasted from time to time. However, there are many who are unable to control themselves and cannot stop drinking. Alcohol has ruined many, many lives. So many bad acts are blamed on alcohol. There are so many needless car accidents, unwanted pregnancies, cases of alcoholic liver disease, broken marriages, abused children -- the list goes on and on.

    I used to drink but am so over the stupidity that comes with being drunk and I tend to have more fun while sober than being drunk, Alcohol is bad for the body and I just like to have control over myself.
    Last edited by Omega Weapon; 07-16-2008 at 06:49 PM.

  12. #12
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Hunter View Post
    People enjoy a few casual drinks or getting wasted from time to time. However, there are many who are unable to control themselves and cannot stop drinking. Alcohol has ruined many, many lives. So many bad acts are blamed on alcohol. There are so many needless car accidents, unwanted pregnancies, cases of alcoholic liver disease, broken marriages, abused children -- the list goes on and on.

    I used to drink but am so over the stupidity that comes with being drunk and I tend to have more fun while sober than being drunk, Alcohol is bad for the body and I just like to have control over myself.
    I really respect that answer and I can relate to the first paragraph because my dad used to drink loads. I have chosen to drink as little as humanly possible and it's not because I'm a stiff or because I dislike the taste. It's because I'm scared of becoming a shred alike of what my dad was when he was addicted and because I really don't agree with alcohol, drugs or any other mind altering substances.

    I'm afraid to be in the presense of seriously drunk people, whether they're acting nicely or not. I just cannot relate to it or the appeal and it could be either the fact that I feel it kind of ruled my life when my dad drank constantly or to the fact that I have never been seriously drunk. This doesn't mean I totally hate everybody that has a drink, but I don't agree with getting pissed. That's just me.

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  13. #13
    That One Guy Alcohol and it's effects............. dimmufan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I really respect that answer and I can relate to the first paragraph because my dad used to drink loads.
    Sorry to hear that. I can totally relate. Growing up with drunk parents is one of the worst things a child can do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I'm afraid to be in the presense of seriously drunk people, whether they're acting nicely or not. I just cannot relate to it or the appeal and it could be either the fact that I feel it kind of ruled my life when my dad drank constantly or to the fact that I have never been seriously drunk. This doesn't mean I totally hate everybody that has a drink, but I don't agree with getting pissed. That's just me.
    Same with me. I don't really like hanging out with people that are drunk off their ass. You never know what they're thinking or how they will react to something either said or done. People are different when they drink and totally unpredictable.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  14. #14
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Alcohol and it's effects............. RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I really respect that answer and I can relate to the first paragraph because my dad used to drink loads. I have chosen to drink as little as humanly possible and it's not because I'm a stiff or because I dislike the taste. It's because I'm scared of becoming a shred alike of what my dad was when he was addicted and because I really don't agree with alcohol, drugs or any other mind altering substances.

    I'm afraid to be in the presense of seriously drunk people, whether they're acting nicely or not. I just cannot relate to it or the appeal and it could be either the fact that I feel it kind of ruled my life when my dad drank constantly or to the fact that I have never been seriously drunk. This doesn't mean I totally hate everybody that has a drink, but I don't agree with getting pissed. That's just me.
    God, do I feel terrible for posting in the TFF Europe thread that I can "drink like an animal".

    Personally, the effects of alcohol depend on what you understand by the term "drinking".
    I drink really frequently, because I like the taste of beer, It's kind of my drink. I do it at the bar belonging to my Faculty of College, where I naturally see LOTs of familiar faces. It's hard to explain the atmosphere there if you're an "outsider"...
    Anyway, I like to drink in that place cause I sometimes feel more at home over there than at my actual home. I know lots of people there, and the atmosphere of me and my college buddies drinking together and having arguments about whether Elvis Presly, Johnny Cash or Bob Dylan has had the greatest influence on guitar music is awesome. Also chatting with people I know, but just not so well is fun. Always nice to meet people.

    I'm not saying I never drink to forget about certain situations, feelings of Angst or other complicated shit my mind is occupied with (I can clearly recall some of those occasions), or that it hasn't made me die out of embarrassment the next few weeks (or months, won't go into any of those...), but overall, alcohol doesn't seem to have a purely negative meaning for me.

    And I totally agree on the Marihuana thing. Smoking Marihuana may be bad for your health, but it rarely involves kids being in the same room as their smoking parents (and having their longs busted before they reach the age of 18) and it's impact is far more momentarily than alcohol, if you think about the consequences both have had on people's personal lifes (addiction, "social death").

    I realise this is a quite private post, but hey, it's still my post.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 08-19-2008 at 08:41 AM.
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  15. #15
    Alcohol and it's effects............. Mr Spike's Avatar
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    First time i got exposde to drink in, a bad way, was when i was about 10. My dad had been drinkign with a good friend (not bad, they just had a night in and lost count, they aren't alcoholics) and my dad tried to climb along a wall and broke his arm.

    That was the first time, still relativly neive (sp) and i saw what alcohol could do.

    Now, there is always one person at get-togethors that gets drunk within an hour and can get really frekin' annoying (he's rather loud). So drink, in that case, is bad for him.

    Whereas, last time i got probably smashed, i had the courage to speak to my ex-girlfriend for the first time really since we split up a good few month prior. So drink has different effects on different people, some good, some bad.

