Last edited by Yoko; 05-01-2011 at 08:17 PM.
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It IS concerning. The backlash, that is. All the same, I'm glad. I feel kind of awkward celebrating the death of another human being, but after 10 years of my country needing vengeance for the murder of 3000 people......... I'm pretty pumped about it.
Finally we got the actual guy and not a decoy.
I'm already tipsy....... had celebratory booze with my brother. We're in NYC right now. After Obama's speech...... it's party time.
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TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
There is absolutely no way to sum this up better than this;
Congratulations America. Mission accomplished.
**** al Qaeda. Their mastermind and leader is dead. They have three choices now. One; dissolve the organization and disappear forever. Two; turn themselves in and face prosecution. Three; be killed.
*insert the Team America theme song now*
Let's get drunk and someone stream this movie tonight??
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
I agree with OceanEyes at least they've recovered the body to prove that its not a hoax. Here's hoping this will put an end to Al-Qaeda now that their leader is dead but who knows.
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I'm overjoyed. I really have no words to describe how I feel. So many things are just coming back to me, from that day, so many feelings and just worrying if my family members were alive or hurt or worse. My aunt was in both attacks on the trade center, and was on the 95th floor of the second tower to be hit. She made it out alive both times. My dad was working a few blocks away, and his car was coated with the soot and ashes. I just remember the exchange of phone calls and the worries.
I know this isn't the end of it, not by a long shot, but god damnit, this feels so right, and like such a joyous day. It's only fitting that I sit here, drinking a PBR and just finding myself feeling just happy and yet so proud of our efforts to find him. I honestly never thought he would be found, and that he'd just die in a cave.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Saw some people blowing smoke in the crowd outside the white house on TV. I hope that was a celebratory blunt being passed around.
Also, while I think it is a good thing, I am scared of what could still happen.
PS please upvote me: rofl
Last edited by che; 05-01-2011 at 10:24 PM.
I'm with Alisyn in feeling weird on celebrating the death of another human. But to quote Twain, "I have never wished death on another man, but have read some obituaries with pleasure."
It's like fighting a hydra, though. Osama was a financier. Zawhiri (sp?) is the brains.
In the meantime, **** YEAH!
Also confused with people's, including Obama's, references to God. God should never be invoked in the name of violence and hatred. Ever. On both sides.
Good ol' Marky-Mark always knew how to put it. Excellent quote.
I'm the same way. I won't exactly celebrate his death, but I am definitely happy that he is no longer alive.
The next question is, where is the money? Osama's millions of dollars are going somewhere, who's to say that his death will make much difference? The Taliban is financed through organized crime (of sorts) and the drug trade -- we're cracking down on the crime, and opium will be illegal to grow in Afghanistan next year without government permits. Along with the lack of a primary financial source, will they continue to stick around and fight, or will they run out of funding and quit?It's like fighting a hydra, though. Osama was a financier. Zawhiri (sp?) is the brains.
I agree, but only to a certain extent. While it is sad actually rejoicing over somebody's death, even somebody directly or indirectly responsible for the loss of more than seven thousand lives, three thousand of them civilian, from more than two dozen different countries ... it's only natural to feel no remorse for them. It's like seeing a child molester get beat to death -- you know it's wrong, but it still seems right. The references to God, I believe, are more in regards to justice.Also confused with people's, including Obama's, references to God. God should never be invoked in the name of violence and hatred. Ever. On both sides.
But of course, Obama will claim credit for it, and use it to distract from his myriad domestic problems.
This is prettymuch all I could think of this morning.
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
I'm glad he's gone, but like everyone else here I also believe it's far from over. Obama pretty much convinced me with his speech tonight. While people believe Osama's death is a hoax, I'm just here laughing at their ignorance. What a bliss, indeed.
EDIT: A video's being passed around saying that Osama was killed years ago. Why bring it up now? I think THAT is a hoax.
Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
~St. Augustine
Well, some people are like a blind dog in a meat locker.
Anything they can't tear down, they shit on.
