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Thread: 2003 Noth-east American blackout, what did you do?

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    2003 Noth-east American blackout, what did you do?

    Edit *d'oh forgot the r in North

    Not to sure how successful this thread may be but I'll try to make it more universal at the end. I was just recently reminded of it and now I'm curious. Who was caught in it? What did you do? Did it affect you greatly?

    I can't exactly remember what we were doing but I was at a friends house with several of my friends when it happened. We were either playing video games or watching a movie but the outage stopped that. He lives right on the edge of the park so we went out to do stuff there. At some point we got the information that this was no normal blackout (forget how, maybe his parents listened to the radio or something?). We noticed a bunch of billowing smoke and decided it must be the cause so we headed out to see it, we walked way out of city limits before we decided that its too far away and we stopped at a Tim Hortons, Lucky for us they were just closing and were about to throw away their fresh, unsold donuts so we got a free snack and drinks (they said the milk in the fridge might go bad or something). So overall it broke the monotony of life and we got free donuts. I was in one of the places that last got their power back so the outage went pretty much well into the next day (I think)

    Anyways for people who don't know/remember here's the Wikipedia page: Northeast Blackout of 2003 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    For people who weren't there, How do you think you would react? Would it matter much to you if you unexpectedly didn't have power for a day? any other thoughts?

    Here's something I've heard: 9 months after the power outage the birth rate in those areas had a noticeable increase. Anybody else hear about that? Have a source to back it up? Wouldn't surprise me if it's true.
    Last edited by Dan558; 03-28-2011 at 01:49 AM.
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