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Thread: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

  1. #31
    Asking all the personal questions. 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    I think the most important rule of how to survive a zombie flick is to kill the zombies to a kick ass epic Queen hit with pool ques.

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  2. #32
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    I would rather sit on my ship with the brow up with a sniper rifle.
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  3. #33
    Professional Klutz. 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Have a skeleton key on hand.

    It's always bad to be locked out of somewhere safe, or with weapons inside.

    Also, don't go in malls. It never ends well.

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  4. #34
    The Lone Dagger 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    I wouldn't want to be in the ocean, pretty sure zombies would eventually swim out there and you better be awake 24-7 and have night vision on your sniper rifle to pick them out of the water.

    I'd have to say I'd need two pistols on me at all times and always make sure to have a knife on you if things get bad, I'm talking to dagger sized knifes to handle your business.

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  5. #35
    I will finish the hunt 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    1.Get a few dogs you think might taste better than you to a zombie, or at the very least will alert you to a zombie.....train it to bite off heads
    2.Don't try to have's a distraction, and sex leads to death kiddos
    3.Fuc* guns that run out of ammo....get light weight swords and grenades in case of a swarm.....ok.....maybe one gun...for show ;-)...note to self....learn to use them
    and put knives in your sleeves in case of the "zombie pin" and in your shoes in case of "zombie leg grab"
    4. Always know where the home depots are; easy access to gas, fire starters, and good practice sites
    5.Kill anyone that talks to you no matter what
    *unless you are willing to use them as bait in a later situation; in that case be sure to "accidentally" wound them and sleep are all you need to stop for
    7. Sleep in trees
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 05-11-2010 at 10:16 AM.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  6. #36
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xithor View Post
    I wouldn't want to be in the ocean, pretty sure zombies would eventually swim out there and you better be awake 24-7 and have night vision on your sniper rifle to pick them out of the water.

    I'd have to say I'd need two pistols on me at all times and always make sure to have a knife on you if things get bad, I'm talking to dagger sized knifes to handle your business.
    Even if zombies learn to swim how would they climb up the side of the ship? How would they even know I was out there? Not to mention I have supplies to last a crew of 350 a month and communication equipment to call for a supply drop if the need arises. I'm an engineer so I know how to fix most mechanical failures. Plus I would have a lot of time to work on my tan. hahaha
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  7. #37
    Sir Prize 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    #1 – Cardio
    #2 – The Double Tap
    #3 – Beware of Bathrooms
    #4 – Seatbelts
    #5 – Have ipod ready with Grindcore
    #6 – The Skillet*
    #7 – Travel Light
    #8 – Get A Kickass Partner*
    #9 – Melee Weapons not Guns
    #10 – Do not use fire!!
    #11 – Rural Areas have no food or gas
    #12 – Bounty Paper Towels*
    #13 – Leave places with strobe lights alone
    #14 – Don't think outloud, hum or whistle
    #15 – Bowling Ball*
    #16 – First Aid kit
    #17 – Don’t Be A Hero
    #18 – Limber Up
    #19 – Don't dress up as a Zombie!!
    #20 – Do not seek out other (non-zombie)people!!
    #21 – Avoid Strip Clubs*
    #22 – When In Doubt, Know Your Way Out
    #23 – Canned Goods only
    #24 – Use frequent obscene language and celebrate victories with a dance
    #25 – Do not have a plan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plans suck.
    #26 – Don't go into a room unless it has at least three exits
    #27 – Avoid going into unfamiliar buildings or rooms
    #28 – ???
    #29 – The Buddy System*
    #30 – ???
    #31 – Check The Back Seat
    #32 – Enjoy The Little Things
    #33 – Swiss Army Knife*

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  8. #38
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    #1 – Cardio
    #2 – The Double Tap
    #3 – Beware of Bathrooms
    #4 – Seatbelts
    #5 – Have ipod ready with Grindcore
    #6 – The Skillet*
    #7 – Travel Light
    #8 – Get A Kickass Partner*
    #9 – Melee Weapons not Guns
    #10 – Do not use fire!!
    #11 – Rural Areas have no food or gas
    #12 – Bounty Paper Towels*
    #13 – Leave places with strobe lights alone
    #14 – Don't think outloud, hum or whistle
    #15 – Bowling Ball*
    #16 – First Aid kit
    #17 – Don’t Be A Hero
    #18 – Limber Up
    #19 – Don't dress up as a Zombie!!
    #20 – Do not seek out other (non-zombie)people!!
    #21 – Avoid Strip Clubs*
    #22 – When In Doubt, Know Your Way Out
    #23 – Canned Goods only
    #24 – Use frequent obscene language and celebrate victories with a dance
    #25 – Do not have a plan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plans suck.
    #26 – Don't go into a room unless it has at least three exits
    #27 – Avoid going into unfamiliar buildings or rooms
    #28 – ???
    #29 – The Buddy System*
    #30 – ???
    #31 – Check The Back Seat
    #32 – Enjoy The Little Things
    #33 – Swiss Army Knife*
    Not to be anal but rule 8, 20, and 29 kind of go against one and other. So should I seek out non zombies up until I find a kick ass partner? If in my search for a kick as partner the first person I find isn't said partner should I still stay with that person until I find said partner? I am just asking for clarification. Thank you.
    Unleash the MONSTER inside!