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TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
Ugh. Indeed. Now skeptics believe Osama's been dead for years (great, why bring it up NOW and not when, supposedly, when it should have been a big issue?). Others believe Osama is still alive and that the Navy Seals and Obama are lying about it. Bunch of conspiracy theories, the U.S. has.
Can't we all just be glad the man's dead? If Obama's lying, why didn't he do it sooner? And don't even bring up the 10th anniversary of 9/11, because there's still months to go before that.
That was just for any skeptics that have posted and will post here. I've met so much ignorance today, so forgive me IF I sounded a little mean.
EDIT: Doesn't mean I knowingly sounded mean.
Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
~St. Augustine
yes its OK to celebrate the death of som1.... we celebrate Jesus' death.. either way it goes OSAMA'S ASS is GRASS..
I think they should take the bullets back outta that dudes body and sellem on ebay and maybe make som money to pay summa this US thatd be tha shit
Well it's an important development in the whole thing.
I wouldn't be too pushed on the 'let's celebrate and get drunk cos he's DEAD!' ... I'm not saying I wouldn't be happy if there was someone I knew lost their life because of him, But I would probably close that open book of justice feel a small amount of closure personally, to myself.
Lets hope that this will not provoke further trouble, America has enjoyed peace for the last 10 years, it would be a tragedy if that was interrupted.
Afterall, Bin Laden is ONE person, true he was the leader/mastermind.. but hes most definitely not the only one out their with the brains/know-how to run and operate such an organisation as Al-Qaeda.
And I don't know if Obama should be getting such credit, this operation has been running for years has it not? And perhaps he just happened to be in the whitehouse when they got their break.. anyone have more detailed (unbiased) info on Obamas involvement with it?
I dunno, I couldn't celebrate the death of someone I hated "An eye for an eye will make everyone blind."
Though in this case it seems to be "An Al-Qaeda leader for 3000 innocent people."
Well done America. It only took you ten years. /jest
I won't celebrate the fact he's dead, because no matter what, it's not right to celebrate the death of someone like this. It was a bit of a surprise when I woke up to the news, but all I felt was a twang of relief. He's dead. Now what? That doesn't solve everyone's problems yet.
That said, I first heard about it when a friend literally said on Facebook "I wanna know what gun they shot him with!!", and another nasty comment along the lines of "he got shot in da head and his brains came out loooooool!" So I've gone to check the news, and well, all those people complaining that the Royal Wedding took over their news home pages have something else to complain about. I can't even look at my own country's news without going back a page, or hitting "England" again.
He's dead. I understand there's some people who'll feel more justice then others, like Pete for example, but this is far from over. He has a successor, who isn't as popular as Osama, but a successor all the same, and many, many followers. This is a delicate time, where they are going to fight out over his death. I am a little worried.
Jesus sacrificed himself for everyone's sins because it was what he was told to do by God. He wasn't shot dead in his hideout for acts of terrorism. Completely different.Originally Posted by sayan
While I don't think it's appropriate for people to be dancing in the streets celebrating (not unlike some extremists did on that terrible day), I do think that it is a huge release for a lot of people, especially those who lost loved ones.
If ever there was a day to raise a glass, though, this is it.
Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn
Is nobody else thinking bullshit on this?
He was identified and then shot in the face and buried at sea? No evidence what so ever other than some group of soldiers word?
More smoke and mirrors from the US in regards to confirming crital information.
Obama: Good news people we shot and killed bin laden last night, broke into Pakistan without their consent and blew the shit outta the place, identified him and then blew his head off.
nix: What happened to his body? Can we see it for our own personal closure?
Obama: No we tossed him into the ocean where nobody will ever find him and didnt take any pics or anything..
nix: but why?
Obama: Its all good America, go back to sleep!
Are you all seriously jumping on the belief band wagon this blindly? Its stinks of bullshit...
Perhaps im not seeing all the info released? Is there something i'm missing?
Or he never shows his face again and gets away with everything he has done?
