Another brilliant performance coming from Germany, after all these years they still seize to amaze me with their top notch team work and steel mentality. Despite having one of the youngest and inexperienced teams on this Cup I think they showed what you can accomplish with good old teamwork, Maradona could learn something from this.
It was huge mistake from Maradona to lean such wight on just one player, no matter how good Messi is he can't stand alone against teams like Germany, though I must say Messi didn't fulfill my expectations, another good indication what it means to play alongside Xavi and Iniesta. In the end absence of Zaneti and Cambiaso, sort of player which every coach would love to have in their team (except for Maradona it seems), was hugely noticeable. Not giving Veron more time on the field was also a mistake in my book, and one thing I never really understood, is forcing a player by the name of Demichelis, he proved to be a huge hole in defense in both Argentina and Bayern but neither one wants to get rid of him.
Though I must say, I'm glad Argentina was humiliated in this manner, they were rather arrogant and obnoxious these past few days, this was a good lesson never to underestimate Germany, I think Maradona will think twice next time he speaks about Germany and it's players, after all the ball shagger Müller as he called him showed better performance than any of his players.