  9. #39
    Rune Knight 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Trodorne's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    also head north to the point where you get winter, when the cold winds come-a-blowing their legs won't be-a-going.

  10. #40
    Death Before Dishonor 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    #2 – The Double Tap
    You always double tap. I actually used this reference today. Me and my bro's were watching The Patriot. Mel Gibson's son in the movie is Heath Ledger. He goes after the Dragoon Brit guy, and shots his ass. He should have doubled tapped to make sure he was dead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    lol have you ever shot a gun before? It's tough enough with one hand. The odds of zombies is far greater then magic. Try with 2 without breaking your wrist.
    Keep that up and you are my next target kid...
    Dual wielding actually isn't all that difficult. Unless of course you are shooting Deagles, then of course you are just a dumbass. We had to shot dual pistols in Basic Training. It takes some getting used to, but unless it is an insanely powerful hand gun then you are good.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  11. #41
    32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Jin's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    The most important rule of all: don't be black.

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  12. #42
    Sir Prize 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darnell View Post
    Not to be anal but rule 8, 20, and 29 kind of go against one and other. So should I seek out non zombies up until I find a kick ass partner? If in my search for a kick as partner the first person I find isn't said partner should I still stay with that person until I find said partner? I am just asking for clarification. Thank you.
    Well, most of those I copied from the OP. I ignored them because I really don't agree. Prolly should've started over but I was lazy.

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  13. #43
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Because magic is real...

    I doubt anybody here can actually dual wield pistols.
    I know from experience that I can handle the recoil quite easily.
    Sadly though my accuracy has to be some of the worst anyone's ever seen.

    Which brings me to the way I'd survive a zombie flick.
    1. Head straight to nearest farm.
    2. Salvage shotgun/s and as much ammo as possible.
    3. Keep hidden.
    4. Find next farm, find more ammo.
    5. Repeat step four several times.
    6. Hope to hell I can find a bunker somewhere making sure to keep at least one weapon loaded as I empty another.

    I'd also make sure I travelled alone, preferably in not to distant (definetely not close) proximity to people bringing a lot of attention to themselves. Camoflage gear + mud/other natural things that'd cover scent would be handy.
    victoria aut mors

  14. #44
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    My plan for surviving a zombie attack:

    My floating fortress. Crew surve weapons small boats for resupply opps. and about every thing you could find in a small town. Anyone want to join my crew and not only survive the zombies but destroy a few of them as well?
    Unleash the MONSTER inside!

  15. #45
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darnell View Post
    My plan for surviving a zombie attack:

    My floating fortress. Crew surve weapons small boats for resupply opps. and about every thing you could find in a small town. Anyone want to join my crew and not only survive the zombies but destroy a few of them as well?
    I think this guy wins.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  16. #46
    32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Jin's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    I'll be sure to send the Zombies a detailed map of the location of your floating city.

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  17. #47
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    I'd want on Darnell's boat. Seriously.

    I live in a City, so I'm screwed. Buut, my plan is thus:

    1. Grab heavy/blunt/sharp objects and make some nice weapons.

    2. Raid the local stores for lots of tinned food, bottled water, medical supplies and sanitary items. Perhaps some form of alcohol too if me and my 'crew' can carry it. There will be zombies around, but we can deal with them with our weapons.

    3. When I get home to my flat on the top floor, I'll break into the neighbouring flats, and block up the stairwell with furniture. Mattresses, wardrobes, drawers, sofas... anything big and heavy enough to prevent zombies getting through.

    4. Black out all windows with layers and layers of news paper and duct tape. This way, I can have the lights/candles on at night without them coming running.

    5. Set up a ladder going onto the roof, so someone can always be up there looking out for helicopters and planes. Maybe we can paint something on the roof signalling that there's alive people inside?

    6. If anyone has guns with a shit-tonne of ammo, we can have some fun during the afternoons by seeing who's the better shot.

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  18. #48
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    A few survival horror movies have shown me that boat or other isolated locales are dangerous. Safe at first, but as soon as some infected person not yet showing symptoms comes aboard it quickly becomes a game of Hide and Seek to the death.
    victoria aut mors

  19. #49
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    I'll be sure to send the Zombies a detailed map of the location of your floating city.

    I would then kick on the diesels and move my "floating city" being sure to not let you know of the new location evil man! Hahaha.

    Welcome aboard Unknown if I can just get you to check in with the XO Rocky we can start your one week evaluation.

    I am pretty good at hide and seek silver. Trust me I skate all the time on here and the divo can't seem to find me. Plus all new check-ins will have a 1 week waiting period in the welldeck where they will be screened by the medical staff. Anyone found to be a risk will be delt with swiftly.hahaha
    Last edited by Darnell; 05-15-2010 at 02:03 PM.
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  20. #50
    32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Jin's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    If you start to move your boat, you run the risk of encountering something even more dangerous than zombies: pirates. Or even more more dangerous: zombie pirates.

    You'll never beat them without root beer.
    Last edited by Jin; 05-15-2010 at 05:13 PM.

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  21. #51
    Do the elements trust you? 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Boats run out of supplies and zombies infect all ports
    now for me I would not go on foot: I would go to the saharren desert where the infection has not spread, tell the military there about what has happened with photographs, then nuke(disinigrating them) every single place that has the infection and scavange afterwards. Or I would would aquire zombie DNA, modify it and inject it into willing military personel(Alex mercer from prototype) and have him become my bodyguard
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  22. #52
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    If you start to move your boat, you run the risk of encountering something even more dangerous than zombies: pirates. Or even more more dangerous: zombie pirates.

    You'll never beat them without root beer.
    Thats what the guns are for and if that fails we got root beer (but that is only a last resort cause I too love root beer.)

    Genome's blade I am aware of running out of supplies and ports running out of supplies as well however, we don't have to go into port there are resupply ships out here that can take all the risks themselves for getting supplies then they just unrep with us (no cross ship contact).
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  23. #53
    32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Jin's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darnell
    there are resupply ships out here that can take all the risks themselves
    So your survival plan relies heavily on other people having a similar survival plan?

    You're screwed.

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  24. #54
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    It would make things simple but it isn't the only way to refuel and resupply. If there are no other ships out then we can pull into port anchor out close to the pier and send one of the small boats to shore conect to shore supplies and refuel. Then after the small boat team returns they go into the 1 week quarantine in the well deck.
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  25. #55
    Memento Rhapso 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by genome's blade View Post
    Boats run out of supplies and zombies infect all ports
    now for me I would not go on foot: I would go to the saharren desert where the infection has not spread, tell the military there about what has happened with photographs, then nuke(disinigrating them) every single place that has the infection and scavange afterwards.
    Just because Raccoon City was destroyed by a nuke doesn't mean every city needs a nuke to destroy it, a non-nuclear ICBM would do the trick, and then you don't risk making mutant zombies like in Dead Frontier!

    But yeah, maybe Darnell's boat supply-port stock/zombie issue could be resolved if he set up a band of heavily armed zombie fighters in whichever port of call he chose?

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  26. #56
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    First step is to decide which port we want to use any ideas?
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  27. #57
    32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Jin's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Quote Originally Posted by Darnell View Post
    It would make things simple but it isn't the only way to refuel and resupply. If there are no other ships out then we can pull into port anchor out close to the pier and send one of the small boats to shore conect to shore supplies and refuel. Then after the small boat team returns they go into the 1 week quarantine in the well deck.
    If the hunters don't get you in the port, the smokers will.
    Last edited by Jin; 05-16-2010 at 09:16 AM.

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  28. #58
    Memento Rhapso 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Jin is just depressing. . . .
    But, we could use Sarasota Bay!. . . . . nevermind that's a bustling metropolis. . . . but I think it'd be ideal for we wouldn't ever have to get too far out to sea as we're in the gulf, yet we're far enough from zombies to worry about it

    CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle

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  29. #59
    32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Jin's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    You have to go to a populated port if you want supplies. Going to a secluded port might be good for a field trip, but it won't help your supply problem. Unless said port is rich in natural resources that you could use, but then you'd have to mine/harvest and process them yourselves and that leaves you wide open for attack. Battlestar Galactica proved that.

    Zombie attacks need more depression in them.

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  30. #60
    Defender of Freedom 32 ways to survive a zombie flick. Darnell's Avatar
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    Re: 32 ways to survive a zombie flick.

    Ok I think Jin should totally be the opperations officer since he has the great forsight to plan the resupply opperations, and RhapsoBlarg You should be the Command Master Chief.
    Unleash the MONSTER inside!

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