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Thread: Age

  1. #1


    Everything regarding age goes here. How old are you? Do you act your age? Do you look your age?…and so on. Be honest ok. 0_~

    I am…ready? Seventeen! Thought I was older younger maybe?

    Personally I don’t think I look my age, as a matter of fact I look much older, and I am not too happy about it because I guess I’ll get older faster!

    I act my age. I guess. In a party you are either a block of cement, childish idiot by the fruit punch, or balance. I mean there’s time for fun and time to shut your mouth. Not really getting at anything here just throwing the ball across the room.

  2. #2
    I'm 19 now. How I act varies around who I am around but for the most part I act older... and I look older too. Usually by a few years, so people think I am 21 or 22. Until they find out I can't buy alcohol. Damn laws. *shakes fist* Haha.

    But yeah ... for the most part I assume more responsibility (dear god, a lot more than my brother ... who is 26). I act like a kid sometimes around my roommate though, we do stupid shit. Hm, at parties sometimes I don't drink as much and end up making all the drinks for my friends... so they end up getting wasted. I guess in that case I act like a 58 year old predator. Huhuhu ;;

  3. #3
    Imperius Rex Age Storm's Avatar
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    I'm 18, and I think I look my age, although somebody at my college thought I was a mature student of the age of 21 or 22, which is odd because I don't think I look older than I am. I'm the height of the average 14 year old so I guess my face and figure make up for it! I can still get away with childish things as I discovered the other day- wearing plaits and a hat with kitty ears apparantly doesnt look odd on me at all!

    I behave maturely though, and I tend to notice it more when i'm in town and I see other people of a similar age to me acting like idiots or loitering around. I guess I tend to get that slight arrogance looking down on people who are supposed to be mature acting like a bunch of children. I also tend to think about stuff before doing it. However, humour-wise I have a pretty immature sense of humour- toilet humour gets me in hysterics, as do childish insults, although I do have a more adult sense of humour too. Oh what the heck, i'm just me!
    Last edited by Storm; 12-11-2007 at 09:04 AM.
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  4. #4
    Bananarama Age Pete's Avatar
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    I'm 21. Do I act my age? I can. I mean sure, I'm incredibly responsible when I need to be. Then again, I can be pretty immature, like getting bombed and throwing rotten eggs at my house mate's window, or taking a machete and chopping pumpkins with my friends. In an hour or so, my house mate and I are going up to the attic and we're gonna tag it up with spray paint, to decorate, so it's your call.

    At the same time, I always make sure the business end of things is taken care of before I have my fun. Usually I'll get that paper out of the way before I go through 22 beers (like on Thursday night). I also don't do anything too drastic, like drinking and driving, or anything that could really **** my life up. But expect more than a fair share of social gaffes, because usually I just don't care what people think.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  5. #5
    I'm 22..I can seem younger or older depending how I dress, do my hair and if I shave or not.
    I can act very mature and serious when it's needed, but can really act like a little kid sometimes as well when I feel like going weird and crazy. I like to take responsiblity for my own actions.

    Peace out

  6. #6
    im 16, some say i could get away with 18 but i don't really think so
    hmm depends on my mood if i act my age or not if ive had to much sugar etc.
    but act my age if i have to and theres nothing wrong with a little fun right?
    i do like to show people respect like im 30 or something but still can act like i'm 10

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  7. #7
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I am 19 but people say I look about 13-15 years old, I find it very insulting when people say that! I think it's because of my height, I am only five foot tall exactly and so I guess people would get confused about my age. I tried to buy a scratch-it thing for my friend one day but they wouldn't sell it to me because they didn't believe I was 18, I didn't have my ID either so I got cranky about it. I wanted to tell them off but didn't. I wish I had an ID but apparently you have to pay for one these days which is stupid!

    I don't always act my age, I like to be immature a lot of the time which is great in my opinion. Being serious all the time is boring and silly. I'm not always acting crazy, I do act grown up when I have to! I'm not as bad as I used to be anyway.