The point being, they should have made an effort to present the most solid evidence they possibly could, as opposed to covering it all up as quickly as they could, its just stinks of bullshit
Why not take pics? why not keep the body and perform an autopsy? (sp?) as im sure the gun used to pop one in his head didnt leave much of his head considering the weaponry the US forces use..
Am I seriously the only one thinking this?
First off, he was identified, he was shot, then identified fully, then buried. And second, the word of a Soldier, expecially a group of Navy SEALs, is more than good enough for me.
So you don't have enough proof, because the word of the most powerful tactical special forces group in the world isn't good enough for you, and apparently neither is the DNA collected from the body and compared to known samples of his DNA, or the system that the United States military (and a few others, at least) uses that recognizes fingerprints, facial structure, and iris scans.Obama: No we tossed him into the ocean where nobody will ever find him and didnt take any pics or anything..
Do you think that's realistic? He preaches that dying for his cause is the most noble thing a Muslim can do, he thrives on attention, and he's the most wanted man in the world, with one of the most well-known faces. It's not like he can just "never show his face again" and nobody will ever notice him.
Because ... it's their job to convince every conspiracy theorist on the internet?The point being, they should have made an effort to present the most solid evidence they possibly could, as opposed to covering it all up as quickly as they could, its just stinks of bullshit![]()
Because most SEAL teams don't keep cameras on them. What are they going to do, pose with the body like they just shot a deer?Why not take pics?
If he was shot in the head, I can tell you that he was probably shot with either the 5.56x45mm M855A1 round, newly developed and not in widespread use yet (as opposed to the regular M855 ball rounds still used by most of the rest of the military) fired from an M4 or a carbine variant of the M249; or the 9mm NATO round, a slightly overpressured variant of the 9mm Parabellum round, more commonly known as the 9x19mm or the 9mm Luger, fired from a Sig 226. As the United States military abides by Geneva and Hague rules that disallow bullets designed specifically to expand or tumble to increase cavitation upon impact, all rounds would be "ball"-type rounds, especially the 9mms.why not keep the body and perform an autopsy? (sp?) as im sure the gun used to pop one in his head didnt leave much of his head considering the weaponry the US forces use..
But please, tell me what "weaponry the US forces [sic] use", since you know so much about it apparently -- at least enough to know that two rounds "didn't leave much of his head".
*sigh* ... yes ma'am ... Though I would love to find this little child and knock some sense into him, I'll stay quiet here.
Because there's never been proof until now. I'm honestly surprised that he's made it this long, but there has been no proof of his death. While I wouldn't put it past most politicians to use this as a support-gaining theme, I would imagine that, if that were to be the case, this would have come to light much closer to the time for an election or re-election. We'll have to see how much or how little Obama uses this to advance his political agenda. Hopefully he won't be like Clinton and constantly screw over the military until he needed something to distract from his impeachment hearings.
They did take DNA -- that's how they confirmed who it was.
"Who actually hate the guy and want nothing to do with him"? He was being hidden in a city full of Paki military. This should test our relationship with Pakistan -- "you SOBs can't honestly tell me that you're incompetent enough to not even know that the most wanted man in the world is living in the same city as many of your military retirees and an army base."Yep, i killed him, shot him in the head, then the islamics who actually hate the guy and want nothing to do with him, wanted to give him a proper burial at sea...
If you want to find -- or, more likely, fabricate -- lies to hold the U.S. government accountable for, go ahead. I'm certainly not one to claim that they are an honest bunch. But this is a common-sense sort of thing.erhaps if we just take the US Governements track record on telling the truth in the passed??? Oh wait, they are notoriuous liers and it gets eaten up every time....
I'm sure there will be protests. But like I said, it also raises the question of the competence of the Pakistani military and intelligence systems, or lack thereof -- at the very least. Moreso, it raises questions on the corruption of the Pakistani military and intelligence systems. Which is precisely why we didn't inform Pakistan of the operation, I have no doubt.