    Obviously, there are extremes (see friday night brawls for example) however, drunken in moderation, drink is fine. HOwever, when over the limit, it depends entirely on your personality.

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  16. #16
    Vagabond Thief Alcohol and it's effects............. Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    Well my dad is an alcoholic thats pretty much all he drinks. Hes an abusive one though and that wasnt fun he threw a watermelon at my moms head one time,hes been to jail so many nights for being drunk and attacking us. he almost killed my brother too.

    I drink sometimes and when I do its not alot. My brother drinks and gets drunk but in fun hes not violent but since alcholism runs in my family genes I tend to be more careful with it. My dad is really the only person who've ive seen thats abusive while drinking but his father was like that too so yea.

    I just think as long as you drink responsibly and are responsible about it theres no problem really unless your driving or beating someone up. But if its in fun I dont have a problem.
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  17. #17
    Okay first of all, I do have a drinking problem, not a major one, but *blank age* and drinking 4-5 times a week isn't really a good habbit. I'm a horrible drinker, I cry, I abuse, I break stuff (supposedly), I'm an all round bad DRUNK, but after a few drinks I'm as happy as Larry, but I can't say I enjoy that. I choose to get smashed to forget all the things that hinder me, that bother me, it's my chance to get all my feelings out and be in my own little world. I know I probably pursue some other means of happiness, but for the tiem being I'm fine with being mean. And if I'm not hurting people or breaking stuff thats good. Heck sometimes I'm kinder when I'm wasted. Anyway thats my thoughts on it....well experiences.
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  18. #18
    It makes my head hurt atm mainly
    Had an awesome night though yesterday.
    Am always a happy, hyper drunk. Sometimes I like to fight though for fun ^^;

    Peace out

  19. #19
    Alcohols are bad for your health and i think it causes more sickness too, when you drink too much like liver cancer and many more...

  20. #20
    Banned Alcohol and it's effects............. Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Well, when addiction to it gets bad enough, it could lead you to melt down vinyl records and drink the run-off for its alcohol content like my great uncle did.

  21. #21
    when i was a kid my dad and his brothers (my uncles) really love to drink beer... even my mom... they were all crazy after they drank a lot of bottles.. except for my dad who just going to leave them and never cares about but to sleep... one of my most unforgettable moment is... it was christmas eve... of course many people really want to celebrate and you know, alcohol is always present in the party so our family invited some of our neigbors to be a part of that party... then it's almost 12 o'clock then one of my uncles don't even know to himself what he was doing. He's getting crazy by hurting his wife (because she was trying to stop him by drinking too much you know) and throwing chairs around the house.. i almost hurt but thankfully i got away from him... if not then i will be like his wife who got jaw injury from punching her soooo hard...

    well sometimes many people can say, "o don't worry i will not drink too much..." but they don't know from just one shot of wine or any kind of alcohol... it's really tempting... they won't stop... alcohol got a lot of impact to us... yeah honestly, i tried but thankfully, my stomach is so sensitive it won't take the power of it...

    well i just don't understand... but for me, i rather not take it... it's a lot of waste of money... even my life... just drink soda instead hehehehe

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  22. #22
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Personally, alcohol makes me sociable, loud, and clumsy. For one of my close friends, it makes him want to put things into a campfire that you wouldn't generally insert into a campfire. These include boom boxes, mattresses,and the occasional tent. Either way, a good time is to be had.

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  23. #23
    Fortunately for me alcohol has never been a problem. I don't drink, smoke or use drugs. If I'm drinking something it's always milk, water or fruit juice. I'm picky about food and drink.
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  24. #24
    I invented Go-Gurt. Alcohol and it's effects............. Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon_Jiriki View Post
    Fortunately for me alcohol has never been a problem. I don't drink, smoke or use drugs. If I'm drinking something it's always milk, water or fruit juice. I'm picky about food and drink.
    I'm the same way.

  25. #25
    Alcohol and it's effects............. Kyo-san's Avatar
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    Ehhh... I drink. Quite a bit...

    Alcohol tends to take a pretty big effect on me, since I tend not to eat much. I'm a fun guy. ...And I don't hit on all of the girls when I get all tipsy, either!

    My thought is, people know themselves better than anyone. If they know they will react to drinking in an undesireable way, then they (obviously) shouldn't do it. But then again, that just brings up issues of one's self control, blah blah blah... And those really are one's own issues...

    But me... I'm good.
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  26. #26
    Alcohol and it's effects............. Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    Alcohol is bad...specially if you wake up the next morning to find out that you slept with a hairy ass girl!..Not like that happen to me or some thing

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  27. #27
    i had a beer once and it made me throw up.....I dont think ill ever try again actually someone put tequila in it which is the most vile tasting shit on earth. im too young to drink anyway..

  28. #28
    Permanently banned Alcohol and it's effects............. darkViVi's Avatar
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    Actually.. I like alcohol, especially the effects

    Isn't it nice when.. you are just too drunk to stand up, everything spins around and you are just left to hang onto the grass so you wont fall off the earth?

    Or when you trip and smash the back of your head into solid ice, you get up and feel nothing?

    Or just when you see a nice girl and you make obscene remarks and gestures at her? Closely followed by a slap over the face.

    I sure do!!!
    Last edited by darkViVi; 08-22-2008 at 11:58 PM.


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