    Do I look my age? I don't know really, I guess so. Some moron at high school said I looked 27.. I have no idea where he got that from. He was a bit of a nut case anyway.

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  8. #8
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I'll be 21 on Tuesday. Go me.

    I don't really look my age. Everyone always assumes I'm a lot younger than I am. I mean, the first night I closed with our new assistant manager he asked if I needed a ride home. >.>; And that was about six months ago. It just runs in my mom's side of the family, I guess. My brother still gets carded for alcohol and he's 29. He seriously looks like he's still in high school. It's weird. And it looks like I'm taking after him in that regard, though perhaps not as strongly.

    Do I act my age? Well, if anything I act older. Even my mom comments on how boring I am. I just don't like doing the sorts of things people in this age group usually do. I tend to be fairly stable and serious most of the time. Not to say that I don't have a sense of humor, I just don't display it around people unless I'm really comfortable with them. Mostly cause it might get me in trouble otherwise. I don't do anything, but I like to make comments. Amusing ones.

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  9. #9
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    I'm currently 21 years old, I act my age at times when the time is right, like work and when I'm working on a project. Some people say that I look young for my age and others say I look old for my age, so it depends on the person I guess.
    I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool

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  10. #10
    I'm 18. I have no idea why, because, I don't look that old, but whenever anybody finds out they're a bit, '....what? Really?'

    They usually say they thought I was 19/20. My record is 24. But nobody ever says, 'You're 18', or anything younger.

    Maybe I'm just mega-cool. I don't know.

    (It's six in the morning and my degree wants me dead )

  11. #11
    Registered User Age Dimi's Avatar
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    Of course you're cool Govinda. After all you're Shasta. Gangsta Shasta. :Spyfap:

    I'm 17 years old. Do I act my age? People say I act mature for my age. I guess I do in some ways. I'm really conservative and laid-back if you were to meet me in real life. I do act like a normal teenager in some ways. I party, still get in trouble by parents, rebel, things like that. I've been told that I look like like I'm 16-18 at least. I really don't know how old I look honestly. Probably 16. If I didn't shave, then I'd look 18 or 19. ><
    Last edited by Dimi; 12-08-2007 at 11:53 PM.

  12. #12
    Age Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Where the polar bears play at night and where the beavers are furry...
    2,060 unshaved? No rebel...

    However, i don't blame you though, when i don't shave for 1 week people think i'm 21. In fact when i had my goatee, people thought i was something like a 26 year old russian...

    Well i'm 18...and a half

    I tend to act my age when the need arises such as in public and stuff but once i hit Nick mode, i'm rather a goofball...which is usually where i start saying my lovely expressions of 18+

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  13. #13
    I'm 18, almost 19. I've been told that I look and act older. I've been told I'm really mature for my age which is kinda a cool cimpliment I suppose. As for looks I look older. People usually take me for 21-24. Once it was assumed I was 30, which can just be weird.

  14. #14
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Well I am 21 and supposedly I look 25 - 30 easy especially if I haven't shaved in a while. The odd thing about this is my mother is 50 and she passes for 30 - 40 herself, my Dad was 48 and looked it (I take after him more I think). But I think its good in a way as I could easily get some milf lurvin.

    I act like a bitter old man at most, I guess... I suppose the rest of the forum can be the judge of that.

  15. #15
    Gingersnap Age OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I'm 19 and I'll be 20 in a couple months. I look... SO young. I was with Daniel (who is actually a few months younger) getting sub sandwiches and this woman asked if the age difference was weird. "Excuse me?" "Well you can't be more than 15, and he looks about 18."

    "I'm 19... ma'am. I'll have mustard."


    I used to circle my eyes with eyeliner and carry my car keys in my hands so that people would know I was 16 and think twice before giving me the kids menu. Because it happened. More than once.

    But at the same time, I've been asked a few times if I needed a glass for wine or if I needed anything "extra" to drink.

    I guess it just depends on the day.