But as has been pointed out already, in multiple different threads ... the demonstrations going on in the United States right now don't exactly shine a positive light on us. When parts of the world think of us as bloodthirsty warmongers, and we celebrate the violent death of anybody, even a piece of pig shit like bin Laden, they certainly pay attention to that.
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
You should never celebrate another human being's death, no matter what they did. For that matter, what DID he do?
He didn't cause 9/11, that was somebody else...
....yeah, and that's all that these "terrorists" really ever did, DEFEND THEIR HOMELAND ASIDE.
So tell me, how is his death so great, and just what the **** is it even supposed to change?
EDIT EDIT: Assholes.
As I said in your warning for trolling (meaning the rest of TFF need not flame/troll him back, please state opinions calmly): You can have an opinion without using it to intentionally piss people off.Originally Posted by Dark-Knight Luna
No one said anything about raiding Afghanistan or raping its women. What is wrong with you?
There is so much that I don't agree with in your post, I won't even start.
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TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
Nix, my explanation would be he was buried at sea so some guy doesn’t dig up his remains and trash it. It was also talked about, the choice of country he would be buried in and would that country actually want him there. To add another point, this is straight from one of the articles in the OP.
"After Mr. Bin Laden was killed, senior administration officials said the body would be handled according to Islamic practice and tradition. That practice calls for the body to be buried within 24 hours, the official said. Finding a country willing to accept the remains of the world's most wanted terrorist would have been difficult, the official said. So the U.S. decided to bury him at sea."
As to the other dude, seriously? He never did anything wrong? He financed and helped coordinate the murder of thousands of innocent people but I guess that is nothing.
Scene from a movie.
Ok that i dont have a problem with, but! 24 hours is plenty of time to take a few snaps on a camera, video footage, dna samples etc
And yet the only evidence we have is someones word???
Yep, i killed him, shot him in the head, then the islamics who actually hate the guy and want nothing to do with him, wanted to give him a proper burial at sea...
Fact remains they could and should have provided some solid evidence into their claim, they didnt, and here i am scratching my head wondering if its the truth.
Perhaps if we just take the US Governements track record on telling the truth in the passed??? Oh wait, they are notoriuous liers and it gets eaten up every time....
Sorry peeps im just not buying it , my eyes need to see! They always have and always will...
Screenshot or it didnt happen![]()
For evidence there took DNA samples that matched. There was face recognition, height. An I.D. by one of the civilians there referring to the target as Bin Laden. Also, there are pics and video of the operation. They just aren't releasing them right now due to security reasons plus analyzing the data. They don't want to rush releasing information that might compromise doing a similar operation again on a different target. It's been like, what, 24 hours, since the operation - relax and give them some time.
As for hearing the news - surprised. A person doesn't expect to hear news of that magnitude when they wake up. Clearly this is President Obama's wedding gift to William & Catherine; by taking the media's attention off of them to this. Give them so peace. I'm glad that our forces and intelligence networks were able to get him. His death is not the instant victory over Al Qaeda, but it affirmed that the U.S. would hunt those who attack our nation. He may have been close to dying anyways from his poor health but actually killing him sends a message. Retribution may not heal the wounds of the victims of Sept. 11 instantly and fully, or ever. With that, retribution does heal some of the wounds. A day I will not forget.
I haven't seen anything yet, but I'm surprised there aren't protests against the U.S. for doing this unilaterally and without the consent/informing Pakistan before the operation took place. Got to give some props to Obama on that move.
Last edited by Zargabaath; 05-05-2011 at 09:33 AM.
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Yeah, there was a lot of celebrating. And I understand why, I was even guilty of it myself. I know how it looks or how it could be interpreted. But I've already seen enough about how other people think everyone else should behave.
Personally, I wasn't celebrating that a man got shot in the head; it was more over the fact that a long chapter of fearing the man who hurt us once before is over. Yes, there is still terrorism; no, we are not done. But we finally accomplished what we said we would almost 10 years ago. Families of murder victims probably don't rejoice over the violence involved with taking a serial killer out of this world.... they more likely rejoice that he won't be coming back.