    Do I act 19? I'm not sure. I probably either act 19 or older. It's rare that I ever act younger.

    EDIT: Ha, I'm 20 now. Yay.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 03-03-2008 at 09:52 PM.

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  16. #16
    I am 22 but with the facial hair I look about 28. Some people say I actually look older than my Dad who is in his 40s, but they were drunk at the time so I can probably discount their remarks.

    I don't know about acting my age or not.

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  17. #17
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'm 18. And how should an 18 year old act?
    I'd be damned if I knew any 18 year olds who acted uniformly...

    As for being mistaken for being a certain age, I've had no need for an idea for years, even though I'm very recently 18. Only ever got asked for the ID once, and that was a week after I turned 18. And I think that was more the school uniform than anything else.

    I'll say one thing though. I see maturity as being overrated. It's no fun at all...
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  18. #18
    The Quiet One Age Andromeda's Avatar
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    I haven't been told how old I look lately. The last time it happened was when I was 16, and I was told that I was 14. This was when I was starting work, and looking 14 would not be a good thing as you are not legally allowed to work most jobs at that age or at least you have a lot of laws the companies have to follow. If I had to guess I probably look younger than I am a lot of times.

    I think I end up looking younger when I'm lost or confused, because I just have that expression that is so clearly seen as being confused. I'm just wandering around clueless hoping to find what I am looking for with I guess an innocent expression on my face. If you look innocent and lost you'll look younger, at least that is my experienced. Though I was carded to buy a mature game, so I guess I don't look 18 enough and I'm 24.
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  19. #19
    Age Ayse's Avatar
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    I'm 18. I look my age, I act my age, and people rarely mistake me for older or younger. I guess the only difference is I don't really "speak" my age. I talk about topics and have knowledge on stuff that 18 year olds just don't really care about, so I guess people sometimes might assume I'm older because of that.

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  20. #20
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I turned 19 back in August.

    I'm told I look about 22/23. The oldest I've had is 26. Youngest I've had was probably 16.

    My hair style makes me look a lot older. It's short and looks pretty mumsy at the moment thanks to the shite cut my hairdresser gave me. If I grew my hair out longer, I know I'd probably look more my age. I don't know if that'll happen, since I'm not really keen on long hair -- on some girls it looks great... but that's usually only blondes and reheads, in my opinion. I dislike dyed black or white hair because I think it looks pretty greasy and pretty shite. That's my opinion, though.

    As for acting my age... I act my age most of the time.
    Nope, that's a lie. It's about 50/50. My hobbies and views would suggest an older woman, but other aspect in my personality bring me down to about age... five or six?

    I also have a strange sense of humour. I can be downright filthy with jokes, or extremely silly.

    On the other hand, I'm believed to be bi-polar, and I have shifting personalities a lot of the time. I also hold the same morals through my mood swings, but... I differ from second to second.

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  21. #21
    Bananarama Age Pete's Avatar
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    What bothers me the most, and it's just one of those random things, is when before I was 18 or 21, and went to buy cigars or beer, I'd get carded. As soon as I turned 18, I'd stop getting carded for cigars and I've been carded once for beer since August... and I've bought a good amount of beer in the past few months.

    I guess I look older, but never when I needed to.

    And Ally that blows. I haven't been given a kids menu since I was maybe 10.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  22. #22
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I'm 19, but in public with facial face and my mustache, and goatee I look..hmm about 21/22 lol. I'm going to be 20 in Feburary so it ain't far away now. How do I act? I act very mature in public, and sometimes even at home. I'm kinda quiet, and sometimes keep things to myself, but that caused me some withdraw issues. But for the most part I do act mature, and very responsible. Through once I get to know people and I mean REALLY get to know them I feel like I can really open up and have fun, joke around. I'm a funny guy lol ( so I've been told) but I do act very serious, and I take some things seriously but over time childish comments and other immature aspects of people don't really faze me anymore, and I have been known to laugh at comments people make about me which makes them scared lmao. The sad thing is, even through I'm 19, my body feels like a rental from a 15 year old boy... probarly because of the height, I wish I was abit more taller. But I do look my age, but I don't act my age, I feel very mature, and I've been told by people and even my mom, that I have the mind of a 60 year old man! It actually makes me feel good when ppl say that because that helps mark my rightful age description.
    Last edited by Phantom; 12-09-2007 at 06:12 PM.
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  23. #23
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    man you guys make me feel like the old one.... im 25 almost 26!

    i look like im 12 act like im 30 and drink like im 19 hahaaa

    ive always acted older then i really am, maybe to make up for looking so young or it was just how i was raised. ive drank since i was about 15 and still have a taste for the junk. my wife is 21 acts 30 and looks 25-26. my son is almost 9mths old act umm well like a 9mth old i guess an looks like..... ummmm... a 9mth old?!?!??!?!
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  24. #24
    That One Guy Age dimmufan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    man you guys make me feel like the old one.... im 25 almost 26!
    Don't feel so bad, I'm older than you, though not by much. I'll be 26 in exactly 14 days as of this post.

    Whenever I shave (which is about 3 times every two weeks) I always get carded for cigarettes. I always get carded for alcohol even if I haven't shaved in a while. So I guess I look younger than I actually am.

    As for acting my age, well, I don't really know how a 25 year old acts. I guess I do act my age, maybe more mature, maybe less. I guess it also depends on my mood.
    2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot or drinking, if you're one of the 98% who has, then post this in your signature.

  25. #25
    I'm not sure how a 23 year old is supposed to act and i don't know how old i look haha. Never really got asked for ID when i bought alcohol, the first time i got asked for it was my 18th birthday funnily enough haha, the day it became legal for me to buy the stuff. I don't smoke so i've never been asked for ID there obviously haha.

    People probably think i'm slightly younger when i'm with my friends, just purely for the way we talk to each other. It's not normal to say the least haha, we definatly have odd personality traits that come out when we're together and make for some pretty "immature" comments but they're so funny you have to laugh... it gets to the point where people who are sitting down the carriage on a train are in hysterics because they've heard us haha.

    I guess it all boils down to the company i'm with

  26. #26
    Sir Prize Age Sinister's Avatar
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    Act my age? I doubt it. I mean I'm not a spazz or anything. I hardly ever talk and prefer to read. Which gives everyone the picture of an old granny. But I also like clubbing, playing videogames, watching anime, fencing and other active type things...

    Do I look my age... Aparently not... I'm 22 and I get carded regularly. I had to show them my ID about a month ago otherwise they would let me into the theater to see an R rated movie. I thought the woman was messing with me. I suppose I should smoke more and sleep less and do lots of drugs... That'd show them.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  27. #27
    well i am turning 21 tomorrow...

    well i don't know really if i am acting my new age... but of course i need to be more responsible in this age... sometimes it's hard to adjust the way you used to be... cause in my situation right now, it's getting hard, and right now i am getting ready to start a new life... MARRIAGE...

    well i just trusting that i can make it!!

    Saved from wrath
    Romans 6:23

  28. #28
    I'm 15 and I don't look anything near it, mainly because I haven't had a shave in about 3 weeks. So at the minute I get people saying I look about 20+ which to me has majoir disadvantages. I get charged adult prices on buses and trains if I don't carry ID with me. Even without facial hair, I get old I'm about 17 so I don't know what I do to make myself look so old. As for the way I think and act, I'm an old man like that as well. I can relax and be pretty damn crazy around my mates as most people can but other times I'm all serious and such a bore.
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  29. #29
    Cilla vs. Games Age Priscilla's Avatar
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    Well, i'm 16 and I think I look my age. But with a bit of make up and depending on what I wear people can think i'm 18-19 and then older people hit on me and I get charged Adult Prices which sucks.

    But usually people just ask me how old I am before they make their own assumptions =]

  30. #30
    OMG im the youngest one here im only 12 i look like im a 13 year old goth which im not and i only act my age some times.

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