Also, I celebrated a brief period of unity here in NYC. So many gathered at Ground Zero, were nice to each other, all races and religions, Muslims shaking hands and chanting "USA!" with the rest of us... it was neat.
Haters gonna hate.
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TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
Exactly. That's the only reason why I support the death penalty -- otherwise, our prisons are so crappy that they will let a murderer out on "good behavior" or after eight or ten years, and he/she will just go kill again. Murder, rape, abuse, drugs, it's all the same. Recitivism is something we need to eliminate. But it's the same concept -- it's not so much a celebration that he's dead, but that he's no longer alive.
Yeah, they do. We also have a system that we use that links fingerprints, iris scans, and facial structure to a big database with hundreds of thousands of entries already in it. Every local national that comes to work for a Coalition base or unit is entered into the system, everybody that might be "suspicious" is entered, and everybody that we capture or kill is entered. So when the same guy shows up at more than one different IED strike, or when we find out that one of a group of three or four locals working at one of our bases is a terrorist, we can look through the system and find patterns.
Because their mission was to kill him, not to publicize the killing?In regards to the need for solid proof, yeah its pretty much a given when you apply logic to the situation. Why travel all that way by your own private means to kill a man and not take a picture if you don't intend to take the body home?
To answer your question ... no, it's not a camera on his helmet. That is a mounting bracket for a set of NODs, or Night Optic Devices -- nightvision. I was considering taking a picture through my webcam of the same mount on my helmet, but figured that it wouldn't be worth the hassle -- you'll have to trust the word of a Soldier that prettymuch everybody in the United States military with a helmet and a set of NODs can look like that. (The NODs, probably a monocular setup that only uses one eye instead of the older style that focuses both into one lens, attach facing back and slightly down to the way he has his mount in the picture. He could then rotate them down to cover one eye if and when needed.)SPOILER!!:
Oh look, is that a camera on his helmet? think he may be able to take a picture of a corpse with that? Do Navy seals shop at a different store or?![]()
And that guy isn't a SEAL, he's some peon with 2ID. Peons have time and circumstances that permit posing with bodies like morons -- SEALs have better shit to do.
[EDIT: Here's a picture of prettymuch the same thing, holding the older two-eye style of optic.]
Good point. Some people are going to be pissed off enough at the thought of Osama being dead, or any Muslim being killed by Americans, and there's not much of a reason to widely publicize gory pictures that will piss them off even more.
Except for the fact that the World Trade Center attack killed three thousand civilians, including women and children, and America was celebrating the death of a man who planned and financed a successful attack against three thousand innocent civilians, including women and children. Huge ****ing difference.
Last edited by Sasquatch; 05-02-2011 at 11:50 PM.
Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.
Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
as ive stated, its all to do with what someone believes. They believed killing people was the right thing to do and celebrated it. America believed it was right to kill osama and celebrated his murder. I can understand in our institutionlized society how you might be feeling. I dont know why you are arguing with me, I agree with you anyway.
It was mass catharsis. We all experienced the horrors and tragedy of 9/11 on SOME level. To know that the mastermind behind it, and ultimately the face of modern day evil is dead at the hand of the nation he victimized, is a great relief and really an exorcism of past demons and feelings. No, it doesn't mean that the war on terror is over, or even that the worst is yet to come, but for one day, in what's been a pretty shitty decade, as a nation, we are unified in knowing that our collective enemy lie dead by our hand.
Even though we may have only eliminated a figurehead, bin laden represented evil. For just one day, we were able to put all of our differences aside, regardless of race, political affiliation or even sports team (Mets and Phillies fans overjoyed together, chanting "USA! USA! USA!" was a beautiful and chilling moment), and we all saw the bigger picture. Like Obama said, this was a tale of American perseverance, and for once this decade, we have a truly shining moment.
I also heard that there was a DNA sample that was also compared with bin laden's sister.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers